The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 143

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

At the Qianqing Palace, everyone was taken to the side hall.

The emperor’s little yellow door said: “Masters and sit down for a moment, Your Majesty wants to ask Auxiliary to speak inside.”

Even though the power of the prime ministers in the Ming Dynasty was scattered and there was no more prestige of the prime ministers of the Tang and Song dynasties, the emperor still needed to maintain basic etiquette for them. Come, but there is a seat to sit, there is tea to eat.

But now everyone obviously can’t pay attention to these details, and their thoughts are turning to each other. It is nothing more than what the emperor is going to say. In case he asked the prince, what should he do about it?

It stands to reason that the cabinet should not be a situation where a cabinet minister should be called alone to speak, but now the emperor really did it, probably because everyone knew that there was a disagreement about something, so he planned to divide it. Reasonably, break one by one.

Dignified ninety-five people, using this method to their officials is ridiculous and irritating.

But if it is really related to the prince, the emperor can understand.

Looking again at the appearance of Wan An and others like An Zhiruo, Tang Fan fainted a little.

After Yixiang, Liu Ji came out.

His face was strange and indescribable, but there were Wanan and others present, and Tang Fan could not step forward and ask.

Liu Ji didn’t look at anyone after sitting down, just like the old monk entered, his eyebrows drooped and he didn’t move.

After Liu Ji, Peng Hua and Yin Zhi entered again.

They didn’t go in for a long time, at least not as long as Liu Jichang, and Yo Mo came out in a moment. Although his face was calm, there was a sense of complacency.

The small yellow door stepped forward: “Your Majesty, please invite Liu Ge to speak.”

Liu Jian got up and adjusted his clothes, and gave Tang Fan a glance, and they followed the small yellow door.

At this time, Wan An spoke: “Run Qing, I heard that you caught Bailian Sect last night?”

Tang Fandao said: “It’s just suspicion. I have reported that Jin Yiwei knows that this matter has yet to be verified by them.”

Yin Zhixiu laughed: “Tang Fan, you are an elder, but you have been very close to the emperor Jinyiwei and other emperors. Whose order did you take?

Tang Fan’s face remained the same: “Brother Yin’s words were serious. Jin Yiwei was responsible for the detection and capture of the court’s criminals. Mo said that it was me, but Brother Yin, who found the traces of the remnants of the Bailian religion. Shouldn’t he hide them?

Yin Zhi sneered: “I’m afraid someone is eager to publish private enemies?”

Tang Fan: “I don’t know where to start this private enmity, but also ask Brother Yin to solve the puzzle.”

After a round of conversation between the two, they saw that Liu Jian came back with Xiaohuangmen.

If Liu Ji came back, his expression was just weird, then Liu Jian’s face was ugly.

What did your majesty say to him?

Tang Fan and Xu Pu looked at each other a little bit strangely.

But Liu Jian didn’t make eye contact with them. He didn’t even look at the others. He sat down, his chest slightly undulating, as if he had just experienced an exhausted quarrel.

Seeing this situation, Xu Pu was a little uneasy, but he could only go to the emperor with the inner attendant who came to talk.

At this time, Tang Fan calmed down instead, and he no longer tried to communicate with anyone in words or eyes, and began to close his eyes and recuperate.

Yin Zhi originally wanted to stab him a few words, so he had to close his mouth.

Soon, Xu Pu also came back.

His face was even uglier than Liu Jian’s, his face even paler, and his footsteps were a bit staggered.

Tang Fan opened his eyes and saw that he was not so good, he couldn’t help but help him.

Who knows Xu Pu grabbed his sleeve and started crying: “Run Qing, you must persuade your majesty!”

Everyone was a little surprised by Xu Pu’s shock, and even Tang Fan had wanted to meet Emperor’s inner attendant.

In everyone’s impression, Xu Pu has always been a clumsy old man, he may be a prince, but he is not good at arguing with others, and he is easy to be soft-hearted. Yao did not yet have a sense of existence, which is why Wan Wan agreed to him in the cabinet-such a person would not pose any threat to them.

But no one expected that the good guys would also break out when they were forced into nowhere.

Faced with Xu Pu’s emotional runaway, Tang Fan didn’t know what to say: “Qianzhai Gong …”

Liu Jian helped Xu Pu and said to Tang Fan: “Run Qing, you go, here is me.”

Tang Fan nodded at him, and hurriedly followed the inner attendant who came to deliver the message.

The emperor seemed a little thinner the last time he saw it, a few days ago.

Although there are Chang dynasties every day now, he has recently become ill, and it would be a good excuse not to go to the dynasty on the grounds of his body.

“Senior sees His Majesty, His Majesty Dragon Body Saint Ann.” Tang Fan Gong bowed his hands to salute.

