The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 130

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

If you see no one in the coffin at this time, everyone may not be so surprised.

In fact, there was indeed a person lying there.

They were surprised that the other party’s face, neck, and even their hands exposed outside the clothes had traces of burning. The body was black, and they could vaguely recognize the facial features of the other party and Lin Fengyuan.

Since Lin Zhen was hanged to death, why would there still be traces of being burned like this?

Xiao Xiao knew nothing about the ins and outs of the case, and had not seen the bodies of the five reviewers. She just said that because she felt that the corpse was too horrible, and there was an unpleasant smell when she got close. After several steps, he quickly retracted into the carriage and looked at Tang Fan and others.

Lu Lingxi frowned: “Strange, why is Lin Fengyuan or Shen Kunxiu? No one mentioned the burning section. Isn’t Lin Zhen committed suicide but was burnt to death?”

But if this is the case, there are more problems. Shen Kunxiu had a huge suspicion because of Lin Zhen ’s death. If Lin Zhen was burnt to death, why did he not say a word and justify himself? Could it be said that the grievances of Lin and Shen’s two families are so great that Shen Kunxiu wants to kill Lin Zhen?

Everyone looked at the corpse, but felt that there were many mysteries in their hearts that could not be solved.

Although the body was not buried for a long time, because of the hot weather, it has begun to exude a slight rancidity. Not to mention Xiao Xiao, other people also intentionally or unintentionally covered their noses and stepped back, but Tang Fan still stood there and said nothing. , Staring at the corpse as if a flower could bloom on it.

He not only looked at it, but also personally went to the autopsy.

Everyone saw his white and slender hands touched the corpse, and even penetrated into the dead man’s mouth and nose, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching slightly.

Just looking at it this way, they all felt complacent, but Tang Fan did all this without changing his face, and it was really admirable.

“He was not burnt to death.” After a while, Tang Fan suddenly said.

After he finished speaking, he stood up, put the jade cicada that had been taken out from the mouth of the corpse back again, and took the wet hand from Xiaozhou to wipe his hands carefully.

Without waiting for everyone to ask questions, he took the initiative to solve the problem: “There is a big difference between being burned after death and being burned before death, that is, if a person is burned before death, the mouth and nose should be inhaled soot, but only then did I After some investigation, he found that his mouth and nose were clean and there were no traces of soot. “

“There is a more important point. If you die by hanging, because the tongue is spit out on the throat, the tongue should be longer than usual, and it should resist the upper teeth, but Lin Zhen ’s tongue position is not as long as the ordinary people. There is no abnormality, which means that he is probably not hanged. “

Lu Lingxi had the heart to learn more, so he endured nausea and learned to look like Tang Fan lying beside the coffin. He leaned forward with his upper body and pinched his nose to look up: “Brother Tang, his neck was burnt black, and he could not see at all. Strangled, how to judge his cause of death? “

Tang Fandao said: “Since he was not hanged and burned like this after death, it is very likely that after being murdered, someone pretended to be a trace of his hangover in order to deceive Shen Kunxiu and then worry about someone We will restart the coffin and examine the corpse just like we did, so as to burn the corpse beyond recognition to cover up Lin Zhen ’s true cause of death. “

“If someone else started and burned the body directly, it would be fine, but he didn’t do it. He only burned half of it, and he buried his clothes and buried it seriously, so that we can find it from the body. The flaw, only relatives of the deceased, knowing to destroy the corpse, but can’t bear it. This is the case. So the person who burned the body should be Lin Fengyuan. “

Lu Lingxi frowned: “In this way, Lin Fengyuan must know that Lin Zhen is not hanged himself, but he still has to help the murderer burn the dead, is he himself the murderer?”

Tang Fan shook his head: “If he is a murderer, since he already has the heart to kill his parents, he can’t even burn a body, but from the above signs, he must know who the murderer is, And intentionally concealing for him … “

Speaking of which, he uttered a tone and suddenly said: “Not good!”

Everyone looked at him for unknown reasons.

Tang Fan: “Come on, put the coffin back again, and then quickly go to the Lin’s house!”

Others heard this and thought that Tang Fan wanted to go to the Lin family to find Lin Fengyuan to settle the account. Only the maid Xiaozhou heard what he meant: “Master Master thinks that Lin Fengyuan is in danger?”

