The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 48

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Wang Zhi was no longer calm, and stood up: “What’s going on!”

The man said in shame: “When we followed the little girl all the way to the front of the Tofu Chen Hutong, there was a fight right at the door of the shop next to it, and the people all looked around and pulled us away from the little girl. , When we catch up, the little girl has disappeared! “

Wang Zhi broke his mouth and scolded: “Waste! Rice bucket! What’s the use of raising you! Don’t go looking for it yet!”

This is all right. Neither Zhu Yong’s young daughter nor Geng Shilang’s granddaughter was found, and she took a sister of Tang Tuiguan.

Tang Fan said: “Wait!”

He said to Naxichang Fanzi: “Is the person who was fighting then still found?”

Naxichang said: “Yes, our people are there.”

Tang Fan said: “Then bother you, and bring the two back to ask questions. If something happens is not accidental, maybe this is also a clue.”

Naxichang Fanzi didn’t answer, but instead looked at Wang Zhi first.

This is also normal. Their boss is Wang Zhi, not Tang Fan. Why should he listen to the command of an outsider?

Xichang’s famous name, but now he was careless and planted a big heel, which is called geese all day long, but was blinded by geese.

Wang Zhi’s face was ugly, and Tang Fan’s face was even uglier.

The former was impaired, and he could n’t hold his face to talk softly to Tang Fan, while the latter was anxious, and he could n’t take care of what he said with Wang Zhi, so he hurried out of the Xianyun Pavilion. Can you find Adong’s little figure?

But he did not plan to find it by himself, but went directly to the Wucheng Bingmasi.

This year’s routine inspection was carried out by the Wucheng Bingma Division. Shuntian House and Jinyiwei each deployed their personnel to assist. As the person in charge of Jinyiwei, Suizhou naturally does not need to go out in person, but in the Wucheng Bingma Si Yamen Sit in town, so what happens to your subordinates, you can find people at the first time, this is not the time to take the lead.

Tang Fan knew this too, so he could find people quickly.

He hurried to say hello to the others, and he told Suizhou about it.

Suizhou’s face stretched as soon as he heard Adong’s bait.

He had just heard about the loss of Zhu Yong ’s young daughter and Geng Shilang ’s grandson, just before Tang Fan ’s arrival, but he was not responsible for this matter, so he still stayed in the gate of the Wucheng soldiers and horsemen, but now Tang Fan As soon as he talked about Adong, he couldn’t help moving.

“How long ago was this thing?” Suizhou asked.

“I came straight from the cyclamen building, about half an hour ago.” Tang Fandao said.

Suizhou slightly nodded, said nothing, first explained to others, then took Xue Ling and others out.

Tang Fan asked, “Where do I go now?”

When it comes to finding people, Jin Yiwei is naturally more professional than him.

Suizhou Road: “Go to the tower first.”

Tang Fan’s eyes lit up, and the tower was condescending. The range he could see was farther and clearer. Any changes underneath were easy to find.

A group of people copied the path and hurried to the tower.

The Yongdingmen watchtower is in the middle of the main road of the capital. The low-rise buildings are not enough to cover the view, and even the surrounding streets can be seen clearly.

Starting from tonight, the whole capital will be up all night for the upcoming Lantern Festival. This is the biggest festival of the year. The lantern festival will last until the day after the Lantern Festival. Under the double reflection of bright moonlight and bright lanterns, inside and outside The streets are bustling, heads are next to each other, and there is a lot of noise. From time to time, laughter and joy come from underneath, filled with joy.

People in the counties outside the capital will also take advantage of the festival to go to the capital to play, which makes the city’s population far exceed the normal level, and people can be seen wherever they go.

However, under this prosperous scene of singing and dancing, there is also a dark current. On such days, every household is dispatched, which is also the favorite time for thieves who break into empty doors, thieves who steal things, and traffickers who traffic in human beings.

Therefore, after the Lantern Festival on the Yuan Dynasty every year, the number of cases of petitioning officials in various government offices has increased sharply, from ancient to modern times.

A little girl of A Dong, has long been drowned among these hundreds of thousands of people. At a glance, they are all high and low heads. Even if they have clairvoyant eyes, it is estimated that they are hard to find.

