The Flying Emporium

Chapter 65

Krey and Ingar looked at Severin. They had the urge to team up and slap the stupid grin off his face.

‘So you think everyone else’s items are inferior to your products? The Society’s trusted and proven antidote is just some regular consumable to you? Is that it? Don’t get too cocky!’

But in the end, no one was able to refute him.


Especially not when the next moment Edward grabbed the newly combined item that had just appeared at the bottom of the machine and started to shout excitedly, “How can that be?! Don’t tell me…”

The man quickly opened the lid at the top and looked inside. Empty.

Then he turned back to the item in his hands.

“The two items just now…did they truly just… combine?” With a frown, he thought back to Simon’s words and began to waver. “This isn’t just some sort of scam…right?”


Not just the Society’s representatives, but also Andreas was annoyed. They didn’t want to give Severin this kind of satisfaction; Not after his shameless statement just a moment ago. But they couldn’t blame Edward either. After all, it was the first time for him to witness the machine’s magical work, and some of Krey’s subordinate’s reactions were far stronger. Even he himself didn’t immediately believe in the existence of such a unique device.

While the lower-ranking foot soldiers started to animatedly discuss among themselves, Krey, Ingar, and Andreas demonstratively turned away from Severin and started to share their information with Edward. Everyone seemed to be on good terms with each other.

The more Edward learned about the store, the more astounded he became. But when the explanation reached the topic of a limited amount of daily charges, he suddenly grit his teeth.

“So you’re telling me I can only use this thing nine more times? That I wasted one of my activations just now? That you made me waste one of my activations,” he corrected himself while pointing accusatorily at the three main perpetrators. Apparently, there were scammers after all!

In comparison to some of the possible combinations, this hybrid healthpotion-antidote truly seemed just too ordinary all of a sudden.

“I’ll let you buy one of my items,” Andreas sheepishly offered out of bad conscience. It was as if there never had been any tension between the groups.

“At double the price, however!”

Hearing these words, Severin, who was still sulking about being ignored, saw a great opportunity.

“Oh, how generous of our V.I.P.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. The officer’s face sunk.

Several heads turned his way and Ingar was the first to voice the question that was on everyone’s mind. “V.I.P.? What’s that?”

“Right Andreas, tell them.”

Andreas took a step back and glared at Severin.

“Why do you look at me like this? I mean it. No need to be shy. You earned it, after all.” Severin kept on needling; His mood improved by the second. At this point, Andreas felt pressured to say something. Anything.

“Ha-Ha. It’s nothing much really!”

“How can you say that? Don’t you value your extra privileges anymore?”

“Privileges?” That word drew a lot of attention.

“Out with it! What are you hiding?”

By now Andreas’s way was cut off. His guildmates all seemed to have disappeared. He had no more choice and admitted everything.

“I have fifteen activations each day! Happy now?!”

Everyone erupted. Even Krey lost his composure. “Sir! With the Society’s resources at hand, I’m sure we can make a deal. Whatever he offered you, we can certainly do better!”

Noticing that a large part of the attention was now shifting towards Severin, Andreas exhaled a breath of relief and started snickering to himself.

‘That backfired, didn’t it? Now they’ll just keep pestering you instead. Serves you right!

But why do I get the feeling I’m forgetting something?’

“I appreciate your offer, but I’m sorry. I’ll have to decline. At least for now. It was just that one depleted core that had really caught my attention back then.”


“I understand.” Krey didn’t want to keep bothering the [Shopkeeper]. It was not something that could be forced. And it was still only the first time they met. “But if you ever change your mind…”

“Wait a moment. What kind of core are you talking about?”

Andreas suddenly realized what had felt off to him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He knew he had to run. Now.

“Stay where you are! Based on the contributions made, it’s obvious the dungeon core does belong to the White Squall guild! Don’t even think of running!”

“What White Squall guild?! As the ones to issue the mission in the first place, all loot is obviously the official property of the Adventurer’s Society! We already rewarded you, so stop being greedy!”

“Lynn! Xander! Help!!”

“Fine! I’m willing to sell some of my items. But just a few! It’s a one-time thing, you hear?! And at a good markup!”

“Hehe. Of course. We won’t let it be said that the Society is stingy. We can discuss the details outside. No need to further occupy the store.”

Edward knew he was in no position for a similar deal. The mood was good, but he was under no illusions that Simon’s deeds…

‘Fuck! Simon!’

Noticing the atmosphere of departure, as everyone present besides himself had already finished their business, Ed was suddenly in a hurry. He wanted to leave as soon as possible. He also wanted to finish his purchases. Forget the one ‘wasted’ activation; Now it was suddenly questionable if he could even use up all the remaining ones. And who knew when – if – he could even return. He was torn.

In the end, he asked Emily to gather as many items for him as he was able to take outside based on the maximum carrying capacity of each item. In the meantime, he combined items that happened to be scattered around in his immediate vicinity and randomly stuffed pairs of two into the machine’s lid.

Like that, he only managed to combine six more items until Em returned with his items, which he immediately paid for. Considering their recent history, he was very grateful for that service. Still, he had a heavy heart.

Under his own muffled curses and with some regrets, he sneaked out of the store before the others made a move. Reaching outside where he felt he wouldn’t draw too much attention, he immediately started running. As much as he hated it, he still had his duty.

“Simon! We have to leave! Quickly!” The corpulent man was huffing and puffing.

“There you are! Took you long enough, old man. Is it finished?”

Just when Edward has reached his charge, the remaining people had also left the store. Ingar instantly spotted the tall blonde man standing in the distance.


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