The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 110

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

The cause of the case was 18 years in Chenghua, at the turn of spring and summer last year, there were no rain for months, many fields were barren and dried up, crops could not be stocked, and they all withered, but this is nothing, Suzhou The government has always been rich and rich, and the grain silo is rich in reserves. Famine for several months can still survive. However, in the summer and autumn of that year, the rainstorm suddenly fell, causing the Taihu Lake to become flooded.

This time, not only the fields were completely uncultivable, but even the dwellings were all submerged. The flood did not retreat for a long time, which led to the spread of the plague and the disaster was very serious.

At that time, the imperial court made the Suzhou government to open warehouses for disaster relief, and made Nanzhili patrol according to Yushi to assist in the inspection. After a winter, it should be reasonable that the situation should be improved.

However, in accordance with the rules, after this incident, the court had to send another prince to conduct an inspection and report the disaster relief results. This is to avoid the collusion between the local officials and the court, which is also due.

But at this moment, there was a case–

Nanzhili patrolled Yushi and Wujiang county magistrate successively and impeached each other.

Nan Zhili patrolled the imperial court, Yang Ji, impeached Wujiang County Commander Chen Luan, but Wujiang County Commander retorted that he had done his best, but the money and food allocated above was not enough, and the clever woman could not cook without rice, implying that the other party stood talking without backache.

The two men insisted on one another and refused to give in to each other. The imperial court ordered Hu Wenzao, the governor of Suzhou, to give a sparse statement, but Hu Wenzao said that he did not know. He also said that Wu Jiang and other places had opened their warehouses not long after the flood. The grain should be sufficient for disaster relief.

It was just that his defense was too pale and weak, and he could not prove his innocence by this. Instead, he made the court feel that he was **** responsibility.

However, it is difficult to see the truth simply by playing these words.

So far, Nanzhili’s patronage of Yu Shi, Wujiang County Commander, and Suzhou Zhifu made it impossible to judge.

After the cabinet’s deliberations, the emperor was asked to agree, and the cabinet finally decided that the Imperial Academy sent the Shishi to Suzhou to inspect the disaster situation, and clarify the right and wrong.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qiu Jun, the imperial envoy of the right city, recommended Tang Fan, and there are also many people who want to keep the young disciples away from the vortex of the capital and temporarily avoid the limelight.

Today, Tang Pan is difficult to make a difference in the capital. It is also a consumption. It is better to go outside and maybe usher in a turning point.

This matter quickly won the approval of the emperor Chenghua. Perhaps in his view, Tang Fan ’s expertise was still in the determination of the case, rather than teaching the prince. Tang Fan.

To Tang Fan, this is a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is that even the emperor has to admit that he is a capable official. Unlike other clumsy officials who can be replaced at any time, Tang Fan really comes in handy.

The disadvantage is that the emperor’s impression of him has been fixed. Competence does not mean virtue and rule of the country. After all, a minister who has both ability and virtue is still needed. That is to say, when today is in power, Tang Fan cannot enter the cabinet one day.

But after all, Tang Fan is not the only one who is so unlucky.

Nowadays, many people are opposed or dismissed because of their opposition to Wan Dang. Tang Fan is just one of them. There is not much more than him, and there are not too many of them, just because he Wandian broke several good things in succession, which made the other party want to take him.

Compared with his family’s worries and anger, Tang Fan was more open about his own thoughts. When he decided on it, he packed it up and prepared to go south.

However, there was a small accident on this trip. That was when Tang Fan came out of Beijing to protect him all the way. It was not Suizhou which was inseparable in the past, nor even any familiar face that Jinyiwei used to cooperate with.

Tang Fan and Beizhen Fusi have a good relationship, which many people know, but some people just do n’t want to see Tang Fan and Jin Yiwei walking too close, so this time they came out with Tang Fan, but they are Dongchang two This campaign is better known as protection follower, but as for protection or surveillance, only God knows.

On the day of departure, Tang Fan took Qian San’er and went to the gate of the city early. Who knows that the left and the right are waiting.

Tang Ubigen knew that this group of uncles was big, but he didn’t expect the other party to be so big. He was supported by Shang Ming, not even Huang Qia.

There is no way right now, so he went to the teahouse to order a cup of tea and waited while eating.

It’s easy to get better in the day, and the two talents from the East Factory are long overdue.