Tang Fan: “Yes, I remembered that Lin Fengyuan’s performance was strange and strange when he came home that day. He was thin and fearful like a bird with a startled bow, and then he looked at the painting on the wall from time to time. What I am, there must be some mystery hidden in the painting, is something he wants to tell me but can not say clearly. But we can think of this, the murderer must be able to think! “

The implication is that Lin Fengyuan is likely to be targeted by the murderer and then die.

As soon as everyone heard it, without saying a word, they quickly speeded up their movements, filled the soil and leveled the pit, and then went directly to the Lin family.

The city gate was open all night, and the Lin family had just been there two days ago.

The surroundings were quiet, not because everyone was off, but because everyone was out of town looking at the lights. It is estimated that no time would come back. The Lin family door was closed, Xi Ming stepped forward and knocked the door. There was a trembling noise, and it quickly started to quiet inside. The other party hurried over while shouting “Who”.

Because he did not know the identity of the outsider, the other party naturally dared not dare to open the door without permission, and Xi Ming said: “I am in charge of handling the case! I just came two days ago!”

“You, what credential do you have?” The people inside seemed unbelieving and asked timidly.

Xi Ming was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He only looked back at Tang Fan. When he nodded, he walked directly to the wall next to him, jumped up, jumped directly onto the wall, and jumped into the courtyard of others.

An exclamation sounded immediately inside, and a moment later, Xi Ming opened the door from inside.

The Lin family were terrified. They really thought they had run into a robber who came to rob. Before he yelled, his mouth was covered by Han Jin.

“Don’t call it, it’s me. Have you been to your family for the past two days, do you still recognize it?” Tang Fan said to him.

The servants of the Lin family could not speak again, opened their eyes wide, and looked at the dimly lit lantern at the door for a moment before nodding.

Han Jin let go.

The next person gasped and gasped, and the consternation was undecided: “Sir, how come this is here?”

Tang Fandao: “Your old man, I have something urgent to see him!”

Descendant Lin: “My father is not here, dare to ask the adult what’s the matter?”

Forcibly broke into the door late at night, how to see how weird.

Tang Fan didn’t even bother to explain more to him, and said with a deep face, “Where did he go?”

During the speech, Xu heard the movements here, and several servants also rushed over. They thought they were out of thieves, and they held sticks in their hands.

Said humanely: “The old man said he was going to see the lamp …”

“Lao Lin, what’s the matter?” The housekeeper hurried out from inside and looked at Tang Fan in amazement.

The next person told him the identity of Tang Fan and others, but the housekeeper was relieved. When Tang Pan came to the house that day, the housekeeper had also seen him, and he said: “Return to Master, my lord really went out to watch the lamp. Not yet back. “

Tang Fan: “He went with several people, when did he go out?”

Butler: “This …”

Tang Fan: “I came home in the middle of the night, but it was deliberately embarrassed. In fact, I came to save the life of your lord. If you don’t say that, your lord will have a length and a length of two. Don’t blame me for not knowing in advance!

The housekeeper saw him speaking seriously, his face slightly changed, thought for a moment, and gritted his teeth: “It ’s not a secret, we also think that the master is a little strange tonight. The three young masters are going out to look at the lights. The master has not stopped him in previous years. This year But he refused, until someone sent a letter, the master hurried out, so far has not returned. “

Tang Fan: “When did you go out? He went out alone?”

Housekeeper: “At about the end of the day, the master only brought Laiwang, oh, the master’s long company.”

Tang Fan: “Where are they going, do you know? Is that letter still there?”

Butler: “The old man never told us where he was going. He burned it out after reading the letter, and when the old man went out, he looked dignified, and he didn’t seem to be in a good mood. We dare not ask too much, sir. means?”

Tang Fan: “What about his long-time follower, Lai Wang has been working in the Lin family?”

Butler: “No, Laiwang brought it back a few months ago by the master himself, and said that he was asked to replace the original long-selling auspicious, and auspicious was sent to look after the study, when he was sad for a while …”

He looked at Tang Fan anxiously, not knowing what had happened.

Tang Fan said: “I’m afraid that something happened to you, your lord, you have to send someone out to find it now. If you find it, you will come back and report it. I will also notify Fan Zhifu and let the people of the government go out together!”

The housekeeper’s face was all white: “Bad, lord, what happened?”

