The Fourteenth Year of Chenghua

Chapter 88

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter in the 14th year of Chenghua!

From winter to spring, when the snow covering the earth completely faded, the branches began to bloom with a tender green.

For the people in Beijing, the biggest change in spring is that they can replace the thick winter clothes and put on a lighter and elegant spring shirt.

Since Wantong returned to Jinyiwei, he found that the ups and downs here had changed. The forces he had originally laid out were all wiped out, and even the two township commissioners of the north and south towns had changed. people.

He hated Yuan Bin so much that he had to start from the beginning, and finally replaced Nanzhen Fusi with his own person, but the most important Beizhen Fusi was different from Nanzhen Fusi. The place where the needle is not inserted and the needle is not inserted.

Suizhou ’s holy family is not worse than Wantong. It ’s not that he can arbitrarily replace him. The upper and lower people of Beizhen Fusi are all Suizhou ’s cronies. Wantong ca n’t be hard. He can only test Suizhou ’s position first. Then wait for the opportunity to slowly penetrate.

There are many people who do n’t like Wantong. The prince is definitely ranked first, but the prince ca n’t move now, because the emperor still has affection for the prince, and there are always a group of people around the prince. , Can not help but wonder whether he is auspicious and high-lighted, blessed by gods.

But the crown prince can’t move, it doesn’t mean that others can’t move either.

The prince ’s masters helped the prince to invite pets in front of the emperor every day, Wantong also hated it, and Wang Zhi, an anti-bone boy who ate inside and out, and for example, Suizhou ’s hindrance to divide his power in Jinyiwei. They are all Wantong want to remove.

After the birthday feast that day, Wantong, Shang Ming and others have been looking for opportunities. They are well aware of the fact that playing snakes is not anti-bitten, or they will not shoot. If they do, they will be quick and accurate, and strive to give the enemy a hard time. Strike, can not give the other party a chance to fight back.

This opportunity came soon.

Since he left Beijing, Wang Zhi has been on the frontier for more than two years intermittently. Although he has returned several times during this period, he has come and gone every time. In other words, his previous capital operation has become increasingly weak. Too.

Seeing that since the beginning of spring this year, the war in Datong has not been smooth, the Tatars have come and looted from time to time, like following their own homes, but the Ming army has repeatedly failed and no longer reported the success as before. , And even lost a few games.

If the battle is defeated, the command in front will naturally be blamed, so some people have suggested that there is a problem with the command of Wang Yue, the commander-in-chief, and Wang Zhi, the supervisor, also needs to be held accountable. Changing Wang Zhi should also allow Wang Yue and the nearby garrison to change their defenses, lest they be suspected of holding their own troops.

Once impeached, Wang Yue and Wang Zhi naturally have to be busy arguing with themselves, and they even have the thought that they have no greed for power. After all, no one in this world is as thick as Liu Ji and Liu Miange. Faceless, even impeachment can pretend not to be heard.

Since listening to Tang Fan ’s exhortation last time, Wang Zhi has long been thinking of returning to Beijing. When he heard the situation, he resigned from his post as a military supervisor, saying that he missed the days of waiting at the edge of the palace and the hometown of Beijing. In addition to the wind and rain in Bianguan during the past two years, the old injuries recurred, and I hope to return to Beijing to recuperate.

As everyone knows, there are many people in the capital now, neither wanting him to win the war, nor want him to return to Beijing, and then proceed to the emperor’s face, saying that the Hetao area, the Tatars have invaded frequently, thanks to Wang Zhi’s previous defense, so only in order to have Good news, although the situation is unfavorable, Wang Zhi and Wang Yue’s abilities are there. Please give your majesty some more opportunities and patience so that they can stay there and make greater contributions to Daming, but in order to prevent Those who have ulterior motives indiscriminately hurt heroes and should also send a new governor to Datong.

The emperor quickly agreed to this sparseness, transferred the original Datong governor back, and sent the governor of Guo Tong to Datong, and officially appointed Wang Zhi as the **** of Datong guard.

Originally Wang Zhi was only a marching supervisor, but now that he has officially got a place, it also means that this title will be deducted, and he will stay in Datong justly, and he will not be able to return in the short term.

Soon after this incident, a number of officials from North Korea and the Central People’s Republic of China staged their performances. They said that the West Factory was very critical, and the public complained. Please stop the West Factory. They will also play.

