The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 100

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Suizhou responded extremely quickly, when even skimming over to observe the injuries of the two.

Tang Fan and Du Guier also hurried past.

“How?” Tang Fan saw his face dignified, and his heart sank.

Suizhou shook his head, his fingers had just been withdrawn from Wei Shan’s nose, and a sword was shot in the back of the other party.

He went to see Lu Yan again, but found that although the other party was also seriously injured, and was injured twice, there was still a breath!

“Lu Yan!” Suizhou shouted his name.

Du Guier struggled to come over and handed a medicine bottle: “Brother Sui, give him a pill!”

Suizhou took the pill bottle, poured out the pills, broke Lu Yan’s chin, stuffed the medicine in, and raised his neck slightly, forcing him to swallow.

Tang Fan saw a deep knife in Lu Yan’s back, which was the injury he had before entering the hole, but he also had another knife in his chest, which was bleeding, which should have happened when they went to chase Meng Cun.

Du Guier asked Tang Fan to stop the bleeding with Jinchuang medicine first, and then stretched his hand to give Lu Yan a pulse, condensing his mind for a moment, and said, “Although he suffered a serious injury, he found it early, and it will be later at 1:30. If you do n’t have it, you ’ll be back to heaven. “

Hearing what she said, the two of Suizhou Tang Fan were slightly relieved.

Even though there has been a vague guess in their hearts, they are still eager to learn from Lu Yan’s mouth what happened.

Lu Yan swallowed the pill and soon spit out a large sip of black blood.

Du Guier touched his chest, but he was relieved: “His atrium is a little bit long, and that sword didn’t pierce the center mouth, so he took back his life.”

As if to echo her words, Lu Yan’s eyelids twitched a little, slowly opening a slit.

“Big Brother …” His voice was barely audible. Before Suizhou asked them, he took the initiative to say: “Yes, Izumoko …”

Sure enough, Izumoko!

Suizhou nodded: “We know, you should rest well, don’t talk.”

Lu Yan loosed his mind and fainted.

Tang Fan frowned tightly, they still miscalculated.

Izumoko’s origin is unknown, and the initiative to come home was originally the most suspicious, but Tang Fan and Wang Zhi, after their initial investigation, ruled out the suspicion of Izumoko himself.

Because his identity was too conspicuous in the first place, and his time in Datong was not so long in the second, and he did n’t have any secrets at all. The image of the Taoist priest did not show any flaws.

Later, when they uprooted the lines of Ding Rong and Golden Dispensers, things had come to an end.

However, Tang Fan was cautious and meticulous enough to still include Du Guier and Meng Cun in the scope of suspicion. The facts also proved that although Du Guier was innocent, Meng Cun was indeed one of the internal responses.

But they made a lot of mistakes and still missed an Izumoko.

I thought he was brought in by Meng Cun as a blind eye method. Who would have thought that this Taoist had problems?

But Izumo Zi has been pretending for so long, and even Meng Cun has been exposed, but he has not been exposed. Why did he suddenly choose to expose his identity for Weishan and Lu Yan who have nothing to do with the overall situation? After the matter came to an end, he followed Tang Fan back to the city, after the experience of suffering, wouldn’t he be more trustworthy?

Tang Fan regretted that he hadn’t thought about everything, but that self-blame is of no avail right now, the key is to find out Yunzi’s intention.

“It’s not your fault.” Suizhou seemed to feel what he was thinking and patted his arm lightly.

Tang Fan did his best, but the wise man has a lot of thoughts, and there will be a loss. This is something that cannot be done. If Bailianjiao is such a good enemy to deal with, it will not be like the burning wild grass again and again. Blow again.

Tang Fan felt a touch of warmth and raised a smile at the other party.

At this time the afterglow of his eyes flashed over Wei Shan’s body not far away, and his heart moved abruptly.

No, Izumoko exposed his identity, certainly not for them.

After he killed Wei Shan and Lu Yan, he did not go in to find himself and Suizhou, which shows that they were not the target of Izumoko.

The goal of Izumoko is …

Wang Zhi? !