The other party saw Tang Fan and hurried forward to salute, with a smile on his face, said: “Unknown adults arrived early, I will be late, I hope adults will forgive sins!”

Tang Fan smiled slightly: “You didn’t come late, it was me who came early.”

The two looked at each other, they could have come over long ago, and they ate breakfast not far from the city gate. They ate for most of the hour. It was expected that Tang Fan would get angry because of this, but he did not expect him to endure it.

“Adults are generous and generous, and their subordinates are grateful!” The two thanked.

“After I waited out of the capital, I was embarrassed by the emperor, so I naturally had to be in the same boat together. The two of you don’t have to be kind to me, but when we meet for the first time, we need to be familiar with each other!”

Both were supposed to be, and introduced themselves, one named Zeng Pei and one named Wu Zong, both of whom were members of the East Factory.

This so-called fan service, full-time arrest and interrogation, is one of the most common duties in the Dongchang Division.

When they came, Tang Pan was not in a hurry, and asked them to sit down for a cup of tea, and then walked away after lunch.

The two of them couldn’t sit still now, repeatedly urged Tang Fan to go on the road, and repeatedly blamed, saying that he shouldn’t have been late.

It was Tang Fan who brought the horses and was ready to hit the road.

At this time, someone called him from behind, and Tang Fan looked back, but he saw that Jin Yiwei’s deputy Qian Hu Pang Qi was driving a horse and galloping, and they were almost in front of the Chaliao before they stopped.

Pang Qi did not look at Zeng Pei and Wu Zong, but asked Tang Fan to aside.

“Fortunately, it’s up to Master Tang, this is what Big Brother asked me to give you!”

He handed over a thing: “This is a token. After you arrive in Suzhou, if you are in trouble, you can go to Jinyiweiwei in Wu County for help.”

Tang Fan was startled and couldn’t help asking: “How about your elder brother, why didn’t he come?”

I don’t know why, since Tang Fan’s jade was taken away by Suizhou, the other party’s attitude was not as good as before, revealing a sense of indifference, which made Tang Fan’s mind unclear.

However, during this time, not only was Tang Fan busy with self-defense, but Suizhou was also busy. Although the two were under the same roof, they were not as close as before.

To say that this human nature is guilty of contempt. At the beginning, Suizhou was pressing hard, and Tang Fan stepped back step by step. Now that everyone is completely let go, Tang’s master was rather perplexed.

Just like this time, after Tang Fan ’s departure from Beijing was settled, Suizhou did not say anything, not even mention it, as if he did n’t care at all. Tang Fan once asked him if he was going with him, but he said now Many people know that Tang Fan and Jinyiwei have a good personal relationship. In order to avoid suspicion, the emperor certainly will not agree that Jinyiwei will go south with him.

Having said that, nowadays it is rare to see people without even seeing off, and it is too unpleasant.

Pang Qi said: “Big Brother is instructed to go to Jingying today. He has to go out from another door. The time is tight, but I will come to see you off, let me come over on behalf of him, and ask Master Tang to take care of me!”

Qian San’er next to him couldn’t help whispering: “Master Sui has been so busy lately, I can’t see you for a few days!”

Tang Fan concealed the weird feeling in his heart and ignored Qian Saner. He only smiled to Pang Qi: “Thank you for running this trip, thank you!”

Although looking at Zeng Pei and Wu Zong’s impatient expression, Tang Fan slowed down his tone and followed Pong Qidong’s voice, until Wu Zong couldn’t help coming over and urged: “Sir, we should go on the road, and Chen Chen should not wait And go to Tongzhou to take a boat! “

Before letting him wait for a while, he now knows that time is no longer waiting, Tang Fan laughs secretly, but he knows that Zeng Pei and Wu Zong came to add blockage to himself, and said nothing, just nodded: “Now go stop.”

After saying goodbye to Pang Qi, the four of them left the city and rushed all the way to Tongzhou, taking a boat south from the canal.

Not only is the waterway faster than the land, it is also smooth. If you go by land, you have to stop to avoid the rain when it rains, but you can go on the water and continue your journey without hindering your journey.

