The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 13

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The three of them were equipped with regular clothes in the government office. After waiting for the office, they changed into the regular clothes and went to the cyclamen building.

Pan Bin, Wei Yu, and Tang Fan were all officials who were promoted to the imperial examination system. Pan Bin was Tang Fan ’s brother, and Wei Yu was a jinshi of Chenghua for eight years. In detail, everyone has many common topics. Pan Although Bin likes to display shelves on weekdays, and people are a little stingy, but not only Wei Yu and Tang Fan’s Shangguan, but also senior officials, they also have a lot more experience than the two. The guidance is more than enough, so this meal , Everyone laughed Yan Yan, the host and the host were happy.

When they came out of the restaurant, it was still early, but half past the unitary time, there was no night ban.

Pan Bin and Wei Yu had a family waiting outside the private room and escorted the two back. Tang Fan lived alone, neither a family nor a servant. It was not too late to see the sky. After sending the two out of the restaurant, they were themselves Walk home.

Ancient house prices were not cheap, especially in Beijing, where the emperor and the emperor were stingy. Since the emperor and the emperor, they could not pay a few salaries every year. Many officials who came to Beijing to buy jobs could not afford a house, and the grade was still Did not reach the point where the court gave the house, and could only become a family of north drifts like Tang Fan-renting a house, some officials were even more miserable, and even only living in the home of colleagues, it was a bitter tear.

The place where Tang Pan rented is convenient and not far from the official office. If it was not because the courtyard was a small place separated by the Li family for fear of haunting, he could not move in with his family, nor could it be the cheap Tang Pan. Bachelor.

In the evening of the evening sky in the capital, the people who sell snacks and pastries, call the children to go home for dinner, and the people who know each other greet and chat with each other.

When Tang Fan walked into the Liuye Hutong, he happened to see Axia, Li’s maidservant, coming out of Lijia’s doorway, preparing to knock on his door.

Tang Fan: “Axia?”

Axia turned around and was surprised: “Master Tang, have you just returned?”

Tang Fan laughed: “Yeah, just back from the outside, are you?”

Axia: “Today is the summer heat. My wife ordered people to make some cakes and let me send them to Master Tang.”

Tang Fan: “Why don’t you be so polite, I just finished my meal, Axia girl still sent it back, thank you maid on my behalf.”

Axia was anxious: “If Master Tang refuses to accept it, how can I go back and explain, if Master Tang wants to quit, or tell my mistress personally!”

She came here every time, Tang Fan was really not easy to refuse. He was a big man, even if he had some friendship with the Li family, it was not easy to go to meet his mistress at all times. After all, the male owner was not there, except for the Li family Except for the 12- to 13-year-olds, all are old, weak women and children. Try to avoid suspicion. Axia is a servant, so there is no taboo.

Tang Fan opened the door and asked her to go in. When she saw her gloomy eyes, she asked, “Axia, are you okay?”

When Mrs. Li had something to send, she basically sent Axia over. After a few times, she knew each other well. Axia was in a bad mood and was in need of dispatch. When he asked him, she lowered her voice and said: “This A few days later, my wife received a letter from the master who came back from the outside, saying that when the master was outside, he had a room outside, and that the woman was still pregnant. The wife was very upset about this matter. We The nature of these current people should also be cautious, just hope that his wife can open her mind! “

Tang Fan is not very interested in this kind of private house affairs, but he is still comforting Asha: “You can speak well in front of your mother and wife, just give a few more words of comfort, and the day is still going to live.”

Axia’s look was better. She looked at the basket she brought, and her cheeks were suddenly stained with shame: “The weather is hot, and the pastries are not good for a long time. Please ask Tang to eat it earlier, Axia just Leave first. “

“Girl Axia!” Tang Fan shouted at her.

Axia turned around: “What else does Master Tang have?”

Tang Fan: “This basket of pastries, wasn’t it sent by your mother-in-law?”

Axia: “Why do you say this, if it is not for my wife to send me, how dare I call the shots without permission?”

Tang Fan: “The girl’s kindness, I got it, just this basket of pastries, please take it back!”

Axia was about to cry anxiously and had to reveal the truth: “Master Tang, don’t get me wrong. The pastry was really made by my wife. I just, I just put an extra purse in it!”

Tang Fan reached out and looked in the basket for a while. Sure enough, he found a pink purse under the pastry, embroidered with peony. The embroidering was good, and he couldn’t help crying or laughing.

The girl gave her purse, the connotation was self-explanatory, but Axia didn’t even think about it. Anyone in Tang Fan’s office, and Shuntianfu’s promotion, had sharper eyesight than others, and she was only able to hide her sly eyes.

