The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 104

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

In fact, if you think about this kind of words, you can find the flaws.

However, Tang Fan, who had always seen Weizhi, didn’t realize it at the moment, and only Suizhou said what he said.

He looked at Suizhou with a rare gentle look, somehow, he was supposed to feel relaxed, but he was not happy at all, and could only say dryly, “Then, that is really congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Suizhou patted him on the shoulder. “She is also familiar with you, and you are sympathetic to me, so even after we get married, you can continue to live here without rushing out.”

This sentence seems to remind Tang Fan deliberately.

He said that Tang Fan only realized that after Suizhou became a relative, he must also have his own family and have his own life. No matter how good he is with Suizhou, he is also an outsider after all. Tang Fan is not without his own. Home, how can you be so cheeky?

Suizhou said again: “After I am married, you can continue to eat here. Although my cousin doesn’t touch the spring water with her fingers, she will bring the fire to her. Even if I am not in the house, someone will cook.”

When Master Tang heard it, his mood was even lower.

Suizhou looked like he was stunned. It looked like a dog with its tail drenched in the rain. He said strangely: “Don’t you have to let my sister help me see you before? Hear that I’m going to get married Not happy? “

Tang Fan smiled absently: “How can I just feel a little too sudden.”

The calm voice of the other party floated into his ears, but it added a bit of illusion: “Run Qing, the messy words I said earlier, you should be overwhelmed, don’t worry about it, from now on, we will still be brothers brothers.”

Master Tang hummed twice, barely speaking with a smile: “I haven’t forgotten what you said before.”

Suizhou gave him a deep look: “That’s good.”

After dinner, Tang Pan excuses to go to the next door to give his nephew homework, and then he comes out from there. In fact, he leaves the Sui family, but instead of walking next door, he turns to another direction.

Uncontrollably echoed in his mind was the phrase “Heart is happy, but the heart is the same”, and he cluttered into a mess, and unconsciously walked to a house.

Tang Fan raised his hand and patted the door a few times. After a while, the door was opened.

It was Wei Mao who opened the door.

The other party was a little surprised: “Yo, isn’t this Master Tang?”

Tang Fan asked: “Wang Gong is here?”

Wei Mao said: “Here! His old man does not have to be on duty in the palace today, it is just resting here, please come in!”

After Wang Zhi returned to the palace, he naturally had to spare no effort to operate, and re-established his forces that were squeezed out. The emperor had better say that when he looked at Wang Zhi, he remembered that Xichang had been neglected. He felt ashamed and gave a house outside the palace to Wang Zhi, allowing him to be unworthy. You can live out of the palace.

Although he made great efforts in Bianguan, Grand Duke Wang in everyone’s eyes now is like a tiger without claws. Everyone can be bullied. During this time Wang Zhi was busy dealing with these things, the counterattack counterattack, the forbearance of forbearance, the autumn after the autumn.

However, compared with the time when he was in charge of the West Factory, Grandpa Wang has also apparently learned to hide his glory. Although this house was given by the emperor, it looks insignificant in appearance and is not much different from the surrounding residential houses. At first glance, you will find there are no holes in it.

When Tang Fan came, Wang Zhizheng was about to fall asleep. Hearing him come to the door, he had to put on his outer clothes and came out to meet him.

“Why do you have anything to do in the middle of the night?”

A good night’s sleep was disturbed, of course his tone would not be better.

Which visitor will come to visit in the middle of the night?

Tang Fan was stunned: “I just finished dinner, why did you fall asleep?”

Wang Zhi didn’t get angry: “That’s natural. When you enjoy the blessing in the palace during the day! What’s the matter, hurry up, Wei Mao, don’t have tea, he will leave after he finishes talking!”

Tang Fan: “…”

Wei Mao reluctantly smiled at Tang Fan, which meant that Wang Gong had a bad temper. You have to be more forgiving, and finally go out to make tea.

Tang Fan sighed.

Wang Zhi had never seen such a melancholy look, but he was stunned.

Is this … really something?

“Why, who did you offend and you will be impeached again?”

Tang Fan sighed again.

Wang Zhi: “…”

Tang Fan: “Do you have any wine?”

Wang Zhi was baffled: “You came to my house in the middle of the night to drink?”

Tang Fan: “One drunk solves all worries.”

Wang Zhi: “… Whether you say anything, don’t say I let Wei Mao drop off.”

Tang Fan sighed deeply for the third time tonight: “I have encountered a problem, I don’t know what to do.”

Wang Zhi raised his eyebrows: “Is there a problem you can’t solve in this world?”

