The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 108

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Xie Qian and Tang Fan went forward to salute. The prince didn’t wait for them to bend down, and quickly stepped forward to help each other: “The two masters don’t ask too much! Master Xie is also true. Master Tang is suffering afterwards! “

In this officialdom, the most important thing is fake courtesy. Tang Fan has also seen countless “fake courtesy” people. He clearly wants you to bend down. He also posed as a Corporal Lixian.

What is true and what is false may not be noticed by the other party, but bystanders are clear.

But in Tang Fan’s eyes, after a few years, the little prince did not seem to have changed at all.

Suffering turned into years, but only the calmness remained in his heart.

Otherwise, how can we let people like Wynn die?

Despite the prince’s stopping, Tang Fan still bent down obstinately, seeing him in court.

“Hey, Master Tang!” The prince couldn’t stop him, so he grabbed his arm and bent down with him. This scene looked a little funny.

Xie Qian smiled and said: “Since the people have been brought, the minister can also retire.”

The prince said: “Master Xie, please come in and serve tea, so sit back and go anyway.”

Xie Qianwan refused: “The minister still has errands in the Hanlin Academy, and it is not appropriate to stay for a long time, let alone His Highness’s homework should not be delayed too much.”

The prince had no choice but to say: “Then I will send Master Xie.”

Xie Qian hurriedly said: “Your Highness stays!”

He resolutely refused to let the prince send him, and the prince had to let his inner attendant send him out, and waited for the two to go away, and then said to Tang Fan helplessly: “Master Xie is too careful.”

Tang Fan smiled: “Be careful not to make a big mistake. He is careful, but he is actually thinking about His Royal Highness.”

The prince also smiled and took Tang Fan’s hand into the hall together: “I know, Master Tang, I heard that my father ordered you to be the lecturer of the East Palace, I am really happy!”

Tang Fandao said: “Your Highness is worried, and you have missed it for a few years. Your minister also misses His Highness very much. Now that you see His health and good health, he is relieved.”

The prince tilted his head: “How can I hear that Master Tang seems reluctant to take up this position?”

There was no blame in his tone, but only a small grievance, as if to say that we had a good relationship at first, why didn’t you wait to see me?

Tang Fan did not conceal: “His Royal Highness misunderstood, because the person who recommended the minister this time was Peng Hua, and the minister had no contact with him, so he was suspicious and worried that those who are interested will use me to the detriment of His Highness.”

The Prince was relieved: “Master Tang doesn’t have to worry, you are just giving lectures here, there is nothing else to do, there will be no trouble.”

Tang Fandao: “Dare to ask Master Zhou what book he told His Highness last time and where did he talk?”

Prince Edward said: “Master Zhou is talking about” Zi Zhi Tong Jian “, which happened to be Wu De seven years ago. Lin Zan read, I remember correctly?”

The young official of the Chans Palace next to him chuckled: “It is Wude’s seven years.”

Since Sima Guang wrote “Zi Zhi Tong Jian”, it has been a must-read book for future emperors. The status of this book is evident.

Even though Shi Ji is a pioneer of historians, the age is too long after all. For the Ming Dynasty, the Tang and Song Dynasties were naturally more instructive. Therefore, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, “Tong Jian” has become a key textbook for princes of all dynasties.

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows: “In the seven years of Wu De, Zhang Jinshu killed Gao Kaidao and lowered Tang, or was Tang Lu more than fifty-three new than the old system of Kai Huang?”

Although those who can enter the Hanlin Academy and be selected for Shu Ji Shi are definitely well-educated, but those who can read a certain volume in the “Zi Zhi Tong Jian” without turning the book like Tang Fan, after all, they are still few.

