The Flying Emporium

Chapter 72

Everyone kept a distance from the group of new arrivals and instead choose to observe them for the time being. On one hand, most of them weren’t shy by any stretch and could barely wait to find out who they were dealing with, tempted to just go over and introduce themselves. On the other hand, no one dared to disrupt Samuel’s reunion with Timothy and Miriam.

The latter two soon tried to drag their mentor towards the new training ground to show off, but the [Berserker] just pat their heads and put them off until later; Under different circumstances, with his enormous, calloused hands, this friendly gesture could’ve easily meant someone’s immediate death.

Before Samuel would take his time to further indulge the two youths and catch up and play with them, it was only proper to first meet up with Severin, who was acting as the landlord. Not only was he curious to check out Severin’s new products, if there were any, but it would’ve also appeared rather strange, rude even, if he didn’t first introduce the company he brought. Understanding his intentions, the two pouted a bit but didn’t keep insisting, though they didn’t stop babbling either.

As Samuel, followed by the old woman and the young man, made his way over while exchanging pleasantries, a stream of people kept emerging from the ship’s belly behind them.

Their identity as adventurers was no secret. Just that every single piece of gear they wore gave the impression of being far better quality than anything Andreas and his guildmates would be able to equip and drew many looks of longing and jealousy. In terms of fashion sense, however, Severin thought their outfits looked just as ridiculous; Then again, he himself was still wearing the plain-looking clothes he had found himself in when first arriving at this place. But despite not wearing a uniform like Krey and his subordinates, Severin still couldn’t resist the impression that they seemed even more disciplined than the latter.

Glancing at his minimap to once again confirm the identity of the approaching man behind Samuel, he had a rough idea about what was going on.

“Long time no see! How have you been?”

When Samuel finally made his way over, he greeted the [Shopkeeper] and gave him a friendly slap on the back.

With all the air in his lungs suddenly squeezed out, instead of answering, Severin could only helplessly pant in an effort to catch his breath. His mind went blank for a moment. Otherwise, he might’ve suspected that this uncharacteristically familiar and loud greeting in front of all these, both familiar and unfamiliar, people, was very much deliberate and for his own benefit.

The [Berserker] didn’t wait for a reply and instead turned his attention towards the shy, young girl who stood half behind her suffering boss. Despite having grown more and more confident in the recent past and despite her knowing better, in face of this giant man who seemed to be twice as tall and trice as wide as herself, she couldn’t help but feel a bit intimidated.

“Hey there!” He knelt down and put on a bright smile as he extended his hand. “You can call me Uncle Sam. And you are?”

Severin almost choked again.

Emily stared at the man for a few seconds before nodding to herself and taking a step forward. “I’m Emily!” In an act that resembled something of a handshake, she grabbed three of Samuel’s fingers.

“She is my assistant. You might’ve already seen each other before,” said Severin, who had finally gotten a grip on himself.

Only now did Samuel recognize Emily as the girl Xander had brought on the day of his departure. Given the change from her previously filthy and unkempt looks to her present appearance wearing a cute dress, his mistake was easy enough to explain. Something else, however, wasn’t, and Samuel was momentarily shocked. Back then, the girl very obviously had been a class-less beggar; An orphan that lived off of scraps. But now? Samuel clearly knew that somehow, she had seen through the identity of the man beside him. And there was no way that it was because of her somehow recognizing him. The only explanation Samuel could think of was for her having obtained a class in the meantime. But how could that be possible? Did Severin simply give away a class orb? Samuel didn’t believe it. Furthermore, Severin was so quick to stop her, as if knowing what she was going to say. Almost as if they had access to the very same information.

Only the old woman noticed Samuel’s instant of hesitation and slightly raised her eyebrows.

Samuel had no real choice but to ignore the matter. At least for now. The good impression he had of Severin also helped.

“This here is Mylana. My mentor.” Wasting no more time, Samuel introduced one of the two people.

“What?! You have a mentor as well?” Before the old lady could say something herself, Timothy was already shouting in disbelief.

“Sorry.” Only to be shut up by an angry look.

Mylana didn’t seem to mind the interruption too much and instead seemed rather amused with an amiable smile on her face.

“Sammy told me much about you.” She said with a gentle nod.

“Pleased to meet you!”

“And this is…” Samuel gave Severin a meaningful look but was cut off before he could continue.

“Markus. Officer of the Malcos Eagles as well as their second-string team leader.” As the young man said these words, he, other than the old woman who had both hands on her cane, took a step forward and reached out his hand.

“Severin. Pleasure.” They shook hands. At the same time, given the man’s class, Severin couldn’t help wondering what kind of role this person would fulfill in actual combat.

“Emily. Pleasure.” Realizing that the dashing man didn’t just ignore her and reached out to her as well, Em anxiously decided to imitate Severin’s reply; Earning her a hair-ruffling and some amused chuckles.

“Okay. With that out of the way, let me ask you. Besides the obvious changes,” Samuel nodded towards the training ground and the dummies, “is there anything new? New items, I mean.” That was apparently Samuel’s primary concern right now. And that of the other two visitors as well. They obviously already knew about his products; Maybe they had even consumed some samples provided by Samuel.

Severin hesitated for a moment before remembering that while, back then, he had already learned the recipe for the stat elixirs, at that point he had still kept it a secret. “Yeah. I’m sure you will…”

“Yes, there is! Haha. Look. Here!” Though he had just been scolded, that didn’t stop Timothy from chiming in once again. The only reason he didn’t get chided right away was the three hexagonal-shaped bottles that had suddenly appeared in his hands.

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