The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 145

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

The emperor no longer mentioned the abolition of the prince.

Except those speculators who wanted to seize the opportunity to get rich, everyone else was relieved.

Now that the prince was established as the East Palace from the age of five, it has been more than ten years now. He has received all the education that the East Palace should receive. He knows all the things that the East Palace should or should not do. He is humble and polite, never Taking advantage of the situation to bully others, respecting the masters, and being generous with right and left is the ideal future Mingjun in the minds of many people.

He may not be as talented as Emperor Tai and Zu Emperor, and has no ambition to open up territory, but that is not a problem, because the empire has developed so far, there has been a well-developed and mature system, from the cabinet to the assistants and even officials from all regions. Greatly disrespectful, even if the emperor did not give orders, Daming could still operate, so the best role of the emperor was to do nothing.

The ancients said: Sheng Tianzi hung down and ruled, this is even a famous saying.

Before the emperor had to abandon the prince, although many people did n’t say anything, they clearly disagreed in their hearts. Xing Wang Da was not cultivated as a prince from the beginning, and the education he could get was naturally different from the prince, not to mention because of his ‘S birth mother was close to Wan Guifei, which made everyone vigilant. It was just that the emperor was determined to walk alone, and there was evidence from the sky, and it was useless for everyone to object.

Well now, even the heavens are dissatisfied with the emperor’s toss, warned by the Taishan earthquake, the emperor can not ignore it, things are going downright, can not help lamenting whether the prince is really destined to go, and several hardships can not shake his status.

With the dust of the Prince of Abolition falling to the ground, Liu Jian, Tang Fan and others all hoped that the matter would end here. If they could, they would have rushed to the emperor and told him: Your Majesty, you have tossed and tossed too. Cheonan ’s birthday?

But now if this emperor does not toss, it will not look like him.

After a few days, he repeated the old tune and proposed to leave the palace to pray for blessings when the Chongzhen Longevity Palace was completed.

As soon as this remark came out, the courtier was naturally an objection.

The ministers not only felt that the emperor was out of the palace and suffered a lot of money, but more importantly, the emperor’s health is not good now. In case of any accidents outside the palace, it will be inevitable and troublesome at that time, so in order to save trouble and save trouble Against the principle.

This time the emperor did not insist, but took a step back, saying that you would not let me go out of the palace in person, but at least let the prince come out of the palace to pray for me. I have been hit by comets one after another. To the prince, if the East Palace can go to the palace to pray for the father, maybe he will recover from the sincerity of the prince.

Although Tang Fan felt that this was ridiculous, the emperor had taken two steps back now, and everyone was worried that the persecution forced the emperor to develop a rebellious psychology, and he might have done something astonishing and had no objection.

On the second day of the first lunar month of the 23rd year of Chenghua, the prince went to Chongzhen Longevity Palace to pray for blessings.

This is the first time the crown prince has left the palace since his lifetime. The cabinet and even the six departments and nine divisions are all waiting in strict order. The courtesy department is exhausted. They are afraid that there will be a little accident on the road. The custom-made carriage is tall and spacious. The prince does not have to sit in it, even lying down and rolling a few times.

From the Royal Palace to Chongzhen Longevity Palace, it takes about an hour to ride a horse. If it is a ride, it will be longer, because there will be many walking palace people behind the carriage, which is part of the honor. Since it is a blessing rather than a fleeing, the manners of the palace people are naturally slow and elegant, so that the people along the way can admire Tianwei.

So with this in mind, the carriage must be as spacious and comfortable as possible, lest the prince will be exhausted for nearly four hours in a round trip.

Tang Fan and others considered more.

They may not be vigilant about the sudden compromise of Wandang. After learning that the prince is going to leave the palace to pray for blessings, it is easy to think of whether Wandang will jump into the wall and take advantage of this opportunity to attack the prince.

In fact, this is not possible, because the prince from the moment he got out of the carriage, there will be a lot of imperial guards around, they are ready to pay their lives to protect the prince anytime, anywhere. Suizhou and Wang Zhi are already masters in the world, but even they cannot complete the difficult task of assassinating the prince. It is more likely that they have been succeeded by their former servants before they have handed the sword to the prince. The Guards spent all their energy and died exhausted.

Since the Ming Dynasty, no emperor or prince died from assassination. It is because the difficulty is too high. If someone wants to assassinate the emperor or prince, it is undoubtedly very stupid.

However, the way of assassination is destined to be impossible, it does not mean that there is no other way, because the construction of Chongzhen Wanshou Palace is carried by Wandang from beginning to end, Tang Fan and others are worried that Wandang will take advantage of the Prince to enter Gongguan What they secretly did, they all raised 120,000 points of heart. Wang Zhi even offered to be accompanied by the prince from the moment he entered the palace, and the emperor later agreed.