Except for Dacha meetings or ceremonies, in general this kind of summoning does not require the kneel to bow down.

“Tang Qing is courteous, sit down,” the emperor said, his voice hoarse, accompanied by a cough or two.

“Your Majesty,” Tang Fandao said.

In fact, among the many cabinet ministers, the relationship between the emperor and Tang Pan was not particularly close, but Tang Pan entered the cabinet after the court pushed, that is, the six departments and nine ministers voted, and the emperor did not block it. There are not many opportunities to visit the emperor. Most of the time, they also meet with other cabinet members.

The emperor’s impression of Tang Fan is not good or bad. He feels that this person may be very capable, but he does not understand the way of being a courtier. If it is not necessary to talk to them individually today, the emperor will not think of calling alone Tang Fan.

Rarely, the emperor’s face was kind, he chatted with Tang Fan for a long time and had nothing to do with it, and he cared about his habit after entering the cabinet. I don’t know the inside story. It is estimated that the emperor will be grateful for his consideration.

However, Tang Fan’s expression was serious, and he answered well, without the vitality of the young courtiers, which made the emperor quite bored.

This boring and dull conversation was tormenting for the two.

“Today’s visions are frequent. Presumably Tang Qing also heard about it?”

So thank goodness, the emperor finally could not bear to enter the topic.


Tang Fan couldn’t help straightening his back.

“Yes, the minister heard about it and read the handbook circulated by His Majesty’s Cabinet.”

The emperor’s body leaned forward slightly, which is an impatient performance: “So what do you think?”

Tang Fan squeezed his lips: “Forgive the subject Lu Lu, the subject does not know what his majesty means.”

Emperor: “Qin Tianjian told me that these sky signs should be in the East Palace.”

Tang Fan: “Your Majesty means, Donggong …?”

The emperor was too lazy to circle with him again: “God warns, there must be something obvious. I want to commit a crime and re-establish the East Palace. What does Qing think?”

At this point, Tang Fan couldn’t continue to be stupid. He gathered his head up and bowed his hands abruptly: “Dare to ask your majesty, what is wrong with the prince?”

The emperor was a little impatient. Before Tang Fan, Liu Jian and Xu Pu had already mentioned this to the emperor. This kind of car-like dialogue annoyed the emperor, but he tried not to abolish the ministers. The prince’s affairs are lagging behind, and he can’t help but try to persuade them one by one.

The minister of this dynasty far surpassed all previous dynasties in maintaining the orthodox of the elders. Knowing how strong Zhu Di was at that time, he eventually failed to abolish the prince and rebuild his favorite Hanwang. During the period, the emperor also did not have the power of Yongle Tianzi. He even needed to consult the cabinet first.

“The crown prince has been standing for the East Palace for more than ten years. He has never made any achievements, and has never heard of Rende’s reputation. Isn’t this the point of virtue? For example, the warning today is for the sake of letting me correct in time.” Emperor said.

Tang Fandao said: “Although the prince is a prince, he is still a prince. After all, he is a prince, so he should be safe and guarding himself. fun?”

What he meant was: the prince had nothing to do, that would be right, otherwise if the prince is high-profile, people outside only know that there is a prince, and no emperor, are you happy?

This sentence pointed mercilessly toward the emperor’s heart, and clearly stated his position: I am against the Crown Prince.

The emperor was a little annoyed: “Tang Fan, if you know the two words of duty, you should know that monarch is the subject, and you speak for the prince everywhere. Isn’t this the duty of being a subject!”

Tang Fansi was not afraid, got up and bowed and said: “Your Majesty forgive sins, and his subjects read the book of sages from an early age. Although he can’t talk about the rich and five cars in school, he still understands the truth of Tiandijun’s teachers and teachers. Sheng Xian Shi believes that with the power of mortals, it is not possible to see through the spirits and spirits of the heaven and earth. It is better not to say it directly. Although the celestial phenomena often have the intention of warning, is it possible to rely on the words and phrases of the Qin Tianjian alone? Everyone knows that the prince is not at fault, and he urges His Majesty to think twice! “

The emperor closed his eyes.

What Tang Fan said was not the source of his repeated hesitation before, but that he had now made up his mind, so the other party’s pleading could not shake him.

The nave was silent, and even the little yellow door next to it tried its best to let his breath down, hoping to hide his figure into the curtain behind.

The emperor is now in poor health, so someone needs to be on the sidelines all the time. Xiaohuangmen was elected to the palace since childhood. His loyalty is undoubted, but it does not mean that he is willing to hear these words. The more you get, the less good you will end.

The previous father-in-law Wyan was also banished to Nanjing by his majesty because he was too involved in politics.

After a while, he heard the emperor slowly say: “I intend to set up another Eastern Palace. Would you like to draft an edict on my behalf?”

