The Fool's Freedom

Chapter 27

You have qualified for the following classes:


You have survived against the odds, and you will do it again. A Survivor knows how to make do with what the environment throws him. You have knowledge and skills in various areas and can fill any void left in your group.

Gain four class related skills.

+2 to all stats

Rat Catcher

Every town and every village eventually needs to deal with vermin. That is where a Rat Catcher shines. You are an expert in slaying rats, but that does not mean you do not have a wide variety of tools to deal with other problems too. While a Rat Catcher is not great in a fight against anything but vermin, his specialization may often make him shine where even a Warrior might fall.

Gain two class related skills.

+ 2 to all stats


Unlike an Apprentice of magic, an Adept does not follow the norm. A self-taught student of the arcane who strays from traditional schools. Dabble in the stranger magic of the mind or conquer the elements in ways few would agree with, creating your own path. There is no right and wrong, as long as it leads to results.

Gain two class related skills.

+5 base AP to Strength, and Dexterity each.

+8 base AP to Mind, and Magic each.

+1 Mind, and +2 Magic per level.

Tricky Fighter

To fight is to know your opponent. There is no unhonourable win. There is only life and death. A Tricky Fighter employs all available distractions and skills, uncaring of what they look like from the side, or how they might be judged. Illusions, interruptions, and lies are all fair play.

Gain two class related close combat skills.

Gain one class related trick skill.

+8 base AP in Strength, and Dexterity each.

+5 base AP in Will, and Mind each.

+ 1 Strength, Dexterity and Vitality per level.


No two Warlocks are the same just like no two Witches are the same. The myriad paths of the occult offer possibilities for power that many crave, but few can control. Great rewards come from great danger and sacrifice.

Master the darker aspects of magic, the shadows in the minds of people, or weave your flesh into something greater. Form pacts and borrow the strength of the unknown. Learn to heal and soothe or steal the life of others to bolster your own. Your path is your own. Do you dare?

Gain two class related skills.

+10 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic each.

+ 1 Mind, Will, and Magic per level.

Initiate of the Order of the Broken

The Order of the Broken is an ancient order of monks and its members spend most of their time in seclusion and focus on improving themselves. Most of the Order’s teachings have been lost to time, and few remain that know of it and its secrets, and even fewer practice what remains.

All who dare are allowed to learn and rise above what destiny has preordained for them.

If one manages to achieve minor success and gains [One Mind, One Body], they can become Initiates and delve further into the mysteries awaiting them. Learn to rise above the needs of the flesh, and become your body’s sole master by first conquering your mind.

Learn [Meditation].

Gain one class related skill.

+10 base AP to Will, Mind, and Magic each.

+ 1 Mind, Will, and Magic per level.

???’s Squire (Unique)

Twice offered, twice rejected. In stories Spirits deal in threes. How about it, Alan? I have even sweetened the deal. You won’t have to do much at this stage, I promise.





That was a lot to unpack. The choices floated in front of his mind as Alan read them carefully. He chuckled at the last one. Thorn was really persistent. And considering that they were powerful enough to fuck with the System…

[Squire] sounded much better than a servant and promised paths for development. And it was strangely the only choice that had a rarity rating next to it. Either the System didn’t want the rarity to affect the choice, or there was no rarity for classes, and the (Unique) was added by the strange spirit and held a different significance altogether.

Alan knew from experience that being unique was not often a good thing, no matter how people tried to spin it.

The first theory seemed the more plausible, although there was an obvious disparity between some of the classes.

[Survivor] was some sort of jack of all trades when it came to living together with others. A handyman, a cook, a trapper. Didn’t sound like a good life. It could also mean other things, but Alan wouldn’t be caught dead running around drinking his own piss when there was probably magic for literally everything out there.

[Rat Catcher] was a certain no. If he ever decided to hunt rats in remote villages he would do so with his badass skills and class, not by specializing in that. What was so special about rats anyway?

Next came the [Adept]. It sounded versatile and suitable to him and the bonuses were nice. It could probably lead to something way stronger like a magic knight or something. The thought of being a force of nature on the battlefield, donned in heavy armor, while casting fearsome spells, was attractive. Very attractive.