With Wang Zhi’s escort, there is no danger of the Prince’s danger.

Rao is so, there may still be some minor loopholes here.

For example, according to the established process, there is almost an hour in the middle. The prince needs to stay alone in a quiet room and pray for the emperor ’s dragon body and the peace of the world to heaven. Other ministers can only wait outside the quiet room.

No one will know what is happening in the quiet room at this hour.

Liu Jian, Tang Fan, they wanted to save this step, let the prince to burn the incense stick in the eyes, and then went back to the palace.

But the emperor felt that he had made too many concessions, and this time he refused to agree to the reduction steps.

As a son, the prince naturally not only could not object, but also took the initiative to sparse, saying that he would be happy to pray for his father.

After a stalemate for half a day, everyone took a step back and changed an hour to a joss stick. The prince only had to wait for a joss stick in the quiet room, and before the prince entered the view, Jin Yiwei would search the palace inside and outside in advance. To ensure that no suspicious persons are lurking.

If you are ready for a big move, you will have to wait until the second day of the first lunar month.

Since the prince was praying for the priest instead of his father, officials above Sanpin in Beijing will accompany him, and Tang Fan is also included.

However, the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts and the prince’s car were separated by a long team of palace people, and the two parties would not be united until they arrived at Gongguan to begin the sacrificial ceremony.

Along the way, many people heard that the prince was approaching, and came out to pay tribute.

The imperial guards built a wall of people to isolate them from the road. They were only allowed to watch from afar, but the people were frightened by the majesty of the ceremonies and were infected by the atmosphere. They still could n’t help shouting “Long live the emperor” and “Chitose Prince”. It’s full of eyes, hard to hold, and the scene is very lively.

This is undoubtedly a scene that any emperor is happy and enjoying. Human nature has a natural aspect of surrendering to power. Therefore, a dragon chair has been robbed from the ancient times. Unfortunately, under the opposition of the minister, the emperor Chenghua did not make a trip. Otherwise, seeing such a scene, he estimates that he is willing to come to such a scene every month in the future.

The crown prince’s performance was very satisfying throughout the journey. He changed to an ordinary teenager. I was afraid that this time would have been uncontrollable. He looked out from the car and looked lively, but the prince was not an ordinary teenager. After all, he was burdened by him. In view of the future destiny of the entire country, and also experienced such a rough childhood, this made the prince extremely calm, the etiquette was correct, the wording was correct, and then compared with the unreliable of today ’s son, a kind of hopeful move for the country in the future Spontaneously.

Unlike the surprise feelings of many officials who rarely deal with princes on weekdays, Liu Jian and Tang Fan and others all carried a heart throughout, fearing that there might be any unpredictable accidents.

However, to everyone’s expectations, the worship process was very smooth, and no one thought about the messy situation. The only accident was that when the prince left, the sky was lightly rained, and the clothes were wet. With the cold weather, the taste is hard to explain. Many officials fell ill after returning, and Tang Fan was no exception.

This made him have to take leave at home and was stared at by Suizhou every day to drink the medicine. The misery was not good enough for outsiders.

“I’m really healed and I don’t need to take medicine anymore. Look at my complexion. Is it very different from the previous few days?” Tang Fan was wrapped in a thick fur-this was forced by Suizhou Put on, with a bitter face.

Few people can integrate the expressions of entanglement, pain, sadness, pleading, and innocence on one face, and Tang Fan did it.

It’s a pity that the person who talked to him was unimpressed: “I can feed you.”

What to feed?

Naturally not a spoon.

Master Tang’s face was stained with red.

This kind of scene is almost performed many times every day, and finally ended up with Tang Fan defeated.

But this should not be blamed on him. This medicine is indeed very bitter. If Suizhou was to drink it, he would have been unwilling to do so. However, he was physically strong, and he was also showered that day.

In contrast, Wen Chen was a bit miserable, especially the cabinet. Except Tang Fan, almost all of them were over 40 years old. Now, besides the secondary assistant Liu Ji and Xu Pu, they still insist on handling official duties in the cabinet. Everyone was laid down by the rain, and even Shoufu Wanan was no exception. It is said that he still can’t get up in bed.

Tang Fan’s situation is pretty good. He only took one day off. If there is no accident, he can go back to work tomorrow.

Because they would not be able to go back, Liu Ji and Xu Pu would not be able to hold up. The things that should have been handled by seven people are now stacked on the two people. At noon, Liu Ji just sent someone to ask and urge Tang Fan whether or not You can go back to the cabinet to help in the afternoon.

If he can go back to the cabinet without taking medicine, Tang Pan naturally has a hundred willingness, but if he really does, it is estimated that he will suffer a lot at night.