Xiao Huangmen’s heart couldn’t help hanging high.

He was thinking, how should Tang Ge Lao answer.

He was thinking about how to answer if he was an old Tang Ge.

If the old Tang Ge’s answer angered the emperor-even if this is an emperor who has a better temper than previous emperors, the result may not be bad, but it is likely that he can no longer stay in the cabinet, and later There will be no chance to enter the cabinet.

Xiao Huangmen thought that if he was an old Tangge, he might choose to retreat, not to help His Majesty draft an edict, but he would no longer oppose His Majesty the Crown Prince?

As Hu Si thought, he heard Tang Fan said: “Your Majesty forgive sins, please His Majesty think twice.”

No, your majesty must be angry!

Xiao Huangmen was very nervous. He heard that Tang Ge Lao was always smooth, not Liu Ji Lao as an impatient, why did he choose the worst answer?

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, this sentence is good.

Gentlemen should be auspicious to avoid evil, this sentence is also true.

But he didn’t understand that there are always things in this world that he knows can’t do, and he has to do it.

The emperor was obviously irritated, and even his voice changed: “Tang Fan, don’t think you have a good relationship with Suizhou, I will take care of his face and not move you! Liu Jian does the same, so does you, even Xu Pu That’s all! You are loyal to the Crown Prince one by one, are you looking forward to my return to the West as soon as possible, so that you can make a contribution to the dragon! “

Tang Fan calmly said: “Your Majesty has injustice, and his ministers have been loyal to him from beginning to end. Because of this, he has to do his duty and persuade him in time, so as not to cause His Majesty to do things that he cannot regret. It was also selected by His Majesty personally. The harem was thin. When His Majesty saw the prince appearing, he must be very happy. Now that the prince ’s birth mother is dying early, the prince can only rely on him. , How do you make the prince feel at home? “

The emperor: “Go down.”

Tang Fan raised his voice: “Your Majesty!”

Emperor: “Retreat!”

Xiaohuangmen had to step forward and whispered: “Tangge old, please!”

Tang Fan raised his head and glanced at the emperor.

The latter looks tired and has deep lines in the corners of its eyes. It is not like a forty-year-old middle-aged man who is well respected, but more like the same age as Wan Guifei.

The rapidly aging emperor made people feel disturbed.

Tang Fan didn’t refuse to leave, he withdrew his gaze, got up and saluted, and then left behind behind him.

Liu Jian, Xu Pu and others were waiting anxiously in the side hall. When they saw Tang Fan’s figure, they couldn’t help but stood up and cast a look of earnest anticipation.

Without talking, Tang Fan knew what they were asking.

He shook his head slightly.

Liu Xu and others suddenly showed a disappointed look.

On the way back, everyone had different thoughts and different emotions. Wanan Penghua and others naturally walked lightly and talked freely, but Liu Jian, Xu Pu and other people looked like a dead father and a heavy and depressed face, Tang Although Pan didn’t cry like Xu Pu just now, he didn’t feel much better.

Because he knew very well that the general trend was gone, the emperor ’s determination to abandon the prince was unshakable.

Inside the cabinet, only Liu Jian, Xu Pu and Tang Fan were firmly opposed to the Crown Prince.

But they have the least seniority in the cabinet. Once the second assistant Liu Ji also agreed to abolish the prince, there will be a one-sided situation.

Judging from today’s performance, Liu Ji probably did not explicitly agree, but did not express any objection. With his personality, it is estimated that like Li Ji answered Tang Gaozong’s abolition of Wang Liwu, he said to the emperor, “This is His Majesty’s housework. Why even ask outsiders?

Therefore, Tang Pan alone cannot control the overall situation.

If there were no accidents, the prince was abolished.

Unexpectedly, things that even Emperor Yongle couldn’t accomplish would be realized in the hands of Dang Jinzi. Tang Fan sighed, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

Others do n’t have such a mood of hard work, Liu Jian and Xu Pu stay all day long, and as soon as the afternoon break time arrives, they will pull Tang Fan away in a hurry, and Wan An has not kept them, Anyway, the abolition of the crown prince is the big picture, and it is in vain to let Liu Jian how they struggle.

Moreover, Wandang is not without power among the spokesmen. If someone opposes it at that time, Wanan can also launch a spokesperson to support it.

“Is there really no room for recovery?” Xu Pu sighed.

“I’m going to see the prince now!” Liu Jian paused and turned to leave.

Tang Fan and Xu Pu quickly grabbed him: “What can you do if you go? Isn’t it asking the prince to plead with your majesty, this will only make people feel that the prince’s personal affairs minister’s intentions are wrong!”

Liu Jian said angrily: “What do you think, only the Wandang group of talents will be so upside down!”

Xu Pu said: “Then you can’t go anymore!”