The prince’s vision shone instantly: “It was Zhang Jinshu who killed Gao Kaidao. The master is so powerful that he can never forget!”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “Song people once said that those who don’t know” Tongjian “as a monarch want to govern but don’t know the source of autonomy, and those who don’t know” Tang Jian “want to know how to prevent chaos. There is no such thing as a ruler, and no rule for the people. In view of this, the officials naturally need to study carefully, which is nothing. If your highness asks Master Xu and Master Xie, it is estimated that they are also familiar with this book. “

The prince secretly came over to bite his ear with him: “Master Zhou couldn’t carry it out. Every time he said he had to read the book and read it again, sometimes he was wrong, but I didn’t pierce him, otherwise Master Zhou’s good face, sure Not coming to Taiwan! “

Tang Fan was funny. Although they hadn’t seen each other for a long time because of their previous relationship, they didn’t feel much strangeness. Although His Royal Highness was precocious, he still had a bit naughty child.

“His Royal Highness is so kind and so good. Master Zhou is very old, and his memory is certainly not comparable to that of young people. It may be embarrassing to point out his mistakes face to face. shake.”

The prince smiled and nodded: “Master Tang knew me, indeed.”

The two smiled at each other, and the only gap left was also gone.

Tang Fandao said: “Then I haven’t finished Master Zhou’s lectures today, starting from the seven years of Wu De. He didn’t know Master Zhou’s teaching style. If His Highness feels long-winded or difficult to adapt, just point it out. The minister will adjust appropriately. “

Although he said so, he did n’t really talk too much. Some less important things will be skipped directly. The average field method and the tenant modulation in the “Tong Jian” are not very detailed. Comparing the present Ming dynasty, the prince added a more intuitive understanding.

Half a day passed quickly, and when Tang Fan got up to say goodbye, the prince was quite reluctant: “Unfortunately, Master Tang will not be able to come again after five days. I wish I could continue to hear Master Tang lecture tomorrow.”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “His Royal Highness’s remarks really flattered his courtiers, only because there are many specific examples in the history books, so His Royal Highness seems to be more interesting than others. It is really not a meritorious service.”

The prince is a careful and considerate child, he also knows that this kind of words can’t be talked about too much, otherwise it will be passed on to the ears of other masters, people will definitely feel uncomfortable, and it is also plain to the Tang Fan to make enemies. I will send Master Tang out. “

He disregarded Tang Fan’s resignation and personally sent the people out. Finally, Tang Fan said: “Your Highness, please stay behind, it is better to let Lin Zan read and send him off!”

Lin Ying also said: “Master Tang is right, please keep your step, please don’t be too eye-catching as well.”

The prince had no choice but to stop: “Then please read it by Thorin.”

The two went out all the way, and Lin Ying opened the topic first: “Master Tang’s lectures are very different from Master Zhou’s. It is very self-evident, and it’s no wonder that His Royal Highness will leave him alone. Although His Royal Highness treats others softly, he will leave I have never seen him be so affectionate with the first lecturer. Would you like to come to Tang Master and His Royal Highness? “

Tang Fan asked him to give him away. He just wanted to take the opportunity to ask him about the progress of the prince. He smiled and said: “It’s not old knowledge. This is also the first time I have caught the duck on the shelf and taught the prince. If you do n’t do well, how can you compare with the master ’s knowledge and knowledge of last week? ”

Lin Ying smiled and said: “Master Tang is too modest. Just looking at the attitude of His Highness, it can be seen that you are speaking very well.”

Tang Fandao said: “I first arrived, I don’t know the rules, so I dared to ask what should be paid attention to in the prince’s homework? Please read it to teach me.”

Lin Ying thought for a while: “That’s not there. It’s just that the” Huahua Training “was soon completed. His Majesty paid special attention to it. When the” Tongjian “was finished, it was time to talk about the” Training “. If Master Tang was free, You can read this book first and make a lot of preparations. “

Tang Fan suddenly.

“Mandarin Training” is a new book just completed in December last year. The original purpose of the book revision was to teach the prince to cultivate the country and govern the country, but in fact, this is also a move made by Wandang to please the emperor. It can be seen from the fact that several cabinet ministers who have participated in the editor-in-chief are all promoted and rewarded.

In order to please the emperor, they also asked the emperor Yubi to write the preface personally. The emperor Chenghua readily agreed-although the emperor did not care about the North Korean government, he was not only good at Danqing, but also outstanding in his literary talents. It was indeed scratching the emperor’s itch.

Because of this, the prince has to show more importance to this set of books, so as not to be dismissed by others.

