The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1248 - Tentative

The star-shaped neutron star can be built in ten hours. In the summer, in order to avoid the chaos, the time was delayed for ten days. What worries about summer now is whether to continue to procrastinate Yun Chao. He was worried that using such a star-shaped neutron star bomb to attack the construction site would make him completely irritated and turn to attack himself.

Because the agreement provided by Xiaoying shows that although these god-level civilizations are restricted by the agreement, they are forbidden to leave their own territory, but if they are attacked by foreigners, they can take counterattacks. The degree of this counterattack is not specified, but does not exclude out-of-area operations.

If it is possible to conduct extraterritorial operations because of counterattacks, it is still very easy to destroy the alliance with its capabilities.

Regarding such speculations, Xia once again held discussions with several core allies. For Huaxia, and even for the entire alliance, it is necessary to be alert to Yun Chao.

According to the “expectation” that summer said, the star-shaped neutron star bomb “Fat Man” was finally made after ten days. Sure enough, Yun Dun contacted him again and asked him to take prompt measures to turn the fat man to the turbulent site Launch it.

To this end, Xia Xian said to him online: “Old man, in the past few days of making fat, I have been thinking about a problem.”

“What’s the problem?” Yun Chao was a little impatient.

“It’s always so painless and itchy to eat less meat, it doesn’t play any substantive role, and it’s anxious to rush it. How will it come to fight my alliance?”

“Xia Xia, how worried are you,” said Yun Yun, “I told you, did you remember? I said, it was restricted by the agreement, and it didn’t dare to leave the galaxy for extraterritorial operations, so Even if you ca n’t destroy it, it wo n’t fight back against you, so you are very safe. Half a month ago, the first neutron star bomb that you fired the boy, killed one of its silicon stars, you also see It ’s been half a month, and it did n’t respond. ”

Listening to it, Xia Xing said in his heart: What kind of Gun Yun is really not a thing! Lie to me and don’t know the content of the agreement, so come to me. As everyone knows, I not only know the agreement, but also your sinister intentions.

Although the agreement stipulates that several god-level civilizations are prohibited from leaving the country, it does not prohibit counter-attacks outside the territory. Gun Yun used this to his advantage, wanting to irritate him and make it counterattack against Chaos.

At that time, the protocol mechanism will determine that Chaos has not actively attacked Dao, so for the so-called “counterattack” of Chaos, Chaos can also fight back outside the domain. In this way, the two god-level civilizations can tear away from each other justly. And Gun Gunchao has been out of chaos for a long time, so it doesn’t need to be implicated, and watching mountains in a battle is really a trick of two birds with one stone.

And in the process of provoking right and wrong, it is very likely that Zhuo will find that it is not chaos that attacks it, but the alliance of the summer. Then, it will be possible for him to attack the summer.

Yun Chao didn’t care about this, and his countermeasures could not succeed, and there was no loss with it. At most, he sacrificed a scapegoat like summer.

Xia Xinxin said: You have a good abacus, and even fool me with no response after being attacked! I can never be fooled. Before my “Super Fatty” was developed, I could be careful and never be your puppet!

In the summer, his first star-shaped neutron star bomb was named “Super Fatty”, or “Lao Fei” for short. “Lao Fei” will be made from the compression of the stellar Warhammer A, and the Warhammer system is a double galaxy, so after Warhammer A is made into “Lao Fei”, then Warhammer B must also be made into a neutron star bomb, and it is also given a summer The name “soft sister”.

At that time, “Lao Fei” and “Soft Girl” will carry more than one thousand of their grandchildren, that is, those star-level neutron star rain, and they are born! The galaxy will tremble!

“I’m sorry, old bastard, I can’t fire fat guys yet,” Xia Xia said. This is the second row-star neutron star bomb made by Junyun, which is named fat guy. If “fat man” is to commemorate the atomic bomb dropped by Naomi on the ancient army during World War II, then the first “star boy” neutron star bomb must be for the atomic bomb of Hiroshima in a few years.

Summer is so named to remind mankind not to forget the cruelty and terror of war.

“Why not?” Jun Yun said anxiously, “We had a covenant at first.”

“Yes,” Xia said, “We have a covenant, you teach me techniques, I help you fight …”

“Hey, Xiaoxia, your analogy is inappropriate.”

“Yes, it’s not appropriate,” Xia Xia said. “More accurately, I’m helping you to injure people with arrows. You also know the bastard, it’s not that I don’t help you. If I make the rush anxious and leave What should I do if the locals come to fight me? My alliance civilization, the current level is not an opponent at all. You also know this. I am responsible for the safety of my dozens of people. “

There are more than a thousand civilizations in the Alliance ~ ~ Each civilization has a few hundreds of millions of human beings, and as many as tens of billions of human creatures, so it adds up to tens of trillions.

“But what about our covenant? You have learned my skills now, and you can’t cross the river to dismantle the bridge!” Yun Yun is still fighting for it, “Yan Zhuo did not respond, which shows that it did not dare to violate the agreement, dare not Leave home … “

“Being a bastard, for my civilization, my alliance, my people, I can’t take the risk, so I will become a sinner forever. Rest assured, I will give you an explanation, I will be with my The core member group discusses a specific plan, and it can be up to one month. Just rest assured. “

Kun Yun said furiously: “What, another month? Why don’t you keep honesty in the summer! I really regret passing the technology to you!”

“That’s it, bastard, I still have a lot of things to do, hang up! I’ll give you an eye in a month, so this month, please don’t contact me.” Summer said, cut off Gun Yun’s connection.

Summer laughed inwardly: What’s wrong, I’m still afraid of you being a hammer! You are restricted by the agreement, you cannot leave the homeland, so even if you are not a bird, you dare not treat me! And with your point of breaking the technology, it’s just to pass the food. Where do you know the technology I have now, but want to dump you several streets!

There is another important thing, aren’t you going to get worm fever? Don’t say you dare not spread the virus, even if you dare, I also have a self-developed vaccine. So, I am going to leave you dry now, what can you do with me?

In the summer, all the thoughts are in the Yanhuang and Warhammer systems. After disconnecting from Yunyun, they hurried to the Yanhuang system. He has a heart to try, what will be the consequences of leaving Yun Chao down. ) Download the free reader !!

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