Tang Fan they served the emperor ’s mission, and they used the official ship. The two-floor official ship lived with them, and there were also a number of boatmen and other people. They were spacious, and Tang Fan ’s room was exactly the same as Zeng Pei ’s room. At the two ends of the second floor respectively, there is no need to walk in front of the other party’s room. The three of them are actually face-to-face and disagreeable, and they avoid the pain of having to face each day.

The boat travels down the river, and the speed is not comparable to the land. Qian Saner rarely sets foot in the southern fireworks. Seeing that along the way to the south, the scenery on both sides of the bank also differs from day to day. Yanliu draws bridges and wind curtains. The scene, especially those people on both sides of the strait, occasionally saw farmer girls carrying clothes to the river to wash clothes, in groups of three or five, cheering and laughing, soft figure, thin clothes, bright colors, completely different from the rouge in the Northland, Qian Saner looked I have to be stunned, and my eyes are not turning.

In the Yangzhou area, it was exactly nightfall, and it was not suitable for boat trips. The official ship was moored on the shore, and together with other large and small civilian ships, we left after the night.

The sky will be dark, and there are little girls on the shore selling flowers.

When Tang Fan heard it, he asked Qian San’er to call the little **** board. The other party was about the same age as A Dong. After seeing the official ship, he also guessed Tang Fan’s identity a little or two, and smiled and said: “This old man, do you want to buy flowers? My flowers are all newly harvested today. Looking at the water and trees along the way is also boring. It’s better to buy two and put them in the house.

She has a sharp tongue and a soft and sweet accent, which makes Qian San’er dumbfounded.

Tang Fan asked: “Is this Jianghua?”

The little girl hummed: “It’s **** flower, this flower is fragrant, do you smell it?”

After all, she lifted the basket up and brought it together.

In fact, this little girl’s action is not needed. The **** flower has a strong scent, and you can smell the pungent scent only a little closer.

But maybe for Qian San’er next to him, it’s a bit of a taste of not being intoxicated.

Tang Fan smiled and said: “Listen to your accent, are you from Suzhou?”

Little girl: “Yes!”

Tang Fan: “So why did you come to Yangzhou, is Suzhou bad?”

The little girl’s eyebrows frowned slightly, seemingly embarrassed.

Tang Fan said: “I bought this basket of flowers, how much is it?”

The little girl immediately opened her eyes and smiled: “Not much, just ten dollars!”

Tang Fan: “San’er, give her fifteen money.”

The little girl’s watery eyes widened, as if wondering how she had encountered an injustice.

Tang Fan laughed: “Don’t be afraid, I’m going to Suzhou. I’m not too familiar there. I just have a few questions to ask you.”

Then the little girl cleared her doubts and took the money from Qian San’er, and said crisply, “What does the lord have to ask?”

Tang Fandao: “Suzhou is such a good place, why are you not in Suzhou, but come to Yangzhou?”

The little girl said: “My family is on the edge of Taihu Lake. Last year was the first drought, and then the floods came out. All the family members died. Grandpa took me to Yangzhou to invest in relatives. The relatives are not rich. I came out to sell some flowers. , Help Grandpa earn a living! “

Tang Fandao: “Where is your home in Suzhou?”

Little girl: “Wu Jiang.”

Tang Fan asked: “Wujiang flood is very serious? Hasn’t it improved by now, did your grandpa ever think of taking you back to see it?”

The little girl shook her head, her eyes darkened: “The family is starved to death. I was almost going to be sold by my father. It was my grandfather who kept me from selling. My grandfather and I were fine in Yangzhou. , Don’t go back. “

Tang Fan asked some questions related to the disaster, but the other party was young and didn’t know much about it. He could only say what he saw along the way.

According to her, Wu Jiang was indeed miserable last year. After the flood, Wu Jiang also had a congee farm set up by the government, but there were many porridges and there was a short supply. In order to **** the thin porridge water to eat, there were even a lot of murders. Many people do not have porridge to drink, and they catch up with the next plague, death, disease, after the winter last year, the trend of the spread of the plague is finally better, but the weather is cold, and the displaced people suddenly freeze again. Many people died of starvation, and many people gradually used up their previous grain storage. The situation became worse and worse. Some people could not survive, they sold their children, and some even cooked their children directly. Come and eat.

Hearing this paragraph, not only Qian San’er was horrified, but even Tang Fan’s eyebrows flickered, revealing his anger.

“What are you saying is true?”