He was intrigued by Tang Fan’s words.

Coincidentally, the people of Wang’s house brought tea, and Wang Zhi said: “Come to wine.”

After three rounds of drinking, Tang Fan was a bit addicted. He wanted to pour wine and drink. He was knocked on the back of his hand by Wang Zhiyi and immediately turned red.

“Let’s talk about your problem quickly.” Father Wang said displeasedly.

Master Tang is a little wronged: “Why are you so stingy that you won’t even drink your house wine for me!”

Wang Zhi: “…” It hasn’t been three cups before, how come I’m drunk?

Fortunately, Tang Fan did not have the idea of ​​appeasing his appetite, he just brewed in his heart again and again, only to find a way of euphemism.

“Someone expressed my admiration for me.”

“Oh.” Wang Zhi’s interest suddenly lost half, and his courage had nothing to do with North Korea.

Tang Fan couldn’t care whether Wang Gonggong liked it or not. He said to himself: “I rejected him. He is now married, but I feel it, but I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.”

Wang Zhi pointedly pointed out: “Then prove that you like her too. Since the two love each other, go to the parents of the other party. You are now a fourth-grade official, you have no family, and you do n’t look shameful. The parents of the other party will not object , OK, just like that, butler, drop off! “

Tang Fan: “…”

Can you be more compassionate?

Tang Fan: “I can’t be with him.”

Wang Zhi raised an eyebrow: “Why is this, the other party is a married woman?”

Tang Fan shook his head.

Wang Zhi: “The other party is from the blue house?”

Tang Fan shook his head.

Wang Zhi: “Do you have a hidden illness? Can’t personnel?”

Tang Fan: “…”

Wang Zhi: “… I guessed it?”

Tang Fan shook his head violently.

Wang Zhi: “Don’t say I beat people again.”

Master Tang Zhiwuwu: “He, he is a man.”

Wang Zhi looked at him, frowning slowly.

Tang Fan avoided his eyes and filled himself with a few more glasses of wine. The hot wine on weekdays was unexpectedly refreshing. The stomach burned straight to the throat, and even the whole face was peachy. red.

Wang Zhi looked weird and suddenly said: “Isn’t it Sui Guangchuan?”

Tang Fan choked violently, and even burst into tears.

Wang Zhi’s expression was unpredictable.

He expressed neither contempt nor surprise.

This is not Wang Gonggong’s insightful knowledge, advanced thinking, because of the prevalence of male style in the Ming Dynasty, officials are explicitly forbidden □□, there are countermeasures under the policy, everyone thinks not to let women accompany, men can always?

As a result, although the ordinary blue buildings still exist, they all followed the trend to do more business, and the Nanfeng Pavilion also became popular, especially in the southeast area, which is even more popular.

It is not common for a man to express his admiration for another man, although it is not common in the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Zhihe tweeted: “I have long felt that the kid has a bad heart for you. I dare to wait here. Since you are also interested, why don’t you agree?”

Tang Fan frowned faintly and drunkly: “I want to continue the Tang family incense, he can not marry his wife and have children, but in my heart, life and life, two people, two love each other, should not let each other down, why bother Others, it is better to simply, simply … can you understand? “

Wang Zhi: “No.”

Tang Fan: “…”

Wang Zhi: “You told me to continue the incense?”

Tang Fan: “…”

He suddenly remembered the identity of the other party.

As an eunuch, Wang Zhi is not unable to continue the incense. The most common way is to adopt. Many eunuchs do this. Those with relatives will adopt the children of the relatives, and those without relatives will choose separately.

Ordinary people are not proud of being able to produce a father-in-law in their families, but they are honourable, because it means that the family will also become rich.

But in the face of the **** himself, he said that the continuation of incense … cough, really offended people.

Tang Fan opened his eyes wide and looked at him innocently.

Wang Zhi sneer: “You Piyang to say so, I hit you, and then you throw in front of him, maybe he is not a distressed married.”

Master Tang’s mouth was flat and he didn’t speak.

After being drunk, his behavior was obviously much more childish than when he was awake.

How do you think it’s a superb style when you know how to do everything wisely? Now it’s so tempting to draw twice on his face?

In order not to find fault in Suizhou in the future, Wang Zhi had to endure this urge and called Wei Mao.

“Go, call Sui Guangchuan and let him quickly bring people back.”

Wei Mao promised, and then returned in a hurry, followed by Suizhou.

Wang Zhi raised his eyebrows.

Wei Mao stepped forward and whispered: “The next one went out and bumped into him outside. I don’t know how long he stood.”

