The Founder of Qi Cultivation, Reincarnates?

Chapter 328 325- So You Finally Arrived



Li Shen walked forward meanwhile the blood from his conjured metal Sword Qi dripped onto the rocky ground.

If one looked at the blood one would see that it was dark black and was giving off a pungent smell of something extremely rotten.

Li Shen exited the fog and looked up at the rocky mountain in front of him with an expressionless face.

There was a large opening of a cave in the mountainside that could even be seen from down below. Along with the gloomy atmosphere and how the blood-red fog avoided the mountain at a hundred-meter radius, it truly made this place look like the lair of a main villain boss.

Mu Fan and Fei Yin soon exit the blood-red fog behind Li Shen, with Yang Su and Lihua appearing next with a depressed-looking Jun behind them.

From how Lihua and Yang Su were standing guard in front of Jun, it could be seen they were protecting him.

Jun looked at their backs and he sighed while lowering his head, evidently becoming even more depressed at his situation.

On their journey here, they faced a number of Undead beasts. What filled Jun with helplessness was how each of those beasts was emitting the dark miasma completely incapacitating him.

Jun clenched his fists.

‘Just what is that dark miasma? I don’t want to continue being a burden to everyone. If I could just find a way to be resistant to it, then I won’t be a dead weight.’

But as Jun thought that his shoulders slumped.

He tried numerous times to resist the dark miasma, but just a strand was enough to force him to his knees while his body was wracked with excruciating pain.

Jun suddenly stopped.

Lihua who was the first to realize his pause turned to look at him.

“What are you doing?”

Jun's fist clenched as he said.

“If this continues then I’ll just drag everyone down. You all should continue without me.”

“Junior disciple brother, don’t talk like that. We’re here to rescue Fang Chen, all of us together as a group. If one of us is missing then the group would be incomplete after we save Junior brother Chen.”

Yang Su said.

Jun bit his lip.

“But I led us into this trap using my ability. As soon as we entered, I lost the connection with brother Chen. The monsters we faced here were relatively weak as if the path had been clear of any obstacle for us, it’s as if someone wanted us to reach this place.”

Mu Fan and Fei Yin had stopped as well to listen to Jun, an uncertain atmosphere coming over the group.

Li Shen suddenly spoke up to break the brooding atmosphere.

“Even if this is a trap, so what? Whoever this person is he led us here using Fang Chen. No matter the danger or the tricks he pulled we have to still continue forward, as long as we stay together then we might have a chance. But if we separate then it might just be what he wants.”

Li Shen knew how risky it was to barge in here without a plan and not knowing what this person is capable of, but he truly had no time to strategize and form a plan.

But in situations like this, a plan might just complicate things. Sometimes not having a plan, or rather the only plan needed was believing in your own strength and the ones of those around you.

This was something Li Shen was starting to accept, and he would put it into action today. He saw everyone’s improvements so he believed in their ability.

“Let’s go.”

Li Shen said as he floated towards the large cave on the mountainside.

Jun watched as the others flew up and he hesitated, but it was only for a brief moment. His eyes flashed with a cold light.

After everything he went through to become stronger, he refused to have all of that be for nothing. If this was where he died then so be it, but he will never give up or stop trying to fight. Especially if it was to save a friend.

Jun’s white spear appeared in his hand before he unhesitatingly leaped into the air to follow the others towards the cave.

Yang Su seeing Jun recover so easily smiled.

He turned around and focused on flying towards the cave.

In a short moment, they all touch down at the entrance.

Mu Fan’s eyes twitched as he said.

“I just want to meet the fella who thought it was a good idea to mess with us. If I don’t lop off his head then my name isn’t Mu Fan.”

Mu Fan was evidently the one who was more expressive of his anger, but the others were just as angry as him.

Li Shen didn’t pause as he moved forwards.

‘Master, the cave is many times larger than before.’

Tai’s voice was heard in Li Shen’s head.

Li Shen used his Divine Will to thoroughly scan his surroundings but he didn’t find anything.

He frowned since up to his point, not once have they encountered a trap. In fact, reaching this point was simply too easy.

‘Tai, if the situation ever takes a turn for the worst, forcefully take the others out of the dimension and then inform my father.’


Tai’s voice was filled with worry when he heard Li Shen’s words.

‘Just do as I say Tai.’

Tai took a moment but he eventually responded.

‘Yes Master.’

As the conversation ended between Tai and Li Shen, the opening to the cave appeared.

‘Someone who knows about the God Council and about the cultivation of the Gods, I can’t guarantee everyone’s safety. But I truly want to know who this person is.’

Li Shen thought to himself as he was the first to step into the cavern.

The cavern was strangely large and it seemed like the entire mountain on the inside have been carved out to create this place.

Giant pillars were erected that seemed to stretch to the top of the mountain. Between these giant pillars was a tiled walkway that led to a throne-like altar at the end.

Immediately upon entering this place, everyone was taken aback by the scene. They didn’t expect such a place was going to be inside the mountain.

Everyone soon calmed down after their surprise, before they all turned to look ahead where the throne-like alter was. The figure of a young man could be seen sitting on the throne with his hand propping up his cheek casually.

As they got closer, Jun couldn’t help but call out.

“Brother Chen.”

The young man turned out to be the missing Fang Chen. However, something about him was giving them the feeling that this was no longer the Fang Chen they entered this dimension with.

His oddly pitch-black hair was perfectly straight as it naturally cascaded down his shoulders. The few strands that block his face slightly hid his completely blood-red eyes that were casually staring at them.

His demeanor looked relaxed but a terrifying feeling was constantly emanating from him. It seemed like he was trying to restrain it, but it still leaked out making the surroundings feel murky and bone-freezingly cold.

This person looked like Fang Chen with his face, but the feeling he gave off was anything like Fang Chen.

Everyone was expecting this, but seeing this situation, a multitude of emotions washed over them. Fang Chen had really been possessed, the only thing now was if he was truly gone.

But the longer they looked at this person was their friend Fang Chen but at the same time wasn’t, the more their hearts sunk to the pit of their stomachs.

They couldn’t sense even a strand of Fang Chen’s original Will. Nothing that hinted that he was somewhere in there fighting to regain back his body from whoever or whatever possessed him.

Upon Jun’s call, Mo Rong who seemed to have been in the same position ever since he spoke to Li Shen suddenly lifted his head from his hand.

“So you finally arrived, I was beginning to get bored young Godling.”

As Li Shen heard his voice he could immediately tell it was the same as the one who spoke to him before, but Li Shen’s eyes couldn’t help but widen slightly.

However, he quickly recovered, but that small reaction was not representative of the huge shock he was feeling in his heart.

Mo Rong was speaking to him spiritually so he hadn’t realized it then, but now as he spoke Li Shen was shocked.

That was because he wasn’t speaking the language of this Era, but the God Era. He was speaking God's Tongue.


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