The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 6

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

Rao is a lotus flower in the Tang Dynasty, and was choked by this sentence.

He clearly proposed cooperation in good faith, but he turned into a murder suspect in a blink of an eye. Could it be that he went out today and forgot to see the Huang Li?

It is said that Jin Yiwei’s power is pressing, and no one will give face, and it really deserves its reputation!

Tang Fan laughed, and wanted to speak, but he heard Gao Lingzi exclaimed: “Liu shopkeeper, you can come back!”

The shopkeeper Liu hurried into the door, and at a glance saw the three Jinyiweis in the room.

Gao Lingzi stepped forward and introduced him to Suizhou and Tang Fan, etc., and the shopkeeper Liu one by one was afraid, saying: “Trouble all of you are waiting here, I don’t know what the old man has done, please ask the adults to express!”

Tang Fan saw him anxious and warmly comforted: “The shopkeeper Liu does not have to worry about …”

Suizhou interrupted him and asked coldly, “Where can there be a place of purity?”

“Yes! Yes!” Liu dispensers hurriedly led them into the inner room.

The inner room is not big, the victory is quiet, not like noisy outside.

The shopkeeper Liu asked Tang Fan to sit down and let Gao Lingzi serve tea, and immediately asked, “Masters are here for …?”

After all, he is not as naive as Gao Lingzi, and at a glance, Tang Fan is the best to speak among these people, so although the words are spoken to everyone, his eyes are looking at Tang Fan.

Tang Fan said: “Liu shopkeeper, can someone from Wu’anhou House come to you to dispense medicine?”

After these days of fermentation, the murder case in Wu’an Hou Mansion has already been in full swing. Everyone in the capital knows nothing. When Liu Xiang heard it, he was taken aback and shook his head again and again: “Nothing, nothing!”

Tang Fan stared at him: “Really?”

Although Suizhou and others did not speak, they were watching.

The shopkeeper Liu smiled bitterly: “Several adults, how dare I lie, although Huichuntang has some reputation, but after all, it is not as good as the old name of Renxintang and other big businesses, what kind of people in Wu’an Houfu, how come they come here to find Do we dispense medicine? “

Tang Fan: “Liu shopkeeper, you think about it carefully, if you have made a big mistake, if you conceal it, you will inevitably suffer! You might as well tell you, Zheng Cheng ’s little servant told us that Zheng Cheng used the” Fuyang Chun ” It was prepared here by you. The tall and thin guy who helped me dispense the medicine was in his early twenties, with a black mole under his lips. “

The shopkeeper Liu said, “Isn’t he talking about Lin Chaodong’s kid ?!”

Tang Fan: “Lin Chaodong?”

The shopkeeper Liu: “It is precisely that the partner who was responsible for dispensing medicine this time was Chun Chaodong. He gave it to Doctor Shang, who is now an external apprentice who had been an apprentice for several years. He said that when his family members died in his hometown, he would go back to his hometown to mourn and help with funerals. Who knows this, he has n’t come back until now, and now this high-skinned man was promoted by me after Lin Chaodong left. “

Tang Fan: “Where is he from, how long has he been in Huichuntang?”

The shopkeeper Liu knows all: “It is said that he is a person from Weihui Prefecture in Henan Province. He has been working in Huichuntang for three years. He first came to Beijing to join his relatives. Later, I saw that he was still diligent in his hands and feet. The doctor taught him to recognize the medicine. “

There is no need for Tang Fan and Suizhou to explain to them. Liu Zhangbao took the initiative to call in the businessmen and Gao Lingzi. What they said was no different from that of Liu Zhangbao. They all said that no aphrodisiac had been given to Wuanhou. I have n’t seen anyone from Wu’an Hou Mansion, and there are many people who come and go to Huichun Hall every day. Even if there are people from Wu’an Hou Mansion, they do n’t know because the other party does n’t show their identity.

Tang Fan saw that they did not seem to be falsified. Judging from the performance of Liu’s shopkeeper, he did not know anything about it, so there was only one possibility: Zheng Cheng only had contact with Lin Chaodong although he was dispensing medicine here.

I also want to use aphrodisiac at a young age, and Zheng Cheng will naturally hide it, fearing that others will know.

