The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 118

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Lao Zhao is a soldier responsible for guarding outside the post.

As far as he is concerned, what kind of magistrates and magistrates do not do anything for him.

A small person should have a small person’s way of life, as long as they can drink a cup of hot wine after scattered value, can have a maid of warm kang head, and chat with the brothers, already satisfied.

But small people also have small people’s gossip.

For example, Lao Zhao and other brethren on duty at the post were extremely curious about the great beauty brought back by Tang Yushi in recent days, and speculated on the identity of the great beauty more than once in private.

Some people said that the beauty was a concubine in the Tang family. Because he couldn’t stand the jealousy of the big house at home, he saw that Tang Tang went south to do a job, and then he ran out with him and pursued it all the way.

Some people said that the beauty was a gift given to Tang Yushi by other officials. Tang’s people liked it very much at first sight, and even Xu Xu couldn’t leave him. He had to bring people around him.

Others said that the beautiful woman was actually a good woman, and was taken captive by Tang Yushi after her fancy. Tang Yushi made a case to investigate the famine in Wujiang last year. Entangled with the woman, even regardless of the business, it seems to be a corrupt official.

The rumors spread quickly in the official station, and there is a tendency to gradually spread out.

But no matter how bizarre the content is, there are two points recognized by Lao Zhao and his colleagues.

One is that the beauty is indeed very beautiful, so thrillingly beautiful, he almost wants to hook the soul of the human being.

Many beautiful people in Suzhou and Hangzhou, old Zhao, they are natives of Suzhou, and they have seen a lot of people in their own world. Unlike those villagers, the big beauty around Tang Fan is really wonderful. The poor words of Lao Zhao and others can’t imagine how to describe her beauty.

When they saw them for the first time, they could only stare dumbfounded at the beauty of the beauty brought by Tang Fan into the official station with a fragrant wind. It was inevitable that they secretly laughed at themselves at the time, but when they saw that they were also living in the official station When Yang Yushi responded to the beauty in the same way, everyone immediately got psychologically balanced: Dare to love is not that the brethren have never seen the world, but that the great beauty is really beautiful.

Such a flower that is more delicate than peony was picked by Tang Fan. I have to say that everyone is envious and jealous.

There is also a second point recognized that Tang Yushi has a lot of spoils for this great beauty, only to tie people to his belts and take them away from time to time.

Judging from the few days that Old Zhao was on duty, whenever Tang Yushi went out, no matter where he went, whatever he would do, he would take the other party, and even it was said that even going to the Zhifu Yamen to visit the Lord Fuzun, he also gave the woman Bringing it in, without evasion, is simply jaw-dropping.

But it’s no wonder, even if they change their beauty and can kiss Fangze, they are willing to die, and adults are also humans. What’s so strange?

It is conceivable that when Tang Yushi returns to Beijing, he will also take away the great beauty, and if the central room of the Tang Yushi family is not a tigress, the great beauty will definitely dominate the Tang Yushi after the house.

But then again, such a charming woman, who is not in the emperor’s harem, let a Sipin Yushi occupy, and I don’t know if Tang Yushi can hold it!

Regardless of the ups and downs outside and the falling ceilings, Tang Fan didn’t hear them, and he brought Xiao Mai in and out.

Although Tang Fan would carefully put Xiao Yu with a veil to cover her face when she went out, but who could be deceived by that slim posture, but for a few days, almost half of the people in Wu County knew that there was a person around Tang Fan The peerless beauty of the country and the city, he went in and out with him, and he ate together.

Any man is always sighing Tang Fan’s bliss.

But for Xiao Xiao, it was another mood.

She did n’t know that Tang Fan already knew her identity, but just in accordance with Chen Luan ’s instructions, trying to stay with him and destroying his reputation completely. Even if the two did n’t have a husband and wife, they should try to make outsiders feel Xiao Wu has already become Tang Fan’s ban.

Now that the plan is being realized step by step, Tang Fan is really infatuated with her, but Xiao Mai is not happy.

Although Tang Fan was obsessed with her, she had to keep to the gentleman’s covenant. Apart from hug and hug and touch a small hand, the two had no further relationship.

But this is nothing. The self-proclaimed gentleman Xiao Wei is much more familiar. It is not uncommon for him to be like Tang Fan. It is another thing that made Xiao Fu tangled.