Once overwhelming, the overbearing West Factory closed quietly.

In this turmoil, Qiu Jun, who was demoted to Nanjing for impeaching Wang Zhi a long time ago, did not sparse this time.

There is no reason for it. Although Mr. Qiu is not used to Wang Zhi, he is even more uncomfortable with a bunch of villains who fall into the well. Of course, he is unwilling to jump up and down and take advantage of others.

Having said that, if Xichang disturbs the people, why didn’t these people say it before the emperor appointed Wang Zhi as the **** to guard the Datong?

It’s just that everyone was afraid of offending Wang Zhi before. Now that he is likely to be unable to come back, he just fell into the ground, and Wantong and others fanned the fire from it, so the wall fell.

These two tricks played with each other, and the end was fierce. The first trick seemed to give Wang Zhi the power to kill and kill in Datong. In fact, he was firmly pinned there. Since he can’t come back, of course he can’t pay attention. As far away as the West Factory in the capital, the gang of apprentices under his hands naturally fell into bad luck.

But this is cheaper in Suizhou, because many people in Xichang were originally transferred from Jinyiwei, not eunuchs, Wang Zhi is not a fool. He knew that when he was appointed as the **** of Datong Town Guardian Not good, quickly write to Tang Fan, let him go to Suizhou for help.

So Suizhou took Wang Zhi’s confidant and cronies home when Xichang was taken away, allowing them to shelter from the wind and rain and avoid being washed.

In this turmoil, Wang Zhi seemed to have suffered an indiscriminate disaster. In fact, it was also because Xichang had been too arrogant before and offended many people.

At the time of its scenery, everyone naturally dares to be angry and dare not speak, now that the scenery is no longer, who has not stepped on a foot, many things have causes and effects, mixed in the officialdom, if you care too much about gains and losses, then sooner or later Alive.

Wang Zhi apparently understood this too, so after hearing that the West Factory had been raided, there was not much reaction.

Although there were rumors that when the news reached Datong, Wang Gong was so angry that he smashed several glasses and yelled, “This group of turtle grandchildren, I will ask them to come back sooner or later” and so on. , Not serious enough.

However, the people behind the chess game think that the game is far from the end.

After Guo Dong replaced the former Datong governor, the fighting did not get better. Instead, several strange things happened on the front line. The news reached the Beijing teacher. The commander of the Jinyiwei made Wantong then say that Zuo Fei Yu Shitang panned the case like a god. , Thoughtful, you can go to Datong to help deal with the matter, Fuzhen Town, Fuzhen Township, the envoy of Suizhou decisive action, you can also go with them.

The emperor allowed him to ask Tang Fan and Suizhou to leave for Datong to coordinate the war.

Datong was a famous city of Zhao State during the Warring States Period. After the Emperor Tai and Zu Emperor set up the Ming Dynasty, they established the Datong House under the jurisdiction of Shanxi.

As a frontier town in the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall under the jurisdiction of Datong, from the west to the west, to the east to Juyongguan, is the well-deserved leader of the nine sides.

This became the front line against the Tatars, and the Tatars also repeatedly invaded from Hetao and looted Datong.

Due to the importance of Datong ’s status, there is a convenient official road from the capital to Datong, and it is convenient for the stagecoach to gallop. The two places are less than a thousand miles apart. If it is a fast horse, it can be reached in two days.

With an open mouth above and a broken leg running below, Tang Fan didn’t expect that he was sitting at home. The disaster came from the sky, and he would be sent to Datong to eat sand.

He also knew that he had offended Wantong last time, and the other party must find a chance to retaliate. Now he dispatches Tang Fan and Suizhou out of Beijing. The most important purpose is to transfer Suizhou from Jinyiwei, so that He started with Beizhen Fusi himself.

Tang Fan said it was incidental.

But even understanding this is useless.

The decree must not be violated. Rao is favored like Suizhou, and he must also pack up his burdens and join the road with Tang Fan.

In Suizhou’s departure, from the perspective of Wantong, Beizhen Fusi Qunlong had no head, which was convenient for him to rectify. Who knew that Suizhou had already been arranged, and ran to Sheng on the eve of leaving Beijing, saying that he was in Datong, Ruobei The governor of the township has something to do. I am afraid that it is difficult to take care of it. The emperor asked him to agree to recommend two people to serve temporarily as the governor of the township.