So far, Tang Fan knew that it was useless to be anxious, so he calmed down and observed the people under him together with Suizhou.

Ascending the horizon, many details that were otherwise difficult to detect immediately appeared.

The crowd used to tease the younger daughter-in-law, disguised as men, and guessed that the riddles were arguing with their companions. Although they were far away, they could not hear what they were talking about. Find.

In Suizhou, several of them were divided into several observations. After watching the half hour for a while, when everyone felt that the neck was stiff and sore, they heard Xue Ling said: “Brother, look over there!”

Everyone looked at what he pointed to. I saw a four- to five-year-old child standing in front of a shop, sucking his fingers, and staring at a hawker selling sugar cane not far away. The hawker beckoned at him, and he walked out by himself. The elders who brought him out did not know if they were picking things in the shop, and they didn’t even notice.

Seeing that the child was still three or four steps away from the candied fruit peddler, a man suddenly emerged from the cross beside him, took a candied fruit to the child, and while holding his hand, the child was attracted by the candied fruit quickly He was led by the man.

The candied fruit hawker watched this scene happen, but did not say anything. He wanted to come with the peddler, but he was here to cover his companions by selling candied fruit.

Looking at the people around, it is still bustling and lively. Everyone is attracted by the things around them. No one will bow their heads to pay attention to the whereabouts of a child. If they are not discovered by Suizhou at this moment, they will have one more in the capital tomorrow. The case of the missing child is gone.

At the order of Suizhou, Xue Ling quickly took the four Jinyiweis off the tower and ran towards the place where the kid had just been seen abducted.

The so-called **** and gangsters have their own ways. The trafficking of women and children is also not only done by a group of people. There must be ways for each gang to communicate with each other, just like the kidnapped children they just saw. That person, the other party may not be the same as those who abducted Zhu Yong’s young girl or Asong, but it is much easier to catch one and find other clues.

Xue Ling’s man who would soon abduct the child, along with the hawker selling sugar cane.

On the other side, the children’s family members have just discovered that the children in the family have disappeared, and are chasing them in anxiety. When they see the children in their homes, they are naturally grateful.

Without mentioning the gossip, Xue Ling and others brought the two peddlers to Suizhou.

This kind of person is accustomed to this kind of work, and his conscience has been darkened, and he naturally refused all kinds of things. He also said that the oath is sold. The man who sells sugar gourd says that he is just doing a proper job and is safe. It was to see that the child had placed the order for a while, and wanted to take him to find his parents, so as not to be abducted, in short, there was a grievance there.

Suizhou didn’t bother with them either, so he asked coldly: “Which one of you is the one under the mouth? Lai Boss, Liu Zhili, or Ding Yi?”

The two men blinked and blinked, and said, “This lord, what are you talking about, why don’t we understand?”

Another person also said: “Yes, lord, we are really small people who are safe!”

Special agencies such as Jinyiwei or Dongxi Factory, although they are official people, actually have inextricably linked with those gangsters. Some people usually avoid conflicts with official people. It will do more. If it is not too much, the government will open one eye and close one eye.

But in the present situation, things have become a bit too big, not to mention that Suizhou cannot be overwhelmed, even if someone else comes, it will also have to be public.

Seeing that the two did not recognize him, he said to Xue Ling: “Bring them back to prison, you know what to do.”

Xue Ling nodded and grinned at the two again: “The custody makes them regret being born by their father and mother!”

When the two heard the imprisonment, they were so scared that they didn’t possess their souls, and one of them quickly shouted, “I move, I move! I am the person under Lai Boss!”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a faint voice not far away: “Don’t believe it, he is Ding Yiming.”

With the sound, Wang Zhi came over.

He glanced at the man and smirked, “It’s not easy, they are all caught, and they dare to lie, I really can’t see the coffin and can’t cry!”

Wang Zhi again said to Suizhou and Tang: “Whether it is Liuzhili or Boss Lai, those two people are now invited by me to be a guest in the West Factory. They did not take any young children tonight. The people did it. “

It turns out that the capital city is prosperous and there are especially many rich and wealthy families. The children here are all raised in powder and jade. They are very different from the civilians who have fleeed and sold themselves as slaves.

