The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 1288 - Divine War II (18)

After reaching the Barley Nebula, whether to activate the super light quantum virus Tian Ladu 1 first, or to implement a black hole attack on the peeper, after some discussion, summer decided to first black hole attack.

In modern interstellar warfare, high efficiency needs to be placed first. After quickly transferring to the Barley Nebula, you must immediately attack the black hole. Otherwise, it is difficult to ensure that China has not been infiltrated by the four god-level civilizations and learned the information.

The strategic plan for the summer is to send only one-tenth of the troops to the Barley Nebula, because he speculates that there must be enemy penetration within China, not in the high-level core, but there is no guarantee at the grassroots level. All such highly confidential things about black hole attacks It cannot be leaked. If the whole group is transferred, it will inevitably attract the attention of the enemy.

The fleet, insects, and mecha that make up this tenth of the troops are the elite of the Chinese civilization, so those troops staying in the galaxy should not stop when they are strategically transferred to prevent them from being hit by the enemy. For galaxy transfer.

The elite part of this one-tenth includes the Ares fleet and the Bleach fleet, as well as the Poseidon fleet and the Pluto fleet. The latter two are new since Huaxia mastered 3D space folding technology and artificial black hole technology.

After re-strategizing, the four fleets will perform their duties. The Ares fleet manages neutron star bombs and related facilities, such as light box missiles, gold cards, silver cards and small universes. The Bleach Fleet is responsible for the construction and release of super-light quantum wormhole dense array and other related facilities and operations. The Poseidon fleet has mastered 3D space folding technology. The Pluto fleet mainly builds and operates man-made black holes and man-made white holes.

Under the order of summer, the elite part of this one-tenth began to build a planetary-grade quantum wormhole in one hundred galaxies, ready for transmission. Just like last time, after many transmissions, summer came again. The satellite barley nebula of the Milky Way.

At the same time as the strategic transfer, the relevant space folding and artificial black and white hole equipment have been erected, just waiting to start as soon as it reaches the destination. The neutron star bombs and the super light quantum wormhole dense array related equipment have also been erected at the same time. In the summer, they are going to be killed by one blow, and the speculator must be killed at one time!

Summer Dreamcatcher, Han Bing’s Suzaku, Serena, Oriental A6’s Super Sky Armor Kirin, Yongle Ye’s Dawn One, and Yanxia’s New Queen Mingyue’s Insect Beast Battleship Octopus, plus Ares, Bleach The four Doomsday battleships Poseidon and Pluto led a human fleet of 550 billion troops. Swarms and mechas came to the Barley Nebula, distributed in more than one hundred galaxies.

The four doomsday fleets are all in the same galaxy, a double galaxy named “Red”, and the two stars of the red galaxy and their related planets were made into star and planetary neutron star bullets as early as two years ago. Now, so here is basically nothing, nothing.

Summer’s Dreamcatcher fleet is only 7 light-years away from the “Shield” line. As soon as the strategic shift ended, the summer began to issue orders:

“Lock the star field where the peeper is located, and immediately fold the space!”

The **** is one of the two cheapest machine civilizations, Quaker, who calls himself an observer and is a photonic machine. Originally, it was called by the summer and the Yankee and the Yanmo as the three cheapest cosmos in the universe, and it called the Yandemian eunuch, but later it was discovered that these three cheaper guys were not in the same grade at all, so they made Yan When the demon was removed, the third-cheek became the second-cheek now.

The black hole strike can only attack one civilization at a time, so the summer chose the voyeur, and according to intelligence, the **** has been nested in its own fixed star field in the galaxy’s horse arm, and has never moved, so after the strategic transfer is completed, It needs to be attacked immediately to prevent it from escaping after being alarmed.

The summer’s intelligence source is the mysterious light quantum virus Tianladu No. 1, this virus can only infect chaos and hackers, but cannot infect 杼 杌 and voyeurs. Since upgrading to Holy Order civilization in the summer and destroying Qiongqi and gluttonous people, these two evils and two evils have formed an alliance and have contact with each other.

The Tianladu No. 1 virus is lurking in the chaos and the guest. This virus is suspiciously controlled, and it can also feed back information, so naturally in the summer, it will know the movements of 杼 杌 and peeping.

After analyzing the severity, I chose the first target of attack, that is the peeper.

The commander of the Poseidon fleet is Xia Hai, one of the 60 children of Xia and Yunyan. After receiving the order, he immediately opened the space folding operation. This kind of operation is very fast. In less than a minute, the barley nebula’s red galaxy and the Milky Way’s pony-arm peeping galaxy are folded together.

This kind of folding, as mentioned before, is a folding in the sense of 4D. We cannot feel it in the three-dimensional universe. For example, it is like two-dimensionalizing the universe into a piece of paper ~ ~ Space folding is equivalent to the paper being folded together.

Xia Hai revived: “Folding is complete! Please instruct!”

Unexpectedly, it would be so fast, everyone in the command department was very surprised. No changes were found in the universe, but the folding of the 3D space in the four-dimensional sense has been completed.

“Build artificial black holes and white holes immediately! How long will it take?” Summer ordered again.

The commander of the Pluto fleet is Xia Lin, another son of Xia and Yunyan, who said at the moment: “The artificial black hole and white hole are under construction and are expected to be completed in five minutes!”

Summer asked again: “God of War, is the light box ready?”

Hong Te replied: “Senior Venerable Master Qi, the light box weapon is ready to be launched at any time!”

Summer asked again: “What about Bleach?”

The commander of the Bleach is Hua Tianyu, a Techno man. At the moment, he is flapping his pair of big wings suspended on the screen, and he replied: “Master God, my light quantum wormhole has been successfully constructed, ready to be put on the other side. . “

Due to the space folding, a pseudo 4D perspective is constructed through special equipment. Therefore, it seems that there is an actual distance of hundreds of thousands of light years. Under the pseudo 4D perspective, the folded two points have only zero distance, so the photon wormhole can also put the other end into the target area.

Five minutes later, Xia Lin reported: “My father, 120 black holes have been built, and all the 120 galaxies of the enemy have been locked. The white hole can be built at any time. This can be completed in one minute and can be one-off. Construct 1.2 million white holes. “

Xia Tian said: “The next operation needs continuity. We have gone through thousands of drills in the past, and I hope this can be done in one go!”

“Yes, Lord God!” “Yes, Father Father!”

“That’s good, the crackdown begins!”

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