The Flying Emporium

Chapter 182

With the System’s action earlier, Severin already had enough on his plate. And now Samuel inadvertently had given him even more to think about. And a decision to make.

If it was up to him, Severin would have turned back right at this moment. What would he even do down there? Clearing his mind, as was the original goal of this trip? In theory, yes, but at this point, he couldn’t seem himself relax no matter what he did; might as well stay home and make up his mind on how to proceed from here.

But at least the [Berserker] was giving him some time to think things through, if probably not on purpose.

Under normal circumstances, and even while flying at a leisurely speed, they would have reached their destination only a few minutes after takeoff. But when Severin initiated their conversation, Samuel had slowed down the ship considerably. Even more so when it became apparent just what exactly they would be talking about.

Afterwards, Samuel noticed just how smitten Emily seemed by the view of her surroundings and refrained from accelerating back up to speed, instead entertaining her by answering many of the girl’s questions.

The girl pointed and he in turn told her what he knew about a specific guild banner or its owners or what kind of monsters lurked in which specific dungeon and how to dispose of them most efficiently.

Under normal circumstances, Severin would have loved to join in as well.

Generally speaking, he was just as curious about these things as the girl, largely explained by their same lack of education in these matters, and when oftentimes in similar situations he felt he couldn’t very well ask his most burning questions without exposing himself, this time was different. Now most questions referred to local affairs and phenomena he wasn’t expected to know about in the first place. Besides, Emily seemed very adept at asking the most interesting ones herself.

But now he didn’t pay attention to them. Not too far away, he himself was slightly leaning over the railing, staring down, but the conversation next to him didn’t even seem to reach him. He had other, more pressing, things on his mind.

Bad enough, the thing able to read his mind had proven itself to actually be alive, now he learned to at least consider the possibility it also belonged to a species known to manipulate others into do their bidding; even into sacrificing themselves.

And if, in fact, it didn’t, then it had the capabilities to somehow exploit the former. Which arguably might make it even more dangerous. And now it seemed he would inadvertently draw unwanted attention to himself as a result of it.

At least it didn’t come without some benefits.

Still, the headache that had been ever-present these last couple of days being locked up in that small room where he spent every waking hour crafting, intensified, and Severin forced himself not to at least suspect it was that thing’s doing, torturing him on purpose; maybe trying to disrupt his train of thoughts; if it was, it succeeded.

He took a deep breath, and consciously this time, took in the sight.

“Wow”, he heard himself blurting despite himself. If all the people that must live down there ever came together and joined forces, Severin had no doubt, they would make a formidable force. And that was even if all of them were regular-classless people, which of course he knew they weren’t.

Then again, the many separated and often times tightly guarded encampments immediately suggested to him just how unlikely that scenario was.

Though by now he could see some exceptions.

Some, usually larger camps, seemed more open than the others; still fortified, they somehow appeared more inviting. Maybe because these weren’t flying just a single guild’s banner, Severin noticed.

They were passing above just one of these camps when a reflected glint of green light from below caught his attention. His thoughts immediately went back to what Samul had suggested. Should he make his search official and issue a quest with the Society, or… well, or what? What were his alternatives?

Before Severin could come up with any answers, the feeling of a large hand on his back snapped him back.

“... that Severin? We’re there.”


Either the girl was done with her questions, or maybe Samuel just couldn’t be bothered any longer, but either way, Severin realized the speed at which they were going had drastically increased. By the second, his surroundings became larger and larger.

Only a few moments after Samuel had approached him until he felt the ship beneath him roughly touch the ground in the middle of what appeared to be a small town. Between his daydreams and the speed at which they had suddenly been moving, Severin hadn’t even noticed what banner this camp was flying; though, of course, he had a pretty good idea.

“Remember what I just told you. Don’t get hurt.”

“Remember what you…?”

And with that, the ground under his feet suddenly disappeared. Or rather, the ship did.

“Aaaah!” Tightly closing his eyes and wildly flailing his arms, Severin was falling towards the ground beneath him. Could the day get any worse?

A moment later and still midair, he felt something grab him. The next moment, another rough landing. But without the expected painful impact.

“Hahaha, Sam, that was soo much fun!”

Severin opened his eyes and stopped his flailing just in time not to embarrass himself any further as the realized the half-giant had tucked him away under his left arm like a little child and was now lifting him down to the ground.

Speaking of children, Emily, who was tucked under the man’s other arm, was squealing with delight.


“Thank you.” Severin cleared his throat and thanked the man, trying to sound as unperturbed as possible, and, in an attempt to win back some of his long-lost dignity, begun perfunctorily smoothing out his clothes and whipping away imaginary specks of dust.

Even if anyone had actually cared to pay this theatrics any attention, a single look at his brightly flushed face would have immediately given his true thoughts away.

But no one did. Not to him specifically.

Just when Emily, albeit reluctantly, had finally let herself be dropped off as well, a group of five or six- things happened too quickly for Severin to tell with certainty- heavily armored, yet terrifyingly fast moving people came rushing towards them. Seemingly out of nowhere and making no sound in the process.

Only by sheer coincidence was it that Severin noticed them.

So it could get worse.

With a yelp he reached for Emily, trying to pull her behind himself as he in turn tried to hide behind Samuel. The large man, however, remained unperturbed.

Even when the indignant leader of the group announced their arrival with a shout of, “Who dares to…”

“Old man! Should have known it was you after the two brats had pulled a similar stunt just a few days ago.”

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