The Flying Emporium

Chapter 217


“So you still remember,” Senheim said into the awkward silence that followed Severin’s outcry, preventing his son from potentially aggravating the situation even further. “I guess that makes things easier,” he then continued, though it was doubtful that really was what he was thinking at this moment.

“You know, I was very impressed by your wares ever since Edward here,” he pointed at the plump man who shot Severin an apologetic smile,” had brought back a small assortment of them from his visit at your store. I immediately knew your potions would forever change the way we adventurers do things, and that I would have to personally pay you a visit at some point.

Regrettably, I was also informed that my son had caused a bit of an incident and is barred from your premises ever since.

Which is why I have delayed my visit. Until now.

“You see, the pace at which your wares changed the adventuring landscape, at least in these parts, was far quicker than even I could have predicted. Not least due to the ever-expanding range of new products you keep on releasing.

Products which have become mandatory for many groups.”

Here the man paused for a moment. And though Severin strongly suspected he knew where the man was going with this, he remained silent.

The incident back then had not only involved insulting some of his regulars, one of which now an actually V.I.P card holder, the employment of intimidation tactics offering protection in exchange for exclusive access to his services, but most importantly the intimidation of his youngest, and at the time only, [Employee].

He certainly wouldn’t go out of his way to make things any easier on the other party than he had to.

‘Not with Mylana around,’ he admitted to himself; because who knew if this man, who could probably kill him with a flick of his wrist, would otherwise be as courteous as he was now?

And so Senheim’s only choice was to continue with his strategy, which largely relied on not giving his son the opportunity to speak, and buttering up Severin.

“Especially now, with the news of the Eagles’ latest achievements spreading like wildfire, silencing even the last doubters, I predict it will become virtually impossible for adventurers without access to your wares to find a group.

Be it the food buffs or the customized potions crafted by that incredible device of yours. They make it so much easier. Quicker, and therefore, more efficient. And, most importantly, safer.

Now, as a big guild with many members and internal groups, this is a bit less of an issue. Still, it has become troublesome to say the least.

Because of that, I have been very excited when I learned that you are looking for a certain rare item. I thought this was be the perfect opportunity to finally meet you in person.”

With that, Senheim produced a large box inside in his right hand and held it out in front of him, not quite handing it over. With his left, he opened the box’s lid.

Inside lay a shining, unblemished crystal sphere.

Everything about it was perfect. Pristine.

Its shape. Its size. Its luster. The absence of even just a single scratch on its surface.

Severin could practically feel the magic seep out of it.

In comparison, the thing Andreas had given him and which had ultimately earned the [Warrior] his V.I.P. status, was a shabby, cracked marble.


Only the sound of Mylana releasing a long held breath reminded Severin of her and everyone else’s presence.

“It’s perfect,” she confirmed what was apparent even to Severin’s untrained eyes. “In every aspect. Where did you get something like this?” And then, added only for Severin to hear, {{Take it. You have to!}}

“Ha. You said it yourself. We are the White Squall,” the voice sounded very pleased, as if that alone was answer enough, but Severin couldn’t bring himself to tear his eyes away from the core to check Senheim’s expression.

“Your request stated the reward would be in proportion to the quality of the delivered item. I took this to mean you are preferably looking for a high-quality specimen.

I hope this shows our sincerity. And that with this, we can leave past grievances behind us.

What do you say?”

Severin closed his eyes so as to not be distracted by its otherworldly allure and considered.

{{What are you even thinking about, boy? Take it.}}

When he reopened them, he raised his head and looked straight into Senheim’s eyes.



Severin had to give the group credit. Not just Senheim, but even his son, who he had expected to throw an immediate tantrum, had maintained his cool long enough for Severin to explain his decision.

If anything, it had been his [Employee] who lost their composure; Severin was unsure whether it was her verbal abuse that caused his sudden bout of headaches or if it was the System’s punishment.

Either way, he was glad when the flying ship finally docked at his mountain.

<> he called out the moment his feet touched the ground and regained access to all the System features.


<> he said but immediately felt stupid as he had no way to convey where here actually was. Luckily, the green color of the dot representing him on everyone’s minimap was unique and therefore conspicuous enough to be found quickly, before the situation turned awkward.





This time, no argument. But no other reaction, either.

Some part of Severin was annoyed knowing the girl was ignoring his instructions to instead finish her work even after he told her not to.

The greater part of him was gratified.

Almost a whole minute passed before the girl’s blue dot finally started running towards him.

Huff Puff

“So-Sorry,” she began, still out of breath. “I-I came as soon as I-” she stopped.

“Go catch your breath first.” But the amusement left Severin’s voice when he realized that wasn’t why she had suddenly stopped talking.

“He!” she pointed towards the ship docked behind Severin. “It’s him! The troublemaker!”

“You really left an impression this time, huh? I begin to think Edward might have embellished some details in his report.” Senheim maintained his smile as he made his comment outside of Severin’s and Emily’s earshot; both son and his aide involuntarily cringed.

“You too Lana, careful” the girl warned as she hid behind Severin.

“It’s okay, child. Don’t worry. He came to clear things up. Isn’t that right?” Mylana swirled around to face Simon directly.

“He did?” she asked.

“She likes her. You better make this good,” Senheim again commented and gave his son a small push, causing him to step forward.


A purplish barrier out of nowhere manifested itself directly in front of the White Squall’s heir, who crashed right into it.

He gnashed his teeth but quickly regained his composure.

“I did,” he answered the girl’s question, rubbing his bumped nose.

“I was rude back then. For that, I want to apologize. I- When I heard about your wares, I was torn. On the one hand, I doubted they were even real,” he saw the girl narrowing her eyes, and quickly clarified, “the promised effects seemed just too good,” which seemed to mollify her, at least to some degree.

“On the other hand, I thought on the off-chance they are real, that it was only my duty as a member of the White Squall to secure access to them. By any means. And that was when I might have gone slightly overboard. I am sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“I wasn’t frightened!”

“Of course, of course. I mean, uhm, to cause any trouble for you. But now the thing is, your products have, of course, proven themselves to be invaluable for any adventurer. Consequently, with me being blacklisted from the store… It has become almost impossible for me to go adventuring.

I beg you to reconsider!”

“Me?” the girl asked in surprise.

“Yes, you,” the young man confirmed. “I was told this decision would be up to you alone.” Severin confirmed those words with a firm nod.

“Please,” he now all but begged, “I haven’t been in a dungeon in forever! Everyone requires food buffs, and weapon enchants, and potions, and elixirs, and-” he caught himself. “Please, show mercy.”

The blindsided girl didn’t know how to react.

“… hasn’t been in a dungeon,” she muttered, more to herself than anyone else, the memory of her own adventure still fresh in mind. It had been the most exciting experience ever! It was amazing and she couldn’t wait to repeat the experience.

The thought of an adventurer having to miss out on this was a horrible one that indeed filled her with pity.”

She looked around at Severin for help.


He didn’t remind her of the fact that Andreas back then had told them that Simon’s overbearing behavior was not an isolated incident. But he also didn’t mention the pristine, quest-advancing dungeon core and the consequences her choice would have in that regard.

The girl slowly nodded.

Then, for a moment, she turned towards Mylana.

Before she faced her petitioner.

“But only if you promise to behave from now on! Or we will ban you again!”

“Yes! Of course. Thank you. Thank you!”

The young man hadn't even finished his first word when Mylana had already snatched a certain box from his father's hands; which immediately disappeared.

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