Tang Fan thanked him: “If it weren’t for Lin Zan’s reading reminder, I still can’t remember this, thank you!”

Lin Ying smiled and said: “Master Tang doesn’t have to be polite. Your Highness is good, so we people will follow. This is a matter of interest. The official still understands.”

Tang Fan laughed: “That’s exactly it!”

Then everything went smoothly. Tang Fan entered the palace every five days. The prince’s qualifications were not bad and the learning progress was fast. There was no more worry-free student.

Compared with the arrogance and arrogance of Concubine Wan, the crown prince knew the truth and was gentle, and he was kind to his masters, even his subordinates, all respected and respected, and did not override it with his own status. Get close to such a prince?

It’s just that Wandang is now in the middle of North Korea, and those who protect themselves clearly don’t dare to offend them. They can only silently bury their ideas in their hearts.

But no matter how good the prince is, in the minds of Wandang, he is not good: that is, the prince is not supported by them, and he will certainly not be with them in the future.

Therefore, even if Concubine Wan could not have a son, she would support the son of Concubine Shao, that is, the second prince Zhu Youzho is now the prince.

Of course, this is also because Concubine Shao was in front of Wan Guifei, and her filial piety was attached to her.

Zhu Youzho is seven years old. According to the order of teeth, he should be the four princes, but apart from the prince, the two older brothers died young in childhood. He is not like a prince. In his childhood, his mind was precocious, and he was n’t influenced by Wandang and others. Zhu Youzho was a prince who actually grew up in a honeypot. Since childhood, he has been loved by his parents. Not to mention thousands of darlings, but certainly not like Prince Edward, I almost couldn’t even protect my life.

Such a child is naturally better than the Prince.

Although only staying in the palace for just one morning, Tang Fan has been keenly aware that the current situation of the crown prince is a bit lonely.

Not to mention, the rumours about the abandoned prince outside the palace have never been broken, and there are even some sayings that the prince is weak and is not conducive to the inheritance of Zong Si. It is more appropriate for Zhu Youzhu.

These rumors are true and false, more false than true. But one thing is for sure: if the crown prince’s status is really rock-solid, these rumors will not come out, nor will anyone believe it.

When Tang Fan entered and exited the East Palace, he accidentally discovered that there were some sneaky outside of the East Palace. He secretly watched the people, thinking that they should be sent to monitor the East Palace, and even grasp the prince’s handle.

But with Tang Fan’s current status, even if he is nominally the Prince’s teacher, he can do nothing about it.

Having said that, even when He Cheng is in class, it is inevitable that he will start to be distracted after sitting for a long time, but the prince will not, he can concentrate on the lecture from beginning to end, and he can ask questions in time if he does not understand, like the prince. There must be no dislikes of the students who are teachers.

Although Tang Fan didn’t talk about it, he saw much of the smoke in the hall now. Like many people, he had high hopes for this prince, and he could not help but incline involuntarily, and he naturally became more attentive to the prince’s homework. Every five days of attendance must be carefully prepared in advance for a long time.

Sure enough, the prince became more and more fond of Tang Fan’s lectures, and sometimes it was inevitable to accidentally talk about leaks, so that Xie Qiandu once jokingly complained that the part he was responsible for was too boring, not as good as Tang Fan’s play, so that His Royal Highness princes saw strange moves.

On this day, Tang Fan returned home from the Capital Procuratorate, and saw that Adong was dressed brightly, and even the distractions of gold wire inlaid rubies that he did not usually wear were taken out. He could n’t help but wonder: “Our home is Adon It ’s a pretty big girl, this is the handsome young man who is going to see? “

Adong pounced on him and scratched him: “Brother, you know to make fun of me all day long!”

Tang Fan touched her head with a smile: “Who makes you like a monkey on weekdays, just use a dancing knife and a stick, even ran to climb a tree, I still worry about how to marry you in the future, finally It ’s a little girl-like, so I ’m so relieved for my brother! “

A Dong pouted: “What kind of dancing knife and stick, if it weren’t for me, the older sister let the He family forcefully take it away!”

