The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 155

Alan dreamed over and over of the shadowless and their world. They had no faces, but their voices, laughter, and a hint of their presence were there for him to experience. It was like a song in passing, a picture one could only catch a brief glimpse of. Again and again, the dream would repeat, and each time things would be just a bit different.

Later, he dreamed of dragons fighting between the stars and throwing planets at each other. He saw beings of unfathomable power and few of them extended their hands as if willing to welcome him in their embrace. They were powerful, some stronger than the Bone Lord he had offended so, some slightly weaker and smaller.

He knew accepting, even in his dream would deviate him from his current path. He had chosen [Warlock] as his class what seemed like an eternity ago, and now he wondered why… He had never accepted a patron, nor had he thought of doing so. After seeing the state of Bonez he knew that was the right choice. Was it a mistake, then? Picking a class and not utilizing one of the main strengths it offered?

Or had it been a necessity to lead him down his path… But then, was it the mysterious spirit who had guided his actions back then or was it just a game of the System? Florence had proven that manipulations could come in many forms, even if one protected one's own mind.

Alan didn’t believe himself important, nor did he see himself as someone overly smart or talented. He was below average, even. Yet…

“It’s because you’re broken,” a voice said, shattering the repetitive dreams and pulling him deeper into a world of warm shadows.

Because I’m broken?

“With new worlds, come new opportunities. What is old can be cast again anew, changed, and remolded. What is a [Warlock] without the knowledge and strength of a higher power but an open vessel? You’ve been granted meetings with beings far above your station and each has left a mark on you.”

That was right. Starting with Thorn he had always been the beneficiary of something… Be it skill, advice, assistance, or something else. Even now, as a stray [Warlock] he was experiencing it again, having found a legacy without ever searching for it. His simple skill, a choice that had seemed logical back then yet was probably lesser than its alternatives had changed him so much.

Was free will even a thing in a universe ruled by an almighty System? What if he, along with everyone else were just an experiment for a higher being – variables that would be discarded once the data they could provide was exhausted?

“Our will is our own. That will remain forever so,” the voice said.

That’s right. That’s what Alan was striving toward – absolute control of his desires and mind, devoid of the influence of subconscious factors. And also a strength that would allow him to ignore the outside factors. What was this, if not absolute freedom? To choose without events long gone dictating your actions from the shadows of the mind. To act, without fear of repercussions or failure.

An echoing memory of the power that had flowed through him under the effects of [Bestowment] passed through. He knew, deep in himself, that it had only been a taste of what could be achieved. Borrowed power that had let him toy with those who lived in a realm above himself. A different tier of existence.

But then, if he achieved that or more, would he remain himself? Was his goal ultimately the death of Alan and the birth of something else? At what point would his soul no longer hold a trace of what made him?

No. That line of thought was foolish. His will that demanded the world break was him.

“Growth is not death. Growth is change. And change is the way of life. Do not fear change, fear being stagnant like the fools sitting upon their Thrones of power. Like the fools lording over their lesser and pretending they’d not fold over in front of someone stronger. Fear remaining the same, for that, my dear shadowless, is the true death.”

But it was difficult. Even now as free as he felt, as unrestrained and unfettered his mind was running, he knew that the initial high of his change had run its course. The System was all-powerful, but it didn’t seem to be capable of removing the traces of a lifetime that remained ingrained deep into the core of what made ‘Alan’.

“That’s your job.”

Alan wanted to laugh. Yes, he supposed it was. Nothing worth having would come easy, after all.

He felt his dreams shift again. For a brief moment, he caught sight of the impossibly beautiful smiling face of the one whose inheritance he’d latched on. Strange. He remembered the first vision his evolving [Monochrome Armor] had brought to him. A tired man who’d stood his ground and yet tried reason first and foremost, before becoming violent. What had that been about?

“A friend who got lost in melancholy. Remember to not fear your emotions, but do not dwell on them either. It is our nature that makes such things… dangerous. Losing oneself, even if briefly, is the antithesis of what you strive toward.”

That was right. Alan was thankful for the words of the voice. This inheritance thing seemed to be working out quite well so far.

Laughter like the chirping of birds come spring and the wind in the leaves took over his world.

“Only a taste… Now go, see what your actions have brought to you.”

A hand seemed to gently caress his face and Alan opened his eyes as if waking from a deep sleep. There was nothing around him. Nothing but shadows. The whispers came soon after, once again meshing into a confusing symphony of words and sounds that made no sense.

They brought him comfort. He would never be alone again, and that was enough for now.

The silence on the outside was too much, even if the whispers echoed in his mind. It was as if there was nothing out there. Where was he? He remembered being grabbed by the scary dragon man and then being pushed away… the Void Dragon? Had it saved him?

Alan tried to move but stopped himself. His body felt different. His limbs were heavy and sticky and something was seriously different.

The bluescreens demanded his attention at the back of his mind. Even in this place, the System’s reach was infallible.

The first few were quite worrying, but that quickly changed. He was not dead despite it all.

