The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 132

You have slain: The Void Tree Temple Doll of Srida Hoxledu [High Acolyte] (104)

Level up!

You have reached level 73 in [Warlock]!

+ 3 Attribute Points

+ 1 Mind, Will, and Magic

Level up!

You have reached level 80 in [Warlock]!

+ 3 Attribute Points

+ 1 Mind, Will, and Magic

The kills from before had given him a few levels. No doubt the majority was from the strange doll. He was curious about the fact that it had a name, but there would be time for questions.

Twenty more levels to go. However, with how many changes I’ve already undergone, will the tier-up really be as impactful as everyone’s making it out to be?

The giant sauntered over and dropped next to Alan in the next moment.

“Tough one, eh?” he said. “Name’s Ardou, but friends call me Little Iron.”

“You got any albums out?” Alan replied. He couldn’t stop his mouth in time and shook his head when Ardou threw him a confused smile. “Sorry, stupid joke. I’m Alan, and people call me asshole.”

The giant man hesitated. “Nice to meet ya. He a friend?” he nodded toward the weeping silhouette of Bonez.

Alan clenched his jaw. “No.”


“Do you mind not letting him touch me while I read up on some system messages?” Alan asked.

“Sure. He’s creepy as fuck. Plus, I could use a short rest.” The giant nodded.

What a nice guy.

Without waiting further Alan took a deep breath and focused. He sincerely hoped there was some information about whatever the hell was going on with [Monochrome Armor], but highly doubted it. The shadows around him were behaving as before, and the whispers were a distant murmur in his ears. They came and went, but seemed to stick around more and more often.

Whatever was happening, was progressing. And it felt kind of good.

Congratulations! You have successfully learned a new skill: Dark Bindings (Rare)


[Mana Zap] was still there as it had been before. Alan assumed it had advanced, but then again, his new application of the skill had almost nothing in common with the original. Which wasn’t that strange considering some of his advancement. This time, the System had decided that the deviation was too much and had simply given him a whole new skill. He already had quite a few of those and only a pitiful amount were applicable to combat for some reason.

Dark Bindings (Rare)

Shadows are the chains with which you bind your foes.

Create a shadow anchor and shape them into the chains that will hold down your enemies.

The amount of used mana determines the strength of the chain.

The chains can be shaped according to the user’s will.

The number of chains is limited by the mana available to the skill.

The anchors cannot be moved by physical force.

That was probably from his first attempt to hold down the doll. It was a good skill, although the slivers of will he had inserted had made it stronger. There was no mention of will or its effects in the skill itself. The next message was almost the same, but the descriptions had changed a bit. It was still (Rare) which was surprising in a way as it was a bit better.

Your skill has changed.

Dark Bindings (Rare)

Your shadows are the chains with which you bind your foes. Let them suffer the wrath of the one who lives between darkness and light.

Create shadow anchors and shape them into the chains that will hold down your enemies.

The amount of used mana determines the strength of the binding.

The binding can be molded according to the user’s will.

The number of chains is limited by the mana available to the skill.

The anchors cannot be moved by physical force.

You can create up to three anchors.

The anchors absorb a small amount of mana from their environment.

He would have called the shadow bindings ropes or tendrils, but chains sounded cooler and the System had taken that into account. The third and final message, however, was the most intriguing and he carefully focused on each word.

Congratulations! Your skill has advanced!

Chains of the Dark Servants (Epic)

Summon your servants and have them hold the chains binding your enemies. The Dark Servants will not bow or break until the will of the one who lives between darkness and light is fulfilled.

Create four shadow servants that restrict your target in chains.

The chains hold a trace of the user’s will.

The servants will hold down the target until destroyed, released, or exhausted.

The servants cannot be affected by physical force alone.

The servants are immune to simple elemental spells, excluding light-based spells.

The servants can absorb a small amount of mana from their environment.

To cast this skill in its full potential the user needs to imbue the servants with life energy.

The source of the life energy may lead to different results.

Now that sounded much better, although a bit scary as well. The fact that it needed life energy was the only problematic aspect of it. If Alan was left without a source, then the skill would be useless. Although casting the lesser versions was probably in the realm of possibility. [Shadow Creation] allowed it without explicitly stating it.

It was a good skill.

Can’t I utilize them for something else now that I can make them though? He thought of Bonez and how he exchanged place with his construct. If he could make the servants move, or act on their own, and eventually figure out how to change places with them… the possibilities were many and he felt excited at the prospect.

However, he was left disappointed by the fact that there was no title for the fact that he had figured it out on his own. And there was no mention at all about what was happening with [Monochrome Armor].

Time will tell I guess. There was a positive change in the murmurs around him. If the voices in his head agreed, then who was he to doubt himself?

He had 27 attribute points to distribute but a small commotion brought him out of his musings.

“You will not!” Zirida’s voice came loud. The [Red Cleric] was standing a few meters away from Alan, and the giant was staring at her back too. His sword was leisurely laid over his knees, meaning the situation hadn’t devolved much.

What did I miss now?

Bonez's tear-stricken face was opposite Zirida. He was cutting a sorry sight. Snot and tears had become one, making his already unpleasant face stand out even more. The bones hanging from his clothes and ears jingled menacingly.

