The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 29

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

A Dong is a glutton, exactly the same as Tang Fan. When she was at the Li family, she went to the Li family cook every day to get food. The other cooks made pastries for the wives and young people. After the plate was served, there was one more. The two pieces are often cheaper than Adong, so that she is now eight years old, and she doesn’t see a girl’s slim body, but gradually has a tendency to develop roundly.

However, the days in the kitchen are not in vain, at least A Dong also steals one or two hands from the Li family chef, which can fully meet the various needs of his own foodie brother, such as this Huai Ye Tao, after she listened to Tang Fan’s description There was also a bit of greed, the brothers and sisters climbed the tree one by one, pounded the juice and noodles, and in the end they really gave them a pound.

The white jade-like bowl was filled with thin and thin noodles of locust leaf juice, and then drizzled with minced garlic oil and vinegar. The vinegar smelled suddenly. Tang Fan and Aston were intoxicated with their eyes closed, saying they were The brothers and sisters recognized halfway did not believe it.

“Come on, eat and see!” Tang Fan personally gave Sui Zhou Sheng a bowl and pushed the spices and spoon toward him with a smile.

Suizhou also did not speak, and took a bite down, the taste was really good. The freshly picked locust leaves also had the fragrance of plants and trees. After pounding the juice, they penetrated into the noodle. Summer is the best, no wonder Tang Fan will never forget.

When he nodded, Tang Fan’s eyes lit up: “Let’s try the golden chicken next time!”

Suizhou hasn’t spoken yet, and A Dong has cried out next to him: “Brother, don’t forget that your hands were scratched when you climbed the tree in the morning. Next time you go to catch the chicken, you have to be pecked by the chicken?”

Tang Fan glared at her: “I haven’t climbed a tree for a long time, and my memory is rusty. I’ll be good at it a few more times.”

Adong wailed: “Come on, I will look after you in the morning, and I will be up and down in my heart. I am afraid that you will fall down, but it will fall down, but do n’t have it next time. dead!”

Tang Fan stretched out her hand to grab her ear: “Little girl is good to eat, and nagging all day long, be careful not to marry in the future!”

Don’t look at A Dong Bai Baiyuanyuan, the movement is surprisingly agile, jumped up and hid behind Suizhou, grinning grinningly at Tang Fan.

Suizhou asked: “Are you injured?”

Tang Fan shook his head: “Don’t listen to the **** of Adon’s girl, it’s just a cut made by the branches.”

Suizhou nodded and said nothing.

Huai Ye Tao, cold cucumber, beef sauce, one meat and two vegetarian dishes are all refreshing and appetizing dishes, which are originally full of hotness, and they feel happy after eating.

Suizhou usually lives alone, even if it is cooking, because it is busy, many times they pay attention to coping, or they just solve it casually in the Yamen, often turning the file while eating the meal, and even taste nothing After tasting, it is rare that three or two people can sit together and chat while eating, and the food can also taste carefully prepared.

At first, he felt that it was not necessary to return to work late, but Tang Fan insisted on it, so he did it. But now that he is used to it, he has to come back no matter how late.

Unconsciously, imperceptibly.

After eating, Adong went to clean up the tableware and chopsticks, and Suizhou said to Tang Fan: “Come with me.”

He took Tang Fan to the study.

“Sleeve.” Suizhou said.

He always speaks concisely and concisely. If he can speak, he does not speak. When he has to speak, he can simplify words.

Master Tang thought that he was too clever, otherwise it would be difficult to understand his meaning from these words.

When he rolled up his sleeves, he saw a long mouth on the outside of his right arm. The mouth was not deep, but it was estimated that there was a lot of blood before. Now he stopped a blood scar and looked a little scary.

Suizhou glanced, took one of the plasters out of the bottles on the table, dipped a little with his fingers, and evenly applied them on Tang Fan’s wounds.

The wound hurt fiercely, but the pain could still be tolerated. Master Tang didn’t show a grin on his teeth, but after the plaster was applied, there was a pleasant cooling feeling immediately after the wound, and it seemed that even the pain was relieved a lot .