Tang Fan coldly said: “If you delay, you may not be able to come back.”

The butler was so frightened that he did n’t dare to ask any more. He quickly mobilized the Lin family to go up and down to look for it. Tang Fan said to Lu Lingxi and Xi Ming: “You are now going to the Zhifu Yamen and Zhixian Yamen, and let Fan Zhifu and Ziming brothers help out Manpower, look for someone separately, and if you find one, come over and say to me, I am waiting at the Lin family! And, by the way, please ask Shen Xuetai, whether he wants to come or not, he must be invited! “

Xi Ming responded, but Lu Lingxi hesitated and said: “Brother Tang, we walked two at once, and Miss Qiao will not marry, you will have Hanjin left beside you, which is not good …”

Before he finished speaking, Tie Zhu patted his chest and said, “Aren’t I a human, Brother Lu, you can go with confidence, there is I and Xiaozhou here, it won’t be a problem!”

Lu Lingxi said it was because of you and me that I was more worried.

Unexpectedly, Tang Fan also said: “Go ahead, time is running out, there is no time to delay, I am fine here!”

It’s one thing to joke on weekdays. Now that he is serious, Lu Lingxi naturally dare not refute any more, promised, and hurriedly left with Xi Ming to split up.

Such a big movement, the family members of the Lin family were naturally disturbed. The mother-in-law of the Lin family also sent her maid to ask about the situation. After hearing this, she couldn’t care about the inconvenience of seeing a foreign man and went out to see Tang Fan directly.

Chen’s face did not hide his panic: “Adult, are you telling me something about the old man? Is it true?”

Tang Fan didn’t answer the question: “If you are a husband and wife, if Lin Fengyuan has been abnormal recently, you, as a wife, must be easily noticeable.”

Chen frowned: “Yes, since Azhen’s death, Wei Zi’s words and deeds have seemed a little weird. I only did this because he was overhearted, and I didn’t ask in detail. Last time I wanted Ajue to come back, he also No, let it be better for Ajue to stay in the college. “

Tang Fan: “A Jue?”

The butler helped add: “It’s the second young master!”

Tang Fan: “Then he is still in the Academy?”

Butler: “Yes, when the young master died, the second young master was called back, but within a few days the master was sent back to the academy, saying not to delay his homework.”

It stands to reason that the eldest son is dead, and it is too late for parents to grieve. How could it be possible for the second son to rush back to school, not to mention the fact that Lin Zhenyuan was buried, Lin Fengyuan is not in love with this son.

No matter what, this kind of behavior, even outsiders from Lin’s family, felt very strange.

Tang Fan frowned for a moment and said, “You will find two more family members now, go to the academy to see if your second master is still there.”

The housekeeper and Chen’s eyes widened at the same time: “Adult, you mean …”

Tang Fan: “It’s nothing, don’t panic, I just want to confirm his safety, go!”

But when he said this, anyone could hear a bit ominous meaning, and Chen said to the housekeeper: “Hurry, do as the master commands!”

The Lin family was in a state of chaos, and the Chen family introduced women in the house. When they encountered such a situation, they were at a loss for a while. They could only stand there and worry. Tang Fang had something to find her, and asked, “I remember coming back to visit At that time, there was a painting hanging in your main hall. Lin Tong judged that he had made it by himself. Is the painting still there? “

Chen’s thought for a moment: “What are you talking about … that big Jiangdongliu painting?”

Tang Fan: “Not bad.”

Chen: “It seems to be there. I saw you again this morning.”

Tang Fan: “Take me to see.”

Chen: “Adult please.”

She took Tang Fan and others to the main hall and looked up, but he said, “I clearly saw it this morning, how did I change it?”

I saw that place in Tang Fan’s memory, and another picture of the empty mountain and bright moon had already been hung at this time, and the payment was not Lin Fengyuan.

Tang Fan didn’t find any problems in the painting, he lifted the scroll again, and the common wall below was also unremarkable.

The maid Xiaozhou also walked over, raised her hands and knocked, and fumbled for a while. “No problem,” she said.

There is no problem with the wall, that is the problem with the painting. Tang Fan recalled the painting carefully, even if someone hurriedly walked in outside.

“Adult, Shen Xuetai, Fan Zhifu, and Jizhi County are here.” Han Jin reminded beside him.

Tang Fan raised his head and stood up to meet: “I didn’t think about disturbing you. Tang Mou was really sorry.”