Tang Fanshun said to her: “Yes, but anyway, you are always a woman, and it’s just a matter of being in your natal family. Brothers and sisters are all from your family. You know your nature, but it’s not necessary to get to the husband’s house. Learn to be more demure, even if you pretend! “

Aston pretended to be angry: “I have two or three years to go. I don’t even like my brother to keep my sister for two years. You’re better, but I’m anxious to marry me out!”

Tang Fan laughed: “Because you are too good to eat, I am worried that you have emptied the rice bucket at home!”

The brothers and sisters played for a while, and Adong quickly jumped a few steps: “I won’t play with you anymore, and my sister will help me take care of my hair again later. I’ll rush to Sui’s house and come back with you again Say!”

Tang Fan pulled her: “You dressed so grandly to go to the Sui family to make up?”

A Dongqi said: “Brother Sui didn’t tell you, Abi is getting married, I’m going to give her happiness in the past!”

Tang Fan thought of what Suizhou said last time and couldn’t help frowning: “So, Guangchuan is about to get married?”

The monk Asdong Zhang was puzzled: “I haven’t heard of it!”

Tang Fan faintly felt something was wrong and asked quickly: “Isn’t Guangchuan going to be married to his cousin?”

Aston said: “Brother, you remembered it wrong, sister Qiao had already married last year!”

Tang Fan: “… Isn’t Guangchuan’s family affairs unfinished yet?”

A Dong: “Yeah, I heard that Sui Brother is not satisfied with the family things he found for him at home and refuses to get married. A Bi is the daughter’s family. He is in a good time and he can’t wait for it. They will discuss it first. Give Abi a kiss and let her marry her. This is what Brother Sui knows, didn’t he tell you? “

Although the children are orderly, many civil matters are not too particular. In the case of the Sui family, since the marriage of Suizhou has been delayed, the younger sister can be married first.

But after listening to Tang Fan, I just felt that my heart burst into flames, and I couldn’t help but swear in my heart: Sui Guangchuan, you bastard!

He always thought that Suizhou was going to be married, but he was kept in the dark for so long!

Seeing that his face was blue and white, A Dong was still asking him what was wrong, and Tang Fan didn’t even want to explain to her.

Just outside the gate, I saw a sedan stopped at the front entrance.

Tang Fan was familiar with the man who stooped out of the sedan chair.

The other party has leaked the night so far, presumably it will not be converted into old ones

As expected, Wang Zhi also saw him immediately, and gave a few words to the people around him, and then walked quickly.

“Wang Gong …”

Before Tang Fan arched his hands to greet him, the other party lowered his voice and said anxiously: “Come into the palace with me, Your Majesty wants to see you!”

Tang Fan was surprised: “Something?”

Wang Zhi didn’t make a sound: “I took the opportunity of my preaching to come out in person, just to make it clear to you first, get on the sedan first, and say on the way!”

Wang Zhi was prepared early, and the sedan also found the top, and now it is not too crowded to squeeze in two men.

But even if it was too bad, the two did not have time to ignore it. When the curtain was lowered, the two big men lifted the sedan up and down, and Wang Zhi asked first, “Did you say to the prince when you were teaching at the East Palace What should I say? “

Tang Fan was baffled: “No, the” Tong Jian “I am responsible for telling Your Highness is all based on the above content.”

Wang Zhi asked: “Where did you talk about last time?”

Tang Fandao said: “I just went there, and the prince said that the former Master Zhou had just talked about Wude for seven years, and I went on. Now, I have just talked about Zhenguan for fifteen years.”

Wang Zhi’s expression was solemn: “I’m afraid the problem is here. Someone is talking under the prince, saying that you are talking nonsense when you are teaching the prince, misleading the prince, and separating the prince from the prince and the prince.

Tang Fan laughed: “I don’t know when I have this skill!”

Wang Zhi glared: “What time is it, you still have a mood to laugh! The prince has learned something, and every time, someone will die, if your majesty does not move the real fire, it will not let you enter the palace now, only I ’m afraid I ’ll ask you if I ’m going to rebuke you. You have to be prepared. ”

Tang Fan asked: “Your Majesty is angry because of what I said, do you know?”