The little girl bit her lower lip: “Fu knows, the thing that eats people is what my grandfather said, but what Dad wants to sell me is true, I heard it with my own ear.”

Tang Fan asked: “So now, is Wu Jiang better now?”

The little girl shook her head and said, “Foo knows, Foo knows.”

She hasn’t been back since she came out with her grandpa, so it’s not clear.

Tang Fan didn’t have much trouble, asked a few more words, and let her go.

As soon as the little girl left, Qian San’er couldn’t help but say, “Master, Wu Jiang …”

Tang Fan raised his hand slightly, begging him not to speak.

Qian San’er was immediately alert and looked around, only to find that Zeng Pei and Wu Zong had been standing beside them.

“It’s rare to spend the night outside Yangzhou. Why didn’t the two go into the city to see the excitement?” Tang Fan smiled and greeted them.

Zeng Pei said with a smile: “Master Tang is so happy and relaxed, this flower is beautiful and tight, but the color is a bit plain.”

Tang Fan smiled and handed the basket to Qian San’er: “Both want it to be fragrant, but also to make it gorgeous. There is nothing best in the world, but it is not bad to have one.”

Zeng Pei made a haha: “Master Tang is a scholar, and Zhangkou is the principle of the road. Naturally, we as rough people can’t compare, but the situation in Suzhou is not familiar to adults. Some people still want to talk to adults Say, lest adults go detours and hit the wall. “

Tang Fan stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: “Brother Zeng has something to say directly.”

Zeng Peidao: “Adults know, how to investigate this case in Suzhou?”

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows: “Do you have two to teach me?”

Zeng Pei said with a smile: “Look at what the adults said, where can we teach the adults! This case has already had a history of patrolling the royal family, and I can’t think of any major problems. Now the court let the adults wait for me to review, but I walked through the field and asked for a result. The Susong area has been rich and rich since ancient times, and it is also a tax-intensive place for the country. If it is too loud, the court will be dull. I wonder if adults can understand the meaning of these words?

Although Zeng Pei and Wu Zong were named Tang Fan’s subordinates and were responsible for protecting him, they had a Dongchang backing from their own. Not only did they deliberately neglect Tang Fan from the beginning, they did not even place him on the way Eyes.

They had long heard that Tang Fan was named Qincha Xiaxia, but he was in the same situation of exile. They did not believe that he dared to fight against Dongchang. Therefore, these words were soft and hard. The meaning is to remind Tang Fan that the water is deep here, don’t check it out, or it will be difficult to clean up at the end, and offend people who should not offend.

Tang Fan smiled slightly: “Thank you Jin Yuliang for the two younger brothers, but I have something unknown.”

Zeng Pei: “Sir, please.”

Tang Fan: “Does this sentence mean you or the will of the imperial court?”

Zeng Peiyu stopped for a moment, his face slightly dull: “What do you mean, sir?”

Tang Fanyou said: “If it is the will of the imperial court, I will naturally obey it, but I don’t understand it. Both the meaning of Your Majesty and the imperial court let me find out in the past, why the words change when you come here Anyway, your majesty has given the Dongchang secret purpose? “

Zeng Pei said angrily: “We kindly remind adults, how can adults misinterpret our good intentions everywhere!”

Tang Fan chuckled: “I naturally understand the kindness of the two of you. However, if you understand the reason, it is natural to say that the two are for my own good and don’t understand the reason. Why don’t you think that the two are blocking me from handling the case Spreading the reputation of Shangchanggong, I am afraid that there will be no harm but nothing good. The two of you have done a good job of doing bad things.

From the time he was in the capital, Zeng Pei and Zeng Pei deliberately gave Tang Pan a dismounted horse. The result was counterproductive. Instead, they were put together by Tang Pan.

Getting along this way, they also found out that this Tang Yushi is very difficult to deal with, and it is more difficult to deal with than those who only knew to scold them in the past.

This person speaks and does things hard and hard, but he doesn’t know how to turn your face.

It’s no wonder that his own company’s father regarded him as a key target, and ordered them to pay close attention.

I thought that the other party was more attentive than the hard bones. I knew that some things could not be messed up and some people could not offend. As a result, it seems that they are still ridiculously wrong. How can this person be different from those who criticize him In fact, it is exactly the same in the bones, but it is more cunning!

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