The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 214

“I demand you stop laughing!” Xil screamed.

“But… I thought you’d be bigger! This is ridiculous!” Alan said between bouts of laughter. He couldn’t even use the mental connection they shared.

The tiny demon seemed ready to blow up, but other than posturing and cursing, he didn’t seem able to do much more. His form was like a very realistic illusion or a hologram. Alan wondered if others could see him, or if this was still somehow all in his head.

“I am bigger! Huge! The biggest demon your shit human eyes will see! This is temporary!” Xil raged.

“I’m sure, I’m sure.”

Alan wiped his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He felt lighter somehow. Better. Laughter truly is the best medicine.

“Are you close to getting out?”

“Closer. Much closer. All the bullshit you involve yourself in is somehow slowly unraveling this prison. Some of my memories returned too…” Xil fell silent.

“Bad memories?”

“Betrayal. Demons are not supposed to be this easy to imprison. I’m pretty sure my family put me up to this, but all I have is anger and fragments of feeling betrayed. I’ll have my revenge.”

“You don’t even know if that’s the full story since you don’t remember it well. Wait a bit before vowing revenge.” Alan said. He conjured himself something like an ottoman and sprawled on it.

“I’m a demon! It’s only natural for my family to betray me, and for me to murder them for it! What do you know you shit flesh bag?! Anyway… I want to say…” the demon shuffled uncomfortably, suddenly looking too human for comfort. “…thanks…” he mumbled.

What? “What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your ego.”

“Don’t push it, human. I’ll have you know I’ve awakened more than my beautiful form. I have skills now. Actual power that will make you want to worship the ground over which my illusory form will float!”

Alan’s eyebrows shot up. He really wanted to know what an actual demon could do. He didn’t have knowledge on the topic at all, apart from witnessing [Soundless], which was a creepy but very useful skill.

“What can you do?”

Xil giggled like a villain would giggle when they thought the hero was in their clutches.

“Behold!” He pointed a clawed finger at Alan, who frowned. Nothing happened for a few moments, and the demon looked like he was straining quite a lot. Then…

Xil’Garoth offers you [Demonic Bestowment]. Do you accept?

Alan shot up. The memory of the dragon’s power was still fresh in his mind. Did this mean Xil was as strong to have access to such a skill, or was it a demon thing? Did it matter?

“What will happen when I accept?” Alan asked.

“Who the fuck knows? Accept quickly! I’ll shit myself!”

Fucking bastard… you’re an illusion.

Alan accepted either way. What could go wrong?

His blood burned. His eyes teared up. His skin felt like it was cracking open and strange dark orange energy started emanating from the cracks. It was agony, but nothing Alan couldn’t shrug off at this point in his life.

He had felt worse.

Still, it didn’t feel like anything similar to the Dragon’s bestowment which had been smooth and given him so much.

Your physical attributes have doubled.

You have gained the temporary Trait: [Demonic Mana] (Epic)

You have gained the temporary Skill: [Soundless] (Rare)

You have gained the temporary Skill: [Conjure Demonic Mask] (Epic)

You have gained the temporary Skill: [Hellfire Lance] (Rare)

This… One trait and three skills. Alan had taken Xil for some sort of a thief demon, considering his [Soundless] skill. He could now use it and did so. The deafening silence descended immediately and everything, including his thoughts, quieted down.

Next, he tried to use his skills. The shadows rose from his palm but they were warped, almost burning. A mix of dark flames ate at them and Alan felt his mana drain much quicker than usual. His pool was large, but it wouldn’t be able to sustain this for long.

The shadows disappeared soon after leaving only a red and orange flame that lengthened until it was in the shape of a lance. It reminded Alan of his attempts during the fight with the Drider, however, he knew that if he threw this one, it would be devastating. He pushed the urge down.

There was a new part of him that desired conflict. Murder. Killing. It was a quiet voice easily overpowered by the constant whispers of the shadows. Then again, it was growing louder with each passing moment.

Was that what demons were like?

Lastly, he cast the only (Epic) skill on the list. He couldn’t see himself but felt the mana change his face. Even his hands had turned into clawed limbs not belonging to a human. The urge to kill grew stronger yet, but it was not an issue for Alan to suppress it. It’s not like the shadows were that different.

They constantly spoke to him in their strange languages, and their emotions pulled him in different directions and urged him to make choices. It had been a good practice with them, so this new urge coming from Xil’s [Demonic Bestowment] was nothing in comparison.

The skill made him feel much stronger physically and his mana seemed to double in an instant. It was a buff.

Then, it was all gone. The agony fled and with it all the power.

“Fuck, this was hard.” Xil groaned. His form was more translucent now, even a bit smaller.

“Is that so?” Alan said. It was a useful ability to have. Maybe if he wanted to hide his identity, which was probably not going to happen often. The effects of the [Conjure Demonic Mask] skill were still unclear. Almost as if his physical stats had been doubled yet again, and his mana… There was more to that skill.

Alan’s eyes widened. His mana pool was almost fully drained, but he hadn’t realized it. This was dangerous. Mana was life. I don’t think I’ll be relying on this soon.

“Aah, I’m squeezed dry. Sleepy, so sleepy.” Xil complained.

“This thing’s dangerous.”

“You should see it through a true [Contract]. Right now all you have to pay is some mana and feeling a little bit of pain, but actual bastards who summon us for power get squeezed dry. Blood sacrifices, their lifespans, their skills, their souls… heh. Stupid bastards.”