Wang Zhi chuckled: “Since it’s so tense, why bother growing outside the branch!”

Since Suizhou came in, his eyes have been on drunk Tang Fan.

The latter has not noticed the arrival of Suizhou, and is staring at the empty glass in a daze.

Suizhou divided the two-pointed mind and answered Wang Gonggong’s question: “If he is not allowed to realize that he cannot be lost, he will always choose to escape.”

Wang Zhi: “Why bother so much as I said, as a parent-child, everything is the same as usual, whatever you love, is there anyone who can’t hinder you!”

Suizhou shook his head: “Since I can’t tolerate someone around him, naturally I won’t let him bear it.”

Wang Zhi tweeted the two meanings of “difficult to understand” and “too lazy to talk nonsense with you”.

“Okay, just take the people back, don’t disturb me to sleep, it’s a broken thing, I’m going to the palace tomorrow morning, walk around!”

There was no need for the host to wave to catch up with others, and Suizhou soon left with others.

Tang Fan is a glutton, but that does not mean that his wine is also very good.

A few glasses of burning knife put him down, and at the end, his mind was completely exposed to others, so that someone could see it clearly.

Until he was turned back, he was still in a trance.

“… Guangchuan?” Tang Fan asked with some uncertainty on his back.

Suizhou: “Well.”

Tang Fan was at a loss: “Why are you here, am I not at Wang Zhi’s house?”

Suizhou: “You are drunk, I will take you home.”

Tang Fan uttered aloud: “Aren’t you married?”

Suizhou: “…”

I don’t know if the other party answered, or what they answered. Master Tang couldn’t help but fell asleep and fell asleep.

After waking up the next day, Tang Pan had a headache, and was at a loss for what happened last night. It was impossible to say that he had completely forgotten it. There must be some vague impressions. It was just that he said something specifically, did he say the wrong thing, But I do n’t remember so clearly.

He wanted to ask Suizhou. He felt embarrassed and he was embarrassed. He wanted to find Wang Zhi, but the other party was a busy person. It was impossible to stay in the house outside the palace every day.

In desperation, Tang Fan had to act silly.

However, some people did not see him fooling over, and after a few days, Tang Yu found him.

“I had a chance to ask Guangchuan before. He said that he already had a favorite, so that I didn’t have to help him.”

Tang Fan froze for a moment, then remembered that he said he wanted to marry the cousin of the Qiao family, but also remembered that after the drunk that night, the other party seemed to have said something unfamiliar. !

He inadvertently asked, “Who is his intended person, why don’t I know?”

Tang Yu sighed and did not answer the question. Instead, he said: “Maomao, you tell your sister honestly, do you not want to be married now?”

Tang Fan saw her questioning seriously, and solemnly replied: “Yes, I am running south and north, and occasionally still in danger. It is not good for people to marry me and let them be scared every day.”

In this way, wouldn’t those border guards not have to marry their wives and have children all their lives?

Tang Yu glanced at him, knowing that this was an excuse, but did not dismantle him. Since she had talked with Governor Sui, some thoughts in her heart have been quietly changed.

In any case, the Tang family has left their sisters and brothers to live together. The father and mother died prematurely, and the elder sister is like a mother. Although Tang Yu is willing to see Tang Fancheng’s own son and daughter, he does not want his brother to be unhappy.

Seeing that he is ignorant now, I’m afraid he still can’t understand what he thinks. Tang Yu has experienced He Lin’s things and is never willing to watch his brother repeat his mistakes in the future.

Husbands and wives, husbands and wives are just husbands and wives, so they cannot always be kind, but they will make the younger brother a grudge against his wife in the future, right?

Naturally, Tang Fan should like it.

Tang Yu has already thought about it. He lives for a lifetime, and the picture is just a happy one. If he can do what he wants, why would he force the shackles on his body?

Don’t do anything you don’t want to do, and she can’t force Tang Fan to do things she doesn’t want.

After a long moment of contemplation, Tang Yu mentioned another thing: “Maomao, in your opinion, is it possible to change Qilang’s surname to Tang?”

Tang Fan frowned, “Sister, did you take Qilang’s angry words seriously?”

Tang Yu shook his head: “I just think that the He family will not be worse than their grandchildren. After this round of door-to-door troubles, He Lin is so arrogant that he may propose and leave, and then we can take advantage of it. This condition is gone. “

Tang Fan smiled bitterly: “You think it’s too simple. Qilang is now the link that keeps the Tang and He families. If he changes his surname to Tang, it means that we have completely severed the relationship with the He family. Such a stupid thing. “

When it comes to this kind of thing, Master Tang’s mind is ready to use immediately.

