The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 35 - Battle Star Worms (5)

“Are you in good faith or malicious? Are you going to war or peace? No, the following sentence can not be sent, deleted,” Summer dictated the message, “Our Yongle invincible fleet is a peace-loving The Civilized Fleet, we love peace, but it does not mean that we are afraid of war. You are in our fairway. In order to get along peacefully, we suggest that we both offset 15 ° to starboard. To show our sincerity, we first offset. Okay, that ’s it, you can see if it works. “

“Yes, adult.” Diao Chan replied, and several other robots also echoed.

“Let’s send it out.” Summer ordered to send the message. Because the distance is still far away, the distance between the two parties is about 1.2 hours (Note), so the message plus the receipt will be nearly two and a half hours. It is now half past eleven, and the receipt will not be received until noon,

Once the message was sent, Xiao Anzi was ordered to eat in the summer. In addition, all commanders of the headquarters were ordered to stick to their posts and pay close attention to the enemy ’s movements. The poisonous mosquito drone continued to detect. Another 1,000 poisonous mosquito drones were launched around the spacecraft to observe the surrounding conditions. The spacecraft continued to accelerate steadily, the direction remained unchanged, and it actively shifted to starboard 15 ° at 12:30.

Has been unable to connect with the headquarters of Tianshi. The connection with the earth is just one point. Mila and Wu Ruize each held a lunch box in the auditorium of the school playground and waited for the summer to connect them. Summer put the image behind the chair in front of him.

Three people were eating, and summer told them that he received the receipt and the content of the message again. Now all they can do is speculate on this so-called wandering planet. A variety of guesses are put together to reach a conclusion that everyone can agree on, that is, this is a planetary ship. The so-called planet spaceship means that it is both a planet and a spaceship. When flying, it is a spaceship. After entering the galaxy, it can become a planet revolving around the star, or a satellite of a planet.

The two can’t stay too long. At noon, there is a teacher on duty to check the classroom. The students staying in school must sleep or study in the classroom. So the two of them had to go back to the classroom in a moment, and he had to repeatedly tell Summer to be careful.

At half past noon, I received a receipt from the other party in advance. There are still only two words: Get away!

“Fuck!” Summer slang again, “What does it mean?”

There are 0.8 light hours away, contact after four hours. Xia Xuan ordered: “All 30 poisonous scorpions are dispatched to detect the enemy’s intelligence. They are not allowed to open fire without being attacked.”

30 poisonous scorpion anniversaries detached from the plugs on both sides of the spacecraft, jetting tail flames and flew towards the target. The scene was extremely spectacular, but I didn’t want to enjoy it in the summer, and an interstellar war might break out at any time. How could he have that thought.

“Is there any latest enemy information?”

“Not yet.”

“Well, continue to generate electricity for the other party, the message is as follows: Although my Yongle invincible fleet is powerful and invincible, we are not only a mighty teacher, we are also a teacher of civilization, a teacher of etiquette. We are not inferior to your side, our side Do n’t care about it. Because we know the truth that when you are bitten by a dog, you will never go back to bite the dog. So we do n’t care about you. But please also be able to take care of yourself, and Respect each other with us. Although we do not like war, we are not afraid of war, because we have gradually grown from the baptism of countless wars. “

There was a whole bunch of words in the summer, but the meaning was still unfinished. Before waiting for Diao Chan to ask if he could send it, he continued: “I will tell you a story, do n’t look at me, Diao Chan, this is also a message. Let me tell you a story, There was a farmer before, and he saw a snake … “Summer told the story of the farmer and the snake, and ordered Diao Chan to type in the message.

“Okay, send it first. Now start the second message, the story of Zhongshan Wolf …”

At this point, if the commanders in the headquarters are all humans, they will be curious to look at their heads, but they are robots, and they are not surprised by the unusual behavior of summer, including Joe, big and small. At work, only Diao Chan froze for a moment, and unconditionally sent the summer message.

“The third story, the story of the Buddha cutting the meat and feeding the eagle …”

“Do n’t stop, send it out, the fourth story, the story of the vengeful prince Hamlet, Diao Chan, wait a minute, the content of the story is not very clear to me, I will call the information to see it, forget it, without me repeating it, directly write Shakespeare This script was copied and distributed. “

Picking up a glass of wine in the summer, taking a sip, taking a short break, and instructing Diao Chan to send the fifth message, which actually allowed Diao Chan to continuously send many plays of Shakespeare, including the famous “Romeo and Juliet”, “King Lear”, “There is nothing wrong” and so on. If Mira and Wu Ruize were on the sidelines, they would think he was crazy. Who knows what medicine he sells in the gourd?

“While sending the message, don’t stop continually observing, we must always be vigilant. Next, send the whole book of the Bible, UU reading Koran, Yi Jin Jing, Jiu Yin Zhen Jing, Sunflower Collection. ? Even if you can’t find it, just copy it and send it. “

“The four great books and the top ten online novels have all been sent to me. Oh, this online novel seems to be copyrighted, then it will send a free version of the content. Cihai, the encyclopedia, all can be published. Let me think about it … In addition to the book, you will send a few more TV shows to show it. It ’s anxious to save. “

In the summer, he ordered Diao Chan to send various books and videos, and finally found a film and television website, and sent a copy of all brains that could be downloaded and watched in the past. It’s almost the same, and a sentence suddenly appeared in the summer: “You said, does it have WIFI? Haha, enough to watch it for a while, don’t forget to attach the decoding software, or it will not understand.”

Received the receipt again at three o’clock in the afternoon, still two words: Get out!

One minute later, I received the receipt again: Get out!

In the next five minutes, I received more than one hundred “roll off” receipts. Ignored in summer, ordered Diao Chan to continue to send messages of various contents, and finally saw that there was nothing to send, let the computer randomly open any webpage, copy the content and send it out. So the last thing sent is spam. The original meaning of summer was to flood the enemy with massive amounts of spam. This is the so-called information bomb. At 3:30, the poisonous mosquito drone in front sent back the first picture of the enemy. In the summer, the picture was enlarged to occupy the entire three-dimensional array. Seeing this picture, I was shocked by the summer.


Note: The unit of length of light time, that is, the distance that light travels in an hour, is about 1 billion kilometers.

PS: The first one is today, and the second one is later. Seek comments, collections, rewards and recommendations. Thank you.

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