Tang Fan already likes her now, and she ca n’t live without her for a while. Not only do she have to take it out with her, but even the moment she went to let go, she will also see Tang Pan looking for herself with anxious look around, mouth Li also shouted “Where did you go, ma’am, I can’t do anything without seeing you”?

Xiao Xiao originally liked Tang Fanjun’s elegant face and graceful manners, but she got along for a long time, and found that this man had such a sticky temperament under a skin sac. She was entangled for a long time, and her appetite was completely exhausted. Where can I like it?

The only comforting thing is that Tang Fan did not avoid her, including official business.

So in the past few days, Xiao Wei not only learned that Suzhou ’s prefect Hu Wenzao had already invested in Tang Fan, but also knew that the big backer behind Tang Fan was actually the father of the Xichang factory. The gold and silver treasures sent to him have been sent to the capital by his father.

But what made Xiao Fei depressed was that Tang Fan wrapped her tightly, and the pair of jinyiwei’s eyes around him were too powerful. Since entering the post, she couldn’t find an opportunity to pass the message to Chen Luan.

For the only time, she took advantage of Tang Fan to take her out, trying to pass the news in a silver building, but in the end it was Shi Shenhai, and she did not get the slightest response from Chen Luan.

Xiao Xiao started to panic.

She was not afraid that she could not complete the task assigned to herself by Chen Luan, but she was worried that Chen Luan believed these rumors, and felt that she loved Tang Fan and betrayed him after leaning on Tang Fan.

Chen Luan is a person who doubts how serious the heart disease is, and how cruel it is. No one knows better than her.

Just looking at the diminished victims outside Wujiang City every day, Chen Luan dare to fool even Emperor Laozi and the imperial court for the benefit, let alone a woman in her area.

Even if he looks beautiful, the difference between men is at best a throw-away plaything, or a plaything with a higher value.

She was restless, and even Tang Fan discovered it. She thought she was sick. Not only did she deliver the soup in person, she also stayed in front of the bed.

If you change another girl and encounter such an affectionate Lang Jun, I’m afraid I will be moved long ago.

Xiao Xiao did not.

The more Tang Fan is good to her, the more she is worried about Chen Luan’s doubts about her loyalty.

Looking at her pale and haggard face because of light sleep, Tang Fan’s worry was overwhelming.

“Ma, what’s wrong with you, do you have any concerns? You tell me. Although I am not a parent official in Suzhou, but you have any trouble, I can still solve it. If you go on like this, my heart will hurt. died!”

His expression was sincere and true, and Xiao Mai was very worried and did not feel inappropriate. Instead, she was still thinking hard about how to get rid of Tang Fan and go out to report.

Xiao Xiao smiled reluctantly: “Sir, I’m a little chest tight and I want to lie down for a while.”

Tang Fan touched her forehead, pushed the broken hair on her forehead behind her ear, and said softly, “Then I will accompany you.”

Use, no, wear, you, accompany!

Xiao Xiao almost wanted to say this with her teeth clenched, but fortunately she still had reason, and when she swallowed it to her mouth, it was like swallowing blood.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Tang Fan got up to open the door, but he saw the Guanyi man came in with a medicine bowl, and said diligently: “Sir, this is the medicine soup you want, just boiled!”

“You put it down.” Tang Fan nodded, he was naturally not as affectionate as Guan Xiao as he was to the official post.

“Ma, take the medicine, it’s soothing and calming. After drinking, you can sleep well and wake up and you’ll be fine.” Tang Fan picked up the bowl and lifted her carefully.

It is really not easy for him to do this step with his official position now.

If you change the woman next to it, you might be really tempted, but it is a pity that Xiao Wu’s mind is not at all.

“I’ll do it myself.” Xiao Mai took the soup bowl and bowed her head to drink.

Tang Fan suddenly said: “Wait!”

He took the bowl from Xiao Mai again, and the movement was so sharp that some soup still spilled on the hands of the two.

Tang Fan shouted: “Di Han! Di Han is here!”

“The subordinate is there.” Shen Sheng responded from outside.

Tang Fandao: “You go to bring a dog, or bring a cat over.”

Di Han did not ask much: “Yes.”

Xiao Nu’s attention was finally diverted by him: “Are you …?”

Tang Fandao: “I think the taste of this medicine is a bit wrong.”

Xiao Wei was startled.