After a few people took turns taking turns to explain, they looked at Tang Fan with diligence, a pair of expressions waiting for a pitiful expression, of course, Liu Zhanggui and others looked at the three Jin Yiwei more.

Tang Fan: “What else to ask for Sui General Banner?”

The thin lips of Jinyiwei General Flag coldly raised: “Bring them all back and interrogate carefully!”

The latter two promised and went to the front.

The shopkeeper Liu and others quickly asked for mercy, but they dared not resist.

Looking at the three men being escorted, Tang Fan said: “Sui Sui, the top priority is to get Lin Chaodong back for questioning. In Huichuntang, keeping the guards here is why it is not easy to take people away. “

Suizhou: “Jin Yiwei is pursuing a case and does not need to explain to Suncheon Mansion that if Tang masters also think of Fusi in Beizhen, they are naturally welcome.”

Tang Fan: “…”

Faced with such nonsense people, Tang Fan was also helpless: “Master Sui, I am not malicious, why should I be aggressive, in this case, if Jin Yiwei is willing to cooperate with Suncheon House, it will benefit both parties.

Suizhou said coldly: “If it was not the incompetence of Suncheon Mansion, why was the case settled, and was caught by Xichang again? It was just that you, Master Pan, did not want to offend Wu Anhou, and were afraid of His Majesty’s accountability. After waiting for Fengyuan ’s bad idea, Ruyi abacus played well, but do n’t end up lifting stones and smashing his feet! ”

As the initiator of the “random idea”, Tang Fan didn’t feel blushed, he would still do it again.

But Tang Fan didn’t expect that the other party could see the joints at a glance. No wonder that the Jinyiwei flag was cold to him from the beginning, and there was no good voice. It turned out that he was already classified as “incompetent”.

Tang Fanhan was very well-maintained and was ridiculed by the other party. His expression and tone could still be gentle as usual: “The matter is here, Sui General Banner is a rebirth, and it can’t change the fact. Now the West Factory is staring at each other, and the East Factory is not dealing with Jin Yiwei. The Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Dali Temple are not too big to see the excitement. Only Jinyiwei and Shuntianfu really hope that the case will come to light. Therefore, the cooperation is beneficial and harmless. “

Suizhou said coldly: “Even if there is no Suncheon House, Jin Yiwei can still find out the truth.”

Seeing him turn around and leaving, Tang Fan quickly said: “Can the Sui General Banner show me Zheng Cheng’s body?”

Pan Bin, the Yin of the Sunshine Mansion, was really unreliable. At that time, Tang Fan asked Wu Anhou for his body, but Wu Anhou did not give it, and Pan Bin did not dare to ask. Jin Yiwei was taken away, and Shuntianfu was one step late, without even touching the root hair.

Suizhou took a step and dropped two cold words: “No way!”

Tang Fan: “…”

Look, the uncles of Jin Yiwei, just like that!

Comparing his brother and boss, Tang Fan was speechless.

It’s all mixed out, how is the treatment difference so big?


Beijing is the capital of the world, but anyone with a little knowledge and a little condition has sharpened his head and wants to squeeze into the capital. Even if he is an official, many people prefer to be a Beijing official of Qipin, rather than a local official of Liupin. . The residence of the emperor, where the imperial city is located, and these eight characters alone have infinite charm.

However, the benefits are not only so many. For gluttons, living in Beijing means you can eat all over the world. The exquisite Jiangnan, the magnificence of the north, have a panoramic view.

As now, in the cyclamen building, a diner stared at the crystal belly clamped in his chopsticks and sighed, “I’m afraid that after I leave the capital, it will be so delicious!”

