The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 24

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

When he talked about the Chen family, everyone looked at the beautiful woman who had come with Li Man before. Tang Fan saw that woman was shrewd, and when she heard that Li Man said that she was very helpful to her, she knew that this woman was not easy. With her peers, just after Li Man was revealed to be the murderer, she intentionally and unconsciously kept a low profile, as if she wanted to integrate herself into the background.

At this time, Li Man heard this, Chen Yingying knelt down and lifted her sleeves to wipe her tears: “Concubine He De He Neng, such a love of Xiang Gong, really ashamed, if you are gone, what’s the use of concubine living alone! “

She sang well and spurned tears, but Tang Fan was expressionless and did not look at her.

Li Man did n’t seem to hear Chen ’s words, his thoughts were immersed in his memories, he paused, and then went on: “I did n’t even think about killing her … a long time ago, I asked Zhang He Li is willing to supplement her family property, but Zhang is not willing. Later, I offered to give her half of her family’s wealth to let her have no worries in her later years, but she still refused to leave her, saying that it made me not to forget The original oath. If it is several times, I really have no way! “

His face was a bit stubborn: “She knows nothing, and can’t help me. Women who are more beautiful and capable than her are everywhere. For her, I had already dissipated my family’s wealth and treated her well. Ca n’t have children, so why do I dominate my wife ’s position? I naturally ca n’t bear it. It ’s not that I owe her, but she owes me! She owes me! ”

There was silence in the hall, everyone looked at Li Man in surprise, especially the Li family.

Although Li Man rarely returned home, he was always in front of him, and his wife Zhang’s always respected each other, and he was not harsh on his people. The Li family respected him from top to bottom.

But no one knows, under the appearance of Li Manping and kindness, there is such a beast!

Master Li Lin of the Li family was completely stunned. He looked at his father and muttered: “Father, why do you want to do this?”

Tang Fan coldly said: “You don’t think she can’t help you, not because she can’t raise, but in your heart, the past 30 years ago has always been nagging, you complained that her family dragged you It hurts you to pay so much! Thirty years ago, when you were young and in love, you felt that these payments were acceptable, but when you get older, you will be in the sea of ​​business, and you will see people ’s hearts. Knowing that the farmers, industry and commerce, or the readers are noble, they gradually regret their choices of the year. Such regrets accumulate day by day and become a demon in your heart. As long as there are external reasons, the devil will be eager to wait for harm! All the reasons you say now are just excuses for the mistakes you made! “

“Although you paid a lot in your early years, Zhang has been doing housework for you and taking care of your son for many years. Even if you owe you, it will be paid off! If you want to take her off, she refuses to have anything else. Wrong? Which one of the seven she made? Do you think that even if she is alienated, does the woman need to suffer from blindfold? What about you making up for her family wealth? Over the years, she has a deep affection for you, can it be measured by money? ? “

Li Man sneered: “You don’t understand, you don’t understand! My ancestor used to be a third-rank waitress, what a scenery, just because I gave up the imperial examination and changed my way of business, I was scorned everywhere. The Li family has today. She regained her hard work, she did n’t have to do anything, she enjoyed the wealth at home, I ’m not reconciled, I ’m not reconciled! If I could also participate in the imperial examinations, I ’m just afraid today that the jade belt will be around me, you little sesame officials , Also have to bend down in front of me! “

Rao is the master of Tang Dynasty. No matter how good he is, he ca n’t help but roll his eyes. “You think too much. If I remember correctly, you said just now, that happened to the Zhang’s natal family. Years old, even if you are enlightened at the age of six, that is to say, you have read the book for twenty-four years, and even failed to pass the show, even if you are given another twenty-four years, it is estimated that you will not get a trick Come on. Just wake up, and you still want to be my official because of your character? I’m afraid you have the right to be an official, but not your life! “

Li Man sneered: “I naturally know that you court officials will always have such a high face. When you reach out and take money, you have to pretend to be a great and awe-inspiring face, hypocritical and disgusting!”