After drinking the medicine in one breath, Tang Fan felt that his mouth was full of bitterness, and even his face wrinkled into an old chrysanthemum.

“Is there sugar?” He asked Suizhou.

Suizhou: “What sugar do you want?”

Tang Fan: “… whatever you want, osmanthus sugar and maltose will do.”

The other party’s answer was to directly plug a deep kiss, and tightly hold his waist to prevent him from backing, until Tang Fan was about to breathless, he released: “We just ate maltose, Is that all right? “

Tang Fan: “…”

Having said this, Tang Fan really felt like he had a light maltose taste in his mouth now.

But this way …

Tang Fan blushed.

Suizhou watched Tang Fan’s reaction with interest.

The fair-skinned face was red and transparent, and his eyes filled with mist just because he was holding his breath. It seemed as if he was annoyed and did not know how to resist.

No matter how many times, he still feels happy.

“I saw the Fengyue storybook you wrote last time. Isn’t the description straightforward? Why is it always so easy to be shy, eh?”

He hooked the other person’s chin and probed, almost speaking against the corner of Master Tang’s lips.

There was a faint plum blossom under the corridor, and the two were very close. Suizhou simply brought the whole person over. The two faced each other, and Tang Fan sat with his legs apart.

In broad daylight, facing the courtyard again, this sitting position is really …

Enough to make the defenders literary!

Master Tang wants to struggle, but Mo said that he is still ill, and even under normal conditions, he can’t struggle with Uncle Sui’s Wuzhi Mountain.

“It’s so warm, I’ll help you shield the wind.” Uncle Sui said rightfully.

Tang Fan: “…”

He couldn’t bear it: “How come I’ll be lazy when I leave?”

Suizhou explained very seriously: “I am also on leave.”

Tang Fan raised his eyebrows: “Sick?”

Suizhou: “No, take care of sick family members.”

Tang Fan: “…”

Your shame!

The two were fighting one after another, and there was a door clap outside: “This is the old Tangge Mansion, is anyone here?”

Tang Fan took the opportunity to win Suizhou’s arms and walked over to open the door.

Standing outside, a middle-aged man with a long appearance, saw Tang Fan coming out, and quickly bowed his hands to salute: “Adult, the small one is from the old family of Liu Ge.”

Tang Fan recognized him, and the other party was Liu Jian’s servant.

“Your old man has something to do with me?”

“Yes, my old man is at the entrance of the alley, please ask the adults to move over and tell.”

Tang Fan was a little surprised. Liu Jian was also sick at home today. Why did he run out again?

He said to Suizhou, and followed him out again. Sure enough, he saw Liu Jian standing in the corner wrapped in a thick kimono, stomping his feet and warming his palms. It didn’t look like he was sick.

“Dong An Gong?” Tang Fan walked over to say hello, “Since it’s all here, why don’t you just sit down at the door?”

“No.” Liu Jian pulled Tang Fan over and whispered: “If you are fine now, why not go to the palace with me and visit the prince.”

Tang Fan saw his mysterious secret and asked, “What’s wrong with the Prince?”

Liu Jiandao: “Do you know what happened when the Prince’s sacrifice came back?”

Tang Fan nodded.

He knew this because many people were sick because of the rain, and the prince was one of them.

When he came back, although the prince had a carriage to sit on, he didn’t need to go back in the rain like everyone else, but there was a high white jade stone step from the palace to the carriage. This section of the road required walking.

Even if Wang Zhi removed the outer garment to cover the prince’s head, the prince still inevitably wet his hair and clothes, and after returning to the palace, he contracted wind and cold like many people and fell ill.

However, the rain was not heavy at that time, so even if he was riding a horse like Tang Fan, he was drinking two bowls of bitter medicine at best, and at that time many people took off their outer clothes to cover their heads, even if they were sick , The condition will not be very serious.

And no one can blame Wandang this time.

After all, Wandang hopes that the prince will be abolished, and it is impossible to predict that it will rain that day. Even if it is expected to rain that day, it may not be expected that the prince will be sick because of the rain. If they want to pass this method, It ’s ridiculous to get rid of the prince.

The prince was sick for two days. Tang Fan asked about it yesterday. It sounds not very serious. The doctor only gave quiet rest, so when he heard Liu Jian say, he immediately gurgled in his heart, and a bad hunch came up .

“Wouldn’t it be a prince …”

Liu Jian knew that he had misunderstood: “No, it was just that I heard that the prince was sick, and I wanted to see him okay. Only then did I feel at ease, so I specially took a leave today. I heard that you were also at home, so I came along and asked you. “

Liu Jian had served as a lecture in the East Palace for several years before entering the cabinet. Unlike the previous friendship of the prince, it is not surprising that he would care more about the prince’s body than others.

