The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 161 - Ten seas outside

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The identity of the Central Plains nation is destined not to be a wantonly expanding nation.

This dynasty is no exception. Since the territory has stabilized, the national policy has changed from attack to defense, and there is no longer the aggressive spirit at the beginning of the founding of the country. Instead, it is replaced by the old and stable defending monarch. It is becoming more and more obvious that even frontier generals have to be soldiers to be more convincing.

The Shaoxing chaos caused a great deal of shock, but the subsequent discussion of the countermeasures did not go well. The prevailing mainstream voices in the DPRK and China believed that it was unnecessary to conduct a joint trade, which could not bring much profit to the court, but also Inducing pirate invasion and harassment, it is better to stop the Kanhe trade directly, and completely close the channel of communication with the outside world. This is the only way to make everything happen once and for all.

However, although such voices account for the majority, it is not without objections.

One of them is the main battle group headed by Tang Fan and others.

Tang Fan believed that although the heavens and the dynasty were not easy to fight, they should not be timid. They should know how to allow others to snore on the side of the couch. To put it bluntly, nowadays people are bullying the door, where is there a reason to be a tortoise turtle? ?

Moreover, around Daming, there are such countries as Annan and the vassal of North Korea. If they retreat in case of incident, how will these subsidiary countries view Daming? Where is Daming Guowei?

How long did it take for the Tai and Zu to recapture the Han rivers, the Yongle emperor moved to Beijing, and the emperor guarded the country gate?

Closing the country gate now, of course, can provide a moment of comfort, but in case the scourge of pirates intensifies in the future, will it not be able to shrink all the time? Even if you do n’t care about it now, you should think about it for future generations? You must know that Song Dynasty ’s maritime trade spread all over the country and brought huge profits to the Song Dynasty government. Why is it that I am now more powerful than the Song Dynasty, but ambitious? Did Meng Yuan’s more than one hundred years of rule also weaken the courage of the atomic citizens in China?

Although these words were fervent, there were not many people who opposed it.

Many people are accustomed to a comfortable life, and they feel that one more thing is worse than one less. They scoff at the so-called ambitious ambition proposed by Tang Fan, and think that because of the richness of the product, why should they take the dangerous road of the sea to compete with the small country of Shengdou for such rice? Benefit?

Not to mention the huge cost of shipbuilding, the seven eunuchs of the Three Treasures were able to prove everything: These seven voyages not only failed to bring any benefit to Daming, but also lost a lot of money. Some people even felt that the treasury was shrinking in the future. It also had a lot to do with the emperor ’s insistence on going to the west.

In addition, if it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to fight against the Japanese pirates, it wo n’t be so long-faced. If you lose, it will be a big shame. The best way is to close the country door without asking, like Tai and Zu. As the emperor stipulated: no board is allowed to go to the sea, this is the perfect strategy, and the ancestors will always be right.

Some people even speculate with the greatest malicious intentions that Tang Fan ’s main battle is closely related to his current headquarters, because after a battle, the military can benefit from it and get more funds, not to mention status. This has been greatly improved.

Tang Fan refuted these views one by one.

First of all, there is definitely something to be paid for fighting. Without paying, there is no reward, and you ca n’t just think about the pie in the sky. Although the country is big, the belligerent war will perish, but although the world is safe, forgetting the war will endanger it.

Daming is not actively engaged in a war of innocence nowadays, on the contrary, it is someone else who knocks on the door, takes my people, robs me of money, and if he does not fight back in self-defense, he will only be regarded as a soft persimmon, which is generally soft and deceptive. Things will still happen frequently. Once the state gate is closed, everyone thinks that it will be easy to forget the crisis from now on. Over time, it will inevitably be forgotten even if the battle is fought, and it will still be fooled by the door. Besides, this time many people have been plundered by pirates. Going to the sea, don’t those people ignore it?

Secondly, the Kanhe Trade can not only be completely closed, but should be more open. In view of the huge profits brought about by the former Song Dynasty ’s maritime trade, the more powerful Sun Daming is fully capable of doing this.

Although the emperor and ancestors had a stipulation that they were not allowed to go to the sea, it was for civilian ships. After that, the eunuchs of the Three Treasures also went to the west, and the official trade did not stop. Department, strictly speaking, there is no absolute ban.

And even if the official ban on private trade is still in place, there are still many private ships sailing to the sea privately for profit. It is precisely because of the sea ban that these private profits have not been paid by the official, which is a huge loss. Instead of letting these illegal private trades go on, it is better to be organized by the authorities, rationalize them, and allow them to pay taxes. This is the long-term solution of doing two things with one stone.

Tang Fan is not alone.

Many people opposed him, and many people supported him.

