The Flying Emporium

Chapter 80

Severin kept weighing his options as he went over the shortlist of potential subclass. But with no further information given on each of the classes, making an educated choice was basically impossible.

Helplessly, he even skimmed over his list of rejects once more.

‘[Weaver]. What a joke. Then I might as well choose [Tailor] instead and make sure to be able to craft some armor. Maybe even leather armor. But if it comes to crafting armor [Blacksmith] would still be the superior choice. Should be more expensive and, most importantly, would allow me to craft weapons as well. The same goes for [Bowyer] and [Woodworker]. Too niche. Too limiting. As for the rest…’

Severin couldn’t suppress a sigh.

[Fisherman]. [Forester]. [Scribe]. [Herbalist]. [Shipwright]. The list went on and on, but most professions looked just too ordinary in his eyes. Too ordinary, and unable to make him any money.

At some point, he even questioned why some of these classes even existed in the first place. But then again. Blacksmithing was also most certainly possible even without a class, so why shouldn’t a mundane activity such as fishing also have a corresponding class? Even so, after confirming he hadn’t overlooked some obvious choice, he quickly focused back on his list of pre-selected ones.

“So. What do you think?” After quite some time of silent pondering and scrolling through the System screen, Severin finally addressed the person next to him.

“Uhmm.” Emily hesitated for a moment. When she finally spoke, her voice was but a whisper. “[Cook] sounds nice.”

“Oh?” Only now did Severin actually turn towards her, intent on further questioning her about this choice. But even if Em’s flushed face was concealed in the darkness, seeing the girl’s awkward posture with her lowered head, he suddenly caught on.

“Hmm. [Cook] really doesn’t sound too bad.” He didn’t push her on that topic.

Considering that back then just the promise of not having to experience any more hunger was enough to throw in her lot with him, this response didn’t come as too much of a surprise. Food obviously held a special meaning for her. Even Severin himself craved a hearty meal every now and then. But while this feeling might somewhat influence his choice, he didn’t intend for the matter to completely dictate his decision-making.

He quickly asked for her opinions on each of the other classes in the nearer selection.

In the end, Emily’s knowledge in that area seemed even more limited and superficial than his own. She wasn’t too much of a help. In comparison, Severin didn’t only have some game knowledge to guide him, but there were also Samuel’s stories he had always attentively listened to. It was only natural that during these recounts, every once in a while, topics such as enchanted armor or forged weapons came up; if only perfunctorily. But that also reminded him.

Why not just ask the man, now that he was back to visit his store?

Sure, it might end up looking quite suspicious if he questioned the [Berserker] about his blacksmithing related knowledge in too much detail just to suddenly the next day open his own smithy - but at least getting some general knowledge about a class such as [Beast Tamer] should surely be within the realm of possibility. Even without drawing any suspicions.

And it’s not like he had to make a choice right at this moment, anyway. The choice of an additional subclass should be well considered. No need to be hasty.

‘Now that Harold has returned, I reckon that in a day or two, these guys will depart for their raid. I might as well wait until then before making a choice.’

It should have been a joyous occasion, but the fear of making a ‘wrong decision’ lay heavy on Severin. Now a lot of this pressure left his shoulders, allowing him to take note of a point he had previously missed.

‘Current number of [Employees]: (1/3)’

This came as a pleasant surprise, even if the System directly reminded him that any further hire would first require available housing, just like Emily’s.

After chatting for a while and bouncing ideas off of each other in good spirits, after a few more hours, Emily and Severin finally went to get some sleep.

The next morning Severin was looking forward to having a word with his oldest customer. However, the moment he opened the door to his store, a bit later than usual, Severin realized he had overlooked a certain point.

The previous day, it had simply been impossible for him and his [Employee] to craft enough of the newly unlocked potions to satisfy everyone’s needs and wants. Furthermore, those people could hardly wait to use their combinator activations.

And then, of course, there were the training dummies waiting outside, whose existence alone compelled people to waste their consumables.

This would be another very busy day.

Normally this would have been more than welcome, but today it came as a bit of an annoyance to Severin as it kept him from having the discussion he was so looking forward to.

Severin was even tempted to leave Emily on her own, but ultimately decided not to.

Instead, he kept pondering things while working. Not only his class choice but also his overall financial situation and the matter of another store extension. Especially, the last point suddenly became a very pressing matter for him.

His shelf space was still the same after his latest level up. The variety of items he sold was not. As a result, every type of product could only be stored in smaller quantities than before.

Only in the late afternoon did Severin finally have the opportunity to approach Samuel in peace.

“[Beast Tamer], huh?” The man didn’t even have a chance to open his mouth yet when he was interrupted by his old mentor sitting next to him.

“That’s an interesting one. And a rare one as well. Though it’s rather well known in some parts, if under a different name. Beast Breeder or simply Breeder. Ring a bell? No? Well, as I said, mostly in different regions.”

Severin wanted to inquire further, but just like Samuel before him, he was cut off before he could ask his follow-up question.

“While, with sufficient time and care, the tamed beast can grow extremely strong, most [Beast Tamers] don’t possess any real fighting capabilities themselves. So, while some chose to become adventurers anyway, relying solely on the strength of their tamed beasts, those people are most certainly in the minority.

The majority instead use their talents to either tame beasts according to some client’s specifications and sell them, or, well, breed them.”

At this point, Severin had heard all he wanted to know, but that didn’t mean Mylana was done yet.

“In most cases, that means those beasts will end up as stronger and more obedient pack- or working animals. If they’re lucky. Otherwise, they might directly end up in some rich guy’s stomach. There are a bunch of them with more money than sense, claiming it increased their rate of experience. Bunch of hogwash.

Anyway. The most proficient ones of those breeders are usually directly in the services of an [Arena Master]. Did you know that was a class? [Arena Master]? Most only know about the [Gladiators] working with or for them, and don’t realize that’s also a profession. Interestingly enough, it’s not a combat-oriented one. Despite its name.

Speaking of rare professions. Not too long ago, I came across a young woman able to create skill books. Just some low-leveled ones, but still. Quite fascinating, no?”

At this point, Severin barely paid any more attention to the words of the incessantly chattering woman in front of him.

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