Among them, there are two specialized divisions working as human trafficking gangs on the underworld. The nicknames of these two leaders are Lai Lao Da and Liu Zhi Li.

These two gangs have other activities besides human trafficking, such as selling salt and iron tea in private, etc. These are the main sources of income for the gang, otherwise where so many people can be sold, the brothers have starved to death .

Boss Lai and Six Fingers Lee have been in the capital for many years. Of course, they cannot represent all the underworld forces in the capital. However, there are really few people who work as human trafficking in the capital. There are only three.

These two gangs are terrestrial snakes, and they know who is irritating and who is not irritating. They do things like the trafficking of officials ’family members. They will never do it. At most, they will deal with the children of the merchants , Or left a letter to their family after abduction, blackmail a large sum of money, and then put the person back.

But besides them, there is also a Nancheng Gang.

Their leader is called Ding Yimu. This gang has a wide reach and is bolder than Lai. They have darker hands and less selective targets, and they are looking for good-looking children. If it is a wealthy family, it is mainly extortion of money. If there is no money to sell, it will be sold directly to the Qinlou Chu Hall in the south. It is also a huge income.

Ding Yimu is quite worthy of justice, and is famous in the Tao. The Nancheng Gang can be more unscrupulous than Lai Boss and Liu Zhili. It is precisely because Ding Yimu is a man.

However, many businesses of the Nancheng Gang were run by the second-hand Deng Xiu. This guy is very black-handed and has a lot of lives under his hands. However, because they are black and black, they have opened joints in the past, so all the government offices are Open one eye and close one eye.

In addition, sometimes the abducted children of the Nancheng Gang will be sent to the palace, and received by the people in the palace. After purifying them, they will be taken as eunuchs in the palace.

This again has to talk about some of the major sources of eunuchs, either like Wang Zhi, who is a border citizen, because of the failure of the incident, the clan was escorted into Beijing, and the children were sent to the palace as eunuchs, or like pregnant Well, it was originally a family of officials and eunuchs, but the family committed crimes and was involved. Because of their young age, they were also sent to the palace as eunuchs. Of course, there are also those who voluntarily castrated in order to gain wealth in the palace, such as the right to become famous. Eunuch Wang Zhen.

But note that not everyone can enter the palace like Wang Zhen since the palace. Many people are voluntarily blocked from the palace gate after the palace. One of Jinyiwei ’s jobs every year is to put these The person is repatriated.

It sounds ridiculous, but it is. The **** in the palace is already full. You can’t enter if you want to enter. The palace is only the first step. But since the palace can be accepted in the palace, that is your skill.

Boss Lai and Liu Zhili were dissatisfied with their business being robbed. They once went to each other ’s troubles, but they all went back to their faults. Later, the three reached a peace agreement and divided their territory in Beijing. quiet.

Earlier, I heard about the disappearance of Zhu Yong ’s young girl. Although Wang Zhi paid attention to it, he did n’t realize the seriousness of it. He just asked the person to come to the door first and arrested both Lai Boss and Liu Zhi Li for interrogation. Li Zheng was crying and crying, saying that he knew that today was the first day of the Lantern Festival, and the government office must be rigorously investigated, so they would not allow anyone under his hands to do anything, let alone see any Zhu. Yong’s young girl.

As for the remaining Nancheng Gang, Xichang Fanzi went to one of their most frequented casinos, but found no one at all. Ren Xichang turned the casino upside down and sealed things up. Nancheng Gang The people did not show up, and all the snatchers were unsuspecting little ones.

Wang Zhi felt something was wrong.

In this case, because of the short time, the case needs to be solved as soon as possible, and there is no time to slowly deal with the people in the Nancheng Gang. Fazi, hoping to pull out the people who started it directly, but did not expect that even Adong would be missing.

If Wang Zhi could remain calm when he heard the news of the disappearance of Zhu Yong ’s young girl, A Dong ’s disappearance would make him unable to sit still.

You know that he packed the ticket in front of Tang Fan the moment before, but the result was gone the next moment. How could this not make Wang Gonggong lose his face and be furious?