“Your medicine will really work, and I won’t worry if I fall again.”

Tang Fan joked, but was caught coldly by Suizhou, and shut up immediately.

Suizhou: “Want to have another time?”

Tang Fan: “…”

Lord Tang endured and endured, but still couldn’t hold back: “But that Huai Ye Tao is really delicious, don’t you think?”

The tone committee was wronged. Sui Baihu couldn’t help but raise his mouth slightly, but he just turned around and didn’t let Master Tang see it.

“If you still want to eat in the future, tell me.” After a long while, only heard Suizhou said.

Tang Fanmei raised his eyes and smiled: “It really is a good brother!”

Sui Baihu, who was given the title of “Good Brother” because he was willing to climb trees and pick leaves, was very helpless: “Aren’t you going to talk about the Li family?”

Lord Tang, twice, remembered the business, and then changed from eating mode to being serious.

He repeated all his speculations from beginning to end, and finally said: “I once heard from Lao Li. He said that Li Man gave up the imperial examinations at the beginning and switched to business at the beginning. Ben also lost money. The Li family was in debt and was on the brink of desperation. Later, because they did not know what kind of business they had, the Li family got better overnight. The old Li was just a housekeeper, so it is unknown, but now I want to come, maybe The reason why Li Man was able to live in exile, I am afraid that there is also the help of the White Lotus, and the two sides have colluded already, otherwise Li Man is now filial to his wife and son, and his family is rich, how can he be fooled to the point of killing his wife and destroying his son? ? “

Suizhou nodded: “I will report on this matter and continue to track the whereabouts of Li Man and Chen. In recent years, the white lotus religion has become more and more rampant. In the change of the earthen castles more than ten years ago, they will collaborate with the shadows of the Valkyrie.”

Tang Fan sighed as soon as he mentioned that great change decades ago.

When this big event that shocked the world happened that year, he was not born yet, but it did not hinder his understanding of this matter, not only him, but also feared that all the people in the world should mention this matter like Tang Fan first. Sigh.

Because of the emperor’s willfulness and ignorance, hundreds of thousands of people were killed, among them there were hundreds of civilians and military officials, heroes of the world, and the three major battalions of the Beijing teachers were almost completely annihilated. Take it out and say it again.

But Tang Fan felt that if a person ’s growth needs to be accumulated with the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, it would be too tragic. If he had done it, he would have done it, no matter how much he modified it, he would not be able to conceal the mistakes he had made. The emperor was human The captivity became a shame for the whole country. At that time, the warlords drove straight in, and the Beijing teacher had no defense. If it was not Yu Qian, he stood up and stood in the public opinion, insisted on not moving the capital, and also established a new emperor. What will happen to Daming now, it is difficult to say very much.

Tang Fan reminded: “It can be seen from the story of Tumubao that Bailian’s plan is very large. I am afraid that Li Man’s thing is only the tip of the iceberg.”

As far as Bailianism is concerned, it is not something that Tang Pan can solve alone. Beizhen Fusi has more experience in this area, and it is obviously more appropriate for them to pursue it.

Suizhou nodded his head and said coldly: “With Li Man’s human nature, there is no such thing as the Chen family, without the encouragement and suspicion of the white lotus, and it is estimated that such things will be done.”

He made it clear that he didn’t like this kind of man who killed his wife and son.

Tang Fandao said: “There are not many people like Li Man in this world, so I have the opportunity to have Bailian Religion.”

Seeing Suizhou’s face sullen again, he asked, “But what’s the tricky thing?”

Suizhou shook his head: “That’s what I told you last time. Bailian teaches the demon through the Fengyue dialect to contain rumors from it, so as to wander the world and charm the world. All these days are just sealing up books.”

Lord Tang gave a big smile and smiled a little flatteringly: “Guangchuan, let’s make a consultation. If you see a book called” The Story of Lihuayuan “, if there is no problem after reading it, can you not block it? Originally called “Flying Sword” … “

His voice grew smaller and lower with an expressionless look at the face, and finally revealed a guilty expression.

Suizhou said: “There are orders above, but all Fengyue’s scripts will be sealed up. Those who go to check are just reading through at random, it is difficult to find out if there is a problem inside, so they would rather kill than let go.”