Tang Fan did not rush people to **** him back: “You come back to kill his wife in advance, and you don’t want to know, you must have someone inside and outside to help you dismiss those servants. It stands to reason that the Li family has the difference between inside and outside houses. , If you come in from the front door, you must pass through the outer house and the inner house, and you must hide your eyes and ears. It is extremely troublesome, but if you enter from the back door, it will be much easier. The back door is connected to the garden, and the front of the garden is Zhang ’s house. The other person only needs to help you watch, and in the name of not disturbing the wife to rest, let people not wander in the back garden that night. Who is this person? “

Li Man didn’t answer, and Tang Fan didn’t mean to let him answer. His eyes swept from the Li family with different looks, and finally fell on someone.


Axia looked up in amazement.

Tang Fan stared at her deeply: “Mrs. Li’s family is not only thin for you, it can be said to be benevolent, but why do you treat her like this?”

Axia repeatedly shook her head: “No, I didn’t …”

“Dare to say you don’t have it!” Tang Fanling said sharply: “You were unwell at that night. A Chun has already said that he will act as a vigil on your behalf, but you refuse to do so, and you will have to stay with her and stay ill.

“Second, there is a strange noise in your wife’s house. You and Achun went into the house to check. Achun didn’t enter the house, only you went in. However, instead of going forward to check after you went in, you just glanced at the door. , And also prevented A Chun from going in. At that time, Mrs. Li’s family had been killed. You are afraid that after A Chun entered, she would find abnormalities. Isn’t there a ghost in your heart? Say! “

Li Man is undeniable in the face of conclusive evidence, not to mention Axia, a woman who has not experienced anything in the world. As soon as Tang Fan ’s “speaking” word came out, she immediately collapsed: “I do n’t! I do n’t! The master threatened me! I was forced! I did n’t kill my wife! “

Tang Fan: “What threatened you?”

Axia covered her face and wept: “I was unwell that day, went out to see a doctor and got medicine, but then I met the old man. He tricked me to a place, and then he told me … and told me again, now I It ’s already his person. If he does n’t obey him, he will tell his wife and tell me to seduce him and let his wife sell me! He wants me to kill my wife. I refuse, and he will let me help He took the wind and helped him remove Li’s servants and said that he should do it himself. I, I really have no way … Why didn’t you promise your wife to give me that day? If you took me away then, those things behind It won’t happen! “

The corners of Tang Fan’s mouth were raised slightly, with a warm smile, and the audience was like a spring breeze, but once he had no expression on his face, he did not have a dignity that could not be looked at directly.

“People always like to find various excuses for making mistakes. What does your wife do to you on weekdays? Don’t you understand her as a person? Just because Li Man stains your innocence, you help him to commit murder. Do you dare to be ashamed in front of your wife! “

Axia burst into tears and cried, “Ma’am, I’m sorry for you, I’m sorry for you!”

Tang Fan ignored her and turned his head to Wanping County Cheng et al .: “This case should have been accepted by Wanping County. Now that I am acting as a substitute, Qian County Cheng will not blame me?”

Wanping County Cheng busy said: “No, no! The case is like a god, and the admiration of the lower officials is extremely high!”

Tang Fan: “Then the two will take the trouble to take over.”

Cheng Cheng of Wanping County: “This is a duty within the ranks of officials!”

Tang Fan: “Lao Wang, send Li Man and Axia to Qian Xiancheng and them.”

The old king responded and took Axia up and handed it over to the government office brought by Qianxian Cheng.

Tang Fan again said: “Qian County Cheng, although this Axia is suspected of being an accomplice, after all, he did not personally participate in the murder, and he has already explained the crime. All interrogations should be governed by the national law. Please do not use the sentence privately.”

The secular vision is extremely harsh on women. Once a woman is in prison, everyone feels that the woman has lost her innocence. Those jailers may also take advantage of the opportunity to molest and molest her in prison. In view of this, Minglu takes extra care of female prisoners. Sometimes she can be interrogated at home even after passing through the hall, but Axia is now threatening to kill, the conviction is conclusive, and she must be held in custody. Tang Fan does not want her to be humiliated outside the sanctions of the national law, so she specifically confessed.

This shows his carefulness.

Axia stopped crying and looked at him staring blankly, her eyes were miserable and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Perhaps he was lamenting his life and suffering, followed Tang Fan without blessings, or perhaps regretting that he shouldn’t be tempted by Li Man’s threats for a while and helped him do such wrong things.

However, if I knew this, why did I have to.