“not good!”

Tang Fanteng got up.

When one link is figured out, all links are connected, and he understands the purpose of the other party!

He told Suizhou: “From the beginning, Bailian’s goal was not us, but Wang Zhi. So they had to lead us one by one, this cave is the best place. We thought it was safe to come here, We didn’t know that our departure caused Wang Zhi to fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness, and even later Meng Cun held Du Guier only to lead us away and solve us one by one, so that we couldn’t go out and help Wang Zhi out of trouble. “

Suizhou is very clear: “If they want to kill Wang Zhi, they don’t have to work so hard. The only possibility is that they want to live.”

Tang Fan: “Yes! Wang Zhi is the guardian **** of Datong and the emperor of the emperor. A living Wang Zhi is much more valuable to the Bailian Sect and the Tatars than the dead Wang Zhi, and Wang Zhi has more to Wang Yue. Knowing the grace of the encounter, if they threatened Wang Yue with Wang Zhi, Wang Yue would surely fall into a dilemma. Even if Wang was unmoved, Wang Zhi was in hand, not only could shake the military of Ming Army, but also let The court lost face, so they tried their best to lead Wang Zhi here in order to catch him alive. “

“But Wang Zhiwu’s martial arts are strong and there is a Wei Mao next to him. The other party will not be able to take them down in a while. Seeing the sky is about to dawn, Meng Cun said, after dawn, Tatar will attack the Datong in a big way. Anxious, I definitely want to catch Wang Zhi before dawn, so I have to expose my identity in advance and rush over to help. “

It must be more difficult to catch alive than to kill, because when the other party knows that you have no intention of killing yourself, it will definitely use various strategies to delay the time as much as possible. With Wang Zhi ’s ingenuity, he must have discovered this, so it is estimated Now the two sides are still stalemate, Wang Zhi can’t escape, and the people of Bailian religion can’t take him for the time being.

Suizhou said: “Then according to your opinion?”

Tang Fan said: “I’ll break the battle, you go to save people, try to help him delay time.”

Suizhou didn’t think about it: “No, there may be someone guarding the formation, I’m not at ease.”

Tang Fandao: “It shouldn’t be. You see that when we went to chase Mengcun before, there were only four people ambushing in the cave who wanted to kill us. After the White Lotus Sect passed the suppression by the government, the power was already great. In order to reduce, if not so, they do n’t have to rush to collude with the Tatars. Now, in order to capture Wang Zhi directly, they will inevitably come out of the nest, even if someone is on the line, it will not be too much. “

Du Guier also said: “Yes, Brother Sui, you’re going to save people, and I’m here, I brought a lot of things, if you want to accidentally hurt people, you can still do it, I went with Brother Tang That’s it! “

Time is so precious that no one can afford it. Suizhou ’s eyes swept over the two of them, slightly nodded, and said “take care”, then turned and left.

Tang Fan and Du Guier joined forces to hide Lu Yan behind the big rock in the corner, checked his injury, and gave him medicine again, and then confirmed that he was right before leaving.

It ’s not that they deliberately put Lu Yan in a dangerous situation, but now the manpower is limited, and they have to save people and break the formation. Tang Pan alone is alone. If there is someone guarding the formation, he alone is not Possibly hostile, Du Guier’s girl is tenacious and proficient in pharmacology. Even Meng Cun can fall down. It is really a big help. With her, Tang Fan can increase the odds.

Bai Lianjiao is now busy concentrating on dealing with Wang Zhi, even Izumoko does not hesitate to shoot, and it is estimated that there is no manpower to return to. In this case, Lu Yan is relatively safe.

The two left the cave and walked all the way to the left.

According to Tang Pan’s judgment, if he wants to exert the best results, the formation will certainly not be too far from Weining Haizi, and may even be in the foothills. In order to hide people’s eyes and ears, Li Zilong will inevitably use the surrounding environment as a cover.

“Can you persist?” Tang Fan asked Du Guier.

Du Guier gritted his teeth and said: “Can!”