“And,” he paused, and looked at Tang Fan, his cold expression finally showed a trace of helplessness, “You are a court destiny officer, ran to write that kind of textbook anonymously, in case it was discovered, I’m just afraid of fame. “

Tang Fan smiled, “What is there, in fact, not only me, but many people in the DPRK and China are doing this kind of thing, anyway, using the pen name, no one can recognize anyone, otherwise, relying on the pension alone, how can I support my family, If you do n’t want to be corrupt, you can only find another way. Let ’s tell you, He Shilang, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, you know it, the “Tidal Sound Moon” was written by him anonymously, and I was the same year, originally edited by Hanlin I have repaired it, but now it has been released. He has also written one or two textbooks for his livelihood, because the writing is more open than I am, the content is fragrant, and it is popular with booksellers, and the writing fee is also more than mine. The people in the ministry will sell the answers of the top rankings to the bookstore every time the meeting is finished, in order to earn money from them. The students who want the high school to buy it in order to refer to the speculation, which is comparable to the one we wrote It’s a lot more profitable! “

Suizhou listened to each other like a few treasures, with a blank face.

He naturally remembered He Shilang, the criminal department of Tang Fan, who was just an old man who was famous for his seriousness. It is difficult for Suizhou to imagine that old man would write this Fengyue storybook in private, and that Jinyiwei ’s interrogation method even returned If you don’t know this kind of thing, it seems that you need to reflect on it.

He also heard Tang Fan sigh and sigh there, gaining sympathy: “So, look at us civil servants, looking at the majestic face, actually reading hard for ten years in the cold window. If you do n’t give gifts, it ’s tantamount to offending people. If you do n’t have money, you will have to go to search below. If you do n’t have any money, the people will have to search for it. After all, few people are as clever as I am, and they can get pens for writing books … “

Suizhou: “I have salaries.”

Tang Fan continued: “Are you saying yes, Guangchuan … ah? What did you just say?”

Suizhou: “I have salaries, don’t worry.”

Jin Yiwei is not like civil servants. They have monthly food and food.

Monthly food, like civil servants, is a monthly salary. Traveling food is a business subsidy. People like Beizhen Fusi often go on business trips to handle cases. Travel expenses will not be less. Not to mention localities. Filial piety and gray income, and Jinyiwei ’s initial duty was to guard the front, and she should always be bright and beautiful. In addition, Jinyiwei ’s gang of lords were fierce and terrifying. Everyone was scared, so even if the court was tight, the household could not pay for it It is absolutely not dare to deduct the money from Jin Yiwei. Everyone knows that the persimmon should be picked up softly.

Tang Fan lived alone, without having to feed the whole family, plus an aston, he couldn’t eat much, but he was a good food, so sometimes he always ran out and could not save much in the end.

On the other hand, Suizhou is a good example of diligence and thrift. Because he lives alone, he has no bad habits, and he does n’t even have an unusual love for food like Master Tang, except to go home in Yamen every day. Life is as simple as ascetic monks. According to the rules, the family and the Shangguan are given a New Year’s gift every New Year’s Day. There are still many surpluses throughout the year, completely throwing Master Tang out of eight streets.

Tang Fan listened to his words, stunned for a while, then laughed wildly, and finally had to support Suizhou’s shoulders to stabilize his body, while rubbing his stomach: “Oh, hey, then my brother and sister will fall into Suibaihu, When I really run out of salaries, you have to help me! “

Suizhou: “Well.”

Tang Fan couldn’t help but want to laugh, but he was also touched. He knew that not everyone was qualified to let the other person say such a thing.

“Guangchuan, to be honest, my impression of Jin Yiwei was mediocre, but since I knew you, I knew that among Jin Yiwei, there are also real men who are as worthwhile as you to make friends with, and lead you to know yourself!”

There was a hint of warmth in Suizhou’s cold and indifferent eyes, although it was still a succinct hum.

“After two days, my maternal grandmother will have a birthday. Would you like to go together?” He asked.