These people include Shaoqing Yang Yiqing in Taichang Temple in Nanjing, Li Dongyang in Shaoqing in Taichang Temple, and Xie Qian, a lecturer.

If Xie Qian is purely a supportive friend, then Yang Yiqing and Li Dongyang and others are based on practical strategic significance.

Their views are generally consistent with Tang Fan’s, and they all believe that defending is not as good as attacking. Although shipbuilding and the formation of mariners are costly, the later profits can be fully recovered. If the scale of maritime trade like the former Song can be reproduced, the court will also be back. There is no need to worry that the State Treasury will not be able to allocate money and food, and Tianzi will not have to worry about the money in the internal treasury.

Although these officials did not show their official positions or even have a cabinet minister, they are all exceptions, they are all the young officials who are believed by today’s son. If there is no accident, after a few years, when the cabinet of these old ministers unanimously After that, the Daming Center will be dominated by them.

The dispute between the two parties was extremely fierce. It lasted from three years in Hongzhi to four years in Hongzhi. From the beginning, whether to send soldiers and gangsters, whether to stop the reconnaissance and trade, and later to argue about how to send troops and fight, how open the sea ban should be , Can be regarded as gradually opening up a bit.

Until the end of the fourth year of Hongzhi, the Japanese pirates who saw the sweetness saw that Ming Ting had no movement, swept over again, landed and plundered, prompting the emperor to finally make a decision: order Wang Zhi to advertise Ningbo and form a sailor.

Emperor Hongzhi is generally a more cautious and conservative person. His childhood experience made him not able to make a decision easily, especially a major one.

If the people around him are as conservative and cautious as he is, then this court is a cautious court, which can perfectly complete the task of conserving, but cannot be as aggressive as the beginning of the founding of the country.

This is also normal, because any dynasty has developed to a certain stage, and if there is no external force, it will only be conserved in this way until it perishes.

But history turned a corner here.

Tang Fan did n’t know that naturally. In the three years of Hongzhi, a Portuguese navigator named Dias discovered the Cape of Good Hope in Africa.

And a continent known as Europa, where the Mongolian cavalry led by Genghis Khan had swept a whole continent in a wave known as “Renaissance” in later generations.

A small country across the sea from that continent is preparing for the upcoming religious reform.

Daming knows nothing about these things.

Even Tang Fan did not know what kind of changes he would bring to the empire according to what he reasoned for.

Wang Zhi finally waited for the day he dreamed of.

After returning from Datong, he once thought that his political career was over.

For the eunuch, his achievements may be brilliant, but Wang Zhi is not satisfied. He naturally likes the feeling of commanding thousands of troops to gallop on the battlefield, and God seems to have given him such a talent. The garrison’s victory against the Tatar troops is enough to illustrate all this.

But this kind of good life didn’t last long. At that time, the court closed when it was good, and was unwilling to smash the tartare completely. Persuading himself, Wang Zhi had to follow the class teacher back to the dynasty, and never returned to the front.

At that time, Tang Fan persuaded him to look away, not to stare at a piece of grassland. Daming also had vast sea areas, and also the restless southwest.

When he said these words, perhaps Tang Fan himself didn’t expect that these words, purely out of comfort, would become reality in the future.

The most admired person in Wang Zhi’s life was the Sanbao eunuch.

Now that he can be allowed to do things like the three treasures eunuchs, how can he not be excited?

For the court, he was indeed a good candidate.

There are still a lot of oppositions from North Korea and China. Although Tianzi came to this conclusion, although he had the support of Tang Fan and others, he also encountered many oppositions, including Liu Jian, the cabinet’s chief assistant, but the opposition was loud or small. Under Tang Fan ’s operation and efforts, the cabinet ’s opposition was not very firm. The court finally agreed to form a naval division to fight a small-scale pirate campaign on the premise that the funds must be strictly limited and not exceed the budget.

In this case, no matter whether it is sent as a minister or a general, it is easy to be impeached.

But Wang Zhi had no such concerns.

First of all, he was an eunuch, but the original shortcomings became an advantage here. The eunuchs of the dynasty had long precedents.

Secondly, Wang Zhi also has the merits of war, and no one can ignore his record at the same time.

When Zhi Zi was still the prince today, Wang Zhi had already secretly cast on his side, and made a lot of efforts for the prince to ascend the throne, and now it is finally time to harvest the fruits. For people like Emperor Hongzhi, if someone treats him well, he only doubles and treats others very well, so when Wang Zhi took the initiative to ask him, the emperor agreed without hesitation, and even allocated some extra money from Neiku Money shows your supportive attitude and position.

Wang Zhi is indeed the most suitable candidate.

He was full of enthusiasm and was full of enthusiasm for what he was about to be able to build.

But ahead, it is still difficult.

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