Although the knife in her shoulder had stopped bleeding, after all, the wound was still there. No matter how good the medicine was, it was impossible to heal the wound immediately. It was pulled by Meng Cun and ran all the way. There is still a shallow neck. The blade of the knife was scarred all over the body, but the girl insisted on it and made Tang Fan admire it.

It was a thrilling night, but it has been less than two hours since they encountered the Yin soldiers and now the sky has not really lighted up. The foggy outside is only slightly exposed, which is the most difficult thing before dawn. For a while.

The rain stopped, but the sandstorm still continued. As soon as I went out of the cave, I could hear the wind whispering in my ears and feel the rolling dust.

Having said that, Wang Zhi was able to stay in this environment for one night, and was still trapped in battle. Even if the other party didn’t kill him, he was very patient.

“Brother Tang, this dark black, where are we going to find?” Du Guier could not help but whispered.

“Do you feel the direction of this sandstorm?” Tang Fandao said.

Du Guier only felt that her face was sore and sore, and she quickly pulled the outer skirt that had just been taken off from a corpse back on her head and shook her head: “No.”

Tang Fandao said: “The formation method can only be guided by the situation, it is impossible to generate wind on a flat ground. The sandstorm seems to be irregular, but the further we go, the greater the wind and sand.”

Du Guier followed Tang Fan for a while, and found that it was really like this. He couldn’t help saying: “That is to say, this direction is right? Then, if we go on, can we find the stone formation?”

“Surely it should be!” To prevent her a slender woman from being blown away or scattered by the wind, Tang Fan held her arm tightly with one hand.

The two went one after the other and struggled in the wind and sand.

Compared with Tang Fan ’s dangerous night, Wang Zhi was obviously not much better.

At this time, he was standing in the wild sand, back to back with Wei Mao, supporting his figure with a knife, both of them had large and small wounds, different shades, and the outer robe was stained with blood .

There are ghosts around the two, and tens of thousands of Yin soldiers surround them in a battle that has been repeated for hundreds of years. In this violent fighting, there is a breath of living people, as long as Wang Zhi and Wei Mao His mind is slightly slack, and those Bailians who are hidden in the Yin soldiers will seize the opportunity to attack.

At first, Wei Mao protected Wang Zhi, but later, after discovering the other party’s intention to capture himself, it turned into Wang Zhi protecting Wei Mao.

The two of them relied on their strong martial arts and perseverance to support most of the night.

However, even if they were able, they were only mortals, not gods. After killing several Bailian followers, the other party was obviously in a hurry and the offensive continued to increase.

If you change the daytime, Wang Zhi may not be afraid, but now the enemy is secret, and the other party hides from his familiarity with the environment and moves while taking advantage of the situation.

This is a dead end.

If he was captured by the other party and used to threaten Wang Yue or to embarrass the court, Wang Zhi felt that it would be better to die directly or kill himself.

It was not because of his deep affection for Wang Yue, or the awe-inspiring of what he held for the Bao Bao Festival, but because of Wang Zhi’s pride, he could not bear the humiliation.

But right now, the situation they are facing is very bad. If it goes on like this, even if it is dawn, the sandstorm stops and the formation disappears. With Wang Zhi and Wei Mao alone, it is difficult to repel so many people.

“Wang Gong, his subordinates are afraid that they can’t hold it anymore … When the subordinates rush up to help you resist, can you take the trouble to see if you can kill them?” Wei Mao gasped behind him.

“What nonsense! Without you, Lao Tzu can rush out alone! Don’t think that you can save others by sacrificing yourself, and leave your cheap life to your father!” Wang Zhi yelled.

Wei Mao smiled bleakly, and his disappointed face was full of despair.

If not for nowhere, who would take a life?

However, under the circumstances that perhaps only one person could survive, Wei Mao could not choose to live on his own. It is natural to say that he could be brought here from Beijing by Wang Zhi, and loyalty is undoubtedly natural, and if Wang Zhi died in the end, Instead he is alive, even if he can go back, he will not have any good fruit to eat.

