The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 155 - Comprehension

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Until he arrived at the cabinet the next day, Lu Lingxi was still a bit slow.

Because of Suizhou’s words, he tossed and turned all night, inevitably, insomnia again.

Undeniably, Suizhou’s words shocked him.

What kind of feeling is it to be able to give up everything for the other party, including even the heirs?

Frankly speaking, although Lu Lingxi knew before that he was full of admiration for Tang, he never thought about the problem of becoming a biological child, or, in an idea he didn’t realize, the biological child followed Tang It is not contradictory for Pan to get closer.

However, Suizhou’s words woke him hard.

His head succeeded in turning into a mess. The original clever and clever thoughts now seemed like he had walked into a dead end and could not turn it out.

What if he and Brother Tang really have the same intention?

Will he give up his wife and give birth to his brother for the sake of Brother Tang?

Lu Lingxi was reluctant to think about this answer, but perhaps he knew deep down that he might not be able to do this for Tang Fan.

There are many reasons. He was born in a family, and his family has many obstacles. The elders of his family will not allow him to do this. Furthermore, if it is an ordinary childish child, just play it. The thing about Feng Ya is different from Tang Fan. That is not the character he can play with. On the other hand, the other party plays him almost the same. Taking a step back 10,000 steps, Tang Fan is to Lu Lingxi. Do not blaspheme at all, and it is impossible to make an analogy with a little prostitute.

But these reasons are not all reasons in front of Suizhou.

The other party is not inferior to him except that he is not a civil servant. Even the official rank is higher than him, not to mention the queen mother’s relatives, which is highly valued by the heavenly family.

The most important thing is that Jin Yiwei is the eye of the emperor. He arrests criminal investigators. Everyone hears a few points when they hear it. Officials dare not provoke them.

Such a person was willing to give up his wife and have children for Tang Fan.

Therefore, Lu Lingxi is unwilling to admit that he is not as good as Suizhou.

Tang Fan naturally didn’t know Lu Lingxi’s tangled and tortuous inner history. He was busy dealing with the official business accumulated yesterday. Some tasks that required people to lay hands were directly thrown to Lu Lingxi to deal with, only let him ask when he didn’t understand. At the end, he was buried in the official document, completely public affairs, rigorous and conscientious, and completely different from what he usually looks like in private.

However, it is this very different two-sidedness that makes Tang Fan’s personality more plump and charming. In front of his friends, he is just delicious and lazy, and the witty Tang Runqing, but in front of his colleagues, he is gentle and amiable in his leisure time. Tang Xiang, who was sleeping and forgetting food.

Looking at the side of Tang Fan’s expressionless expression and looking down at the dossier, Lu Lingxi found himself looking at the other party in such a way, and also had a fascinating dizziness.

After a while, it seemed that his neck was a little sour. Tang Fan could n’t help but stretch his hand and squeezed it behind his neck. He raised his head and saw Lu Lingxi still in the same place.

Lu Lingxi: “… Tang Xiang, you just asked me to wait here and said that I would like to show me a manuscript for practicing the law.”

In the cabinet, he always paid great attention to safeguarding Tang Fan’s face. Instead of using the name Tang Brother, he would instead call him Tang.

Tang Fan slapped his forehead and smiled apologetically at him: “Yes, I forgot to busy!”

He glanced quickly, discerning what he wanted from several files, picked up one of them, and handed it to Lu Lingxi.

“That’s it. When you’re okay, take it first. You should also talk about it in the afternoon. You should be allowed to listen to it. Then you may wish to listen more. It will help you later.”

Cabinet deliberations are generally not allowed for idle people to wait in and listen, even Lu Lingxi and several others in the cabinet are not allowed, but for some less important meetings, no one will drive them away even if Lu Lingxi stays next to them. Those who listen to the study can stay there while taking the opportunity to help serve tea and pour water.

