The Flying Emporium

Chapter 245

“Are you sure about this?” Mylana doubtfully asked on their way back out of the city.

“I am,” Severin answered confidently, not at all sharing the woman’s worries. In his mind, there was no question that he had made the right decision. And the fact that the System, in a rare showing of consciousness, went out of its way to help facilitate the arrangement only further strengthened this belief.

His initial reaction when hearing Milly’s condition was one of mild surprise - nothing more - and one he was all too willing to grant her.

But he soon realized the request wasn’t as simple as it first seemed.

In fact, he soon deemed the potential consequences and risks to be so high that Severin almost felt forced to cancel the whole deal if Milly wasn’t willing to budge. No matter how much he racked his brain, he just couldn’t find a solution.

It was then that the System came to their rescue. In the form of a notification that appeared in front of Severin, letting him know that it was indeed possible to not have Milly forget everything she just learned upon rejecting his offer.

At that moment, the [Shopkeeper] couldn’t even be mad about the reminder that some strange entity was constantly monitoring his thoughts. Instead, he was delighted that everything seemed to pan out just right.

Because no matter how much he liked the duo, there was no way for him to agree to the suggested arrangement if the mother couldn’t know about the powers her son would receive.

Not only would it hinder her work, but more importantly, Severin simply didn’t trust young Nel to successfully conceal his new powers from Milly for any prolonged period of time; a severe problem considering the System’s non-revelation clause, any potential [Employee] had to accept. This would just be a disaster in the making.

“But why? I mean, they seem nice enough, but compared to Reigh… I’m not sure this is the right decision. I feel like this is simply a waste of an [Employee] spot. With no benefits whatsoever.” Mylana explained her views on this matter.

“Because I like them. And because I want the inn more than the auction hall.” Knowing the woman’s objections weren’t made of malice but out of genuine curiosity and concern, Severin explained himself even though he didn’t have to.

“But there is no added value in having an [Employee] and with all the abilities that come with it, run a regular inn. A regular person could just as-”

“I’ve made my decision,” he decided resolutely.

“If you say so,” the response to Severin’s words sounded unconvinced, but if it wasn’t for the inadequate lighting of the empty side alley, one might have been able to see a sly smile forming on the aged face of the former adventurer.

Following this exchange, both kept quiet for a while as they continued their way home. Not because the mood had become tense following their disagreement-it hadn’t-, but because after a long day they were already tired. That, and because a lot of other issues requiring his attention, were currently on Severin’s mind.

In reality, Severin would have much preferred to stay the night at Milly’s. It was, after all, still very much an inn.

But it was Mylana who had convinced him that, given the circumstances, it might be more appropriate to give mother and son some time alone. Not just to break Nel the big news, but also to give them the opportunity to think things through one last time.

Though there was no doubt they boy would all but jump at the occasion, the two no doubt still had a lot of things to discuss before making a likely life-altering decision; suddenly leaving behind one’s home, even if it was for all the right reasons, was seldom easy.

That said, Severin didn’t actually have the luxury of spending his night in Malcos, anyway.

Both decency and practicality required his presence on the mountain in equal measures. The former because in the morning he had to welcome the first batch of Everheart’s people.

The latter because of the System’s limitations that denied him any access to most of its major functions when off his mountain.

Such as the functionality to plan and build entirely new apartments with just a thought or a tap of his finger.

Though the recent and sudden appearance of the new dungeon suggested the previous limitation of changes to infrastructure only ever manifesting themselves during the night was no longer in place, it seemed only prudent to Severin to pretend as if it still was. There was no need to draw any more unwanted attention than necessary and to fuel the rumor mill.

It wasn’t just the living arrangements for the new hires that needed attention though, but also the already existing ones.

He fully understood that Mylana’s mansion was in no way representative or a suitable measuring stick, but the experience had still put things into perspective. Knowing that just a bed in her guestroom was half as spacious as the entire living quarters of his staff and even his own, just didn’t sit well with him; some major renovation was due.

Also, in this context, the long-ignored question of entertainment rose up again. Even if the question wasn’t as pressing anymore now with the portal, allowing his employees to come and go as they pleased in their free time, it was still an issue to think about.

Maybe it was about time to introduce some of his own world’s many popular games?

Severin was still weighing his options when they stepped through the shimmering portal and appeared back on the enormous rock he now called home.

Another few steps later and the full functionality of the System became available to him again. Including the small map in the corner of his vision, the one he had become so used to after all this time.

But he didn’t actually have to check with the returned minimap to realize that even now, this late and a long time after the event had already concluded, the mountaintop was still bustling with life.

The many campfires were plenty proof of that. In his mind, they also confirmed his decision to go through with his plan to finally open an inn.

Though very tired, this made Severin feel good about himself as he walked towards the already long closed kitchen; he would treat himself and Mylana to a small midnight snack before getting to work.

When suddenly he noticed a dot on the minimap rushing towards him. It was too dark to see.

From one moment to the next, he was wide awake and alert.

‘An ambush?!’ was his immediate thought.

Then a realization as he spotted a vague outline of a short person in the dark, ‘Bandir’s man?!’

Severin inevitably thought of the suspicious man-supposedly a henchman of his brother- Bandur had pointed out to him just recently during the event.

Without the time to think about any potential consequences, Severin was just about to banish the figure off his mountain and into a free-fall towards the Golden Mountains beneath them.

When he felt Mylana’s hand on his own. As if trying to hold him back. The consequence was a moment of involuntary hesitation.

Just long enough.

“Sir Severin?” the unexpected call of his name immediately let him know that he had almost made a grave mistake.

The person he almost doomed to a certain death was not a malignant dwarf assassin.

But a child.

“Please, Sir Severin. I know it is late, but I waited the whole day for you. Please hear me out for just a moment. I want to discuss business opportunity with you!”

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