Tang Fan turned his head to look at Li Fu’s housekeeper: “Lao Li, come here.”

“Master Tang.” Old Lee’s expression was bleak. He was loyal to the Li family, but he did not expect his master to kill his wife. This sudden blow was so great that his waist bent a lot at once.

Tang Fan took out a stack of blank paper from his arms: “There are two thousand and two silver tickets here. Only then did your lord call me into the inner room and gave me this stack of things. Then, look back and take care of your young master. “

Lao Li took it and said with tears: “Thank you, Master Tang, you are unforgettable for our Li family’s great grace!”

Li Man said indifferently: “Taking my Li family’s money as a favor, Master Tang is a good plan!”

Tang Fan smiled and said: “Are you bribed and become angry and angry, or shut up and hurry up, the murderer should be blamed, and now the Li family’s money has nothing to do with you, it is your son.”

Li Man’s face was flushed with rage, and two resentful eyes almost made a hole in Tang Fan’s body. He whispered: “I won’t die, don’t be too happy!”

Tang Fan told Wanping County Cheng: “This suspect with such a bad attitude seems to be wrong to roar the court commander here?”

Wanping County’s Cheng Rumen woke up early and waved his hand quickly to make Li Man and Axia go back.

When Tang Fan and others were about to leave, old Li stopped him: “Master Tang, his family is unfortunate, and now the old man is like this, his wife has passed away, and the remaining young master is alone. Tang Tang, want to ask for help to get a charter. “

Tang Fan glanced at the dumbfounded Li Lin: “If you have any reliable distant relatives in your lord or wife’s home, please come over and help preside over it. Now your junior is a half-age boy, he will always provoke This family can discuss everything with him. “

Old Li nodded again and again: “Master Tang is right!”

Out of Master Li’s house, Tang Fan called Wancheng County Cheng, seemingly smiling: “This case is not complicated. With the ingenuity of Qian County Cheng, it may not be impossible to break it out, but why did you have to call me over? Is there a reason? “

Wanping County Cheng embarrassed and smiled: “Adults laughed, if they weren’t broken, they wouldn’t even know that there were so many inside stories, I was afraid they would injustice good people!”

In fact, Li Man bribed Tang Fan and naturally bribed Wanping Chengcheng and his master, but only because Tang Pan took over the case in the beginning, so Qian County Cheng just wanted to accept it, and was afraid that Tang Fan would They stabbed out, so they invited Tang Fan first to see if Tang Fan could not accept it. If Tang Fan accepted Li Man’s bribe, he decided to change the murder to suicide, with him on top of his head, Qian Xiancheng they naturally So I feel comfortable.

Tang Fan understood this, but he didn’t expose them. When the water was clear, there was no fish, and when the people were inspected, there was no apprentice. Exposing Qian Xiancheng’s intentions would only make him angry and angry. Many people do n’t repent because of your awe-inspiring education. It ’s easy to remember and hate you. It ’s not difficult to be an official, but it ’s difficult to be an official who wants to do things.

So he just points to the end and makes them wake up.

Early the next morning, Xue Bing sent someone over to tell Tang Fan that he had not heard anything from Wang Changgong.

In other words, Jin Yiwei couldn’t find out why Wang Zhi wanted to invite Pan Bin to dinner.

He relayed the news to Pan Bin, who listened to the news and was really sad.

Tang Fan comforted him: “Senior brother does not have to worry. The Wu’an Hou Man’s murder indirectly benefited Wang Zhi. Shuntian Man didn’t care about planting willows. Maybe he wanted to express his gratitude?”

Pan Bin: “Do you think it’s possible? Wang Zhilian didn’t even pay attention to the old cabinet ministers. Where do I need to invite a small person like me to have dinner? That’s all. If you go with me tomorrow night, you can tell me anything Wake up. “

Tang Fan: “It’s not good? He asked you only, I’m not invited, I’m afraid it would make him unhappy?”

Pan Bin waved his hand: “It’s okay, then you shouldn’t be in the role of an official in Suncheon Mansion, as my brother, that’s it!”

The author has something to say:

Ah, Gengseng offered, it was originally set at 8 o’clock, but when the manuscript was saved, I slipped my hand and published it directly … So I had to advance it by the way, and it will be updated tomorrow at 8 o’clock!