These two people, one is Xue Ling, and the other has a strange name, called Mu Bin.

Zhen Fu made this position originally only one place, but Suizhou knew that when he left, the people under his qualifications were not enough. No matter who came to take the lead, he would be difficult to support, and he was quickly overwhelmed by Wantong, so he specially recommended two people to let this The two people jointly control the North Town Fusi.

The emperor naturally agreed with Suizhou’s request.

Wantong didn’t expect Suizhou to have such a pose before he left, and his nose was almost swayed, but he thought about it, although Xue Ling was the old man in front of Suizhou, his qualifications were worse than Suizhou, after all That’s a little bit, and Mou Bin is an unnamed junior who has never heard of it. Then, as long as Mu Bin is turned down first, and Xue Ling is left, it will be easy to deal with.

When Suizhou came back to greet him, it was not the Fuzhen of Beizhen before he left.

His wishful thinking was very good, but he forgot that Suizhou would promote an unnamed junior to be the governor of the town, which naturally had his own reasons.

Xue Ling and Mou Bin, one strong and one weak, one shrewd and one honest, are perfectly coordinated. As Suizhou explained, they managed Beizhen Fusi as a golden soup, which was not used by Wantong.

Wantong wanted to find Mou Bin’s weakness, pull him off, and then concentrate on dealing with Xue Ling. Who knows to find it and find that this unknown person has no weakness, not only that, but also on Mou Bin There is an incorruptibility that even ordinary civilians may not possess. Wantong came and went, but he could not find evidence of his bribery and good sex.

God, can this be called Jinyiwei? !

Wantong finally knew why Suizhou had to push this person out before leaving, this was to kill himself alive.

But these are all afterwords, even if Wantong is so angry in Beijing, Suizhou can’t appreciate it with his own eyes.

At this moment, he and Tang Fan and others have just arrived at the destination of this trip.

The majestic and sturdy wall stood in front of them. On the tall gate tower, the Datong two-character stylus and silver hook were engraved on the forehead made of stone, just like this city.

This is an imposing city with Yan Zhao’s legacy.

This is a city of heroes and heroines, irrigated with the blood of the soldiers.

Although Tang Fan had been to many places, he had never been to Datong, so as soon as he came here, he was immediately shocked by the spirit in front of him. Still, the nearby Suizhou lightly touched him with a horsewhip, Tang Fancai Recovered.

According to the custom of the writer Wufu, the trip was still dominated by Tang Fan, but they brought not many people. Suizhou had to leave some people to contain Wantong, and cronies naturally could n’t bring them all. Yan Li, because of his new marriage soon, He was left in Beijing, this time only took Peng Qi and other dozens of fine rides.

It is now daytime, and many people outside the city are waiting in line to enter the city. I do n’t know why. The speed of progress is particularly slow. Perhaps the reason is that the city gate is extremely strict.

Tang Fan and others were on official business, so they waited slowly, and they didn’t know when to go. They drove directly to the gate of the city, took out the collaboration, showed their identity, and asked to enter the city first.

Unexpectedly, this set of procedures did not work here. The city gate guards surveyed them up and down, with a deep suspicion and scrutiny on their faces: “Since it was sent by the court, why not wear an official uniform?” “

To say how prestigious Jinyiwei’s robe suit is, the upper body is highly recognizable, and few people don’t recognize it, but Tang Fan encountered a heavy rain on the road when they came, and all of his clothes were wet, so he replaced it. Clothing, who knows that there will be heavy rain the next day, this time the replacement is also wet, it is a last resort, a group of people stay in the post house, waiting for the clothes to be washed and dried, so as not to encounter the same situation again, simply put on the ordinary clothes , Ready to change after waiting.

Tang Fan asked Pang Qi and others to dismantle the baggage, exposing the gorgeous and splendid corner of it and showing it to the other party.

However, the other party’s doubts were not resolved, but just a little polite, and dropped the sentence “everyone and wait”, and then trot all the way back, not knowing who to report to.

Everyone was servant all the way, thinking that they could go in for a rest and take a hot bath. Who knew that the city gate was still stopped, Pang Qi and others were a little unhappy, Tang Fan said to them: “Something is abnormal, maybe What happened in the city. “

As the saying goes, Tang Fan and his party were hung there directly, and after waiting for a while, they saw the soldier and the man who dressed up.