Axia lowered her head: “I put this purse in without permission. If the adults don’t give up, I wish, I would like to serve the maid as a maidservant who sweeps the snow and serves tea, serving every day.”

She finally summoned up her courage to confess her heart. At the end of the day, her cheeks were already red and her head was about to hang down to her chest. She did not dare to look at Tang Fan.

Tang Fan was silent for a moment: “Thank you girl Axia for your kindness. I accepted the pastry, but the purse still asked the girl to take it back, and later asked the girl not to come again.”

Axia raised her head and blushed her eyes: “Adult thinks I am too shameful, recommends pillows, can’t you look at me as a meager body?”

Tang Fan shook his head: “I’m just a poor official, with no long things and no constant property, and Feng Lu will be able to support himself. It is really worth noting that Axia girl is so sincere to me, Axia girl is so good-looking, and she will be so good in the future. Will definitely find a better destination. “

Axia: “Master Tang doesn’t have to coax me. I am born like this, and I can find a good home. If you are willing to take me in, Axia is willing to be a maidservant under the stove! I, I treat adults Admiration, the sun and the moon can be learned! “

It stands to reason that Axia’s posture is not bad, she automatically comes to the door, the average man never refuses to refuse the door, not to mention that as long as Tang Fanken spoke to the Li family, in his identity, and Li family The relationship between the Li family and the maid ca n’t hold a maidservant. Although the ancestor of the Li family is an official, several generations of businessmen have long been ordinary people. If he can get in touch with the promising Tang Pan through a maid, Li Mother must also be happy about the beauty of adulthood.

However, Tang Fan was not interested in storing the concubine’s beautiful maid. Since he was not interested, he might as well simply refuse others. Why should he hang someone’s heart and add countless troubles?

So in the face of Axia’s pleading and polite confession, Tang Fan still said: “Miss Axia, I won’t tell anyone about today’s affairs, please take back the purse, I will rest.”

Seeing that he was unimpressed, Axia even didn’t even come over to help herself, and she knew that it would be useless to stay any longer. She wiped her tears and stood up: “All of them are Axia invisible. They slammed into the adult and invited the adult Haihan. “

Tang Fan: “Anyway, Axia girl doesn’t have to be polite.”

Axia paid a gift, holding the purse in her hand, and felt disappointed and embarrassed in her heart.

After Emperor Yingzong, the status of Guozijian gradually declined, and the imperial court formed the unspoken rule that “non-Hanlin does not enter the cabinet.” Tang Fan was born elegant, and he was born in Hanlin, and his status was noble. No one can guarantee that he will be a great man in the future, and will be ranked as Jason’s. Such a talent, not only Axia’s devotion to him, is simply a matchmaker who breaks the threshold.

Axia also understands this very well. She knows that being born as a slave-servant is definitely not worthy of Tang Fan, but a wife ca n’t be a servant. It ’s always possible to serve as a maidservant. In the concubine’s room, Axia was content when she could have one or two gentleness.

But even if the requirements were so low, Tang Fan did not.

She was so sad that she felt no face left, and hurriedly went out when she opened the door. She knew that someone stood in front of her. If she hadn’t flashed fast, she would almost be planted.

Axia panicly raised her head and looked closely, and found that this person was quite familiar, it was the Jin Yiwei who had come to Tang Fan last time.

She did not respond for a moment, only staring at the other with a stunned look.

The other party did not look at her, but raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Axia suspected that what he had just said to Tang Fan in the yard was listened to by this man. He could not help being ashamed and annoyed. He accelerated his pace and fled to the Li’s house next door.

Tang Fan sent the man away, and went to see the basket again.

Axia was here just now, he wanted to maintain his demeanor. Now that people are gone, there will naturally be no worries.

Tang Pan also tasted the skill level of the Li family chef. At this time, when he saw the Poria cake and plum yam cold yam inside, he took out the dish of cold yam and picked it up and put it in his mouth.

The yam is iced after being cut into strips, and then drizzled with plum juice, sour and sweet, crisp, both digestive and refreshing.

After eating one, one couldn’t hold back and took another.

Lord Tang happily raised the basket, ready to take it to the room to enjoy.

There was a knock on the door outside.

Tang Fan thought that it was Axia who went back and frowned. He really didn’t want to give the girl any reverie that might cause misunderstandings. He had to put down the basket and walked over, preparing to latch the door directly.

It turned out that at this moment, the outsiders seemed to be a little impatient and pushed the door open.

