The Flying Emporium

Chapter 60

A jeering group, led by Xander, made it their mission to taunt Simon, hoping the [Warrior] would lose his temper and take another step forward. They didn’t actually know if the strange barrier would appear once again, but it was too good an opportunity to waste. Seeing the arrogant man being knocked around like some overconfident bronze badge who tried to solo his first dungeon boss was something they would even pay good money for.

While the ploy was very obvious and the man in question tried his best not to show any reactions to their cheap provocation attempts, more than once, a despairing Edward had to hold him back.

At the same time, another group of adventurers were gathered at the store’s entrance, trying to make out what was happening inside. But since not a single sound was escaping to the outside, they soon started to once again discuss among themselves the reason for the Society’s appearance.

Mostly because of the person who had led the Society to this location, many of the thrown-around theories were rather pessimistic. Most of them, however, were either so ridiculously far-fetched or absurd that they were dismissed almost instantly.

For example, the suggestion that Severin was a wanted criminal. Not only didn’t Severin seem like the type, but opening a shop that offered a seemingly endless supply of unheard-of treasures, and thereby draw attention to himself, even if the store was located in the middle of nowhere, was not something a person on the run would do. But most importantly, the Adventurer’s Society’s reaction would be far more extreme. Only bringing a single ship? Basically, announcing themselves to then ask him to speak in private?

Overall, while reserved, Krey was still very courteous. Things just didn’t add up.

“And he wasn’t one bit nervous.”

“If I could summon that strange barrier, I wouldn’t be worried either,” someone joked.

It was indeed because of the blacklist feature and its recently proven capabilities that Severin was rather relaxed. That and the fact that his knowledge concerning the Society and its influence was still rather lacking. After all, ignorance is bliss.

Having entered his store, Severin took his place behind the counter. Emily followed behind. She was more nervous than her boss and sought his proximity to calm herself. Besides, the counter would make a good cover if worse came to worst, she decided. A thought that would surely earn her a thorough hair ruffling if Severin was aware of it.

Though Severin wasn’t afraid, he was still curious to know what this visit was all about. He waited a few moments for Krey and Ingar to make it inside and close the door. Then another moment to allow them to familiarize themselves with their new surroundings and take in the sight of his, admittedly modest, store. Only then did he attempt to satisfy his curiosity.

“So. How can I help you?” Severin inquired.

“Don’t worry. We just want to take a quick look at your wares.” The [Shopkeeper] didn’t even have enough time to doubt Krey’s words when Ingar suddenly inserted himself into the conversation.

“A ten percent stat-increase?!” he exclaimed while pointing at a shimmering blue tooltip lying on one of the many shelves.

“Seems like that brat had told the truth, after all. How dar..”

Krey cast his subordinate an admonishing glance. Just in time to stop him from finishing his sentence. Not enough to keep him from grumbling, though, as he turned around and continued scrutinizing the displayed items.

By now, Severin was used to people’s astonished reactions when seeing his wares for the first time. But a different thing caught his attention. He turned towards Emily, who was still standing close to him and speculated in a low voice, “Brat? Must be talking about that Simon guy, I guess. Maybe he thinks advertising our stuff will get him in our good graces.”

“Maybe.” Emily’s grimace revealed how likely she thought that idea was. However, she didn’t have a more plausible explanation either.

Unlike Ingar, who was already looking through the shelves in the back of the store, Krey was still close enough to have heard that small exchange. He had a complicated look on his face. This whole situation was very confusing to him, to say the least.

At this point, he had to try his hardest to keep his professional attitude.

On the one hand, was a very severe accusation made by an important member of one of the more prestigious guilds in the region. And even though Simon was an obnoxious twat, his grievance seemed real enough. Most people would know better than to make a false complaint. And those who did wouldn’t just stand by and wait for everything to blow up in their face. Most importantly, everything Krey had seen so far matched with the [Warrior’s] words.

But. Then again. The shop owner was too relaxed. Krey was one of the Adventurer’s Society’s Enforcers. At times, this status alone was enough to make even completely innocent people nervous. In fact, the adventurer’s outside seemed more tense than Severin.

There was only one way to know for sure.

“I’ll take one of these…,” he double-checked the tooltip, “elixirs.”

“Sure. That’s two hundred. Gold coins.”


Ingar didn’t even try to stifle his snort. At the same time, he made his way back to the front half of the store and positioned himself in front of the entrance.

“Here!” Krey quickly handed over a bunch of gold coins. The next moment, a small bottle appeared in his hands. Not the hexagonal-shaped one he had just purchased, but one that every Enforcer would recognize.

Hesitating only for a short moment, Krey preemptively downed the antidote.

Only then did he consume Severin’s elixir.

His expression immediately turned grave.

“So. What now, boss? Want to try these ‘potions and enchants’ as well, or do we skip directly to the…”

“Ingar!” Krey snapped at his subordinate. Then he quickly turned towards a visibly unhappy [Shopkeeper]. There was no way for Severin to miss the disdain in Ingar’s voice when he talked about his ‘potions and enchants’. “Please excuse him. We really would like to try your remaining wares as well! Of course, we won’t be stingy.”

“What? Don’t tell me…” Ingar didn’t want to believe his eyes and ears.

The next instant, he had one of the remaining elixirs shoved down his throat. His eyes widened in shock. “That…How… Can’t…” he kept on stammering until he shut up under his superior’s intense stare. Only then did he realize how lucky he was. Any of these times, if Krey hadn’t stopped him…

Cold sweat dripped down his back. If it was reported that he, as a representative of the Adventurer’s Society, falsely accused someone of a crime…maybe even acted on it…

Losing his position and earning a black spot on any of his adventurer-related records, making it virtually impossible for him to once again become an adventurer ever again, was the best that could happen to him. At worst, his life would be over. Literally.

He couldn’t help but shudder.

“If I get my hands on that dirty bastard!”

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