The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 3

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After a few words of greeting, Pan Bin got up and said goodbye. Before leaving, Tang Fan said to Zheng Ying: “Hou Ye, this matter is extraordinary.

Zheng Ying frowned, obviously not happy: “Is there no other way?”

Tang Fan: “To find out the cause of death of Young Master Ling, you have to start from here.”

Zheng Ying: “My son is the eldest son of Wu’an Hou. How can he be equal to a common man. His body will be preserved by Hou Fu himself, and he will be buried for seven days after stopping the coffin.”

The implication is that if you can’t find out the truth within seven days, my son can’t wait that long, and it must be buried.

Before Tang Fan replied, Pan Bin said: “Natural and natural, the deceased is big, or it is better to settle in the earth. Hou Ye’s mourning changes, then we will leave first.”

Tang Fan: “Hou Ye, the maidservant named Alin, according to the rules, Shuntian Mansion should also be taken away.”

Zheng Ying didn’t say anything this time. He waved his hand directly, and the person brought the maidservant over to the government of Suncheon.

As soon as he left the Wu’an Hou Mansion, Pan Bin was upset and stern: “Run Qing, you are so impulsive today!”

Tang Fan looked innocent: “Master, where do you start?”

Pan Bin: “You shouldn’t say the following words to Wu Anhou. Is Zheng Cheng’s death another cause? In the final analysis, it’s just your speculation. What if something comes out in time? You Why did Dao Wuan Hou change his attitude when he sent us out? He was just afraid that the murderer would be involved in the house. If a son died at that time, he might not be counted.

Tang Fan sighed: “Adult, if we just sit back and watch, I’m afraid it will lead to an injustice case.”

Pan Bin was very displeased. I thought about how I can dial this one. Zheng Ying died his own son, and even he hopes that the big things will become smaller, what are we still working on? Besides, the emperor would definitely want to take care of Zheng Ying’s feelings on the sentiment of the emperor. When the time comes, if something really comes out of Suncheon Mansion, it will offend people.

Tang Fan was also a little helpless. Whatever the saying of Shuntianfu Yin was also an official of Sansanpin, Pan Bin was so afraid of things. Even investigating a murder case, he looked forward and back. .

The two spent most of the night in the Wu’an Hou Mansion. When they came out, they just knocked the morning drum outside. The pedestrians who got up early gradually increased, and the air was still filled with the coldness of frost and dew. Tang Fan saw the roadside Someone set up an early stand and smiled at Pan Bin: “Senior brother, you should be hungry all night, how about I invite you to eat early?”

Pan Bin listened to him change his name, but the original color was slightly gentle, and he felt a little hungry.

Both of them are in regular clothes, but they are not dazzling.

The stall owner saw that they had found a place to sit down, and did not come, so he stood there and shouted, “Two guests, what would you like to eat?”

Tang Fan: “Two bowls of meaty noodles!”

The boss replied loudly: “Good!”

After a while, two bowls of steaming meaty noodles were placed in front of them.

The hot, spicy noodle soup sprinkled with green onions is really appetizing.

Pan Bin and Tang Fan were also really hungry. They picked up their chopsticks and kept their heads down.

Tang Fan’s eating is very gentle, but the speed is no slower than Pan Bin, even faster.

When Master Pan could finish the noodle soup, Tang Fan had already put down his chopsticks.

Before Pan Bin wanted to teach him, Tang Fan said: “Brother, in fact, this matter, even if Wu Anhou wanted to suppress it, he might not be able to suppress it.”

Pan Bin: “Why do you say this?”

Tang Fan: “Senior Brother can still remember, what happened in the last year?”

Pan Bin thought about it, his face changed: “You mean …?”

He picked up a chopstick and dipped the noodle soup and wrote a “West” on the table.

Tang Fan nodded.

The word “west” refers to neither the west of east, west, south and north nor the west of the celestial world.

It is the west of the West Factory.

When the Ming Dynasty passed to the present emperor Chenghua, it was already the eighth emperor.