After all, he was somewhat jealous. Although he didn’t hide his guard, he still reported himself to them: “Xiaguan Meng Cun, Datong’s defensive commander, I don’t know if you adults want to enter the city?”

Pang Qi could n’t help it anymore: “You ’re not talking nonsense, let ’s stand here if you do n’t enter the city! We did n’t come here by ourselves, it was sent by the court. Did n’t your chief soldier receive the official letter from the court? What! “

Mr. Meng also knew that if the other party was really Jin Yiwei, then it must have been offended by him, and he said with a smile: “Yes, yes, but something happened this time. The commander-in-chief deliberately explained it. especially……”

He didn’t finish his words, but Tang Fan could also guess that the second half of the sentence was estimated to be “especially people like you who are impersonating imperial courts”.

Tang Fan stopped Pang Qi, who wanted to get angry, and said to Meng Cun: “Since your commander-in-chief has orders, we can’t embarrass you. What do you want to check when you enter the city?

Meng Cunxian smiled and said: “It is still the adult who is reasonable, and I also invite you to hand over the Kanhe and the waist card to the lower officer, which will be taken into the city and personally inspected the Chief Soldier and Wang Duke. After checking the correctness, the adults Naturally you can enter the city. “

This joke is a bit too big. The waist tag is something that you carry with you to prove your identity. How can you give it to someone casually? If the other party collects things, it is because they are unidentified people. Where can they justify?

As soon as Meng Cun said this, even Tang Fan slightly smiled.

Pang Qi was even more furious: “Which hilltop rule is this! When have you seen a waist card and you can give it to anyone casually ?! Get away and call your commander to see us, these two are left. Lord Du Shitang, and the Sui Fu envoy of our North Town Fusi, I want to see if we want to go in, who dares to block it! “

Meng Cun heard the official positions of Tang Fan and Suizhou, and his face finally changed slightly. He turned his head and stared at the soldier. Then he turned back and smiled, bowing and arching: “I don’t know if the two adults are here, please please Forgiveness of sins, Xiaguan is a rough man. He has been at the border for a long time and he does n’t understand anything. Please do n’t ask the two to see me in general! ”

Tang Fan saw that he was paying attention, but he still didn’t let them go in. Knowing that some big things must have happened before, he said to him: “Dongtong guard **** Wang Gong can be in the city today?”

Meng Cun busy said: “Wang Gong is here, but he is discussing with the commander-in-chief. The sergeant did not dare to go in and disturb, so he came first.”

Tang Fandao: “You just go in and report, it is said that Tang Fan is coming, what is the responsibility, I will take care of it for you.”

Meng Cun was half-confident, but when it came to this, he was no longer able to forcefully confiscate Tang Fan’s and others’ waist cards, and then said: “Then the official will enter the city pass, please invite everyone to wait!”

He turned around and entered the city.

It is estimated that because he had another account in private, after Meng Cun left, several soldiers came from the city gate, staring at them staring at them, and even the people entering the city next to Tang Fan ’s vision became strange and straight. Tang Fan made them laugh.

After waiting a lot of time, Tang Pan simply found a stone by the city wall and sat down, talking to Suizhou in a low voice.

At last there were two people hurried out of the city. One of them seemed to recognize Tang Fan. After seeing the people sitting under the wall, he quickly stepped forward and trot forward, his face full of smiles.

“Sure enough, it is Master Tang! My father-in-law has been talking about you since I learned the court’s purpose a few days ago. You are here! You are waiting for a long time. It’s really terrible. The small one will pay you a penalty here. Now! “

Tang Fan still had some impressions on him: “Are you Ding Rong?”

Ding Rong sees that he recognizes himself, and looks even happier: “Eh, it’s the small one. Wang Gong asked the small one to pick up the adult!”

Meng Cun’s face was so embarrassing that he faced Tang Fan and Suizhou and others repeatedly: “Xiaguan is guilty of sin, and he doesn’t know Taishan with eyesight. Please don’t ask him to have general knowledge with Xiaguan!”

Tang Fan waved his hand: “If you change the weekdays, Meng wouldn’t be so embarrassed, but what happened in the city?”