Before he was in the Xianyun Hall, Tang Fan walked away, and Grandpa Wang couldn’t hold his face. After a while, he calmed down and said the antecedents and consequences stiffly, which was also interpreted.

Like the Lai Boss and Nancheng Gang, these impenetrable forces, although Tang Fan and Suizhou also knew some, they did not know as much as Wang Zhi. Because Wang Zhi himself admired the West Factory, there were a lot of people to send. The resources of the entire West Factory are concentrated in his hands. He will mobilize whatever he wants. Naturally, he knows more than Suizhou and Tang Fan. This is actually asymmetric information and has nothing to do with personal ability.

He said that Tang Fan listened, and asked, “Is there any suspense in the fight?”

Wang Zhi knew what Tang Fan asked. When the people in Xichang just tracked down Adong, because of a fight in the middle of the incident, the people gathered and watched, and then they lost them.

He shook his head: “No, I checked, it should be accidental and coincidental.”

Tang Pan was silent, because of accident and coincidence, A Dong was lost, but it can be said that if Wang Zhi did not let A Dong do bait, all this could have been avoided.

It is certainly a very important thing to be able to find Zhu Yong ’s young girl, but everyone has a close relationship. If A Dong has not disappeared, Tang Fan will care about the case now, but it will not be in this mood at all.

But it doesn’t help to say more now. The top priority is to get people back, and everything else can be said later.

Suizhou Road: “The Nancheng Gang stayed in Beijing for two years. Apart from human trafficking, there must be other livelihoods?”

Wang Zhi nodded: “Yes, this is what I’m going to tell you. The Nancheng Gang’s power is bigger than that of Lai Boss and Six Fingers Li, and the work is more ruthless. It’s not a good match. I let Adon bait. I thought about pulling out the gang, but I did n’t expect even Adon to be lost now.

Suizhou pointed directly at the core of the question: “This gang can bribe officials in the palace and send young children to the palace. The background is not deep, can it affect our investigation?”

Wang Zhi glanced at him, his face a little weird: “It’s a little background, but you shouldn’t ask me about this, you should go back and ask your commander.”

Suizhou frowned.

Wang Zhidao said: “However, even if the Nancheng Gang has an official background, it should have nothing to do with this case. It should be that some people underneath them are acting rashly, the forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.”

Tang Fan felt that Wang Zhi ’s attitude was very weird and ambiguous this time. Just like before, since he had discovered that the matter might be related to the Nancheng Gang, he would just start with the Nancheng Gang, but because of the short time, he would let Adong As a bait, it seems that I just want to find out the murderer of the kidnappers, but I don’t want to target the whole Nancheng Gang.

Combined with the question he just answered in Suizhou, Tang Fan estimated that it might be because the Nancheng gang and Jin Yiwei commanded Wantong to collaborate, and Wantong is Wan Guifei’s younger brother, so Wang Zhi had to throw a mouse taboo?

Wang Zhi, who has always been lawless and fearless, wants to calm down. It can be seen that the patience of the Nancheng Gang is really not ordinary.

But can you send young children into the palace as eunuchs, will you only clear Wantong, Wang Zhi is so obscure, will it be because the Nancheng Gang has other backgrounds?

Suddenly, many thoughts passed by in Tang Fan’s heart.

He didn’t have time to think deeply, and heard Wang Zhi coldly said: “But it is because of this, they are more fearless, relying on themselves to have someone on the official face, they will act arbitrarily, this time things are too much trouble. It ’s been up to heaven to listen, so no matter what, you have to find people back as soon as possible. “

Fang Cai, the two people who were caught back, saw Wang Zhi pour their bottoms clean, not only pale, but also startled and frightened.

Tang Fandao said: “Although you are from the Nancheng Gang, Governor Wang said just now, just asking about the first evil, threatening Cong Cong, since the children who have just been abducted by you have been recovered, as long as you are willing to cooperate actively, To be honest, the Nancheng gang will kidnap the children ’s hiding place and you will not be charged. Not only that, but also a reward. “

The two did not speak.