Suizhou’s maternal grandmother was Zhou, whose status was not ordinary. It was the elder sister of the current Queen Zhou.

The Zhou family was originally ordinary, and there were rules in the Ming Dynasty. The women in the harem were all selected from the private family, not high officials, so as to avoid the uncles of the harem uniting together and chaotic politics. Empress Dowager, the Zhou family naturally followed the chickens and dogs to the sky and flew to the sky. In addition to the emperor Zhou ’s father being chased down, the brothers also sealed Hou Bo separately. Because of Zhou ’s sake, Suizhou ’s grandfather also had to seal a Jin Yiwei commander.

The commander of Jinyiwei is the highest official of Jinyiwei, but it is not only one person who can act like Wan Guifei ’s younger brother Wantong. Now he is also the commander of Jinyiwei, but he is a pragmatic faction and another commander is Yuan Bin He once saved the lives of the first emperors, and also had a great influence in Jinyiwei.

In addition to these two people, there are many commanders of Jinyiwei, most of them are emperor’s vain duties. They are famous. They don’t have to do anything to get money, and of course they have no real power.

This kind of foreign prince ranks among the upstarts, and it is not comparable to Wu Anhou’s kind of hereditary lord. There is no real power at all, so it sounds good. Every year, there is money and food, and nothing more.

The Sui family took care of Empress Zhou, and the father and brother of Suizhou also put a vacant job in Jinyiwei. This kind of vain job does not do anything with money, and it is also very eye-catching. , Separated from each other by a layer, so after Suizhou entered Jinyiwei, they could only start from a small flag and slowly promoted.

He has no real power and is a foreigner. Generally, civil servants are reluctant to associate with the Sui family. One is to avoid suspicion, and the other is not to demolish oneself.

But Tang Fan listened to his words, but thought about it without thinking: “Brothers, your maternal grandmother is naturally my maternal grandmother. After two days, you call me and go together.”

Suizhou’s heart was slightly warm, ah.

Due to the Bailian religion, the Li family’s affairs were reported by Suizhou. The Beizhen Fusi attached great importance to it, but as Tang Fan expected, Li Man and Chen had already made a plot, and they must have done it well. Wan Quan prepares that when the people from the Fuzhen of Beizhen catch up with the carriage of the suspected Li family in Baoding Prefecture, they find that only A Qiu and several other Li family servants are left.

According to Aqiu and others, as the master, “Li Lin”, after leaving the capital, did not move his family to Nanjing as originally said, but immediately distributed some money to each servant. Dismissed everyone on the spot and let them go in different directions, but they went north in a carriage and disappeared.

And Aqiu, they still don’t know the “Master Li” they have seen so far, and it’s likely that Neri has already changed individuals.

So far, searching for “Li Lin” and Chen’s is no longer a day’s work, and it is not within the scope of the authority of Shuntian House. After Suizhou handed over the matter to his colleagues, Tang Fan could not let go, but he Every time I see Adong, I still occasionally think of Zhang and Axia and others.

With Suizhou’s testimony and all kinds of suspicious things, this case became an unsolved case, and the impeachment of Tang Fan’s things would be gone. Pempinite sent Pharaoh to come to Tang Fan to return to work. Although Senior Brother Yin Yin often caused troubles for Tang Fan, his heart was not bad, and he also had the same friendship. If not, Tang Fan would not give up his official position edited by Hanlin Academy to his brother. Down.

Two days later, on the day of Mrs. Zhou’s birthday, Tang Fan took Adon and followed Suizhou to the Sui family to celebrate his grandmother’s birthday.

Mrs. Zhou has only one son and one daughter, and her daughter is the mother of Suizhou.

After Sui’s mother married Sui’s father, she gave birth to three children. Suizhou ranked second. There was an elder brother Sui An above and a younger sister Sui Bi below.

Although they have relatives with Empress Zhou, the Sui family is, in the end, an ordinary family, and there are no wives and concubines like Wu’an Houfu and Li’s. Also passed away.