Meng Cun saw that Pang Qi and other uncle Jinyiwei’s faces were still dark. I thought that the readers were more considerate. I was grateful: “It’s true, some adults don’t know. Just before you came, I just caught a few calls here. The Tatars in the mixed city are detailed, and one of them is to pretend to be an official. At that time, they also deceived the brothers of the city, and they almost caused a disaster. For this reason, the chief soldier sent a big fire to let the officials and others. If you are going to enter the city again, you will discuss it with traitors. If you have nothing to do with it, please ask your adults to dissipate your anger! “

Ding Rong also said beside him: “Teach a few adults to know that this is indeed the case. At that time, the leader who had put people into the city was also beaten by the army commander, and he was removed from the post, so the inspection in the city was so harsh. , Is worried about repeating the same mistakes. “

Wang Yue’s military was strict, Tang Fan knew it. He also knew that Wang Yue had a high prestige in the army in Datong in the past few years, otherwise he would not be able to lead the army to repel Tatar repeatedly.

After listening to the explanations of Meng Cun and Ding Rong, Pang Qi and others resolved their doubts a little, and their anger subsided.

Tang Fan asked: “In the past, the Tatars also used detailed work to explore the military situation?”

Ding Rong smiled bitterly: “The Tatars went straight and ran away after they had been playing. After those fine works were arrested, after checking by Wang Gong and Wang Bingbing, they found to be related to Bailian Sect!”

White lotus?

Tang Fan was taken aback, how did he go around and meet Bailian again?

Wanting to come to this cult to operate for many years, the sky, the south, and the north have their power distribution. It is not surprising that they are plotting Daming Jiangshan to collaborate with the Tatar people to the north.

As soon as they entered the city, Tang Fan discovered that the atmosphere in the city was very different from other places. The pedestrians on the road looked hurriedly, most of them with a tension, far from the leisure of the people in Beijing.

From time to time, even more soldiers stationed in the city came up with long spears and halberds. Tang Fan and his entourage looked at them, and they looked back at them with curiosity. Quickly stopped to salute, Meng Cun scolded again, and ran away.

There are seven counties under the Datong government. This is the county seat of Datong. Although it is a county town, because of its important location, since it retreated from Hetao to the mainland in the Yongle period, this has become the front line between the Ming army and northern peoples Tatars themselves are nomadic people and cannot be as self-sufficient as farming people. They can only rely on plundering wealth from outside to meet internal development needs.

For them, being able to enter the territory of the Ming Dynasty means that there is a lot of wealth, and the Tatars do not want to occupy the city of the Ming people. They only want to come over and rob them regularly. This is the most suitable survival mode for them. .

Under the incessant warfare, the people in the border cities naturally exercised a pair of steel bones that were innocent and poisonous. Even the young women had a refreshing body that was not available elsewhere.

However, although it is a border town, there is not a shortage of supplies here. Tang Fan glanced a bit and noticed that there were many shops on the street, and there were also cloth shops, ready-made shops, and also people. The best is only optional. There are fewer color patterns and less fashionable styles.

Seeing that he seemed very interested, Ding Rong asked, “Is this adult making clothes?”

Tang Fan shook his head: “Just look, where are we going now?”

Ding Rong said: “Wang Gong asked the young man to bring him to see him.”

Tang Fan asked: “Did he discuss with Wang Bingbing?”

Ding Rong said: “I didn’t have it when I was young, but Wang Gong was not in a good mood these days …”

Tang Fan raised an eyebrow: “Is it because of the war?”

Ding Rong nodded, the volume was not too small, just happened to be heard by Tang Fan and Suizhou: “A while ago, the new court governor Guo sent the next governor Guo. After coming here, he disagrees with Wang Gong and Wang Zongbing Every time the three people discuss and fight, the three will always have a dispute. “

Tang Fan asked, “What is the reason today?”

What he asked was not a secret. Even if Ding Rong didn’t say it, they could inquire afterwards, not to mention that Tang Fan came here to help him. Whatever he said helped Wang Zhi.

Ding Rong must have understood this, and told the truth: “Although the city has frequently caught traces of detailed works, the movement of the Ming Army always seems to be known in advance for those Tatars. Like last time, we are heading The focus is on the defense, but the Tatars seem to know where our troops are deployed, but they bypassed the Touhouguan and ran to Guangling County to plunder. “

Tang Fanwenyan and Suizhou glanced at each other, and they all saw uncovered accidents from the other party’s eyes.

“Don’t you say that you have grabbed two pieces of fine work before, can’t prevent them?” Tang Fan frowned.

