The Flying Emporium

Chapter 235

Though Severin and his team had much work ahead of them, he couldn’t just hole himself up in his store.

The last submission had just been screened and his Broadcasting Event was about to be wrapped up.

Only a brief break to double-check every entry’s votes, and they would proceed with the reward ceremony; his presence was required.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” Severin said begrudgingly. Even if he was unwilling, there was no way around making an appearance for the closing ceremony and since he had to physically hand over the prize, he couldn’t just rely on a prerecorded video like he had done for the opening.

Luckily, his part was a relatively small one to play, with Jake and Jasmine handling most of the formalities and the winners of the event being the main star of the show.

“Great, then why don’t we walk a bit together?” Jasmine suggested with an innocent smile that gave Severin a bad premonition.

“I fear we don’t have the time,” Severin pointed towards Jake, who at this moment was taking the stage again.

“Don’t worry, there’s no need to rush. Everything is carefully planned down to the last minute.” Her smile grew wider.

“Great,” the bad feeling intensified, but no further excuses came to mind.

“Great,” she nodded in agreement and led the way; four guards followed at a respectful distance.

Severin understood those were always following her. Even on those occasions where he couldn’t see them with his bare eyes, his map still revealed their presence. But despite knowing these people weren’t after him and that they couldn’t touch him on his mountain even if they were, in this situation they made him feel even more uncomfortable.

He decided to leave the talking to the princess.

They had taken just three steps when Jasmine took the initiative,

“So. About that dungeon.”

‘Great. Here it comes.’ Stage fright or not, suddenly he couldn’t wait to get up there. From the tone of her voice, which sounded as if she was simply bringing up a random topic for small talk, to the look in her eyes, everything gave him a bad feeling. He didn’t like any of it.

“What a coincidence, huh?” she said upon realizing Severin wasn’t playing along.

In his mind, the more he said in this situation, the more foolish he would have to be. So even now he only replied with a simple and ambiguous,


“Wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

‘So direct!’ his heart almost skipped a beat.

“Of course not!” he denied with a croaky voice.

“Right. Of course not. Just thought it remarkable. A new dungeon coming out of nowhere. Without any of the usual prior signs. So close to your store. And unique in many ways. So many coincidences.

And just a few hours ago my people came across an inscription they swear wasn’t there previously. One which is hinting at some very interesting possibilities.”

“Really? He feigned interest, but still kept his replies as short as possible.

“Didn’t she tell you? Magda I mean?”

“Haven’t heard from her since the morning,” he answered truthfully, “was busy preparing for our reopening.”

“She lost some people again.”

Though this revelation didn’t come unexpectedly, it still left a bitter taste in Severin’s mouth. But before he could act surprised, Jasmin continued.

“But it sounds like it was almost worth it.”

This time, his surprise was genuine. His head immediately spun to face her. He didn’t think her to be this callousness.

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, for one, all of these things, that inscription and whatever transpired inside the dungeon this time, had apparently led Magda to come up with an interesting theory. You should ask her directly about the details.

But more importantly, the two survivors have looted a class orb, I am told. And of a rare class.”

Jasmine gave Severin a meaningful look he couldn’t interpret.

“Very curious all this. But I wonder what you make of it?”

Without being given any time to absorb any of the new information, Severin was again taken by surprise and not at all prepared for such a direct question. Why would she ask him?

“Me?” he asked, only to buy himself some more time to carefully consider his answer. Jasmine didn’t reply, only looking at him expectantly.

“I think this dungeon, like any other, is a great opportunity, as long as some caution is exercised.”

His answer was the most generic and least revealing he could think of, but somehow the woman walking next to him seemed very pleased.

“Hm,” she nodded. “I will keep your words in mind. Thank you,” Jasmine said with a smile that Severin didn’t like.

Her reply signified the end of her examination.

For the rest of their walk towards the edge of the main stage, she remained silent and deep in thought, giving Severin some welcome time to sort through his own.

But the more he thought about their exchange, the more nervous he became. Why would she ask him those questions?

He couldn’t come up with a satisfying answer. And that drove him crazy.

He considered reaching out to Mylana. But what could she do?

‘Nothing much,’ he finally decided and forced his attention to the happenings on the stage next to him.

“-second place. Troupe Evergreen with their adaptation of the Legend of the Farmhand!”

Under resounding applause, Jake gestured behind him and stepped to the side to give way to the big screen.

The next two minutes showed some highlights of what Severin understood to be a play about an orphaned, hardworking boy who, by chance, got his hands on a class-orb and later became an accomplished and much respected adventurer.

