The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 169

Dashing through the forest was a pleasant and refreshing experience. Alan practiced using [Void Step] as much as he could. It was a very fun skill although it did seem it would take some getting used to. He didn’t run into any powerful beasts and those he found he ignored.

The sudden shift of perception was difficult to smoothly transition from although his experience with his enhanced speed served a great deal to alleviate that somewhat.

Finding the Sanctuary, if he could still call it that, turned out to only take a few hours. Starting from the place of the ruin he had found he started making wider and wider circles after placing a marker he used as guidance.

Using [Shadow Creation] for that had proved a wonderful idea since he could sense when he was getting too far and his skill was about to fall apart. It was a bit of a bummer that he couldn’t just make a bunch of shadowy furniture once he got something he could call home and leave it there, but he was sure that problem would go away too.

Currently, he stood among the trees and gazed at what once had been a city of ruin, now a jagged mess of civilization remnants, built almost as a strange fortress that only stood and didn’t crumble by the miracle of skills and the System’s grace.

It took him a few moments to decide whether he had the right place, but he could feel it. It was his ‘home’. He had joined Sanctuary 142 once before and the System gave him a gentle reminder in the form of a feeling. A subtle thing one could miss, but Alan was pretty sure he was growing more sensitive toward changes in his own psyche by the day.

Here goes nothing. I wonder if they’ll be happy to see me? With a smile, he walked forward slowly, like a normal person out on a stroll.

There were scars of battles and burned remains of monsters and perhaps humans all around. The Sanctuary itself was taking up much less space than previously, and the ground around it was flattened. Perhaps to create a perimeter of visibility or a natural consequence of all that had happened in Alan’s absence.

He was pretty sure it had been… three or four months. Maybe more. Not that time had any meaning whatsoever after the System had come.

A glint of gold in the distance drew his attention. The System-created dungeon stood pristine, unmarred by nature or the consequences of the passage of time. Not that it had been long. However, Alan remembered it had a time limit. Would the current him be capable of battling Wuros and all his madness? Maybe after a few more upgrades to his combat skills he would give it a try.

There was movement before him as a panel on the wall made of concrete remains and even… is that a car?

A group of people quickly exited and fanned out to meet him. It took him a moment but he quickly recognized Rosalyn. She was as he had left her – dark, beautiful, and intimidating, although she did look very tired. Her dark hair was a disheveled mess, and her eyes were constantly roaming the perimeter. The System wouldn’t allow for stress to leave its marks as it would on a regular person, but Rosalyn was showing definite signs of it.

Her clothes were as he remembered. Skintight, and leaving little to the imagination, although now they seemed to be made of something almost leathery in texture, with the occasional glistening jewel fused here and there. The others shared a similar fashion sense.

Alan didn’t recognize them. He wondered if Reba, who had stepped down the same path as Isind, was doing well. It was a peculiar class, which probably came with strange skills related to perception of the individuals they were training. She was not a frontliner though.

There was also no sign of those serving under Mr. Muge, the enchanter. He was sure they were there, guarding him like before. Few things would’ve shaken such people.

He hoped Walter was alright, and wondered if Ashlyn had stayed in the Sanctuary. Knowing her she had either raised hell or left to do her own thing, apathetic of the fate of those left behind.

Is Emerson back? Thankfully all his answers would soon be answered.

Was there anyone else to care about? Apart from Tim and Cole that was… The thought of them reminded him of Bonez. They hadn’t sinned nearly as much, but they still had to suffer some consequences, or all his posturing before he had been whisked away would’ve been for nothing.

It was like a long-dormant part of Alan woke up and reared its ugly head. He had once again regressed to being mostly reactive in his relationships with those he met in his time on the fractal. There had been no place for his ‘newfound’ anger or desire to climb as much as there had been a need to protect himself and tread carefully.

Not that his attempts had ended well. By the end, he was even more of a menace and he had killed too many without a blink of an eye. How did that saying go… one is a tragedy, but a thousand are a statistic. I’m pretty sure I butchered that...

The group of five stopped a short distance away from him, with only Rosalyn walking closer up. Perhaps so she could use her skills. Alan wondered if they counted toward identifying skills. It would be funny if his [Shepherd’s Shroud] stopped her ability or at least interfered with it.

“Hello. Welcome to our humble Sanctuary. May we ask… what is your purpose here?” Rosalyn spoke, her voice like honey. Alan barely suppressed a laugh as he stared into her eyes. Have I changed that much? Sure, my complexion and the wispy shadows all over are different… but surely, she can recognize me?

Rosalyn didn’t react to her silence but he noticed those behind her grow tense. One stepped forward. He had a shield and a sword, while the other three kept their distance. Mages, perhaps? And three of them?

“How have you been, Rosie? Is the apocalypse treating you well?” Alan asked, smiling wide and moving forward.

Rosalyn frowned in confusion, “Who—” she stopped herself and gasped. “Alan?”

There was a hint of panic in her eyes and those behind her seemed on the verge of exploding. Did he have a reputation he didn’t know about, or was she communicating with them?

“Why the hostility Rosie, I thought we had something going on. I’m so happy to see you.”

“Alan! You’re alive?” Rosalyn held her hand up to keep the others at bay as she stepped closer to him. There was a strange light in her eyes – both worry and joy.

