The Flying Emporium

Chapter 155

Severin stood in front of a construction site located somewhere between two and three kilometers outside one of Hanvia’s main gates.

It was close enough to the capital of Malcos so that everything that was going on around here could safely be observed from the top of the city walls-even when the weather conditions would be somewhat hazy-but with still great enough a distance between them that the guards on watch would still have enough time to set the city’s emergency measures in motion, should circumstances ever require it.

In the end Severin hadn’t been able to secure himself a spot of land inside the city walls, much less in the midst of the bustling shopping mile.

Currently next to Severin’s were the two people who would be responsible for the kill switches.

According to his understanding, each of the devices was to be kept separate from each other at all times, one on each side of the portal and never to be present at the same location.

On his right was the [King’s] eldest daughter, [Princess] Jasmin-or maybe it was simply princess Jasmin, Severin wasn’t one hundred percent certain- the one who had signed the contract as her father’s proxy and representative. With some exceptions, she would therefore have to bear the brunt of the consequences in case Malcos’ contracting party ever decided to break the agreement.

Severin estimated her age at about twenty-five. The impression that emerged after the few encounters with her was that of a reserved and strangely distant young woman, more settled than her younger brother Markus, who still showed some youthful exuberance.

‘Or, considering her circumstances, maybe it is just plain resignation.’

Following behind her at a respectful distance, which nevertheless made Severin feel uncomfortable, was a small retinue counting a total of six seemingly well-trained men and women. From their shiny armor to their bearing, at least to Severin’s untrained eye, they looked rather impressive. Though not as impressive as the man to his left; that much even he could tell. But then again, considering that this man too would be responsible for one of the switches and the fact he was commonly referred to as Sir Singerton probably meant he wasn’t just a simple soldier to begin with.

Together, the group inspected the construction work, which was already in full swing.

Severin was torn by what he saw. On the one hand, he was impressed by the progress that had already been made in the last ten hours. That was how much time had passed since the contract had been signed and after which Severin directly went back to his room at Milly’s, which, after the conclusion of the Games had become more peaceful again, though Richard’s and Samuel’s encounter inside the inn had had a positive and hopefully lasting effect on their overall business volume.

On the other hand… he wasn’t.

The speed and overall efficiency with which the Society’s workers under Magda’s supervision had finished their literally bone-breaking task was still fresh in his mind.

But then again, the dimensions of their respective tasks were on two completely different levels.

While Severin’s vision for the portal station was more akin to a small bus stop, Ringald, and his advisors, envisioned a airport; even if that airport had only a single terminal. But in short, like almost everything else in Hanvia, the dimensions seemed exaggerated. Though maybe it was Severin who simply still underestimated the importance of this deal.

Wherever he looked, there was construction and even some enchant-work to further secure the place could be seen; that hadn’t even been the case at the docking bay he had originally arrived at.

Ultimately, however, he felt that whatever happened on this side of the portal didn’t actually matter all that much, as long as the agreement was honored. He was much more interested in something else. That was the piece of land located right in the middle of this ongoing chaos and was his real objective for this excursion.

“Right at the beginning of the negotiations, I feared we wouldn’t reach an agreement,” Severin revealed in an attempt to make some friendly small talk while the group was on their way. “My products were dangerous, His Majesty said. Had me worried. But now look at all this.”

“I have heard about your products before. In fact, I was one of the few who had the honor of being first informed of their existence when old Samuel brought us some examples. I also heard that since then you have expanded your selection.

I agree, it’s dangerous stuff. But that is just all the more reason we want it. Malcos wants it.” Sir Singerton said.

“That, or make sure no one else can have it.” Jasmin also chimed in. “But it seems Samuel is rather fond of you, and in my father’s eyes, that is worth a lot. Besides, I have heard that rock of yours has at least some kind of defenses to fall back on.”

Disregarding her calling his newfound home a rock, the manner with which she spoke was too matter-of-factly for Severin’s taste, the implications causing a slight shiver to run down his neck.

A simple, “Yes”, was all he replied with, hoping to quickly put this conversation behind him.

‘No small-talk’ he made a note to himself.

For the next minute that it took them to reach their destination-longer than it normally should, thanks to all the busy personal walking about and equipment blocking their way- no one of them said a word.

Until they finally arrived and the woman spoke up again.

“Will this much space be sufficient?” she asked.

‘Barely,’ Severin thought to himself. The room itself, or rather the hall, was most definitely large enough. The piece of land they had granted him, to build the actual portal was comparatively tiny. But it would be enough.

Still, his response was a different one.

“I’ll have to see. Give me a minute,” Severin said and stepped into the demarcated area.


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