“I can’t help it!” Speaking of which, Ding Rong couldn’t help but show a slightly frightened expression on his face, “This is more than that, we have sent out here to chase the Tatar horses, and we have gone back and forth three times, the last time, Wang The commander-in-chief sent people to find them. Five hundred horses and horses finally found only seven people. “

Tang Fan: “Has caught the enemy’s trap?”

Ding Rong shook his head: “Some said that they met ghosts, and some said that those Tatars were assisted by ghosts and gods, calling for wind and rain, and bringing them into a terrible place. Will not come back. “

Tang Fan had previously thought that Datong had a commander-in-chief, a governor, and a guardian eunuch. All three were enough to sing a play. Even if he came, he had nothing to do with himself. He did not expect that the situation here was unexpectedly complicated. .

What traps, what ghosts and gods help, where are the Tatars?

Others are tribes known for their cavalry fighting power. This trick of pretending to be a ghost is related to Bailianism.

But Tang Fan had dealt with Bai Lianjiao several times, and naturally knew how hard they were. These people were not short of conspiracies and tricks, but also of the courage to plot rebellion.

The only thing they lacked is strong enough power. Now they are mingled with the Tatars, and they haven’t even hit it in one hit. Have they upset the sky?

Thinking of this, Tang Fan sympathized with Wang Zhi. This father-in-law, Wang, was indeed out of luck. The West Factory was completely wiped out.

After explaining this, Ding Rong said: “If his old man is not inferior to adults in a moment, please forgive me!”

Tang Fan laughed: “You’re loyal and honest! Rest assured, I’m an old acquaintance with your father-in-law. I still don’t understand how he is. I naturally don’t care about it.”

Ding Rong quickly smiled: “It’s a little talkative!”

Today, the Datong governor Guo Dong is the first assistant to Wanan. He replaced the original governor and came to office. Of course, instead of working together to create a better future, he came to trouble Wang Zhi and Wang Yue.

Wang Zhi and Wang Yue have been operating in Datong for two years, reorganizing a dilapidated city into what is now a rugged city, and they have a record against the Tatars. How can they let Guo boge their fingers, the three people are in conflict.

After hearing Ding Rong say this, Tang Fan has already made the psychological preparations for persuasion.

Who knows that when they were taken into the headquarters of the generals, they found that their imagination was still lacking.

I saw in the lobby of the middle hall that the table and chairs that were supposed to be there were all gone. Instead, they were replaced by a incense table, a rooster, and a Taoist.

As well as the white smoke swirling around the room, and two people standing beside him, covered in white smoke, unable to see their face clearly.

The next moment, Tang Fan’s eyes almost glared out.

He found that the priest was holding the sword in his hand, and the other hand was holding the dying rooster, and the blade of the sword cut into its neck.

The Taoist shouted: “Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry like a decree, break!”

With his voice, chicken blood sprayed on the two people on one side.

When Tang Fan and others approached, they discovered that the two people actually knew them.

Datong Chief Soldier, Wang Yue.

Datong guards the eunuch, Wang Zhi.

Tang Fan: “…”

Suizhou: “…”

What the **** are you doing? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Grandpa Wang jumped up as soon as he appeared.

Want to know what happened next, and listen to the next decomposition O (∩_∩) O ~

As the enemy of Wan Dang, Tang Fan they are just one of the obstacles Wan Wan wants to remove, not the only one, but because it is the protagonist, so they write from their perspective. I did n’t do anything else, and people tried very hard to eradicate the Crown Prince, but I did n’t write it in detail → _ →

The collapse of the West Factory is a historical necessity, because its existence is really not a good thing. The author has no plans to change this, but the ending of Grandpa Wang will change somewhat ~

Mou Bin in the text is a historical figure and a great man. I suggest not Baidu. The text is different from history ~~~ In fact, Ming Dynasty Jinyiwei or eunuchs, although many big celebrities like Zheng He may not appear However, it is very rare to the extent that it is similar to Wei Zhongxian and Liu Jin. It is only because those few people are always picked up to speak, so it feels as if the Ming Dynasty is full of eunuchs and chaos.

Thank you Xiaomeng’s overlord tickets and nutrients! !