Severin was appreciative of the distraction. “I don’t remember seeing this one,” he observed to himself. Which didn’t stop the woman next to him from overhearing his words.

“It had been shown only a few hours ago.”

“I see. But second place?”

“Troupe Evergreen is quite accomplished. Besides, with how much of the audience are just regular Malconean citizens and given how beloved the Legend of the Farmhand is, it’s not actually that surprising.

Beloved by classbearers and non-classbearers alike, I might add. And all across the continent,” Jasmine explained, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Just when he had relaxed a bit, Severin’s expression became very tense again.

‘No more talking to her!’ he decided and simply nodded in acknowledgement. He outright ignored her probing gesture.

But at this moment, they wouldn’t have the time to discuss his remarkable ignorance of local culture, anyway. The short recap of the unexpected second most popular entry of the event came to an end and Jake’s reappearing voice heralded today’s finale.

“Truly remarkable,” the commentator said after the applause had died down. “Now at this point I am sure everyone already has a guess as to who the winner of this Broadcasting Event might be. But before we get to that, welcome with me the two people who made all of this possible in the first place.”

Jasmine gave Severin a small nudge and started moving.

“Please give me a warm welcome for Jasmine, First Princess of Malcos and chief coordinator of this event.”

Jake waited for the woman in question to join him on the stage and for the accompanying applause to die down. For a few seconds Severin stood there alone. Until it was his turn to be summoned as well.

“And of course Severin, who thought up this amazing Broadcasting Event. It was also his revolutionary technology which made all of this possible in the first place. But most importantly, as the owner of the famous Emporium, he is the generous donor of our prizes. Above all, the much desired Membership Card to his store, and the main reason for many of our amazing competitors to participate.”

Yet another short but surprisingly intense round of applause as Severin, hiding his extreme discomfort, also climbed onto the stage.

Over the next few minutes, the three people on stage exchanged all kinds of pleasantries and the usual trite phrases which were always used on such occasions. It was a farce, and in the end Severin was very proud of himself for having made it through this torture without having puked all over the stage. Though this was largely owed to Jasmine taking the initiative. She didn’t seem to share Severin’s sensibilities in this aspect and didn’t let the opportunity of a huge audience pass to thank some of her political allies.

Only then were the real stars of the show finally announced and invited on stage.

“And now to the main stars of the evening, as you, the audience, have decided.

First time dungeon divers! A dungeon nobody has ever set a foot into! And not only did they make it out alive, but they successfully conquered it! Right in front of our eyes.

Every single one of those things would already be a great accomplishment in its own rights.

But what really captivated us was neither of those things.

It was their courage and bravery, their solidarity and willingness to sacrifice themselves for each other, that truly inspired us all!

Let’s hear it for Annie, Nissa, Vik, and Paul, our young and promising stars of the evening!”

For the umpteenth time, the audience was roaring. This time fully deserved, and louder than ever.

Under everyone’s eyes, the four youths, just children in Severin’s eyes, climbed up the stair leading up the stage.

With their red faces nervously looking around, it was clear to Severin that they were even more uncomfortable on this stage than him; he reckoned they’d rather be back in that dungeon again fighting for their lives.

But that didn’t stop Jake from proceeding as planned.

After the greetings had been exchanged, the host was intent to get more content out of the group, preferably some more personal information about the four friends, but at the very least a short acceptance speech.

Seeing that in front of so many people, even the usually confident Annie in her slightly oversized gear looked helpless and insecure, Severin was having none of it.

“My congratulations!” he stepped forward, much to Jake’s annoyance.

That’s not how things had been rehearsed! The audience wants to know more!

Severin didn’t care.

“I genuinely couldn’t have wished for someone more qualified to win and receive one of my very limited memberships.” With that, he directly produced the matte black card and respectfully handed it over to Annie, the leader of the group.

“I’ll leave it to you to figure out most of its benefits and features. But let me tell you just one thing, since it doesn’t look right to only give you one card when all four of you were integral to your success.

And some may even already be aware of it.

The ownership of the card, with all its privileges, can temporarily be transferred to other people. Keep that in mind so that all four of you can get the most out of it,” Severin explained with a smile.

But instead of joy, anxiety appeared on the four young faces.

“This transfer requires the explicit and voluntary consent of the main cardholder and can be revoked at any time.

Any attempt at unauthorized access will be heavily sanctioned.”

Seeing the kids immediately relax and smile upon hearing his not-so-subtle warning to the audience, Severin felt gratified.

And then froze in place when suddenly a text box appeared in front of his face.

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