Tang Fan also said: “Qianzhai Gong said that we have done our best.”

“Are you trying to conceal everything!” Liu Jian’s voice was both angry and sad, but he was not targeting Tang Fan or Xu Pu.

Xu Pu and Tang Fan sighed, speechless.

Nowadays, most people in the government and the public have a premonition about the emperor’s intentions, but they still don’t know that the emperor has made up his mind. The matter of the emperor summoning the cabinet alone may not be passed tomorrow.

At this time, the importance of Cabinet Zaifu manifested itself because they were in the center of empire power, and no one could get the news and grasp the news faster than them, but Tang Fan did not feel a little happy.

He didn’t even eat dinner, so he hid in the study, and he was stunned by the book case alone.

Until the knock on the door rang.

“Come in.”

It was Suizhou who pushed the door open. He was holding noodle soup in his hand, and Wang Zhi was standing behind him.

Wang Zhi couldn’t wait to say: “What the **** is going on? Your Majesty this morning …”

Suizhou interrupted him, obviously displeased: “What did you promise me when you came?”

Wang Zhi shut his mouth reluctantly.

He just put the noodle soup in front of Tang Fan: “Eat first, then talk.”

“I’m not hungry.” Tang Fan’s face was bitter, and he rarely said this sentence.

“I feed you?” Suizhou didn’t seem to hear him.

“… I can do it myself.” Tang Fan had to take the chopsticks.

Judging from the fragrance of the noodle soup, the cook’s intention can be judged, and Tang Fan can’t bear to reverse this intention.

Suizhou never speaks nonsense, because he often puts it into action.

Wang Zhi patiently watched Tang Fan eating noodles, and finally waited until the bowl of noodles was more than half, he couldn’t help it: “I heard that this morning, His Majesty summoned the cabinet minister to speak alone?”

With Wang Zhi’s character, it is already commendable to speak until now.

“Not bad,” Tang Fandao said.

“Related to the Prince?” Wang Zhi went straight in. “How is the result?”

“You all know the answer, why do you still ask me?” Tang Fan shook his head and put down the bowl.

“Why don’t you stop!” Teacher Wang Zhixing asked.

Tang Fan looked calm: “I tried my best, Liu Jian and Xu Pu also tried their best. Xuan Wanan promised Liu Ji what conditions, so that Liu Ji did not raise any objection on this matter, since the first and second assistants have reached an agreement What is the use of the opposition of the three of us? “

Wang Zhi got up and walked back and forth, unable to hide his anxiety: “What should I do now!”

Tang Fan looked at him, wondering if the other party regretted having listened to his advice and fell to the prince’s side.

He sighed, “I once persuaded you to draw a line with the Wandang, but I didn’t expect to hurt you …”

Wang Zhi waved his hand roughly, interrupting his words: “These words don’t have to be said, I want to know your way!”

Tang Fan said slowly: “People do things, they do things.”

All of his anxiety and heaviness seemed to disappear with the bowl of noodle soup. Tang Fan took the veil from Suizhou and wiped his mouth. He said: “I have negotiated with Qianzhai Gong. , We will resign. “

Wang Zhi was stunned: “What’s the use of that, you are gone, hasn’t the cabinet become a hall of words for Wan’an?”

Tang Fan sighed: “This is the limit we can do, or do you have a better way?”

Wang Zhi originally came to Tang Fan with a glimmer of hope.

In his view, Tang Fan always has endless solutions. In fact, he does surprise every time and surprises people, but there are exceptions after all.

After all, Tang Fan is a man, not a god, and he can do nothing at all.

Wang Zhi was completely disappointed.

There are fewer and fewer people around the prince.

Wyan is no longer in the capital. If Liu Jian, Tang Fan and others are also forced to leave the cabinet, the rest are simply not enough to pose a threat.

As for Wang Zhi himself, he could help the prince secretly, but he would never stand on the bright side like Tang Fan and others to fight against Wandang.

Suizhou’s identity also restricted him from being loyal to the emperor. Although the crown prince was a prince, he was not an emperor after all.

Can no one stop the destiny of the Prince’s abolition?

Wang Zhi finally left the Tang family in frustration.

Sending him away, Tang Fan laughed at Suizhou on the edge: “If I had encouraged him to get close to the prince, it is estimated that he is now in a good mood, and he doesn’t need to worry so much!”

Suizhou reached out his hand and flicked his hair on the forehead after blowing his hair, and said a meaningful sentence: “You just said that it is in the sky, Tianwei is unpredictable, is it one or two mortals Can it be misinterpreted? “

Just after this dialogue, in the middle of the night, Tang Fan was awakened by Suizhou when he was still immersed in dreams, and he got a message.

Shandong earthquake.

And it happened in Mount Tai.

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