Worry, because I might break whatever she had achieved, or joy, because she needs help? He was far from the thought that she was just happy to see him.

“Alive and ready to ruin someone’s day,” he said. “How have you all been holding up? I see you’ve redecorated.”

A dark shadow passed over Rosalyn’s face before she exhaled and her shoulders slumped, “Honestly? I’m at my limit. We went to war with the monsters from the forest. They seemed hellbent on getting inside the Sanctuary for some reason and we lost many.”

“Walt? Ash?” Alan quickly asked. “Emerson?”

Rosalyn smiled, “Walter is fine. I don’t know about Ashlyn, she left us shortly after you disappeared to do her own thing. I’m certain she’s fine.”

I hope so. He wasn’t too worried. She had taken care of him and she could take care of herself. He hoped Rosalyn was still unable to tell lies, although he wasn’t going to trust that at face value. He had been a bit naïve to trust her the first time, but she seemed like someone who wanted only the best for everyone.

“Emerson is back too… he came a few months ago… he’s different. Keeps to himself. Refuses to fight.”

Poor guy. “I see, it sure sounds like you had it rough.”

“Listen, Alan… Are you going to… seek revenge?”

Alan nodded without hesitation. “I’ll want explanations. That little witch with the scroll, perhaps Cole, perhaps whoever else thinks themselves too smart for their own good. I’ve seen enough blood already though, and if what they say satisfies me, I just might consider sparing them.”

Rosalyn closed her eyes and took another calming breath, “You lied. That last part was a lie.”

Alan frowned. Had he? It was not his intention to lie. He truly thought himself capable of moving on. The feeling he got from everyone before him was strong, but none were tier two, and he knew that a few levels would push him even further out of their reach. He had avoided the wild animals on the way because he hadn’t been in the mood to spill blood.

“I… honestly didn’t think I was. I might be deluding myself then. It’s not beyond me to just snap once I see Cole’s ugly face. How has he been, by the way?”

“Useful. Tough to deal with. He believes himself much more capable than me to lead, and I’m certain he might be, however… he also lusts for power. It’s getting worse and worse and Tim seems to be whispering in his ear like some sort of a parasite. Others balance things out though…Rising through the levels is all everyone thinks about.” Rosalyn explained.

Her eyes never left him and while Alan would’ve found himself averting his gaze before now he found it calming. I’ve changed.

“And I might be what tips the scales or throws a wrench into the fragile balance you’ve achieved. I understand your worries… Tell me, has anyone passed level one hundred?”

Rosalyn thought for a few moments then shook her head. “We have many in the nineties, but the last levels are tough to grind. Things have calmed down now as the forest seems to have given birth to new monsters that have challenged the rotting armies of whatever it is that wants us dead. It’s dangerous out there. We only venture in groups, and it is mostly to farm the jewel axolotls from the lake.”

Alan’s eyes widened. That certainly brought him back. Those had been the same monsters he and Emerson had encountered near the lake. One had bit at his leg. He had assumed the lake and all around it had been a tutorial zone of sorts and was gone, but then again, the System had allowed Echidnas to intrude into it, and they had remained… it made sense for it to be somewhere around.

“There’s nothing to worry about. If I kill someone, I’ll just have to make up for it.” Alan said.

Rosalyn seemed to understand the meaning behind his words, “Have you passed level one hundred…? I can’t sense your strength at all.”

“Kiss me and I’ll tell you,” Alan winked, then used [Void Step].

He appeared at the back of the one with the shield and in front of the supposed ranged classes. Doing his best to chase away the sense of vertigo, he smiled. “Keep up the good work, you’re making me proud.”

The group was uncertain how to react and they took a few cautious steps back. Alan simply remained still, smiling. It was good to put the fear of him in some people, especially considering… There’s no use trying to worry about what’s next. Ah, to be back home.


“It’s alright! He’s safe… to us.” Rosalyn yelled at her worried companions, doing her best to catch up. Had Alan just flirted with her? Did he take her for a fool? She vividly remembered their first meeting and how she had played to his discomfort and her strengths. She certainly hadn’t gone overboard but for the tables to turn so much…

What was worse was that she couldn’t tell if he had been lying or not. As if something had decided to start blocking her skill just for the sake of his flirty comment. No one had blocked her skill with their skill before. Even before that trying to distinguish the truth of his words had been harder than anything. Normally the skill simply told her. Now… it was a struggle.

And perhaps even more importantly, he was almost unrecognizable. His features were changed for the better. He had somehow grown taller and his body wasn’t as sickly anymore, even though his skin looked to be made of marble and the occasional wisp of shadows terrified her. Furthermore, his presence had come with an air of overwhelming superiority. As if he was… better than everyone else. That was preposterous. Perhaps it was a skill, or perhaps he had truly taken the next step.

Still, he waited for her to catch up which made her once again exhale in relief and frustration. For a moment she had thought he was about to kill someone or rush inside, and her insides were still churning with worry.

She feared him. After Emerson had appeared she had always had the possibility of Alan returning and wreaking havoc. At least he didn’t seem as angry anymore. There was a certain terrifying depth to him now though, and she was certain he was more dangerous than ever.

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