[Tricky Fighter] gave the most skills, apart from [Survivor]. The mind magic was probably mentioned due to Alan’s skill, which he had used to help him with close combat as it was a prevalent theme in all the descriptions. Still, [Tricky Fighter] seemed like it would be more focused and locked down to a certain theme, while an [Adept] could turn into anything with enough time and ingenuity. The 1 vitality per level was very tempting though.

[Warlock] came with promises of power, warnings, and even a taunt, and Alan felt like it was the most interesting out of all the classes, although it was also the most evil-sounding. The class wouldn’t change his character though, right? If he picked [Rat Catcher] he wouldn’t suddenly become obsessed with the art of catching rats… that would be insane.

The possibility of stealing vitality was absolutely something he wanted to get his hands on, no matter how evil it was. It was his biggest issue. He wasn’t keen on the idea of forming pacts and borrowing power as it sounded like it wouldn’t be much different than accepting the spirit’s offer. Still, that was only one of the paths.

There was a lot of information and quite a few attractive choices, but his new [One Mind, One Body] trait was the defining factor he had to consider. Picking a class that focuses on developing Will, Mind, and Magic, was a certain must. The 30% bonus to both Strength and Dexterity was a game changer, and the fact that he could replenish stamina with mana forced him to focus on growing those stats and his mana pool.

It was probably the reason he was offered [Initiate of the Order of the Broken]. The name was a mouthful but being a representative of an ancient order of what sounded like pretty badass monks was not a bad idea. Then again, did he want to be a monk? How much did the class matter to how he behaved or the choices he made?

There also seemed to be a lot of common ground between classes and his current plan was to reinforce his body as much as possible, while also learning more magic. Being a glass cannon mage was good and all, but Alan didn’t believe it was for him, and having [One Mind, One Body] only reinforced that.

He wanted to feel strong and alive, and he also doubted his ability to stay out of harm’s way. There was enough evidence and even a title that proved him incapable of taking care of his safety.

Alan went over his skills again. One protected his mind; one fried the mind of his target with varying degrees of success. [Efficient Basic Movement] and one was a movement skill that had been very useful at the start, and he hoped would finally begin to shine as he now had more than double the physical stats. [Mortal Peril] seemed like it could both suck or be extremely useful, but he would see what exactly it did before he judged it further. He was sure there would be plenty of opportunities.

Choosing a class in games was always one of those things that took him a long time. Not as much as the customization, which was honestly hell, but long enough to show that there was something seriously wrong with his decisiveness.

It almost felt easier now, when it was actually important.

He would have to disappoint Thorn again. It was really between [Adept], [Warlock], and [Initiate of the Order of the Broken].

[Adept] and [Warlock] could both offer what he wanted, and he knew which sounded more attractive to him. A certain part of him did consider [Warlock] to be the ‘evil’ choice, but did that matter? Surely not. If there were things such as [Torturer] or [Politician], then yes, he would consider those classes to be evil. But the magic was magic, and just like any tool or talent, all that matters is how it is used. Adept would give him the points needed to reach the new upper limit of his physical attributes too, combined with the title of [Slayer].

[Initiate of the Order of the Broken] was the riskier option in his opinion. The description was not helpful at all. What other skills did monks have apart from meditating and maybe fighting? Sure, they were magic monks, but he didn’t see himself learning to fight proficiently be it empty-handed or with a weapon in any short period of time, especially in the forest and especially against the horrific monsters that roamed it.

In his experience, you had to work to develop your skills.

With a deep breath, he made his choice. [Adept] was awesome, but not for him. Oh no.

I hope I won’t regret it.

Congratulations! You have become a [Warlock].

Alan felt as if his body disappeared, and all that mattered were the blue screens that came next.

You have learned a new skill: Shadow Slash

Shadow Slash

Slash with your weapon, sending a blade of shadows that travels a short distance before dissipating.

You have learned a new skill: Ritual: Enchanted Bones

Ritual: Enchanted Bones (Rare)

You change your bones, making them stronger and allowing you to store mana in them.