Although Tang Pan was very anxious, he still showed a calm and comfortable look on his face: “Since I won’t be guilty, I can’t think of any reason why you can’t confess. Do you really think that the imprisonment or Xichang will go for a walk? At that time, all kinds of torture will be carried out, and you will not be able to survive or die, and you will be too late to regret. “

After his words were finished, Suizhou waved his hands in coordination: “Take them away, get back to prison, and play a lute first. Look back and stare at it again, so you don’t have to worry about not finding other associates!”

Xue Lingying promised to show Bai Sensen’s teeth towards the two people: “You still don’t know what it is to play the pipa? I’ll tell you, just use a sharp knife on your ribs, like a pipa, back and forth, die No one can, but how to grind the knife back and forth, your meat will be removed, and finally only the bone is left, the knife is grinded on the bone, that sound, hum, I heard the acid … “

Under such language torture, the two of them collapsed completely without having to experience playing pipa. They cried and cried: “Adult, we are not willing to say it. It is really a big rule in the gang. If the second master knows We’re doing this kind of thing, I’m afraid we will peel our skin, and we won’t be able to live by then! “

Tang Fan asked: “That Deng Xiu is responsible for human trafficking?”

One of them was choking: “Yes, this kind of thing is always in charge of the second person. I heard that I have turned to a batch of good goods tonight, but our status in the gang is not high, and it is not very clear!”

Tang Fanwen said: “You don’t have to worry about retaliation. After the incident, the government will help you arrange a new identity and send you a sufficient amount of money to let you go to the south to start again, so you can always rest assured. Is that all? “

Xue Ling was going to take them away: “Why should Master Tang be verbose with them? Since they don’t want to, wait for them to experience playing the pipa, and then they will naturally say everything!”

With both hard and soft, the two men finally succumbed completely: “We said! We said! We said everything!”

Although this Nancheng gang is also engaged in human trafficking, in addition to this, it did not sell private salt like Lai Boss and Liu Zhili. Instead, it opened up a blue building and a casino, and also lent up loan sharks.

Human trafficking is not necessarily illegal. For example, in the Daming Dynasty, natural disasters occurred in many places *, people could not survive, and it was normal to sell children and girls. This is also the source of slaves for many high-ranking households.

However, as mentioned earlier, sometimes for high profits, these traffickers will also start with the children of ordinary people and abduct them directly. When they meet rich and wealthy people, they will either extort a high price or sell their beautiful appearance to the south. Wealthy places, like those in Yangzhou, serve as prostitutes.

Take a look at the value of Feng Qingzi, who is a happy house owner before, and it’s not difficult to imagine the huge profits. If, like the Nancheng Gang, the human trafficking and the business of opening the green house are doing at the same time, then you don’t have to change hands and directly treat those poor innocent people. The young children are cultivated as a cornucopia.

These practices naturally lost their conscience, but all dynasties have been banned forever. There is no cure for it, but the situation is serious or not.

According to the information provided by the two people, Tang Fan found a blue building.

The author has something to say:

Ah, everybody, I feel your blessing buff blessings on me, I do n’t have a headache anymore today, and I have the strength to sell cute (* ^ __ ^ *)

Recently, it seems that many people have fallen down, so everyone should keep warm ~

small theater:

Wang Zhi: I heard that many readers are dissatisfied with me because they use Adong as bait, right?

Tang Fan: Yeah ~

Suizhou: Yeah ~

Xue Ling: Yeah ~ (The author didn’t type my name wrong today, it’s so rare!)

Wang Zhi:… Go on it, are you readers? (╰_╯) #

Crabs are intimate and warm little cute things, send you a plush author fungus, let you keep warm in winter, don’t need money → _ →

Aki threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-10-2920: 25: 29

Tian Fei threw a landmine throwing time: 2014-10-2922: 23: 53

The little tadpole looks for MM and throws a mine. Throwing time: 2014-10-2922: 57: 52

Deng Zi and Deng threw a mine to throw time: 2014-10-2923: 08: 15

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winnie threw a mine throwing time: 2014-10-2923: 59: 20

A fish from the tropics threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-10-3000: 07: 59

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demeter threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-10-3011: 01: 34

SAKA threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-10-3013: 16: 03

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