“I’m never signing a contract with you,” Alan said.

“I wouldn’t do that to you, don’t worry. That’s a freebie. I might be a demon, but I know who my allies are! Can you leave me here? The mana feels great. I can absorb some of it to recover, and then get to breaking this piece of shit prison.”

“Sure. This tower’s mine and no one can access it without permission.”

“Good. Now fuck off!”

The demon disappeared and the cube grew silent. Alan frowned at the new development. The [Demonic Bestowment] was another tool at his disposal, but it was dangerous. He didn’t know what effects more prolonged exposure would have.

Xil didn’t remember enough to be clear on the consequences of what he was doing. And, after all, he was a demon. As much as Alan appreciated the company he couldn’t fully trust a demon, no matter what. By Xil’s own words, it was natural for families to betray you… Not that the human experience didn’t have that, but…

He shook his head and left the tower in a hurry. There were are few more things to do, some more furniture to get, and then hopefully he would be ready for the ritual. Perhaps moving to Emerson was a smart thing too. He could keep Turtle and Mayra in check, although both shut-ins were hardly in danger of conflict.

I’m gathering my own follower base. I should keep a room for Ashlyn, whenever she shows up. I hope it’s soon…


Finding Emerson was not difficult.

He was with Walter. The older man’s abode had grown significantly in a very short time and almost seemed to operate as a tavern with the amount of people coming and going. Walter seemed to enjoy cooking, but he was not the only one.

Alan was pleased to see Salla, the older cafeteria lady. She was busying herself and making wonders out of strange fruit and monster meats. Some of her creations were positively glowing, much like the woman— almost as if she had shed ten years.

The System would do that to a person.

Alan allowed himself to relax and tell some stories of his time outside the Sanctuary. He told them of the group he had met in the Dungeon and also learned there were a few weaker Dungeons around, some of which people were using to farm levels.

Everyone was particularly interested in the elves. He had to repeat his stories of them when Rosalyn appeared along with another familiar face—Arley. He was not as happy and careless as before. He looked a bit tired, contrary to Salla. Aged even.

His mustache was still strong though.

“Where’s that old lady, Reba? The [Class Trainer]. I want to pick her brain a little bit now,” Alan asked as they sat down around a large table. The food, the company, the drinks almost made him forget about all he had done or had to do. It was surreal in a way. He almost felt more comfortable out in the wild, killing things.

A silence fell over the table and Alan frowned. She died, huh?

“She died,” Rosalyn confirmed. “During the rot monsters attacks. Everyone had to contribute and fight.”

“Ivan did too. He was a bastard at the end, but he helped when it counted. We lost more during that than during the god spawn attacks…” Walter added from the side.

Shit. How do I get out of this situation?

“We’ll lose more still,” Rosalyn said. “Those guys won’t just give up.”

“Do you think there’s really a city out there?” Arley asked.

“No. I think it’s mind games. If there was a city we would have found it. Plus, how would it work? Sanctuaries seem set quite a bit far apart. It's unnerving to hear there are others out there who have tier twos… We’re behind. I also can't wrap around my head why they want all fire users.”

“Might have to do with the fire mage that annoyed the rotting hordes…” Walter shrugged. “He was a menace.”

Alan listened carefully. He was missing many pieces of the story, and now that he would be playing a central part it was good to catch up. The situation all around was complicated, but the resolution was simple—power. Overwhelming strength was all there was to it. No talking, no negotiations, no taking steps back.

It was all so simple.

“How’s Eldon doing?” Salla asked from the side where she was busy cooking on an enchanted stove courtesy of Mr. Muge’s hall.

“Eldon? He’s alive?” Alan asked with surprise. Matt and Eldon were one of the first people he had survived together with. He hadn’t heard from or seen the guy in a long while. Matt was probably dead unless he had something to do with that fire mage… It would not be that strange. He remembered why they had sent the guy away.

“Eldon was kept by Cole and Tim due to his high-level skill. He’s mentally unstable, and I’m not sure it's due to them. He can make permanent constructs from water. Do you remember those water spheres that remained whole and you could pop in your mouth? Imagine that, but times a hundred. We’re barely getting people capable of such manipulation of the elements, and permanence is longs way off.”

Alan nodded. His own shadow creations were very far from standing the tests of time. How would that even work?

“I should see him sometime,” Alan said. He didn’t know what he would do, but observing that skill sounded like a useful experience.

“We bought a few rooms from the System for him and a few others who lost the mental battles,” Rosalyn said. “The rooms can hold onto their rampage and keep them contained. Some wanted to kill them for the levels… We’ve dealt with that though.”

This has been heavy on her. Alan’s appreciation for what Rosalyn had managed was only growing.

“Will the witch help us? After what you did to her?” Rosalyn asked suddenly.

“Sure,” Alan shrugged. “She’s sworn an Oath to never betray me.” At least willingly.

The gazes he received were nothing short of suspicious. Those guys…

“I didn’t force her into anything!” Alan defended himself, annoyed.

“She’s strong. If she can supply us with scrolls, then we’d have a much easier time in defending this place…”

“Defending?” Alan said and stood up. The [Demon Bestowment] had left a weak but lingering desire for blood, and the shadows seemed to have embraced that. “Give me a few days, and I might go visit them instead. Em, can I have a word? We have a lot to catch up about.”

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