The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 38 - Battle Star Worms (8)

Star insects belong to a very magical species in the universe-insects and beasts. Star worms are so large that they can devour planets. If they are not roasted at high temperatures, they can even devour stars, so they are called star worms. Each star bug society is composed of a queen and numerous larvae. The queen is also known as the queen, mother insect, mother nest or mother body. It is the core of the star insect society and the only thoughtful individual. It breeds larvae indefinitely. The larvae have no thoughts, but they can make wireless spiritual connection with the mother.

There are many kinds of larvae, the most notable of which are males. The individual is huge. Adult males are tens of kilometers long and thousands of kilometers long. Their function is to mate with their mothers, and they do not have the ability to fight. Usually they are attached On the mother body, when a war occurs, the mother body will protect it at all costs. There are only a dozen males in every starworm society.

Soldier insects are the most important part of the Star Worm society and the largest number of individuals. They are divided into two types, one will launch a long-range energy attack, and the other is a physical collision. The long-range soldiers are slightly larger, ranging from a dozen meters to 100 meters, and the short-range soldiers are relatively small, only a few meters.

In addition to fighting, soldiers and insects also function as workers and insects, performing energy harvesting and other tasks. All worms in the Star Worm Society have a common characteristic, that is, they absorb oxygen, but they can survive in an oxygen-free and vacuum environment. Their food is carbon and water, so they are carbon-based organisms. In this way, the earth will be their ideal “ranch”.

There are still half an hour away from the effective range. Twenty thousand poisonous mosquito drones are densely flying in a cylindrical clockwise spiral about 10 kilometers behind Shuguang 2, which looks like a huge electric drill in the distance. Following the spaceship. And the spacecraft itself is constantly producing new drones released from the tail to join the electric drill formation behind.

Thirty poisonous scorpion anniversaries **** the accompanying spacecraft. The shields scattered all around the spacecraft are distributed locally. The strength of the bow is the strongest, and the weaker it is toward the rear, this is also for the joint use of energy distribution. When confronting head-to-head, the enemy is bound to launch intensive fire strikes without any dead ends and intensive insect sea strikes, and the bow will bear the brunt of the attack, so the shield of the bow must be strengthened to the maximum.

Summer has been keeping “intensive scolding” with Star Worm. He secretly complacent, Star Worm boss has been irritated, which is conducive to his next plan.

17:10, 20 minutes before the confrontation, Diao Chan reported: “Adult, the amount of the other party’s message information has started to soar.”

“Don’t worry about it, just send the grass and mud horses! Keep it mass.”

“Yes, adult!”

Sitting in the throne of commander in the summer, the surface seems calm, the heart is thrilled, and the hands placed on the second hand of the seat tremble slightly. Diao Chan noticed his subtle changes and couldn’t help but look back at him. Summer nodded at her and said, “It’s fine.”

“General, found a large number of enemy troops!” “General, I have also found here!” The robot commanders began to report at the same time, the data showed that a large number of larvae began to rush towards them.

“Turn off all data reception!” Summer issued a combat command, “Spacecraft course fine-tuning: target X axis 0 cm, Y axis +5 cm. All drones, star destroyers, spacecraft artillery are ready to attack!”

The so-called target X axis 0 cm, Y axis +5 cm means: take the Shuguang No. 2 spacecraft at the zero point of the three-dimensional coordinate as the reference, the flight line is the Z axis, and the target enemy is 5 cm directly above the Y axis According to the distance calculation, the straight line from the starting point to the target enemy and the flying line of the spacecraft form an angle. If the target enemy flies without changing the flight path, the spaceship and the target enemy will pass by at a distance of 100,000 kilometers. .

17:25, a large number of larvae have entered the range, Diao Chan asked: “Adult, do you need to attack?”

“Did the mother enter the range?”

“not yet.”

“That’s no hurry, open the bow shield to the maximum, everyone will fasten their seat belts, and it will be very bumpy. Chief of Staff, turn off the gravity system!”

Diao Chan hesitated for a moment, or closed the gravity system. Without gravity, the spacecraft suddenly showed weightlessness. Fortunately, everyone fastened their seat belts in advance, otherwise they would all float up one by one. A picture of the internal monitoring system showed that Xiao Anzi in the kitchen suddenly floated. He didn’t know what happened. He yelled. He glanced at the funny Xiao Anzi in the summer, but he couldn’t laugh because after a few minutes It’s a life-and-death star war!

There was also a little chaos in the ecological cabin. The chickens and chicken dung floated together in the chicken coop. The water, mud and fertilizer in the plant cabin were everywhere. In the summer living room, all kinds of daily necessities and the water in the pool floated. Various debris floated throughout the spaceship.

“All nano-robots don’t need to clean up the mess, let them all go to the weakest place in the spaceship hull! Don’t stop the production of nano-robots!”

“Is there really no need to pre-empt an attack, sir?” Diao Chan asked again, not at ease.

“No, let the bow shield withstand the enemy’s first wave of attacks, order all poisonous scorpions to disperse!”

“Bang!” The first larva hit the bow shield ~ ~ There was no sound in the cosmic vacuum, but the impact produced vibration, and the vibration produced sound from the shield, the hull and the air in the ship. Inside the boat.

The first larva hit on the shield due to high-speed impact, suddenly the whole body burst apart, fragmented, and black flesh flew across. Afterwards, sporadic larvae began to enter the field of vision, constantly hitting at high speed towards the bow.

All the robot commanders in the command module are very calm. They are robots, without human emotions, so they do n’t know to be afraid. Summer is the only human. He is afraid in his heart, but he is forced to calm down. I took a peek at the hibernation cabin. Fortunately, the hibernation cabin was normal.

In summer, the extravehicular space suit has been changed well. The helmet will automatically close in the event of a broken air leak in the hull and provide oxygen.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” Constantly larvae hit the shield and exploded. The larvae in the field of vision are dense and endless, and there is no border! They are not afraid of death, without any hesitation, they hit them directly.

Every impact, there will be a blue wave of water ripples at the impact point, which is the reaction caused by the energy consumption of the shield.

“Order the drone to rotate at high speed!” Another command was issued in the summer. Under his command, the UAV electric drill formation dragging behind the spacecraft began to rotate at high speed with the spacecraft’s Z axis as the axis. Those drones are also densely covered behind them. In addition to high-speed rotation, they occasionally shoot a laser shot at enemy larvae that cross the spacecraft to the tail.

“Cheng Pu, are our electronic beetles ready?” Summer’s mouth sly smile.

“Prince Qiqiu, has been prepared and ready to release at any time!”

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