Tang Fan: “The man who just brought the medicine in looks a bit strange. After he came in, he didn’t look at you like other people’s eyes. This is really unusual.”

Xiao Xiao wanted to make a joke, saying that he made a big fuss, but he didn’t know what to think of, and suddenly his face was pale.

Di Han quickly came in with a puppy in hand, and with Tang Fan’s gesture, he picked up the bowl of medicine and poured it into the puppy’s mouth.

The result wasn’t going to happen. The puppy wailed and seemed to roll in Di Han’s arms in pain. When Di Han let go, the puppy fell to the ground, his limbs twitched a few times, and there was no movement.

Tang Fan was furious: “Sure enough someone wanted to strike me, but why didn’t he come at me, but he wanted to hurt Awu!”

Di Han said: “Maybe the other party feels that Miss Xiao is dead, which can make the adult indiscriminate and expose his weaknesses.”

The two asked each other a question. Tang Fan turned around and was just trying to comfort Xiao Xiao. Then she realized that her face became paler and she could not help but startled. Her hand was also cold and cold. What’s wrong! “

Xiao Xiao didn’t answer, her delicate body couldn’t help shaking, she was embraced by Tang Fan, still speechless.

Tang Fan patted her back gently, comforting softly: “It’s okay, it’s okay!”

After comforting Xiao Yu for a long time, Tang Fan left her house and returned to her room until she lay down again.

Just after the front foot came in, someone on the back foot followed.

Tang Fan didn’t need to look back to know who it was. He didn’t have a good air: “If you go in and out like this, where others will treat you as an ordinary man, it is easy to expose flaws!”

Di Han said: “The subordinates are not ordinary subordinates, they are personal guards.”

Intentionally or unintentionally, he aggravated the tone of the second word, but his eyes fixed on Tang Fan.

Tang Fan clenched his fists against his lips and coughed with a false voice: “I have been busy arranging these days. I still have to ask you in the future. In your capacity, how can I easily leave Beijing to find me?”

Di Han said: “Something happened in Jiangxi, your majesty took me to deal with it personally, and I went to Suzhou to see you.”

Tang Fan scolded angrily: “Fake public favors!”

A smile appeared in Di Han’s eyes: “So what? Yan Li and they have already gone ahead, I just think you think hard.”

This kind of straightforward and unmodified words were spoken from the other party’s mouth, which was more useful than Xiao Wei’s watery eyes, and the face of Master Tang instantly turned red.

Di Han stretched out his hand, gently brushed his shoulder, went down all the way, and finally stopped at the back of the other hand.

The finger scratched on that palm, and I didn’t accidentally feel the other person’s hand flicker.

However, Di Han responded faster, and had already grasped tightly without waiting for the other party’s next reaction.

Touching his skin, he found that Tang Fan’s knuckles were slender and well-proportioned, just as he felt the other person’s feet that day.

There is no doubt that this is a pair of hands used to make a splendid article.

Tang Fan was a little embarrassed: “Okay, let’s talk about business!”

Having said that, it didn’t break away.

Di Han seemed to know that he was particularly thin-skinned in this regard, and he didn’t make much fun, just smiled: “Xiao Mai now definitely thinks that bowl of poison was given to her by Chen Luan.”

Tang Fan pondered: “Xiao Mai is a person who knows how to plan for herself, and she is also smarter than ordinary women. This time alone, she certainly cannot be blinded by her, nor is it enough for her to make up her mind. : First, Chen Luan will definitely be knocked down, no fluke, and second, Chen Luan is now suspicious of her, and wants to kill her, she will not take her seriously even if she thinks of Chen Luan again. . “

Di Han: “What do you want to do?”

Tang Fanzhizhu smiled and said, “I’d like to ask you to do a favor, arrange a good show, and let her completely believe it.”

Di Han: “There is only one point.”

Tang Fan: “Huh?”

Di Han: “Don’t hug her again.”

Tang Fan: “…”

Xiao Xiao spent the night in a state of restlessness and nightmares.

Early the next morning, Tang Fan came over to her and said to her, “Auntie, this place is too dangerous. I want to take you to Beijing as early as possible and leave here!”

Xiao Xiao froze for a moment: “Adult’s business is all done? Don’t you want to defeat Chen Luan?”