Lu Lingxi took over the file, but hesitated: “Tang Xiang …”

Tang Fan lowered his head again, and when he heard him, he only gave a slight hum and raised his tone, indicating doubt, but not raising his head.

A long while after Lu Lingxi’s brewing came to his lips, he didn’t say it after all: “No, nothing, you are busy first.”

He returned to his desk, sat down, and opened the file.

Tang Fan’s handwriting was not as gentle as he had shown him, but he seemed strong and strong. The regular script was also well written, showing that he was soft outside and inside strong, and there was indeed a deep hidden pride.

Lu Lingxi was still a little absent-minded, but when he looked at it, he gradually devoted his full attention to it. It was not until noon that Tang Fan called him to dinner and rest, before he let go of the dossier, rubbed his eyes, and sighed, “At this time, I found myself ‘S merits are actually a white exam! “

Tang Fan laughed: “Why do you feel this emotion?”

Lu Lingxi: “Ten years of cold windows, I read all four books and five classics, and listened to all the principles, but I don’t know how to govern the country, how to govern the law, how to calm the law. Now, looking at your regulations, read it word by word. I have to think about it again and again. It ’s unusually difficult. I can see that I think I ’m very high on weekdays. In fact, I ’m just a traitor.

Tang Fan laughed: “You don’t have to be arrogant, yours is much higher than ordinary people, and it is not comparable to those who only know about death and study. What you lack is just accumulated experience, too. People who have their own intentions and are able to enter the Jinshi may not be the talents for governing the country, but all the talents for governing the country are all Confucian scholars who have read poetry and books. You must remember this. “

Lu Lingxi was taught in awe.

Although the age difference between the two is not too big, but the master comes first, whether in the officialdom, in the academic, or in the world, Tang Fan is more than enough as his teacher, Lu Lingxi even feels that he can follow Tang Fan every day It is also a kind of happiness to listen to his ears and raise his life.

However, thinking about her wish to extinguish her baby before she realized it, Lu Lingxi’s heart suddenly burst into inexplicable sadness.

The cabinet meeting in the afternoon started before he could completely clear his mood.

The emperor’s body is getting heavier now, and every day is not as good as every day. Everyone knows and does not break it. He only silently does what he should do in preparation for the prince’s upcoming throne.

However, the world will not stop running because of the emperor’s dragon body infection, and what should happen is still happening.

In June, Hubei was flooded.

In July, Lintong and Xianyang earthquake.

According to the news from Datong’s station, there was another sign of tartiness in Tatar.

Since the orthodox Tianshun year, the sea defense has been empty, and the traces of Japanese pirates have appeared repeatedly. At this time, there is a contract for reconnaissance and trade between China and Japan, and the Japanese pirates have borrowed the name of tribute. Then, by taking advantage of its lack of preparation, it ransacked and looted, and even the Daming merchant ships and civilian ships were repeatedly victimized, and many people along the coast were troubled by it.

This piece by piece, after passing through the place and being reported to the Secretary of Justice, is all a matter of urgency to be dealt with by the Ming Dynasty.

Lu Lingxi and several other Hanlin who served in the cabinet looked at it, and then deeply realized the significance of the cabinet as the supreme power center of Daming.

The emperor’s wise gods and martial arts, it is a good thing to be able to determine the universe, but if the emperor is like today, the role of the cabinet becomes very important. These slaves are selected through layers, many of them have The rich experience in local governance, the experience of performing six affairs, and the talents selected by the imperial examination can cope with the troubles that make these new Hanlin dumbfounded and helpless.

And several Hanlins, including Lu Lingxi, also saw the smart and capable side of the cabinet elders.

Like Liu Ji, although the official was nicknamed Liu Mianhuan, in fact, if he is really useless, it is impossible to stay in the cabinet for so many years. There is a difference between not wanting to work and not working. After Wan’an and others were dismissed, Liu Ji worried that he was the next one. In spite of the hustle and bustle style of these years, he became strenuous and upright overnight, and several times blamed Yan Jin, admonishing the emperor to stay away from the alchemist and not to indulge in loss. Wan Guifei’s sadness and so on, the style of painting turned too fast, making everyone stunned.

