The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 167 - Sixteen Prince

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As we all know, the prince is an uneasy master.

Even the emperor had to admit this.

Perhaps it was because of the ups and downs of his childhood that the emperor loved his son for treasure, and he was unwilling to be aggrieved. In addition, the prince was not only the eldest son, but also the only child of the emperor. It grew up in the limelight.

Due to the thin heirs of the royal family, the ministers were very anxious at first, and persuaded the emperor to open up the leaves and pose for Daming Jiangshan. The emperor generally did not dispute with the minister, but he did not make a move on this matter, and the cabinet did not express his position. The most fierce cry was only a few spokesmen. Over time, everyone stopped, no longer looking forward to the emperor ’s many sons, and turned his attention to training the prince.

However, the crown prince has a very different temperament from his father and his ancestors.

In other words, he is more in line with the character of a normal child, lively and active, full of curiosity about anything, and wants to try it.

This kind of character is naturally okay for ordinary people, but the problem is that he is the prince, the future prince, while enjoying the glory and wealth, he has also been added to all kinds of rules and regulations. Since the change of the earthen castle, the group ministers were The Emperor Yingzong struggled with all his energy, and wished that all the emperors would be able to sit in the throne quietly from the beginning of the throne, do what they should do, and never cause trouble to their officials.

But the prince is destined to be an exception.

Originally different people, different growth experiences, different personalities, how can we limit the prince with the requirements of the emperor?

Things must be reversed, and the persecution is fierce. I am afraid that the prince will only give birth to rebellious psychology.

When the Manchu officials were still immersed in the dream of teaching the prince to become a Ming dynasty, Tang Fan had already seen this.

Because he was the first assistant, he wore the name of the master of the palace, but in fact, Tang Pan was trapped in official business, and there was little time to really teach the prince.

It is obviously not feasible for a person who loves to play with love and it is difficult to calm down to learn what is righteousness. Let him recite the four books and the five classics and tell him the ancient saints and sages. However, the Donggong teaching has a fixed pattern. And specifications.

Although Confucius said to teach students according to their aptitude, if someone really took the prince out of the palace to play, it is estimated that he could be impeached the next day and resign. Tang Fan, even if he was the chief assistant, could not escape the blame.

A good emperor is enough to influence the atmosphere of an era.

Tang Fan understood this very well, so although he was busy, he still took the time to do what he could to guide the prince.

The prince also seems to find that Tang Fan is a very different master from other masters, so every time he takes Tang Fan’s class, he can concentrate a little bit more than others, and he is willing to take a little more seriously to listen.

Later, the prince gradually discovered in surprise that Master Tang had a high degree of acceptance of everything.

For example, after he knew that the emperor secretly brought the prince out of the palace, he did not persuade him as hard as others, but he said nothing, even intentionally or unintentionally, that there was juggling somewhere in the capital, and there was somewhere. In the slums, the prince was puzzled at first, and later asked his father, only to realize that Tang Fan had no other difficulties.

As the first assistant, he could not openly agree that the emperor and the prince were going out of the palace, which was equivalent to fighting against all civil servants, and it did not conform to the style of the literary minister. It takes more experience and more exercise to strengthen the mind. When today ’s child is due to childhood suffering, although he is longer than the deep palace, it is not naive and ignorant. The prince was born smoothly and the parents loved more than usual. Struggle, so it is more important to contact the outside.

But since it is not easy to say this, I can only give a hint by turning around.

Fortunately, the emperor understood the out-of-string sound of Shoufu.

He smiled and said to the prince: “You, Master Tang, are not ordinary people, and you will never be asked of you with a rancid eye. You must not only resist him, but also learn more from him. I ’ve already traveled across the river from north to south, and I ’ve seen more bridges than you have eaten! “

The prince has always loved to play. If he was n’t an expensive prince, he would really like to run around and play around the country, so he heard his father ’s words and said: “Really, Yuan Fu really walked Daming all over Alright? “

The emperor nodded: “Naturally, if you have a good class in the future, I will let Yuan Fu tell you more anecdotes and anecdotes after class, which will guarantee you an eye-opener!”

He had to have such a son. The father and son get along with each other more intimately and casually than the ordinary people. The prince listened and bargained with his dad: “Teach a half-hour lesson, and tell another anecdote?”

The emperor was amused and funny, and came directly to his head: “Half an hour of class, half an hour of anecdotes, Yuan Fu took the time to give you a lecture in your busy schedule, you think people are dedicated to the East Palace, twelve hours All around you? “

The ten-year-old prince pouted: “That father emperor can ask Yuan Fu to give me a lecture specifically, and you will find someone else to take care of the government!”

The emperor said leisurely: “That’s not enough. Although I’m expensive as the ninth five-year-old, I don’t mean what I want.”

The prince yelled, “I know, you are afraid of him.”

This little guy has also learned to use radical techniques! The emperor laughed, but he did n’t count, but instead nodded: “You are right, I do have Yuanfu respect and respect. If a person is upright and upright, he deserves to be awed by others. Thinking that year, I almost didn’t even have the prince Keep it, if not many people like Yuanfu protect and protect, I will not be in this world anymore, let alone your birth. So you need to remember that you must be courteous to the true minister Therefore, they can never be slowed down. These talents are the backbone of the country. Daming Jiangshan can be stabilized not only by the emperor, but also these courtiers. “

The little prince nodded, seemingly incomprehensible. Somewhat distressed in his heart: Was it unclear that he was talking about fun things? Why did the father emperor finally get involved in serious events?

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