Wang Zhi shook his head: “At the time, neither Wyan nor I were in front of your majesty, but Weixing was on duty.”

Tang Fan didn’t have much contact with internal officials, and naturally didn’t feel much about the name.

Wang Zhi added another sentence: “He is an apprentice of Liang Fang.”

Tang Fan knew this: “That is to say, he is not with you, so he will not reveal the specifics to you.”

Wang Zhidao: “Yes.”

Because Wang Zhi didn’t know much, everything couldn’t be prepared in advance. The two were speechless until they entered the palace gate. Wang Zhi reminded: “No matter what you answer, you have to think twice.”

Before the change, Wang Zhiduan would not say this kind of tenderness, but this time he didn’t even know what the so-called thing was, and he didn’t know what to do, so he had to tell Tang Fan again and again, for fear that he might cause a big disaster.

Originally, the emperor did not let Wang Zhi leave the palace to preach, but Wang Zhi himself took advantage of his position to personally embarrass him, so as to remind Tang Pan in advance, at this time it is not good to bring Tang Pan to the emperor. Instead, he called another palace person to let him go with Tang Fan.

The emperor Chenghua was watching the ups and downs of the cabinet. The prince laid his hands down beside him, but far away, Tang Fan couldn’t see their expressions clearly. He could only report his name and salute in accordance with the rules.

“Tang Fan?”

“The minister is here.”

The emperor put down his pen in his hand and raised his head, his words were amazing: “I let you teach the prince, you value your talents, but you take the opportunity to lecture to confuse the prince, is this what the courtier should do?”

Tang Fan hurriedly said: “Your Majesty said that the minister was terrified. His Royal Highness was a crown prince of the country, and he was able to give lectures for him. It was indeed a blessing for the minister, and it was also His majesty’s trust in the minister. From where did you start, please His Majesty take back this statement! “

The emperor snorted: “I originally thought you were born, and even if you are not as good as Xieqian, Wang Sheng, etc., it must be excellent. Who knows that you can tell the prince by chance Waiting for the unconventional words of the emperor and his son, he still dares to quibble! “

Tang Fandao said: “The minister does not know what your majesty is referring to, please also express your majesty!”

The crown prince was already worried, so he couldn’t help it. He hurried out from behind the court case and knelt beside Tang Fan: “Father Emperor Ming Jian, Master Tang is a peaceful person, and the lectures are all based on the previous Master Zhou. After that, the son listened to nothing wrong, and the conjecture was even more impossible to talk about! “

The emperor sneered: “Prince, you don’t have to be sympathetic for him. I clearly sent someone to explain Lin Ying and told him to tell Tang Fan to skip the volumes of the seven years of Wu De in” Tong Jian “. speak?”

The prince was stunned and turned to look at Tang Fan.

Who knows that Tang Fan was more stunned than him: “Your Majesty, the minister has never learned from Lin Ying’s mouth!”

The emperor sneered: “Want to deny? Come, call Lin Ying.”

Lin Ying was quickly found.

The emperor asked: “Lin Ying, I have explained to you. When teaching to the prince, I skipped the volumes of the seven years of Wu De and went directly to the first year of Zhenguan. Have you ever told Tang Fan?

Lin Yingdao: “Your Majesty Qi Yu, Wei Chen did tell Master Tang.”

The emperor asked: “When did you tell?”

Lin Yingdao: “Just after Master Tang went to the East Palace to give a lecture on the first day, he sent Master Tang away, and he was already warned on the way. His prince can also testify on this matter.”

Emperor: “Prince?”

The prince hesitated and said: “That day, Lin Ying really sent Master Tang away. As for what they said all the way, their son did not know.”

Lin Ying calmly said: “At that time, Master Tang asked the minister to tell the prince what he had paid attention to, and the minister passed on the matter explained by His Majesty. This book has high hopes for Master Tang to read it carefully so as to teach His Royal Highness Prince as soon as possible. “

His words were well-organized, and because of the calmness of his expression, he uttered it completely undoubtedly.

The emperor turned to Tang Fan: “What else do you have to say?

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