The skill [Mind Shield] has been replaced by the trait [Shadow Mind]

Shadow Mind (Rare)

A Warlock’s mind is not anyone’s playground. Your mind is protected against mental attacks by a passive shield that sends visions of terror to anyone and anything trying to harm you.


That was different. The skills did not align at all with his idea of what a [Warlock] was, although his knowledge from books and games was probably not applicable to an all-powerful System. He expected to get a ranged spell at the very least and instead, he got a flying shadow blade. Which was cool as fuck too.

[Ritual: Enchanted Bones] was also strange. A slew of information just appeared in Alan’s mind and he found himself frowning as he went over it. The skill required a ritual circle on a much smaller scale than what Ig-Thun had done, and some other outside components, and it was apparently very slow and painful.

Each separate bone would be enchanted in a grueling process that would shape and change them to become containers for mana. It would take a lot of time and resources to do so for each bone, but the end result would probably be worth it.

He didn’t know how to feel about the second skill. It was obviously good, but it didn’t sound like regular old magic. Then again, he picked the class, didn’t he?

Fuck it.

[Shadow Mind] was good, very good. He wouldn’t have to cast the [Mind Shield] every time it expired and worry about his head exploding. The skills he had access to, or could have picked, or Florence’s magic, were terrifying beyond belief. It was much better to throw fireballs or shadow blades than to invade people’s minds. Alan hadn’t enjoyed [Mind Jab] all that much. It was not flashy enough.

There was one last thing left to do.

Due to Title: Pioneer you can now advance one skill of your choice.

Another hard decision. He could advance [Synaptic Failure] and get something even stronger. The skill was fine as it was though, and it would only get better as he grew. It offered him a way to disable an opponent for a short time and either deal a killing blow or run away if he had to. Ruining that would be greedy, especially if it turned into something even more mana-draining. As he was his mana pool was nowhere near enough to support his expenditure, especially with the mana to stamina conversion from [One Mind, One Body] which he would certainly have to take advantage of.

[Efficient Basic Movement] was the obvious choice, as what he lacked was a good movement or defensive skill. It was regretful that [Mind Shield] changed when he picked [Warlock] but [Efficient Basic Movement] stayed the same. Couldn’t have it all at once. His new physical attributes could also contribute to his advancing the skill naturally as Davis had done in an extremely short amount of time.

But Davis seemed like a guy who paid a lot of attention to his physical health just like Ashlyn, and had probably developed a sense of mind-muscle connection Alan lacked, despite what his trait suggested. It was not something he earned himself, so there were probably many tiny qualities he had not developed by skipping the process of developing [One Mind, One Body] organically.

Advancing one of his new skills could also pose problems. He was not excited to perform [Enchanted Bones] at all. It was invasive and strange. Advancing it could make it more potent and give an additional effect, but it could also make it impossible to perform. The list of components needed for the current ritual was not very extensive and also quite flexible and he was pretty sure he could ask Ig-Thun for help.

[Shadow Slash] was also a great choice, as it was his only attacking skill at the moment. But that meant he would be using it a lot, and it had to stay cheap. He still didn’t know how much mana it would take to perform, but spamming it like he had done [Mind Jab] would be insanely good, if possible.

Was he overthinking this?

With a thought, he advanced [Efficient Basic Movement]. It was certain to give him at least some advantages, and he had no confidence in advancing it without help in a short time.

You have advanced [Efficient Basic Movement]

Multiple advancements are available, please choose one.

That’s what he was hoping for.

Efficient Advanced Movement (Rare)

You know your body and how to move it efficiently to a very high degree, minimizing the strain and energy needed to perform most physical actions. Your body’s movements consume much less energy and your sense of balance is improved.

Warlock’s Body Mastery (Rare)

A Warlock who had taken a step on the Path of Flesh and Bone knows every muscle fiber and drop of blood in their body, allowing them to slightly aid movement and the natural processes of the body by consuming mana and stamina.

You are now able to slightly strengthen specific muscles with mana for a few seconds. Builds fatigue.