Xiaoyu threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0820: 20: 38

Hokkaido Shannon Toast threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0820: 36: 18

Ruthlessly threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0820: 40: 03

Sister Marukoko threw a mine and threw time: 2014-12-0820: 46: 33

Qingwu threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0820: 55: 34 [Good poetic name (* ^ __ ^ *)]

Yi still threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 00: 02

Deng Zi and Deng threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 20: 01

Deng Zi and Deng threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 37: 13

Qingqing threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 41: 06

Qingqing threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 41: 15

Qingqing threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0821: 43: 10

Qin Huaixi threw a mine at the time of throwing: 2014-12-0821: 57: 55

Dream Yin threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-12-0900: 17: 15

Bai Mao Chun Shu threw a mine throwing time: 2014-12-0900: 47: 33

Aki threw a mine. Throwing time: 2014-12-0915: 08: 15

Reader “Private House No.1”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0918: 59: 42

Reader “Rarely”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0918: 29: 05

Reader “Rarely”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0918: 29: 04

Reader “The wind and snow are not coming”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0916: 56: 05 【Why ~】

Reader “Little Five”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0916: 53: 07

Reader “Aki”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0915: 08: 26

Reader “Fruit Fruit Tree”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 19: 31

Reader “Doudoujun is with you”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 02: 17

Reader “Doudoujun is with you”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 02: 14

Reader “Dou Doujun is with you”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 02: 12

Reader “Doudoujun is with you”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 02: 09

Reader “Doudou is with you”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0914: 02: 07

Reader “htauto”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0913: 19: 23

Reader “Little Devil’s Way”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0913: 19: 19

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 44: 00 [Wang Wang! 】

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 43: 59

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 43: 52

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 43: 50

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 43: 41

Reader “Meow”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 43: 40

Reader “Busy Rabbit”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0912: 31: 01

Reader “carolcaigy”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0911: 30: 42

Reader “1”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0911: 15: 24

Reader “fswangln”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0910: 53: 23

Reader “bst_syj”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0910: 51: 53

Readers “Fanfanbai”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0910: 43: 04

Reader “West Building”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0910: 42: 09

Reader “lili”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0910: 35: 15

Reader “Changxia”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0901: 56: 51

Reader “One step on one pit”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0901: 31: 53

Reader “Xie Xie”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0900: 59: 14

Reader “Wolf King”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0900: 09: 05

Reader “ahyunjiew”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 57: 47

Reader “ahyunjiew”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 57: 27

Reader “Yan Yao”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 56: 20

Reader “Jiang Alun”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 38: 08

Reader “Dao Qiao’s brain powder”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 28: 42

Reader “Fengjiang”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0823: 16: 50

Reader “Luo Huaning”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 56: 50

Reader “setlla”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 34: 15

Reader “setlla”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 34: 15

Reader “Wu Zhaoying”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 30: 17

Reader “Leisure time”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 22: 08

Reader “Quanqing Yunying”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 08: 46

Reader “Quanqing Yunying”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0822: 08: 38

Reader “Chen”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 34: 37

Reader “alettavents”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 26: 12

Reader “wani”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 23: 56

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 56

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 52

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 48

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 41

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 38

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 32

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 27

Reader “Dark Night Youling”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 12: 22

Readers “I still do”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0821: 00: 12

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 45

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 41

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 40

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 36

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 35

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 31

Readers “Foolless”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 29

Readers “Wu Ru”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 46: 26

Reader “freedom”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 43: 27

Reader “Gu Qingquan”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 40: 20

Reader “Gu Qingquan”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 40: 17

Reader “Qian Qingfu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 36: 25

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 26: 30

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 26: 23

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 26: 16

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 26: 10

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 25: 59

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 25: 51

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 25: 45

Reader “Xiao Yu”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 25: 32

Reader “Finch in the wind”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0820: 11: 54

Reader “Deng Zi, Deng”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0819: 50: 20

Reader “Deng Zi Deng”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0819: 49: 06

Reader “Rabbit Gnawing Knife”, Irrigation Nutrient Solution + 12014-12-0818: 49: 00 [Every time I look at everyone’s ID is so cute, smile while watching, like this → _ →]

Reader “Rabbit gnawing knife”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0818: 48: 53

Reader “Rabbit nibbles kitchen knife”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0818: 48: 47

Reader “Rabbit nibbles kitchen knife”, irrigation nutrient solution + 12014-12-0818: 48: 36

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