“Sir, the sergeant has already summoned manpower to find Lin Tongjuan. Is something wrong?” Fan Zhifu was a little depressed, but he didn’t dare to attack.

Today was Qixi, not to mention the ordinary people, even he was lying comfortably in his yard enjoying the stars, eating snacks, chatting with his wife and children, and having fun, but the people sent by Tang Fan gave him this rare leisure. If it was destroyed, he was naturally depressed and hard to deal with, but it was hard to say to Tang Fan. It was inevitable that he had an idea.

Shen Kunxiu still had a black face, as if someone owed him a lot of money and didn’t pay it back.

In fact, when Xi Ming went to the door, he was originally reluctant to come, or Xi Ming used a strong force to directly invite people to come, and it was strange that he looked good. “Tang Yushi’s speech came without opening his mouth. Does it really need to be based on facts? If you sentence Lin’s sentence may cause an accident, then Ji’an will be exhausted. If Lin’s sentence returns safely, what explanation do you have? , What does it have to do with this school? “

Tang Fan waved his hand: “Shen Xuetai is a little restless, please sit down.”

Shen Kunxiu shook his hand: “No need, Tang Yushi has something to say, please make it clear as soon as possible. I’ll rush back to see the lamp!”

Tang Fan smiled: “Shen Xuetai is also really broad-minded. He made the son have such a big disaster. You still have the leisure to look at the lamp. I heard that Lingzi has been lying in bed for a few days by you. Watch the lights with you? “

Shen Kunxiu said angrily: “What does this have to do with you, and you can’t help but manage too much!”

Tang Fan smiled, and shouted suddenly: “Shen Kunxiu, if you commit a murder, what crime should you commit!”

Shen Kunxiu was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious: “Tang Fan, don’t spit on people, Fan Le is afraid of you, I’m not afraid of you, don’t think you are ordered to investigate the case, you can reverse the black and white, what does Lin Zhen’s death do to me!”

Tang Fan sneered: “When did I say that Lin Zhen’s death was related to you? I was talking about the deaths of the five reviewers, together with the wife of one of them, a total of six lives, dare you say you didn’t even know it ! “

At that moment, Shen Kunxiu’s face flashed a strange look very quickly, and his eyes swam involuntarily.

Many people often make such a response when they are guilty. Although the duration is extremely short, Tang Fan’s eyes have been fixed on each other, and he will naturally not miss any subtle changes in his expression.

Fan Zhifu and Ji Min didn’t expect Tang Fan to choose to turn over with Shen Kunxiu at this time. The two looked at each other, but they didn’t dare to persuade, and could only sit there embarrassingly.

Shen Kunxiu’s face turned red, and he pointed to Tang Fan angrily: “If you talk nonsense again, believe me or not, I will impeach you tomorrow!”

When he was angry, Tang Fan smiled instead: “How often have you impeached me? If it weren’t for your impersonation, how would the imperial court send him a mission? Shen Kunxiu, I asked you, you knew the five reviewers. Related to the imperial examination case, why didn’t they wait for the imperial court to come over and let them go hurriedly? “

Shen Kunxiu was reluctant to answer, but could not help but can only say dumbly: “Because according to my verification that day, the five reviewers did not participate in cheating!”

Tang Fan: “You can only coax a five-year-old child. Before the day of the college exam, a total of 16 candidates took one hundred or two to buy the news in Qingfeng Building, saying that as long as they are mixed in the article,” Dacheng also ‘Three words, you can get to high school. If the news is false, then these people can’t be on the list. At that time, the situation was that the college test released the list, and all the 16 people were famous on the list. The reviewers are linking to each other. What ranking can they get based on these three words? “

He paused: “Things have developed so far, you haven’t found Shen Xuetai in time, at best it’s just a crime of oversight, and later you gathered those candidates who were suspected of cheating and asked them to take the exam again. This thing is enough to prove that you have achieved I do n’t know. “

“But,” Tang Fan remarked: “Since I came here, you have been with me everywhere, not only refused to cooperate, but also obstructed everything. You know the reviewers, and there must be someone who accepts bribes. , And knowing that when I came, I would definitely have to investigate from them, but I still had to let them go. I would rather let myself carry a bigger suspicion, even after the death of those six people, you still refuse to reveal the truth. , Will only blindly deny it. This can only explain the fact that the person who sells the news to the candidates must have a close relationship with you. You are abandoning your future and you must keep him, right? “

Shen Kunxiu sneered: “All nonsense!”