Due to severe exhaustion, you have permanently lost 100 Vitality.

Error! Negative vitality detected!

Error! Transformation under progress.

The user will be kept alive to preserve data on the emerging bloodline.

Bloodline transformation progress: 100%

Total time spent: 1486 hours 12 minutes and 3 seconds

You have awakened a new bloodline.

No previous records were found.

Please name your bloodline.

Please name your bloodline.

Failure to name your bloodline will result in an automatically assigned name.

Progenitor has refused to name the bloodline.


Bloodline of the Void’s Shadow (Unique) has been successfully registered.

The chosen name can be altered in the future if there is significant new data on the bloodline.

Congratulations, you have successfully awakened a completely new bloodline!

Congratulations you have been granted the Title: Progenitor.

Title: Progenitor

New bloodlines are born as old ones are erased constantly through the Myriad Realms. Acquiring a previously unseen bloodline is a great achievement that can either elevate one’s existence to new heights or stunt the growth of an otherwise talented individual.

As the first one, it is up to you how the bloodline will develop. Will it help you reach the apex, or will it drag you down to obscurity?

Bloodlines directly affect the classes available to you and the further they awaken the more weight they will carry – much more in the cases of a Progenitor.

To propagate new bloodlines is a great service to the System, and it wants the progenitors to live long. Your longevity is extended.

Well then. That was fucking scary. So, it was not only good that could come out of what he had done, but he had been kept alive like a lab rat for the System’s benefit. Could’ve been much worse. Still, the name didn’t sound that bad. It was a bit… weird to say the least. How could a void have a shadow? Alan didn’t spend too much time thinking about it as the slew of messages that followed more or less made his heart want to leap out of his chest.

Bloodline of the Void’s Shadow (Unique) awakening progress: 0.1%

It seemed like an insignificant thing, but it had changed a lot already… Alan almost felt tears come to his eyes.

Your trait: [Limited Vitality] has changed under the effect of your bloodline.

Your trait: [Limited Vitality] has changed under the effect of your Title: Progenitor.

Alan held his breath.


Limited Vitality [Epic] has become Empty Vitality [Unique]

Trait: Empty Vitality (Unique)

Shadows fill you, and emptiness drives you. A strange life that is no different from all others, apart from its source.

Your life is fueled by your mana. No other healing will affect you.

Invasive mana different than your own will be suffocated by the void element running through your veins, depending on its strength.

Your blood is a powerful reagent.

You can store life energy and use it as fuel.

Your Vitality has reached 0.

Bloodline of the Void’s Shadow (Unique) awakening progress: 1.1%

Alan wasn’t sure what to think. That was one problem down, but… was he undead? No, that wasn’t it. He felt normal. He felt great even. More alive than he had ever been. His heart was pumping and he could even hear the creepy sound of his blood racing through his blood vessels.

And as far as he was aware, there were another two things to do before he could step onto the next tier. His skills needed quite a bit of work done to them anyway. First, he would need to figure out where the hell he was though.

He felt quite good. The gains this time were really, really amazing. He lifted a hand and tried to touch the shadowy cocoon around him. Had he done this? Alan had no recollection of using [Shadow Creation] in this way, but then again it might’ve been the System’s doing. It had tried to ‘save’ him as research material.

Another stroke of luck. That left the question if the Void Dragon had known that would happen, or if it had simply gambled in an attempt to return the favor Alan had done to it.

Would they even meet again?

The shadows gave way easily and he tore them open to see… nothing. It felt nice as if he was a fish swimming in water. There was something about it that demanded his attention and in the next moment yet another System message came to him.

Congratulations! You have gained insight into Emptiness.

However, before he could read further he saw an impossibly terrifying monster headed straight toward him. A mess of dark tentacles and white teeth, without end and beginning. The distance was meaningless in the void, but somehow Alan managed to judge it.

Fuck this.

With a thought, a token appeared in his hand and he prayed it would work. He was not in a World Temple, but he was sure the Transient Bazaar wouldn’t refuse his plea. Wasn’t it a sentient being?

His mana poured and just as the creature was too close for comfort, Alan felt the void shift.


Odu was quite happy holding onto his fishing rod. He had managed to hook unto a strange void beast – a rare and valuable catch that was certain to make him famous in the Spirit World! The human was proving useful even when he was absolutely useless. Metaphorically speaking. Odu frowned, he hated metaphors, but they were good for the health of the mind. Was this even a metaphor, or was he getting things confused again? No matter. If he said this was a metaphor it was a metaphor!

Who would argue with him? The human? Ha!

Just as he smiled wider and licked his lips, there was movement. Odu’s eyes widened and he almost dropped his fishing rod as he saw the human rise from the cocoon of darkness.


And then, just like that he disappeared again.

Odu watched wide-eyed. What was this?! No respect for the great spirit, no sense of politeness at all!

He hesitated but then looked toward the catch of the day that was still struggling under the weight of the spirit rod’s power. Missing such a good catch to chase after the ungrateful bastard was a preposterous thought.

Humans were the worst after all…

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