“Wang Gong, instead of both of you here, it is better to have a fight with your subordinates. If there is a case with my subordinates, my family will also ask Wang Gong to take care of one or two …”

“Take care of a fart!” Wang Zhi interrupted him, “You take care of your family, I am not interested in managing them! You are nonsense, I am tired of listening! You think you are dead, I can escape, don’t I have a dream, but now the odds of the two of them are bigger! If you dare to make your own claims, I must copy your home when I go back! “

“Wang Gong …” Wei Mao burst into tears, holding the knife handle tightly in his hand.

“Don’t grind like girls, kill!”

In the sandstorm, there is no sky, ghosts screaming endlessly, a test of human willpower, Wang Zhi and Wei Mao, although hard-hearted as iron, can not pretend that the ears are deaf, over time, it is inevitable that they will be affected when they are shot This is exactly in the enemy’s arms.

The two cooperated seamlessly, attacking and defending, and then retreated a wave of attacks. By the way, the enemy was resolved, but Wang Zhi was also hung up, and he was cut on the shoulder.

“Isn’t Tang Runqing’s tortoise and grandson the most ghost idea on weekdays? What time is it now, why haven’t we seen a figure yet, and where are we going to die?” Wang Gonggong scolded people smoothly. From Bailian to Tang Fan, there was no exception. He also knows that Tang Fan is likely to be self-sufficient now, but this does not prevent him from being addicted.

Wei Mao smiled bitterly, knowing that his factory father was also refreshing by cursing people.

However, at this moment, his ears moved, and he couldn’t help saying: “Wang Gong, listen, is there a rescue team?”

Wang Zhi stopped and scolded.

He also noticed that the people who originally surrounded them seemed to be less, the offensive slowed down, and the pressure on the two of them suddenly dropped.

In the wind and sand, the sound of swords, guns and swords sounded faintly, the movement was more vivid, and it could be distinguished from the yin soldiers lingering in the ears.

Did someone really come to save them?

Wang Zhi couldn’t wait to think about it, and immediately said: “Take advantage of the opportunity to kill a few more, go!”

The two flew out and flew out to kill the other.

The people of Bailian did not seem to think that Wang Zhi and others who had already become turtles in the urn actually had a lot of effort. Coupled with the sudden attack from the outside, the situation was a bit chaotic.

Wang Zhi and Wei Mao carried countless embroidered spring knives and exploded a force they had previously held. They immediately cut the two Bailian believers under the knife. Of course, they did not give up. At a price.

Two new injuries were added to their bodies, and they knew in their hearts that this impulse could not last long, and they fell into anger, and then died out. If the situation continued, the anger would soon dissipate.

Taking advantage of the chance of the enemy’s position being slightly chaotic, Wang Zhi and the people who came to help him met.

Upon seeing him, Wang Zhi was dumbfounded: “Why are you the only one!”

Suizhou was busy resisting the three people who had hit the front, with one enemy against three, but it did not fall.

“Who else do you think?” He didn’t look back.

“Your two Jinyiwei!”

Wang Zhi waved his sword against the oncoming sword wind, and turned back to catch the coming person. That Bailian believer was also alert. He hurried to retreat, but he was still slower. The shoulder was directly clamped by Wang Zhi’s five fingers like iron claws. Involuntarily used by Wang Zhi as a shield, it was at this time that another white lotus priest waved Emei’s water-spike to Wang Zhi, and the silhouette in front of him flashed, but a pair of weapons were plunged into the body of his companion. .

The companion made a scream, and the White Lotus could not help but stun for a moment, even if Wei Mao cut the throat with a knife, he was killed instantly.

“One is dead, the other can’t move.” Suizhou said coldly.

Wang Zhi was stunned. He thought he was a rescuer. Who knows that there is only one person in Suizhou.

Even if the opponent’s skill is not inferior to one’s own hands, but the double fists are hard to beat, the one can do what, and how long can one delay?

“Then Tang Runqing!” He was still a little unwilling.