He got up and walked away with his sleeves. Xi Ming and Han Jin, who had been standing outside the door for a long time, went straight ahead and looked at him coldly.

Shen Kunxiu turned back angrily: “Tang Fan, what do you mean, do you have to force me to convict and imprison the imperial court officials?”

Tang Fan ignored him and continued to tell: “Fan Zhifu once said that the mountain leader of Bailuzhou Academy is already old, and the position of mountain leader is vacant. Those who want to be the next mountain leader are not few, but they are the most qualified. The contestants are none other than the five reviewers. Because they are all the chiefs of the Academy of Ji’an Prefecture, and they have similar views on capital. If they can be recommended by Master Xuezheng and serve as the chief of the Bailuzhou Academy, it must be You are more confident. You are of a high nature and love to be famous. Presumably you are disdain to listen to them, and even bribes may not be accepted. But you will not, neither represent others nor will be able to represent your opinions and let that Several people listened to what they believed, and believed that it was true, who could be more than Lingzi? “

Shen Kunxiu Tieqing put his face on his face and said nothing. He was not a person who was good at speech. At this time, he couldn’t think of anything to refute Tang Fan’s words.

But Tang Fan didn’t allow him to think carefully, and soon said: “I guess, the son might have wanted to learn the test questions from you in advance, so that they can be sold to others, but he was scolded by you, so he If you do n’t know how to do it, you ’ll have another plan, simply use your name directly, privately contact with those mountain leaders, and grant them many benefits, and then make an appointment with them in advance. All will be admitted. “

“Unfortunately, after you know about it, it’s too late, but you can’t watch the only son happen, so you can’t live with me deliberately, so that I can’t check it down and let me focus on On you. “

“If the case ends here, your big deal is a poor investigation and a dismissal of the official, leaving the son with no merit. If the incident occurs because of colluding with the examiner and selling the test questions, even if the death penalty is exempt, the living crime is inevitable, so you Do everything possible to excuse your son, or even destroy your own reputation, to make others think that you are a stubborn confused official! “

Fan Zhifu and Ji Min listened to it all with a stunned expression. They did n’t know how Tang Fan inferred it, but as soon as these structured words came to their ears, they could n’t help but believe in seven or eight points. The two looked at Shen Kunxiu in agreement, seemingly thinking See the answer on his face.

Shen Kunxiu’s expression was unpredictable, and Tang Fan’s gaze was also very complicated, not to mention hatred or emotion.

Because of his character, he inevitably pretends to be tall, even though his name is outside, but his career is not very satisfactory, and his popularity is only mediocre. He can be a provincial scholar and he is almost at the end. He wants to go directly to the courtesy department. , I’m afraid it’s difficult.

Compared with Shen Kunxiu’s reputation in the literary world, many people say that he is difficult to get along with, but Shen Kunxiu doesn’t care. He still does his own thing. He has strict requirements on himself. He is bribed in the officialdom. I am proud of this, but I did not expect to cherish the reputation of my whole life, and eventually it will be planted on my son.

He didn’t even think that he knew his enemy best.

So far, Tang Fan has guessed contemplation. Even if Shen Kunxiu doesn’t admit it any more, as long as Tang Fan catches the contemplation and asks, with the character of the other party, he will confess all of them in a moment.

Not so much, it is better to Shen Kunxiu himself.

He sighed: “The six people were not killed by me. Lin Zhen’s death has nothing to do with my father and son.”

Tang Fan raised an eyebrow: “But you should know who the murderer is.”

Shen Kunxiu was silent.

It was at this time that someone outside hurried in, but was a servant of the prefect Yamen.

“Sir, we found Lin Tong sentenced!”

Fan Zhifu stood up: “Where, let him in!”

The bureaucrat uttered: “In the old city **** temple, people are dead.”

At this time, the Lin family’s servants ran into the room breathlessly, and said to the Lin family’s housekeeper and Chen: “Ma’am, I waited for a trip to Bailuzhou Academy, but I didn’t see the second young master. After that, I never went back! “

The house leak coincided with the continuous rain, and the others were just shocked, except that Chen’s eyes were black and he fainted.

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