1. Axia This is a typical tragedy caused by ignorance, and there are quite a lot of such people. There were cases in the Ming Dynasty, because the husband was very stingy, the wife secretly concealed him to send something to his natal family, and the result was found by the long-time worker at home. , In order to threaten the wife, to talk to her OOXX, the wife is cowardly, and then from ~

2. The highly anticipated family members have gone on a business trip and will be back soon, but Tang Talent is the protagonist. It is interesting to see him, right? Hey ~


The following is a good gossip chat time, Harem 2 ~

Say yes to continue to talk about the harem of the Ming Dynasty.

Today I will not talk about the Zhangs, but talk about another strange woman, the Suns, Dangdang!

Sun is Zhang’s daughter-in-law, which is Zhu Di’s grand-child.

Sun ’s life is very legendary. Baidu has a very detailed, not long-winded, to briefly summarize to friends who do n’t know: Xiao Sun is the daughter of a small official in a certain place, because he is very beautiful, he entered the palace when he was a child, and later Emperor Xuanzong Green plum bamboo horse. She was originally trained as a future emperor, but Zhu Di didn’t know which cramps happened at that time, and suddenly decided to change his granddaughter-in-law.

All legendary stories will begin after Xuanzong ascended the throne. Xiaosun was a concubine at the time. Like Queen Hu, she had no sons. Mingshi said she secretly hugged the son of Gongren and pretended to be her own son. Then Xuanzong was very happy , And Queen Hu was abolished because she had no children.

This is completely nonsense.

First of all, a concubine suddenly had a son, how could the emperor who got along with him never know that the emperor really wanted to be hidden in the drum, then the emperor was an idiot, not to mention the queen mother at that time was the winner of the last eight years, the queen mother Zhang Then, a queen mother who has the right to decide even national affairs, can you not know how her grandson was born?

So the only possibility is that the emperor knew about the matter of Xiaosun holding the son of the palace prince. Not only did he know, but he also participated in the planning, and by the way, he got the old lady’s side, so that Queen Mother Zhang also acquiesced in this matter.

Later, Xuanzong publicly announced that Hi Guifei had a son, so he became a queen.

This is true love. What the emperor can do is not true love?

The emperor Chenghua has not yet come up with a son who pretends that Wan Guifei was born! [Wan Guifei: I am wrong! It’s easy for me to be a black pot for so many years! 】

Of course, from the beginning to the end, the Queen Hu who was inexplicably scrapped because she had no children was also unlucky, but there must always be a winner between the two. Sun Guifei felt that he and the emperor had known each other since childhood, and the Hu family was halfway. When inserted, Hu will also feel that he is innocent and cannot help himself.

This kind of thing is hard to tell right from wrong.

In the records about the Suns, “Ming Shi” is basically negative. What does “yin take the palace’s son as his own son” and “concubine’s hypocrisy”? Although it is not directly said that she is not good, but the words and sentences are all It means that the literati do not need a knife to kill.

Some people think that “The History of Ming Dynasty” was written by people from the Qing Dynasty, and it slanders the Ming Dynasty. It cannot be used as a reference for historical materials. But I don’t think so, because there are some basic facts that can’t be changed, and a person who discerns right from wrong can find some reference things from it.

For example, the Suns, although Ming Shi did not evaluate her very well, we can still see a very personal woman in it, and my impression of her is not so bad.

Because in the later earthen castle, the son adopted by the Sun clan was Ming Yingzong, the emperor who was captured by the Wa’er. After Yingzong was taken away by Valkyrie, the country lost all the kings and became a pot. Many people argued about whether to move the capital, to redeem the emperor, or to set up a new king. Later everyone knew about it, and Yu Qian stepped forward. , Defended Beijing, and established the new emperor Jingzong.

In the process of establishing King Jingzong, the Suns nodded. If the Suns did not nod, their names were not correct.

Later, the Suns nodded, and instead of crying and shouting the minister to redeem the emperor’s stupid things, they established Yingzong’s younger brother as the emperor.

From this point, she still has a big picture.

Although many messy things happened between the two brother emperors later, the Suns lived their entire lives. Like their mother-in-law Zhang, they enjoyed the glory and wealth, and were worthy of the title of winner in life, 2333333.

It’s spicy and cute, see you tomorrow night! !

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