Even if Tang Fan does not know how to do martial arts, there are only others who can protect him. But no one will think that he is a cumbersome burden, because his cautiousness and resourcefulness have become enough to rely on.

It can be said that the reason why Wang Zhi had been able to support them for so long was not that Tang Fan would find a way to help them out of trouble. With hope, nature will be motivated.

However, now that only Suizhou was discovered, not only Wei Mao, but Wang Zhi felt a little desperate.

In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Jiao did not leave Meng and Meng did not defocus. If Tang Pan had something wrong, how could Suizhou appear here alone?

Who knows Suizhou’s next sentence is: “He went to find a way to break through.”

Wang Zhi was overjoyed and rekindled a glimmer of hope: “Can I find it?”

Suizhou did not answer.

He really couldn’t answer this question. I’m afraid even Tang Fan couldn’t answer it.

If you can find it, there is still a ray of life, if you can’t find it, then everyone has only a dead end.

Suizhou also realized that Wang Zhi and his wife are both at the end of the crossbow. If they do not know the answer, it is estimated that their disappointment will be greater, so they changed the topic: “Did you see Izumoko?”

Wang Zhi suspiciously: “No, what’s wrong with him?”

Suizhou Shen said: “He killed Wei Shan, Runqing suspected that he was Li Zilong.”

Wang Zhi was shocked and angry: “Does this really mean?”

Suizhou hummed.

Wang Zhi didn’t know how Tang Fan got this judgment, but as long as he said it from Tang Fan’s mouth, he subconsciously already had seven points to believe.

At the beginning, he also felt that the timing of Izumoko’s appearance was too coincident, so he placed him next to him for surveillance, but later on, Ding Rong happened one after another, and Izumoko had no suspicious motives and conditions. They were removed from the list.

Unexpectedly, in a circle, Izuko is not only one of the thieves, but his identity is even more shocking than Ding Rongmeng and others.

Indeed, who would have imagined that the monster that resembled a hundred-footed worm, died but not stiff, and dared to appear in front of them after escaping from the capital city? Who would have thought that he would run here as the national teacher of King Tatar and Qu Zun personally arranged everything? Who would associate Izumoko with Li Zilong?

As long as Wang Zhi thought that there were so many white lotus believers around him, but he didn’t even realize it, there was a kind of anger that was played from the bottom of his heart.

“Li Zilong, your tortoise grandson, get out for Lao Tzu. Didn’t you lay an egg when your mother gave birth to you, so that you will only hide your head all day long? Just like a lady, you will only let your men charge. Do you hide and watch the excitement, or are you originally a man in disguise? It seems that your men are really getting into their heads, and they will even listen to the order of a demon who is indiscriminate between men and women! Come in front of Grandpa, take off your clothes, and let those who teach you to see if you are a man or a woman! “

Although they couldn’t see clearly by themselves, this voice was transmitted with internal force, and the enemy’s people must have heard it clearly.

Wang Gonggong’s insults are not terribly powerful. It is estimated that even this deadly insult will be even alive, let alone the self-proclaimed extraordinary Li Zilong.

After a while, a murky voice came from the wind and sand, and listening carefully was somewhat similar to that of Izuko.

“Wang Zhi, now you can only play tricks on your lips, don’t say I didn’t give you a way of life, as long as you are willing to surrender, I can plead with Dayan Khan and spare you a life!”

Wang Zhi laughed: “Li Daochang, Li Li, or Grandma Li? How will my father call you? You’ve given a precise word!”

He knew that the people of Bailian could not kill him at all, otherwise it would not take so long, so he became more and more fearless.

As soon as Wang Zhi’s words were spoken, Suizhou they felt that the other party’s offensive was more severe.

At the same time, Li Zilong’s voice sounded again: “I will never know until I die!”

Suizhou narrowed its eyes and pulled up suddenly. The toes stepped on Wang Zhi’s shoulders to take advantage of it, and directly lifted and flew towards some place in front.

Wang Zhileng couldn’t help but was stepped on the wound by him, and the curse suddenly shifted the target: “Sui Guangchuan, are you dumb, won’t you say it before stepping on?”

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