In the cabinet, all people have different temperaments, and the style of work in many things is also different.

Although Tang Fan ranked the last, because he was the youngest, best in energy, and naturally the fastest in efficiency, he now not only manages the affairs of the criminal department, but also controls the military department. It is no wonder that even if he is in the same room, Lu Lingxi I couldn’t find a chance to say a few words to him because Tang Fan was so busy.

The issue of the cabinet meeting was related to the earthquake. Because of the need for funding, Hu Min, the minister of the household, also participated.

At this time, with the removal of Wan Dang, the so-called “Clay Sculpture Six Books” had almost gone. Li Min had previously asked to leave because of illness. He recovered two years ago and changed to the governor of Caoyun. People are capable.

The meeting process was nothing more than Liu Ji raised a number, let the Ministry of Households appropriation, Li Min began bargaining, saying that the Ministry of Household does not have so much money, but also responsible for the grains and grasses in the north, it is really hard to make ends meet, the two people have to spend a long time Liu Jian, Tang Fan, and others intervened and participated in the discussion several times. Everyone spoke dryly, and finally determined the next number. Li Min allocated the money and Liu Jian was responsible for the cabinet. Liu Jian contacted Yunyun.

The New Hanlins have seen the cabinet deliberations in nature are almost the same as the bargaining in the market, and all of them were dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Fan presented his own drafts on the new revision of the law and missing the “Daming Law”. However, this issue was more difficult than before. Liu Ji was essentially a person seeking stability. I would like to poke out another basket, because once this regulation is passed, Shoufu must be directly responsible, so even with Liu Jian ’s support, Tang Fan ’s proposal was still suppressed by Liu Ji, and he did not directly reject it. Only one sentence will be discussed later, Tang Fan is also helpless, he can’t always grab people’s clothes to urge him to make a conclusion soon.

Although the whole process of the conference has nothing to do with the New Hanlin, they silently watched, but they also learned a lot. As for what they have learned, it depends on the understanding of each person.

Near the end of the meeting, the outside guards came in and said that it was Jinyiwei’s command that Suizhou was sent by the Empress Dowager, and Yi Yi conveyed it.

Liu Ji was busy asking people to invite the other party in.

After Suizhou came in, he bowed his hands to the cabinet to show respect, before saying: “The next official is to please the queen mother, and the queen mother has my words to convey.”

Everyone naturally knew that he and the Empress Dowager were relatives, and they were not surprised when they heard the news.

Suizhou said: “Can the unknown title and honorary position for the concubine Wanshi be prepared?”

Liu Ji coughed, and the Queen Mother did not wait to see Wan Guifei, which is a well-known thing. “If you go back to the Queen Mother, it has been prepared. The posthumous title is Ci Xiao Gong Duan Shen Rong Jing Concubine.”

Suizhou: “Wan’s only a concubine’s ear, how can He De get the eight-character posthumous title? Where is her kindness and where is her filial piety?”

His stern expression on behalf of the Empress Dowager was really a little scary, and even Liu Ji was bluffed, and said carefully: “This is His Majesty’s wishes …”

Suizhou said: “The Queen Mother has a life, let you discuss it again.”

This is really a fairy fight, mortal suffering.

Liu Ji was a little helpless, thinking about the lawsuits between you and your mother, what matters to us!

But he couldn’t do this, he had to respond.

After Suizhou had finished speaking, he didn’t stay much, turned around and left, but when passing by Tang Fan, he touched him without any trace of his hand, and his fingers flicked gently from the back of the other hand.

The movement is fast, but very ambiguous.

No one noticed, except Lu Lingxi.

He widened his eyes.

This is too bold!

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