The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1264 - Insect bug (1)

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During the 3rd Five-Year Plan period, which was also the first five years of the 30-year countdown, the entire Huaxia was expanding its strength at an extremely crazy speed. The thirty-year countdown on the Milky Way, because it is a top secret, cannot be disclosed. If you let the gang of blaze elders stubbornly know, if you open it in the summer and know the answer in advance, then if you do n’t do it, you will be canceled the summer qualification “In that case, what kind of consequences would be unbearable.

So the entire alliance is helping China expand at an almost crazy speed with China. China is looking for a weapon factory to make more weapons, and the alliance is only looking for more virgin places in the universe to colonize.

As expected in the summer, in only three years, the intelligence department has acquired more valuable information based on the information provided by Bai Ziying, that is, information about chaos and 杼 杌.

Temple-27 years, which is the third year of the 3rd Five-Year Plan, is 27 years away from the 30-year countdown. In the summer, the year when the martial arts recruited relatives was positioned in the first year of the temple, because what more love said, since it can become the hegemon of the galaxy, and can be crowned as the battle platform of the queen of flames, is it equivalent to entering the temple civilization ? So that year he secretly positioned the first year of the temple, then there are 27 years before that year, so this year is -27 years.

Chaos and Zhuoya, the two god-level civilizations in the Milky Way, their number, the deployment of their respective galaxies, and their combat power, whether they have the ability to resist insects, are well known. After synthesizing this information, we can be sure that launching a light box strike on them can completely eliminate the effect in one fell swoop.

And when the attack was ordered in the summer, he met a mysterious character, just like any mysterious character that he could meet every time at a critical time, the chaotic civilization’s rebel Chen Yun, the flame queen’s guard’s love, I fell. .

The mysterious person he met this time did not come to see him in the form of a soul wave. This mysterious person came from the guest, the legendary engineer Luke civilization.

Before saying this mysterious meeting, another identity for the next summer is needed.

As I said before, there is a double galaxy called Phoenix in the punching star field. There is a natural satellite called Phoenix in the Phoenix. On the Phoenix, there is a tall, flying humanoid creature with wings. : Phoenix people.

This is a low-level civilization still in the age of cold weapons. In their country, there is a mountain peak and a towering temple on the top. In front of the shrine is a large square with gardens and fountains, as well as numerous Phoenix people flying around.

Hovering over the temple is a huge human warship. From time to time, multiple rays of light are projected. Some of these rays are projected on top of the temple of the temple, and some are projected on the square, and from time to time. There are humans or robots that fall or rise in these rays.

For the humans who came down from the battleship, those flying Phoenix people looked respectful to them instead. Within the scope of this temple, in addition to battleships, rays, humans, robots, and the Phoenix family, there are many hunting angels and soldiers floating in the air.

It is conceivable that this temple must have been the creation of the Chinese civilization. On the front door plaque of the temple’s hall, three golden characters were drawn: Yunxiao Temple.

Entering the main hall, I saw the throne sitting in the middle of the main hall. It was summer sitting on the side. Summer is also idle and boring. After having built such a temple, what kind of taste would it be to try to be admired by thousands of people. He has been a warship captain, fleet commander, civilized consul, alliance leader, and may be the Galactic Overlord in the future, but he has never been such an earth fairy.

The image of summer has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Phoenix stars, and has been elevated to the status of God, so it has been worshipped and worshiped by thousands of souls of Phoenix stars, and therefore it is regarded as the only supreme **** of Phoenix stars. .

On this day, summer boredom came to the Phoenix Tail Star Cloud Hall from the Dream Chaser, sitting on his throne and complacently accepting the worship of the Phoenix. At this time, the entire temple hall was full of flying Phoenix Wings, dancing and singing.

One of them flew his wings and flew directly towards the summer, and was immediately stopped by several winged men with weapons in hand, and rebuked loudly: “Bold fanatics, dare to offend God Zun Tianwei, don’t you want to live?” “

Summer noticed him immediately, and saw that this person had no fear, said: “I am not going to offend God … well, what you call the deity …”

“Ravage!” Several wingmen immediately reprimanded, unaware that this man dared to say such rude words.

The man smiled and fluttered his wings, instead of moving forward, but suspended in mid-air and said loudly to the summer: “Is the leader of the Star Alliance, the ruler of the Chinese civilization, really taking himself as a god?”

In the summer, when he heard him say this, his heart was also surprised, because this Phoenix Wing is a low-level civilization, and did not know about the Star Alliance. They did n’t even know that there was a broader universe beyond the planet, so this person could actually say The details of summer come to show that it is extraordinary and not to be underestimated. And the most important thing is that the last sentence he said was actually Chinese!

So his last sentence, the other wing people present did not understand, everyone was about to blast it out, beckoned in the summer and said: “You all withdraw, I want to see what he wants to say.”

The Wing people retreated, and saw that this person did not move forward, but said with a fist, “Your excellency is so elegant.”

“First report your origins ~ ~ Summer said coldly, seeing that he did not continue to move forward, this shows that this person is not malicious, and fortunately it did not continue to advance, otherwise the defense mechanisms around summer will also It will start immediately and will kill him instantly.

But I heard this person say: “My name is Tun Hai, from engineer Luke.”

Hearing the name of engineer Luke, summer was also taken aback. Engineer Luke, one of the three cheapest customers in the universe, was worrying about how to find it and how to eliminate it. Actually came to my door.

But he swallowed and said: “Relax, my lord, I am not aggressive, nor do you feel threatened. What you see is only a winged body, and the real one is just borrowed for a while.”

Xia Xiaoxiao said: “I should also guess that this is the case, you are from the banker? How dare you just leave the banker’s territory and travel freely in the universe? Are you not afraid of being punished by the Galaxy Agreement?”

Tun Hai laughed: “Your Excellency, you know, our engineer Luke is not subject to the agreement.”

(End of this chapter)

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