The emperor Chenghua and his father, the emperor Yingzong Emperor, reigned in a big event that could be recorded in the annals of history-the change of the earthen castle. To put it bluntly, in fact, an **** named Wang Zhen would not die without dying. He encouraged the Emperor Yingzong to enlist the war in the war. The Emperor Yingzong really obeyed and brought a group of civil and military ministers to personally enlist, and the dead **** was killed and the emperor was captured. As soon as the minister of culture and martial arts passed through, he died, and at that time, he was about to enter the city of Beijing, or Yu Qianlinwei stood up, which saved the country, and also avoided the anger of Tai, Zu and Cheng Zu from the coffin. Unworthy children.

During the capture of his father, Chenghua Emperor was still small, and the country could not have no one day. In order to avoid the threat of extortion by the war, Yu Qianyi and Wenchen established Yingzong’s younger brother, namely Chenghua Emperor and his uncle. Emperor.

As a result, the lack of virtue put the Emperor Yingzong back, and there was no room for two tigers in one mountain. How could his uncle Chenghua give way to his brother and put Emperor Yingzong under house arrest.

One night a few years later, the Emperor Yingzong became king in the palace under the support of several ministers, and the feng shui took turns. This time, it was the turn of the emperor Chenghua and his prisoner.

Within a few years, the Emperor Yingzong died, and the throne eventually fell on his son Chenghua Emperor.

When the emperor Chenghua who almost passed the emperor’s throne just ascended the throne, the ruler was still sensible, but the good times were not long. He was not a diligent person. Once a lazy person is used to being lazy, he is very It’s hard to work hard again.

Although North Korea, China, and the outside world say that Wan Guifei is now the source of misfortune, Tang Fan doesn’t see it this way. A woman can only scourge, and she has limited ability. If there is no emperor’s advice, what’s the use of dozens of concubines? The concubine’s arrogance and arrogance were only in the harem, which had little influence on the former dynasty. In the final analysis, it was still the emperor Chenghua who didn’t want to work. He liked the alchemy and pushed all the things in the court to the courtiers, and he also favored the eunuch, so that the court inside and outside became chaotic day after day.

Relative to courtiers, eunuchs are the people closest to the emperor. For the convenience of the courtiers and the benefits, the courtiers naturally approached the eunuchs. The “Clay Sculpture Liushangshu” joke means that these old court officials hold the power of the country, but watch the eunuch’s actions around the emperor all day long, but they can only promise to do nothing.

In this case, of course, it is impossible to expect where the state government will be clear. The wise men sighed and sighed. They all said that the emperor was surrounded by villains, there were eunuchs in the inside, and there were servants in the outside. Don’t think about the national power, it is difficult to say whether you can restore the Qingming when Renzong Xuanzong was declared.

Just in February last year, **** Wang Zhi was instructed to establish the West Factory. In order to establish his prestige, he arrested many people as soon as he was established. Among them were not only the plain-headed people who “dismissed the government”, but also the imperial court officials, such as Jiang Zongwu, who was sentenced by the Tai Hospital, need not say anything. Even the six ministers of the central government were not spared. Wang Zhitong was arrested without asking, because someone in the palace spoke to him, and because he was quite able to meet him, the emperor Chenghua did not pursue it. Impeachment was hopeless, but Wang Zhi retaliated.

For a time, the power of the West Factory flourished, and the East Factory and Jinyiwei were forced to attack the inside and outside, and everyone was in danger. So much so that Pan Bin didn’t even dare to shout that name directly, he only dared to endorse the word and write a “West” word.

Seeing Tang Fan nodded, he asked: “What is the connection between that place and the Wu’an Houfu case? You don’t want to be involved!”

Tang Fan: “Senior Brother, can you remember the” Demon Fox Night Out “case two years ago?”

Pan Bin’s face changed again.

Tang Fan smiled: “Brothers don’t need to be nervous, they are hidden in the city. Here they say, nobody pays attention.”

Two years ago, in Beijing, somehow, there was a story that a gold-eyed long-tailed monster was in trouble everywhere. According to legend, as soon as someone was hit, the person who saw the monster would be comatose. The monster beasted his skin and transformed into that person’s appearance. He spread the word as a lie, and the people were panicked. At this time, a priest named Li Zilong came out, and he used the magic to make friends with the palace officials in order to kill the king. Someone linked the monster beast with Li Zilong, and said that Taoist Li was actually a demon fox that was killed by Tai and Zu Emperor. Now that Tai and Zu Emperor are gone, they come to seek revenge from his descendants. .