Mrs. Zhou ’s son ’s family is a small official in the field, and only her daughter ’s family is still in Beijing. The two brothers and sisters combined. In order to prevent the old mother from passing by in the old age, she decided to still let Mrs. Zhou live. In the capital, the Sui family bought a house next to the old lady and moved to live next to the old lady, so that they can take care of the old lady without making people gossip.

After listening to the relatives of the Sui family, Tang Fan was a little strange: “In this way, your family is simple in population, why do you have to move out to live alone?”

Suizhou said lightly: “My elder brother has sealed hundreds of households, but he is just a vacant job. But it ’s considered a part-time job, so my sister-in-law looked a little awkward to me. Instead of being at home all day long, it ’s better to move out and be quiet. ”

Tang Fan understood this time, and it turned out to be a difficult story for every family.

Sui An is the eldest son and will inherit the family business in the future, so parents will definitely take a few points in favor. According to the character of Suizhou, they must be impatient to be fussy about these household chores, so they simply moved out and avoided contradictions Lest the brothers go against the wall.

Mrs. Zhou ’s birthday, the son ’s family ca n’t come back from the field, and naturally the daughter takes care of it. The Sui family did n’t dare to wait for the relationship between Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou. Born in ordinary people, only the richness of the Queen Mother is today rich, and you should be blessed, so instead of wantonly to spend money and waste a lot of money, call a bunch of unknown people to come to celebrate birthday, it is better to call their children and grandchildren together, lively It ’s just a matter of having a meal.

The birthday banquet was held in the old house of the Zhou family. The family in Suizhou only had to pass the next door to celebrate the birthday of the old lady, which was convenient.

When Tang Fan arrived at the Zhou family, he discovered that apart from him and A Dong, the others were all from the Sui family.

Mrs. Zhou is over sixty years old, with white hair and kind eyes. When she saw Suizhou, she smiled and stretched her hand to pull him: “My grandchildren came to see me, come here, come here!”

Rao is Suizhou’s perennial accustomed to keep his face cold, and seeing Mrs. Zhou can’t help but soften down, first to give Mrs. Zhou a prayer of life, then present a gift, and shout respectfully a grandmother.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Mrs. Zhou said three times in a row. Seeing Tang Fan and Adong standing next to Suizhou, they laughed again: “Azhou, is this your friend?”

Before Suizhou answered, there was humanity next to him: “Second brother, today is a family feast. The old lady said not to bring outsiders. Why are you bringing outsiders you do n’t know? There are women here, too. It ’s a good idea to be good at all! ”

Speaking person Suizhou brother Sui An’s wife Jiao.

Married brothers are at odds. Eight or nine out of ten are all because of the contradiction of the nuns. Suizhou is not yet married. However, since Jiao sees him as unsightly, Chengri blows pillows in front of her husband. Over time, the relationship between brothers does Will be affected.

What’s more, Suizhou grew up before Mrs. Zhou’s wife, parents prefer eldest son, but Mrs. Zhou prefers Suizhou, Jin Yiwei is a hot and fat man, Suizhou is a second son, and his surname is Zhou. For the time being, but Mrs. Zhou spoke before Mrs. Zhou, Suizhou immediately became a real job that was more sought-after than the vacant position. With this differential treatment, it is no wonder that Jiao would be jealous.

But she forgot that Suizhou was not a character she could squeeze round and flat.

As soon as she said this, Suizhou said lightly: “From now on, it will be a good family.”

The author has something to say:


1. In real history, Empress Zhou has no sister.

2. Generally, the female family doesn’t see the male, but there is no scruples about the good family.

3. There is no royalties in ancient times, and there is no intellectual property rights. Just as piracy is flying everywhere, there is only a meager pen fee for publishing books ~

In the last chapter, some friends asked why Li Man and Li Lin are so old that they can exchange their identities?

I wo n’t sell Moe tonight, I will sort out this clue for everyone.

[Note: There are spoilers involved. I do n’t like to be skipped by the spoilers. Do n’t read it! 】

1. As mentioned in the previous article, when Shuntian House went to search the inns where Chen had lived, he found the mark of Bailianjiao. This shows that Chen’s is related to Bailianjiao. Li Man and Chen’s hooking together must be related to Bailianjiao.