Tang Fan showed a mysterious smile to her: “It’s almost done, and Chen Lun’s indictment has been handed over to me, just wait for the Beijing side to do it strictly!”

Xiao Xiao completely confused.

Because of her identity, she knows a lot about Chen Luan, and she knows why Chen Luan is so rampant.

Not only because Chen Luan had an uncle who was still a clerk in Nanjing ’s Hubu, but also because Chen Luan paid a lot of respect to the capital every year.

To put it bluntly, Chen Luan, the emperor of the earth, had a relationship with Dongchang not only through the Suzhou Chamber of Commerce, but even he and his uncle were also members of the Wandang Party.

Because of this, Chen Luan privately sold official grain in Wujiang and colluded with Yang Ji, not even Tang Pan ’s mission.

Afraid of his power, Hu Wenzao, the governor of Suzhou, did not dare to say anything at first. He would n’t want to cooperate with Tang Fan even if they were dragged out by Chen Luan as shields.

Wan Guifei, who was relied upon by Wandang, although she has no sons today, has heard that she has formed an alliance with Princess Shao Chen to support her son as a prince, and encourages the emperor to abolish the current prince.

Xiao Wei knew a lot from Chen Luan, so she didn’t think that Tang Fan alone could defeat Chen Luan. Even with Wang Zhi behind him, I was afraid it would not be enough.

Because Tang Fan is not dealing with Chen Luan at all, but the complicated giant behind him.

Now Tang Fan actually vowed to say that he has the ability to deal with Chen Luan, Xiao Xiao was surprised, the first reaction is naturally unbelief.

But Tang Fan’s fascination with himself certainly would not lie to her.

So Xiao Mai asked: “What kind of evidence did the adult get Chen Luan?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to realize something, and she bowed her head embarrassedly: “These weren’t questions I changed, I was over the distance.”

Tang Fan did n’t take it seriously and shook her hand: “I said to you before that behind Chen Luan is the party of Wan Guifei, including today ’s first assistant Wan An, and the younger brother Wan Tong, you should also return Remember? “

Seeing Xiao Xiao nodded, he said again: “In fact, this matter is easy to handle. I have to deal with it. From the beginning to the end, there is only Chen Luan. There is no plan to involve the Wandang people. For Wandang, it ’s just a chess piece. Without him, Wujiang Zhixian can still do it for individuals. This is not an important position. “

In the heart of Xiao Xiao’s heart, there was a turbulent wave, but there was only a timid expression on his face: “But … Isn’t Chen Luan’s uncle Shanghu Nanjing, can he sit and watch his nephew being impeached by you?”

Tang Fan smiled and said, “May I tell you, I had a few senior friends in Beijing, who were excluded from Wandang to Nanjing, and one of them was Zhang Ying, the former criminal department, who had found Chen Shangshu to corrupt He was impeached and impeached. The Chen Shangshu is now overwhelmed with self-care. Where else can he afford to be nephew? “

Xiao Xiao gaped: “Here, does this work?”

Tang Fanyou said: “Why doesn’t it work? The others said too much, and you don’t understand it. All in all, you only need to know that although Wandang is powerful, they also have many concerns, as long as you don’t fight to die with them, They won’t break the net with you, Chen Luan only dominates the Wujiang territories. If he doesn’t have his uncle, what can he do? In fact, Chen Luan is already in a hurry, he can’t reach Hu Wenzao, I don’t know what I want What he was doing, he was planning to sue the wicked first, and transferred me back through the Wandang Party. Maybe they would say that I took bribes in Wujiang and indulged in beauty, but unfortunately Chen Luan did n’t know that I had paid the money to His Majesty went!”

He laughed when he said it, and the tone was full of jokes about Chen Luan.

But Xiao Mai couldn’t laugh.

This remark really turned her heart over the river and could not calm for a long time.

Xiao Xiao had to admit that the other party’s words made sense.

She only saw Chen Luan’s lawlessness. She didn’t know that in the eyes of Tang Fan, who was from Beijing, Chen Luan was not impeccable.

The angle of the station is different, so the problems you see are naturally different.

Although Chen Luan is a handsome man, he is also very good to Xiao Que, but his methods are also fierce. Xiao Xiao does not have too many attachments to him, she is just worried about her way behind.

What should she do if Chen Luan is knocked down?

