The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 42 - 6 minutes in the dark

This interstellar war caused huge losses to Dawning II. In addition to damage to the hull of the spacecraft, energy consumption, and even more vehicles, smart equipment and other losses.

Nano robots consume 746 boxes, all of which are used to repair damaged hulls. Sixty thousand poisonous mosquito drones were exhausted, all consumed during the spiral flight. Of course, without the protection of these spiral flying drones, there will be more soldiers and insects penetrating the shield. The poison scorpion adult star boat lost 19, occupying more than half of all 30 adult star boats. There are also 19 sacrificial robot pilots sacrificed. Three armed robots inside the spacecraft sacrificed, and more than forty robots were damaged to varying degrees.

There are too many damaged places inside the spaceship. Almost every cabin has different degrees of damage, which are caused by the violent bumps caused by the battle. Fortunately, there are nano robots to repair them. The most worrying thing in summer is the hibernation cabin, where there are seven live hibernates. He doesn’t want to hurt them because of the war, then he will feel very uncomfortable.

He visited the hibernation cabin with surveillance many times, including the six minutes of war, he never forgot to take a look. Regarding this war, summer has mentioned it many times in his memoirs, calling it six minutes of darkness, which was the darkest six minutes of his life.

However, it was these six minutes of darkness, which made him spend a full ten hours preparing for the war. After the war, he spent three days cleaning the battlefield, three years of loot research, and a lifetime to forget.

“Diao Chan, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Zhen Ji, you four accompanied me to the hibernation cabin, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Tai Shici, Gan Ning, the four of you also followed.” Xia called out eight robots to accompany him Go to the hibernation cabin to inspect.

Big Qiao Xiao Qiao’s two most beautiful female robots accompany each other, and Diao Chan and Zhen Ji lead the way. Soochow four giants will follow. A group of people came to the hibernation cabin and checked it again. Fortunately, there was no harm, and the seven hibernates had relatively stable life signs.

The eco-cabin is quite chaotic. Due to the weightlessness and violent bumps, the inside was messed up. Chicken manure, soil, dirty water, messy things are everywhere, messy, bad smell.

“Return to biochemical quarantine,” Xia Xia said, “Prevent the outbreak.” Just like a leader inspecting the grassroots, he also knew that the outbreak was unlikely. Before all the ships of Tianshi were flying, they had undergone biochemical quarantine. But as the saying goes, there is always a negligence in Bai Mi, and no matter how careful the quarantine is, there will be negligence. Therefore, it is still necessary to prevent it from happening. After all, there is only one person alive in the whole ship. He does n’t want to be infected with this disease or that disease. By that time, Star Wars will be harmed by small bacteria without dying.

Speaking of biochemical quarantine, he immediately thought of wearing so many insect corpses, wouldn’t there be any unknown universe disease? The terrible creature, Star Worm, can survive in a cosmic vacuum without oxygen and air pressure. It is conceivable that the germs and parasites that reside in its body must be very tenacious. Thinking of this, Xia Xian quickly ordered Diao Chan to say: “Immediately disinfect all the corpses and hit them together. First clean up the corpses in the command cabin. Alas, I did not expect this.”

Diao Chan immediately notified armed robots and nano-robots to clean up all the corpses of the ship through the central computer. “Adult, do you want to throw out the bodies of these bugs?” Diao Chan asked.

“No, keep it, keep it all, I want to study it.” Summer smiled and said: “Think about it. Isn’t it a pity not to study such a tough creature?”

“Okay, sir.”

“Is there any damage to the water system? I want to take a bath. Today is too tired. I want to take a break early.”

“The drinking water system and the circulating water system are both intact.” Diao Chan said, “If you are tired, then take a rest early. Don’t exercise early tomorrow, sleep a little longer.”

“Yeah, I said peaches,” summer again said Diao Chan’s nickname, “It doesn’t look like you. According to the original plan, is it time to start the class tomorrow? Then tomorrow is still the original plan, this battle … … ”Speaking here in the summer, I sighed deeply,“ I can feel that I am seriously inadequate, and my physical, mental, and military qualities are very poor, and I need to learn. ”

“It’s good to know,” Diao Chan said, “but now the spaceship is in a mess, and it takes at least three or four days to clean up, so Diao Chan thinks, sir, you should rest for a few more days. When the spaceship is completely cleaned up, you will It ’s not too late to learn and train. “

In summer, she wanted to improve her own quality, but she was afraid of suffering and tired, so she wished to hear her say it and then replied: “That will do. UU reading books”

The hibernation cabin and the eco-cabin are two important departments for inspection. The spaceship is too big, so the other cabins are temporarily monitored by the computer to complete the inspection. It’s almost time to see. In the summer, he intends to go home, and he has another very important thing to do at night. That is, he promised Mila to chat with her every night.

The first thing to do is to take a shower, then go to the living room bedroom to chat with Mila. On the way back, Diao Chan asked, “Sir, do you still need Da Qiao to serve you?”

“Ah?” Suddenly asked by her in the summer, she looked back. Diao Chan was expressionless, unlike talking, Da Qiao seemed calm, but could not conceal a little expectation, Xiao Qiao smirked slightly. mouth.

Summer shook his head and said: “No, today the officer is really tired. You also went to the maintenance cabin for a few nights to take a good overhaul. I know that your body today is more or less damaged.”

The robots were all gone. In the summer, they returned to the living room, took a shower, sat on the bed, turned on quantum communication, and feared to scare Mila. First, they sent a text message to Mila ’s mobile phone with a strange number: “The war is over. . “

Mila knew that it was him, and immediately replied: “Is it still a three-minute countdown? The call is allowed.” Because it is connected to quantum communication, mobile phone text messages can immediately travel through three light-years of space.

After three minutes, Xia and Mila met as scheduled. It was already nine o’clock in the evening. But nine o’clock is not too late for a college student.

“Why are you showing up? I’m worried about dying me.”

“I’m sorry, Mila, make you anxious.” Summer smirked. Every time he saw his goddess, he would be so happy.

“How is today’s war going? Has it been won? You tell me quickly, say quickly.”

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