2. Why did Li Man change his business to do business, so he can make money smoothly, and everyone has thought about this problem? Is he a business wizard? But if there is a large organization to help him, then it is not difficult. Organization development requires money, and Li Man needs organization to do business. The relationship between the two, I believe everyone can imagine, these are the unexplained dark lines.

3. As explained before, the old housekeeper Li, as the old man of the Li family, can see the problem and will not be confused, so he was silenced, and the rest of the Li family, if they have doubts, why should they question They do n’t have that right, and they ’re not so stupid as to go into trouble.

4. I mentioned Li Dao Li Zilong twice before, everyone remember, this is a real thing in history, his power has already reached the palace, so Emperor Chenghua will be afraid at that time, so he directly promoted to Xichang Of the establishment. Ye Shi also has records that this plum dragon is related to the white lotus religion.

Then the question is coming, why is a Taoist priest called a demon Tao? Why was he able to develop such a large force in the early days?

As a demon way, there must be some means to confuse people, whether it is Yi Rong or illusion, then Li Man may also learn a little fur? These can be launched logically, but many people ignore the events of the demon Tao Li Zilong and the demon fox, so they only focus on the maintenance of Li Man himself [Khan] ~

This plot was originally to be explained later. Before I thought that everyone could guess something, I left a suspense and did not say it clearly.

5. Point 4 explained why Li Man burned his corpse, because no matter it was disguise or illusion, it could only act as a short-term deception. If someone suspiciously ran to dig Li Lin ’s corpse, it would be soon Found the problem, so Li Man had to destroy the dead. In this way, even if Tang Fan connected the things together now, at best they were his own guesses, without substantial evidence.

6. Why is Li Man’s words and deeds so high-profile after pretending to be Li Lin? I do n’t know if you have heard such a similar sentence: Sometimes a person wants to do something unspeakable. If they are secretly carried out, the possibility of being discovered is greater than that of high-profile actions. Everyone also thinks that Li Lin is a white-eyed wolf, so he never thinks that his identity is a problem. This is actually a psychological cover-up.

In summary, Li Man’s method is feasible, and also explained in the previous chapter, why Tang Fan would think that Li Man is a terrible person, because his opponent has a reason for every step, and the high IQ is very neurotic. Terrible.

Master Tang can basically think of approaching the truth, which is already very powerful, but after all, he is a person, not a god, and he cannot be expected to expose it at that time.

Then, there are two problems:

1. Why did Li Lin willingly die for his father?

I thought it was unnecessary to explain this because the ancients had different ideas from us. The father is the son and the monarch is the monarch. The monarch wants to die, the servant has to die, the father has to die, and the son has to die. There is filial piety in Daming Law, but the father can kill the son but he can escape the sanctions, not to mention Li Lin is a person who reads the book of the sage, so this is really normal. Do n’t look at ancient times from a modern perspective.

2. Why didn’t Li Man wear shackles when he went to prison, and could he exchange identities with Li Lin?

First of all, Li Lin was able to enter the prison. That must have been filled with money. This is a society governed by man, not a society governed by law. In ancient prisons, there are many different ways for jailers to die. To be more true, in fact, Li Manfu’s wife’s killing did not necessarily have to die in ancient times. As long as it works properly, it can escape legal sanctions.

Because in Daming Law, the wives and concubines deliberately killed their husbands, it was clearly stipulated that they should be executed late, but the husband ’s murder of the concubine was innocent. It seems that he is exempted from mental illness, but in ancient times, it was actually because he had outstanding talents, and the name of the document was too strong, and many people justified him.

In this article, Li Man actually does not need to kill the child. As long as Tang Fan does not exist, do n’t hold him. He will bribe to unblock him, and then wait for his father ’s ancestors to find a reason to release him Say that my wife is cheating with someone *.

But the plot is not good, right? So I said in the copy, there are many fictions in the storyline, this article was originally half-overheaded. Is n’t Bao Qingtian more fictitious, the text is all historical errors, some details of SO need not be too real ~

Too much nonsense, just to understand everyone’s doubts ~

Okay, see you tomorrow night!

Thank you, Bawang ticket tomorrow!

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