Yesterday’s poison incident made her feel terrified. Although Tang Fan felt that the poison was going to Tang Fan, they didn’t expect Xiao Que to come here, but only Xiao Fu knew that, it was most likely that Chen Lu felt that she had already He betrayed him, so he couldn’t wait to kill his mouth with poison.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mai couldn’t help biting her lower lip white.

“Ma, what’s wrong with you?” Tang Fan’s voice made her recover.

“I’m fine.” Xiao Weiqiang smiled.

“You have always been in a hurry recently, don’t you want to follow me back to Beijing?” Tang Fan frowned.

“It’s nothing,” Xiao Mai shook her head. “It’s my blessing to be able to accompany the adults. It’s just that I have some chest tightness recently, plus the last time I was drugged, I was really terrified.”

After she snuggled into Tang Fan’s arms, she seemed to want to draw a little sense of security from the other party.

Tang Fan hugged her, thinking that this was to give her a hug, but it wasn’t me who took the initiative to hug others, even if it was a peerless beauty, it was really tiring to play like this every day.

But the surface is still gentle and watery: “Well, it ’s fine today, it ’s better to go out with me. The jewelry that people made last time should also be finished. Do you want to go and see for yourself? It ’s appropriate to let them change it by the way. “

Xiao Xiao is actually not willing to go out, but now her mindset has begun to change slowly. From the beginning, she began to talk to Tang Fanxu, and now she gradually has the real tricks, relying on Tang Pan ’s mind, Then he smiled softly: “All listen to you.”

She whispered again: “It’s because my body is not upset, I have been sick for so many days, and I haven’t really been able to serve adults, me, me …”

Talking, Xiao Xiao blushed.

In fact, Tang Fan did not touch her as a gentleman, and Xiao Xiao was also happy to hang his appetite, because Xiao Xiao was well versed in men ’s psychology, knowing that this world is easy to succeed will never cherish too much, human nature is cheap, men This is especially true for women. The more reserved Xiao Xiao is, the more Tang Fan loves her as a treasure.

Therefore, although the two thought about each other, in the end, they were all in peace, and Xiao Xiao had never doubted Tang Fan’s behavior.

“Silly girl,” Tang Fanrou said softly, “Your body is getting better, it’s the best reward for me. Don’t you know what I mean to you?”

Xiao Xiao showed a moved look.

Because of her weakness, Tang Fan also specially found a cloak for her to put on before taking her out.

The two did not ride in a horse-drawn carriage, and the entourage brought only one Di Han, which was considered a light travel.

But after the last time he was nearly poisoned, Xiao Mai had been terrified.

“Sir, would you bring Di Zongqi alone, would it be unsafe?”

“No,” Tang Fan smiled and puzzled her: “Although there is only one Di Han, he is capable of fighting dozens of people without changing his face. You don’t know that his martial arts even praised his majesty himself. Otherwise, how could Xue Qianhu be sent? “

Xiao Que was startled and couldn’t help laughing: “It seems that the relationship between the adult and Jin Yiwei is very good, and even this kind of talent can be seconded.”

There was temptation in the discourse, but Tang Fan didn’t realize it, but nodded: “Do not hide from you, I have no relationship with Jin Yiwei’s Beizhen Fusi Zhen Fu, who is where I go, and wherever he goes. If you do n’t leave this time, if it ’s not His Majesty ’s other mission, he must have followed him. ”

This seems to have an exaggerated composition, but Tang Fan is now followed by a Jin Yiwei, why can’t he be bragging, Xiao Xiao believes in seven or eight points, and has more care in her heart.

Di Han, who was following the two, watched their eyes and eyes, as if their conversation had nothing to do with themselves.

The three stayed in the silver building for a while. After Xiao Xiao picked the jewelry, Tang Fan took her out.

“It’s still early in the sky. Find a teahouse and sit down. You can almost have lunch. If you go back, you’ll be bored in the hut again,” Tang Fan laughed.

Xiao Xiao naturally would not have an opinion: “All listen to adults.”

It’s just that her words didn’t have time to finish, and the accident happened.

There are three people, from the front of Tang Fan and Xiao Wei, the left front and the right side of the three directions, with a sharp edge in their hands, coming fiercely.

Xiao Xiao was completely stunned. She wouldn’t take the slightest effort. The blink of an eye was unexpected. She could only watch this happening.

Even more terrifying is that she discovered that the opponent’s goal was not Tang Fan, but herself!

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