You can aid digestion by redirecting your natural mana regen

You can slightly improve natural healing by consuming mana and stamina

Healing? The choice was pretty obvious. He wouldn’t even consider the two skills on the same level! Sure, [Efficient Basic Movement] could be active all the time, but it was a no-brainer to pick the class skill that offered him healing, good digestion, and a tool to boost his physical capabilities in a pinch.

With a thought, Alan made the final choice.


You have learned a new skill: Warlock’s Body Mastery (Rare)

Finally, he opened his eyes and was surprised to find that most of the hall was cleaned up of all the offerings that had been prepared for the ritual.

Was I gone a long time?

He stood up, and his joints cracked.

He felt good.

Really, really good.

And there was one last system message to check.



Alan Morgan








Pioneer; Madcap; Slayer; Friend of the Spirit World




33 (+5) (+13)


32 (+5) (+12)






49 (+9)




One Mind, One Body; Limited Vitality; Tongues of the four corners; Survivor’s will; Shadow Mind


Warlock’s Body Mastery; Synaptic Failure; Shadow Slash; Ritual: Enchanted Bones; Mortal Peril


Title: Pioneer

A title given to all intelligent beings that have been newly integrated. A new age is upon your people and you stand first in line.

Grants the option of choosing between a basic starting skill or a suitable starting skill without the requirement of a class at level 1.

Grants access to at least one basic combat class during class selection and you can advance one skill without meeting the requirements upon choosing your class.

Title: Slayer

You have done what few can do, killing an enemy more than twice your level before choosing a class, earning you the title of Slayer.

You are more resistant to effects causing fear.

+5 to Strength and Dexterity.

+10% to Will.


In a short period of time, you have experimented on yourself, jumped recklessly in danger’s way, participated in forbidden ancient rituals, and almost guaranteed your death to the best of your ability multiple times. Yet, despite being your worst enemy, be it due to blind luck or cunning, you still live.

+5 Mind

+10% Mind.

You have met so many times with death that you have developed a sense of when you are in mortal peril. You have been granted the skill [Mortal Peril]

Friend of the Spirit World

You have met a powerful being from the Spirit World and lived to cherish the memory. For better or for worse that experience has left it’s mark on you.

Spirits can sense the mark and will treat you accordingly.



Tongues of the four corners

You understand most widely spoken languages in the merged worlds.

Survivor’s will (Rare)

You persevere through hardship and pain, dancing between life and death and holding on only due to your strong will.

+10% to your Will attribute.

Mental attacks affect you less the closer you are to death.

It takes more to kill you than it would a regular human.

One Mind, One Body (Epic)

To pursue the perfection of one’s will and mind will also improve the flesh and blood. You have achieved a balance between your inner self and your physical self that few throughout history have come close to.

You cannot assign attribute points to your Strength and Dexterity.

Your Strength and Dexterity have a base cap of 25.

30% of your base Will attribute is applied to your Strength.

30% of your base Mind attribute is applied to your Dexterity.

You can replenish your stamina by consuming mana

Limited Vitality (Epic)

The effect of raising your Vitality is greatly lessened.

Your Vitality grows weaker with time. Straining your body will speed up this process. If Vitality reaches 0 you will die.

Shadow Mind (Rare)

Your mind is a fortress, giving you protection against mental attacks. The strength of the shield is determined by your Will attribute.

You can sent back a vision inducing fear to anyone who attacks your mind.


Warlock’s Body Mastery (Rare)

A Warlock who had taken a step on the Path of Flesh and Bone knows every muscle fiber and drop of blood in their body, allowing them to slightly aid movement and the natural processes of the body by consuming mana and stamina.

You are now able to slightly strengthen specific muscles with mana for a few seconds. Builds fatigue.

You can aid digestion by redirecting your natural mana regen

You can slightly improve natural healing by consuming mana and stamina

Synaptic Failure (Rare)

Cause temporary synaptic failure to your target, affecting motor skills, casting, and cognitive thought. Cannot be used in quick succession. Casting time depends on the Mind attribute. Effect on non-physical entities varies.

Shadow Slash

Slash with your weapon, sending a blade of shadows that travels a short distance before dissipating.

Ritual: Enchanted Bones (Rare)

You change your bones, making them stronger and allowing you to store mana in them.

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