“I just need to talk to him, girlie! My Lord wants a meeting! Please, all I want is to fulfill His wishes and be on my way. No one has to get harmed!” Bonez pled. He sounded almost as if he was begging. He noticed Alan and his eyes opened wide.

“[Warlock] boyo! Here, come now! The Bone Lord is scratching at my skeleton, it itches so much. Please, just meet him, please!” he yelled.

Blood left Zirida’s hand turning into a floating sword. There was murder in her eyes as Alan finally reached her and put a hand on her shoulder.

“I already have a patron,” Alan said. He half-believed that. Only one of his traits was granted by a higher being, and it had been even before he picked the [Warlock] class. However, the spirit named Thorn was a benefactor and it was not far from the truth to call him a patron of sorts. Maybe not bound by a pact or anything, however, support was support. If Bonez could tell lies from the truth like Rosalyn, then the issue would be solved.

Plus, the strange things happening with the vision and aura were making Alan think that he had somehow stumbled upon a strange path and there were other factors. Factors making the [Warlock] chase after him for reasons other than simply giving his patron another pact. For a brief moment, he wondered if there were others like him out there. Other users of [Monochrome Armor], other shadow casters. Most likely. Maybe back on Earth?

The words made Bonez pause for a second, but then the bone [Warlock] grinned wildly. “Don’t lie! You can’t lie to the Lord! There is a presence in you, a few perhaps. It is strange yes, strange. But the Lord sees all and knows all! He makes my bones itch you know? Have you tried to scratch a bone? It doesn’t work! I tell you; it doesn’t work! It’s making me mad! And all He wants is a short chat and to make an offer to you. You can always decline after hearing Him out!”

“If you agree, there will be no saving you,” Zirida whispered.

Alan nodded. He got a bad feeling about the whole situation. Bonez had latched on to him like a crazy stalker.

“He’s strong,” Little Iron’s voice came from behind. Alan still struggled with the nickname. The man was the opposite of little by any definition. But it was true. Bonez was surprisingly strong and Alan highly doubted he had seen much of the man’s capabilities.

“He’ll be dead if he doesn’t fuck off.” A third voice joined in and everyone turned to greet the newcomer.

Kalyntha flew from the sky. More fell than flew as her landing made Alan shift a bit. She seemed pissed off, which never bode well for the people who had pissed her off.

“Some strong dolls out there, named dolls. We need to wrap this up. I got word from Master Wilbis and there’s trouble brewing on the battlefield and the outpost too. I destroyed almost all portals and the guys got the rest. Still no sign of the dragon,” she said. “Did you get the one that was here?”

Little Iron stood to attention, straightening his posture, and for a second Alan thought he would give Kalyntha a salute as well. “Yes, big sis!”

Big sis?!

“I told you; my original is your sister. I’m a clone and I’ve only the barest memory of you. Enough so I don’t kill you by accident.” Kalyntha replied. She sounded tired as she addressed him.

“Big sis is big sis! I need to show respect!”

Bonez threw his hands in the air with a grunt and a strange aura started seeping out of him. “I don’t mean to be rude and interrupt your cute sibling bullshit. Trust me, I used to have brothers and you’ve even met one of his femurs. However, I need to be taken seriously for once! ONCE!”

Something wooshed past Alan’s head and hit Bonez straight in the nose sending him sprawling back on the ground. Kalyntha’s still orb circled around for a second before disappearing from view. The aura he had been releasing disappeared.

“That’s taken care of—,”

Bonez rose up with a groan from the ground and Kalyntha raised an eyebrow. Alan was surprised too. Kalyntha’s attacks were not something easy to ignore and she hadn’t held back at all.

The [Warlock’s] nose was bloody and probably broken and he snorted before setting it with a loud crunch and a yell of pain.

“Oh no! Pretty girl, no no no! If you want to abuse my pitiful self, you need to marry me first!” he yelled.

Kalyntha turned toward Bonez fully this time around, and Alan felt his hair stand on end.

“Alan,” she said, practically growling. “I’ll kill him.”


“On another note, I think I forgot my soup on the stove! See ya later, boyo.” With a pop, Bonez was gone and a small bone fell on the ground.

What a practical skill. I wonder if it has a range limitation.

“That guy is weird. However, he is strong. I haven’t met many [Warlocks] but you two are nothing alike. He was about to borrow power at the end there, and that could spell trouble even for me. You need to be careful,” Kalyntha said, staring at the small bone before crushing it with her foot.

Alan grew a bit more worried. Kalyntha warning him with such a serious tone and face was not something he had expected to happen because of the crazy Bonez.

“I’ll be careful.”

Kalyntha sighed, “Let’s end this here. Take a short rest and recover, then join me. Me and a few of the stronger ones have cleared a path almost to the end of this piece of the Temple. There’s trouble there, and it will be good for you to grab a few more levels before we head back.” She turned to look at Alan and then giggled as she had so many times before, somewhat alleviating his nerves.

“You, or a skill of yours is evolving. Changing,” she said quietly. Then reached to pinch his cheek, “You’re growing up so fast. I hope you don’t turn into a monster!”

She giggled again and left him standing there as she flew off.

Is that a possibility?!

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