Tang Fan said: “I’m naturally willing to accompany Gong An’an, but it’s just that I’m suffering from wind and cold. If I lose my appearance in front of the prince, or give the prince the disease, it’s not beautiful.”

Liu Jian thinks also: “Well, then I will go alone, and we will talk about it in the cabinet tomorrow.”

He was very quick-tempered, he said goodbye to Tang Fan, and left in a hurry.

Out of courtesy, Tang Fan stood there until he watched the other party’s wagon go away, the cold wind blew, the robe angle was raised, and he stood long and jade, unable to speak the handsome Yi.


Lord Tang hasn’t recovered from the cold, so he couldn’t help but **** his nose and sucked back his snot.

Then turned around.

Tang Fan: “…”

Suizhou: “…”

Was found! My gentleness is gone forever!

Lord Tang’s heart roared, and suddenly there was a urge to cry.

Suizhou resisted and laughed: “Go back, it’s cold outside.”

Tang Fan coughed lightly: “I didn’t carry the veil on my body before I came out.”

Suizhou said: “So you should go back and take medicine with me, otherwise tomorrow you will lose your face in the face of your colleagues in the cabinet.”

He did n’t say okay, and Tang Fan could n’t help but imagine that if tomorrow he argued with Wandang about something, he would have talked and talked, but suddenly he felt that his nose was running down, and then he could n’t help it Nose …

All momentum is completely lost.

Tang Fan: “…”

Suizhou was a little strange looking at his sudden green and white face. He thought about it and thought that his wording should be no problem.

Before he could understand, he heard Tang Fan’s grief and indignation: “I will take another day off tomorrow!”

Of course, this wish is impossible to achieve. Liu Ji and Xu Pu worked in the cabinet for a day, and they were almost not driven into madness. In the end, they could only stay in the cabinet for dinner. They did not leave until the night was quiet. Pan the next day to continue to ask for leave, then they are estimated to send someone to come to urge.

Tang Fan had to drag the unhealed body to the cabinet duty, carrying three brand-new veil in his arms, in case of unexpected need.

Others also came, including Shoufu Wanan.

There is no meeting today, and there is no need for everyone to meet. After coming here, I went to work in my own room.

Tang Fan and Liu Jian were in the same room, and they just asked what happened yesterday: “Have you seen His Royal Highness?”

Liu Jian frowned and stopped talking.

Tang Fan: “Does the Prince refuse to see you?”

Liu Jian: “That’s not true, but the crown prince seems to be not too sick. It is said that he was lying on the bed, but I got up after hearing that I was here.”

Tang Fan was startled: “Is it important?”

Liu Jian: “Fortunately, Tai Chi is also present. He said that the wind and cold can be big or small, so that the prince will be raised well, so don’t take it lightly.”

Tang Fan nodded: “This is the reason.”

Only then did Liu Jian express his dissatisfaction: “But I heard that the prince was ill and his majesty never visited him personally!”

As long as he remembered the gloomy face of the crown prince, Liu Jian couldn’t help feeling sad for him.

Tang Fan also sighed. It is difficult for outsiders to judge this kind of thing, and even if they are courtiers, they are even less likely to talk indiscriminately.

From the perspective of an outsider, the prince may be very pitiful.

But the emperor may feel that he has given the crown prince the best thing in the world-the future emperor, so what if the crown prince is aggrieved? What’s more, the father is the son and the prince is the prince. They are both princes and fathers and sons. Where is the father’s neglect of his son, the son resented his father’s reason?

So this is destined to be an incalculable account.

Even Concubine Wan might even feel very pitiful. She was obviously the woman most valued by the emperor. At the end, she had no biological son to inherit the throne, but it was cheaper than the son of a Tibetan female official.

If the crown prince can hold on to his heart after he ascends the throne, he will not be entangled in the grievances and forget the duties of governing the country. Protection.

Liu Jian apparently understood this too, so he just complained to Tang Fan in private, and left the matter aside. The two did n’t come in one day. The Department of Public Affairs and Liu Bu had a lot of official duties waiting for them. The two In the meantime, he was so dizzy that he didn’t solve most of them until evening.

“Even if I die in office in the future, I will never leave anymore!” Liu Jian shook his head, jokingly, “It’s still a lot of work after returning from vacation, which is worse than usual!”

Tang Fan couldn’t help but laugh, and sadly found that his nose was coming down again, and quickly pulled out the tent to hold it, which made his voice sound a little dull: “Don’t let Gong Amuse me laugh … … “

Liu Jian apparently also found his embarrassment and laughed sympathetically.

Finally, Tang Fan hurried out of the palace and hurried to the house after being dealt with the important business.

Before he fully recovered, he was prepared to decline all banquets, and no one would call to avoid any more embarrassing situation in front of him.

It’s a pity that people are not as good as the sky, he will make people stop halfway.

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