Listening to him saying this, Tang Yu was also worried about his eyebrows: “How is that good?”

Tang Fandao said: “Sister, Qilang is still young, just talk about it. Do you really want him to change the court? This is not a joke. In the future, Qilang will grow up. I’m afraid I will blame you. “

Tang Yu said: “I have talked to Qilang before. He is not too young now. Many things don’t have to hide from him anymore. He has already told me that he really wants to change his surname, and he doesn’t want to go back to He’s.”

In fact, the reason why Tang Yu wanted to completely clear his relationship with the He family is that there is still one layer of concern. Now that the two sons of Mr. He are in office, if something happens, they rely on their relationship with the Tang family to come to the door. For his own nephew, Tang Fan will not refuse, but Tang Yu does not want to cause trouble to his brother.

Tang Fan looked dignified: “What the **** did he think? Although He Er did a lot of things wrong, but his blood relationship and reputation were all right. He was ultimately the father of Qilang. If Qilang doesn’t recognize his father, wherever he goes It makes no sense, and it will be criticized in the future. “

Tang Yu shook his head: “He didn’t deny his father, he just didn’t want to be involved with the He family. When you didn’t come, he was in the He family school, and he was harassed and bullied by Zhen Ri. He did n’t dare to tell me that he was bullied so badly, I still knew that one day he found a scar on his body. “

Tang Fan was furious: “There are such things, why didn’t you tell me long ago, when I was at the He family, I should return them together!”

Tang Yu smiled: “What can you do? Those are children similar to Qilang. Can you not fight back? Wouldn’t it be a big bully? In the final analysis, Qilang was too weak at first. The **** didn’t protect him. “

Tang Fandao: “Even if you were inconvenient at that time, the brother-in-law did not care, did He’s family all die, and did He also care?”

Tang Yu was silent for a while: “Qilang said that there were He San’s sons in the bully, so He only opened his eyes and closed his eyes.”

If he is bullied so badly, Mr. He will come forward naturally, but this is just a small play between the children. He San, who is also the youngest son of Mr. He, will definitely be biased.

Although Tang Fan knew that He Cheng was not bullied a lot when he was at the family, he did not expect that this thing left such a deep impression on him that he would not want to return to the family.

Now think about it. At first, my father ’s inaction, hesitantly spent his life, complained about his mother, was excluded by his classmates, including his cousins, affected by his elders, and he was not friendly to He Cheng. White hurts.

These are all scars printed on He Cheng’s heart, and they can’t be erased anymore. Without Tang Pan’s cross-cutting hands, it’s hard to guarantee that he will grow up and be another greeting.

Thinking of this, Tang Fan’s impression of the He family was a little worse.

“Actually, if you want to completely sever ties with the He family, you don’t have no chance,” he said.

Facing Tang Yu’s inquiring look, Tang Fan smiled a little: “I heard a news that it is said that Enke will be opened this year.”

During major celebrations, such as the emperor or the empress dowager, the prince is born, etc., in addition to pardoning the world, the emperor may also choose to open Enke to express the common celebration.

For those who are still studying on the imperial examination roads all over the world, Kai Enke is of course a big happy event, which means that they have another chance to take an exam, and they have one more chance to be named in the gold list.

Seeing that Tang Yu hadn’t understood what he meant, Tang Fan then said: “He Er is not looking forward to being an official, as long as he can pass the exam, he has the qualification to be an official. Although there are many monks and few monks, I may not be able to help him win The position in Jingcheng, but if you want to go outside, it will be no problem. At that time, it will be used as a condition to force him to let go of your mother and son. If he is willing to leave, he ca n’t say anything. ”

Tang Yu: “What about Nachiro?”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “This is also easy to handle. Before leaving, you and the two of you will first enter into the redundant document and let He Er enter the family of Tang. Then Qilang can change his surname to Tang, and then leave and leave. After you leave and leave, Qilang Since it is the Tang family, there is of course no need to return to the He family. “

Tang Yu was dumbfounded: “Well, is this okay ?!”

Tang Fanchao’s own sister showed a sly smile: “Daming Law does not stipulate that this will not work.”

Tang Yu was speechless.

Based on her brother’s cleverness, if she is willing to use one point to find a wife, it is estimated that everyone in the capital of Beijing is crying and crying to marry into the Tang family gate, right?

But having said that, even if Tang Fan didn’t care about it, wouldn’t it also attract a bunch of peach blossoms?

Thinking of what Suizhou said to himself before, Tang Yu couldn’t help but secretly wipe the sweat.

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