The humane sitting opposite him said: “Brother Ziming is just a strong man, why should he sigh? Heaven will descend on the people of Sri Lanka, and he will first suffer his mind and work his muscles and bones. Title of Gold List. “

Ji Min shook his head: “Three years and three years, life is only a few dozen years, how many years can there be? Runqing, honestly, I really envy you, the boy is proud, and now he is in his early twenties. It’s from Liupin Jingguan. Mo said that compared to people like me who are disappointed, you are better than those of the same class! “

The position of the official is good and the position of the official is not high. For Tang Fan, it is only because he can do more for the people of the country, but such words are spoken in the face of Ji Min, but there is a suspicion of cold words, so Tang Fan did not continue, just poured wine for him: “Brother Zi Ming went back this time, the mountains are high and the water is far away. I’m afraid I won’t see you until three years later. This meal will be treated as I see you off. Dislike it! “

Three years ago, Tang Fan and Ji Min went to Beijing to take the exam together. They became friends because of their similar temperaments. Ji Min was very talented. At that time, he was also a popular candidate for Dengke, but he unexpectedly fell into Sun Shan, unexpectedly. Ji Min was reluctant. Three years later, this year was another imperial examination. He naturally wanted to make a comeback. Who knows that the list was released two months ago, and there is no Ji Min list in the Xinke Jinshi. This is not a small blow. So in the cyclamen building, he This is how it is.

With a seven-point drunkenness, Ji Min raised his head, and saw the candlelight swaying under the shadow of the lamp, reflecting Tang Fan’s face like the brilliance of a beaded jade. The brush and ink were difficult to describe. “Run Qing, after I fell off the list, those who had been on the list and who had made good friends with me, would have retreated from me, but you would still comfort me, add icing on the cake, give you trouble in the snow, this friendship, I’m a son Ming Yongsheng is unforgettable! “

Tang Fan: “Brother Zi Ming, you wronged Brother Qiao and Brother Ji. They have invited you to the banquet. You didn’t go. They worry about your misunderstanding, so they won’t call you again.”

Ji Min waved his hand: “Run Qing, you don’t have to say good things to them, I understand, I know in my heart, I have been standing for years, I have been to Beijing three times, but I missed it once. It ’s also famous in the village, but I did n’t expect it to be in such a field now. The mother in the family is looking forward to how I can go back with a face, how …

Before he finished, he fell to the table.

Tang Fan shouted to the restaurant guys to help Ji Min to rest on the second floor. Ji Min will leave for home tomorrow. The two said that they would sleep well tonight. There is no way to chat anymore.

After Ji Min was put in place, Tang Fan went out of sleep again and walked out of the restaurant, slowly taking off along the street.

It was too late at this time, although it was not until the night of the night, but the pedestrians on the road were already very scarce. The day-by-day passers-by in the capital, now showing a bit of darkness in the night, some brothel restaurants in alleys stayed through the night It’s not too late, but it’s convenient for the dudes like Zheng Cheng who like to play, but most people in the ordinary people have already turned off the lights to sleep.

Lanterns swayed in the depths of several nearby hutongs, and there were faint laughter and faint sounds. Tang Fan didn’t show any ambiguous expression, but instead remembered the case of Wu’an Hou Mansion.

Although the original case had some twists and turns, in Tang Fan’s view, it was not too difficult to solve the case. Who knew that Mr. Pan was too afraid, and Ping Bai had lost a lot of time, and now the body was taken away by Jin Yiwei. Maybe they all started to rot. I could n’t find Lin Chaodong about the pills here. Although Tang Fan had sent the staff from Shuntian House to Weihui, Henan, he had a premonition that he could not find anyone. of.

The twists and turns of this are really speechless, and once a case involves the noble, it immediately becomes complicated.

He pursed his lips, put aside his confused feelings, and recovered, only to find that he had unknowingly copied a short way, which is also the way he often walks during the day, but at this time there was silence and no lights, Even the moonlight was heavily concealed by the clouds. It was dark, but the feet were rugged.

Fortunately, there was a hint of shimmer in the distance. I thought there were people who slept late at night. They never turned off the lights, so that they did not feel that they could not reach their fingers, as if they had fallen into a world of infinite darkness.

Although there is a faint light in the distance, it is still difficult to see the way near, especially in the cold and quiet surroundings, there is not even a little noise, but the sound of barking dogs from far away is so unreal.

Tang Fan coldly kicked a stone, staggered, and quickly supported the low wall beside him to stabilize his body, subconsciously lowered his head to look at his feet, but suddenly a coldness came from the neck, like someone blowing on him gas!

Suddenly, a little pimple appeared on his skin. He twitched his head and turned to look, but he saw a white shadow pounced on himself!

Tang Fan was too late to respond, and the whole body was pressed against the brick wall by the white shadow.

At the next moment, his neck was tightly choked!

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