Although Li Zilong was later beheaded and the rumors gradually subsided, Emperor Chenghua was scared when he heard about the incident. He even believed that Dongchang and Jinyiwei were unreliable and needed to establish a new special agency to deal with himself. Service, West Factory came into being.

Tang Fan: “After the demon fox case, the West Factory was established, and it was just as an excuse to arrest a group of people. In addition to wanting to show his face under the prince, he said that the West Factory can do more things than the East Factory and Jinyiwei. To be prestige, the hundred officials were afraid when he saw him. Now that Zheng Cheng is happening, even though Wu Anhou likes to make big things small, Wang Zhi will inevitably play by the topic and ask His Majesty to investigate thoroughly, maybe he will intervene. Among them, this will show the prestige of the West Factory. “

Pan Bin shook his head: “It’s impossible. Although Xichang is just like the sky at the moment, Wang Zhiping is in vain for no reason. Why go to offend Wu’anhou?”

Tang Fan: “In order to establish prestige among the princes, and to let the people of the world know, he not only dared to arrest the hundred officials, but also offended those honorable families, so everyone in the world was afraid, what would he want to do in the future , It ’s even more convenient. “

Pan Bin: “Then wait for the West Factory to intervene. Then, if the West Factory is willing, the Suncheon Mansion can just push the boat and push these troubles to them.”

Tang Fan shook his head, a little helpless. Their teacher once commented on this senior brother with him, saying that Pan Zibin was “not successful enough, and the matter was mediocre, and he retreated first in case of trouble.”

Pan Binsheng was afraid that Tang Fan ’s self-proclaimed situation would cause something to happen, and in turn told him: “This matter will definitely be played there by Wu Anhou. Wait until your majesty ’s will comes down, then you should never go to Wu Anhou What is Cheng Cheng’s body going for? “

Tang Fan laughed: “Brother, do you think I am such an impulsive person?”

Pan Bin was not angry: “I think it’s like, the teacher still said that you’re rude and elegant, there is the wind of an ancient gentleman”, and then you just spoke amazing words in Wu’an Houfu, but it was more like a rash. ! “

Why is Yin Hui of Suncheon Mansion, who is correcting third grade, and the official of Cong Liupin known as the brothers?

It’s also unusual because they both have a common teacher, Qiu Jun.

Qiu Jun is an all-rounder, not only as an official, but also in history, science, economics, and even medicine. He has extensive knowledge and extensive writings. He is recognized by everyone and is quite popular among readers. Respect, if people can worship him as a teacher, it is really a blessing for three lifetimes.

Pan Bin was a disciple of Qiu Jun ’s early years. It was funny to say that his disciple Guan Yuntong is now Zheng Sanpin Shuntianfu Yin, but the teacher still uses the Sipin Guozijian Jijiu, but the name of the teacher and student is placed there. Higher than the teacher, Pan Bin is in front of the teacher and still respects and respects the disciples.

Three years ago, in the eleventh year of Chenghua, Qiu Jun was ordered to preside over the examination of Yiweike. Tang Fan also took the examination of that subject. First, he won the fifth in the examination, and then in the hall examination Ranked No. 1 in high school.

Although the Imperial Examination is held once every three years, the world does not know how many talented people have succeeded and succumbed to it. At the age of the weak crown of the Tang Dynasty, the second best is enough to make the readers of the world envious.

However, it is said that the emperor Chenghua had to select Tang Pan as the champion, only because the first assistant Wan An said that Tang Pan was too young, and it was better to move back in order to avoid the young people being smug and killed. , The wind will destroy it.

The emperor felt justified, and then he changed his ranking. He moved Tang Fan to the first place in the second class, and jokingly said: “Tang Runqing’s literary knowledge is the best choice, and he is rare and elegant. If he is the champion, only I am afraid that the champion from now on, if I stand next to him, I will be ashamed! “

Therefore, three years ago, although Tang Fan didn’t get the first prize, he was famous all over the world because of the emperor’s words.

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