Tang Fan with cold yam in his mouth: “…”

Suizhou stood outside.

Tang Fan reliefed: “It’s Sui General Banner, please come in!”

He glanced behind Suizhou, very well, no one was there.

“Sui Zongqi has used dinner, but would you like to come a little?” Master Tang is generous with others’ generosity.

It was cool in the night, and the smell of yam could be smelled faintly. Suizhou glanced at him and picked up a piece of yam at the venue.

Taking a bite, he nodded: “Not bad.”

Tang Fan laughed: “The skill of the cook next door is even better than that of the cyclamen. Sui Zongqi is still invited in. This dim sum must be served with tea!”

Suizhou also visited Tang Fan last time, but did not enter the house, only sitting in the yard. At this time, seeing no one else inside or outside, he asked: “Master Tang lives alone?”

Tang Fanboo brewed tea and teased himself: “Yeah, I am full, and the whole family is not hungry. It is a bit shabby here, and I do n’t have a good tea set. On weekdays, I am drinking alone. Do n’t dismiss the flag, but the tea leaves are okay. Although they are nameless, they are picked from the wild tea trees on the mountain. Come and try! ”

Suizhou picked up a cup of hot tea, first smelled the tea, and took a sip. He nodded slightly: “Bitter but not astringent, it is good tea.”

Tang Fan laughed: “Thanks to your playfulness this time, the Cabinet’s responsibility for Shuntian Mansion was gently put down. I haven’t thanked the Sui General Banner to make the day empty, and please let me have dinner! “

Suizhou: “Guangchuan.”

Tang Fan was stunned: “Huh?”

Suizhou: “I represent Guangchuan.”

Tang Fan knows: “In that case, you don’t have to call me Master Tang, just call me Runqing.”

Suizhou nodded.

Tang Fan: “Although I’m at the top of you now, you can use your abilities. Pingbu Qingyun is only a matter of time. This time, the Shuntian House can be exempted. Thanks to your efforts, Master Pan also asked me to thank you.”

Suizhou said: “Without you, Pan Bin is just a mediocre officer who should have been demoted and demoted.”

Tang Fan smiled: “Master Pan is actually not bad, but just stayed in the officialdom for a long time. It is inevitable to think about things and have more concerns. Maybe in a few years, I will be like him.”

He said sharply: “But after all, I always feel that the case is still not settled.”

Suizhou: “Baihui Point.”

Talking to smart people is a worry, Tang Fan nodded: “Yes, although Zheng Zhi and Hui Niang pleaded guilty, there is still a doubt in this case. There is still no reasonable explanation for the depression on the Zhenghui Baihui acupoint.”

Suizhou: “I cross-examined Hui Niang. She didn’t know that Zheng Cheng had this wound on her body. According to her account, Zheng Cheng has not been in her room for a long time. Other people in Hou’s House can also testify . “

Tang Fan: “We have discussed before that it is impossible for a person to be struck by Baihui acupuncture without knowing it, so this person must be close to Zheng Cheng, at least for a period of time with him The bed was over pillow, according to this condition, Hui Niang did not meet, Zheng Zhi was even more impossible. “

Suizhou: “Can anyone be selected in your heart?”

Tang Fan: “There are not many people who meet this condition, but there are also many. In Wu’an Hou Mansion, Zheng Cheng’s concubine Yu Niang is one of them. Hearing Zheng Fu said that Zheng Cheng also has an outside room. Go to Qinglou, so these are suspicious candidates. “

Suizhou frowned: “But those people don’t have a proper motive. Let’s talk about it, it’s still the suspicion of the jade girl. Unfortunately, the staff of Jinyiwei has been withdrawn from Wu’an Houfu. People go to watch. “

Tang Fan smiled and said: “No need for the time being, although Shuntian House is not as good as your North Town Fusi, it can still come in handy sometimes. As early as the case was re-investigated, I had already arranged for the manpower to go down After a while, there may be news soon. “

When Suizhou saw that he was firm, he stopped asking more and ate tea and snacks.

Although Suizhou was speechless, he did not say nothing at all. He spent much more time in Beizhen Fusi than Tang Fan, and was involved in many cases. In this respect, some of his experience is more worthy of Tang Learning from the pan refers to asking questions and answering questions, but the time is fast.

In the chat room, a plate of Poria cake and a plate of cold yam came to an end without realizing it.

The two reached the last piece of Poria cake.

As the master is always difficult to grab with the guests, Tang Fan retreated reluctantly, glanced at the lovely Poria cake.

The eyes were as lingering as the girl Axia had just seen him.

Suizhou: “…”

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