The Game of Life

Chapter 101: Viewing Physics through the Mist

Jiang Yong came in a hurry and left just as quickly.

Jiang Weiguo didn’t want to make any comments about it.

His third brother was the same, cooking whatever his son wanted to eat as long as it was reasonable, and if it was too much, he’d just scold and hit him until he stopped fussing.

When Jiang Jianguo was little, he insisted on having boiled cabbage after hearing about it somewhere, causing a fuss for two days until Jiang Weiguo severely beat him and made him chop onions and peppers for two days. The scare tactic worked quite well.

Jiang Weiguo was making a superior stock.

He started early in the morning, slaughtering the fattest old hen raised by Mrs. Jiang, and even handled other ingredients without straying from the pot.

Jiang Feng ate another small piece of the

“three no touch” then went to call everyone else to eat. Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian, the two sisters, ran the fastest. Each grabbed two large spoonfuls and were content, leaving about one quarter for the five Jiang brothers.

"Grandpa, this is so delicious, can you make it again tomorrow!” Jiang Junqing’s eyes sparkled.

"You can learn how to cook from me, specializing in Fire Control instead of Knifework; in a few years, you can make it yourself,” Jiang Weiguo said.

Jiang Junqing instantly fell silent.

Out of all of Jiang Weiguo’s grandchildren, she was the most likely to throw tantrums. The first time she cut vegetables and nicked her hand, she made a huge fuss about not learning anymore before even a few drops of blood came out.

Lucky for her, she was Jiang Weiguo’s granddaughter and not his daughter, or else she would definitely have been hung up and spanked.

"Alright, alright, get out of the kitchen and stop being in the way.” Sir started shooing people out.

A bunch of troublesome grandchildren were ushered out just like that.

Just as everyone was planning to go to their own rooms and find their moms, Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian stopped their four brothers with pitiful looks.

"We can’t do our winter break homework,” the two sisters said in unison.

Jiang Zaidi shivered and was the first to plan his escape,

“I can’t help, I work now and have long forgotten junior high material. Go to Cheng, he scored over 660 on his college entrance exam, ranking in the top twenty in the city! He’s the one with good grades! I need to go back to my room and work on design drafts.”

"I can’t do it either, even if I scored 660 in high school, I only got 600 in middle school, and I didn’t do well. I’ve forgotten all that; I’m already in my second year of grad school. Go to Ran, he’s the one!” Jiang Shoucheng said before vanishing in a flash.

Jiang Ran immediately panicked and quickly passed the buck,

“I can’t do it either. I got 660 in middle school, but I didn’t even score 600 in high school! If I taught you, I’d lead you astray, wouldn’t I? That would ruin your high school future because you wouldn’t have a strong foundation. Besides, I study finance; I’ve forgotten all that stuff. I’m not the one; you should ask your fourth brother. He studies physics; math and physics go hand in hand. He’ll certainly be able to help! His college entrance exam scores were higher than mine; he’s better!”

Jiang Feng: ?

"Junqing isn’t good at physics, right? Feng specializes in physics, just ask him, it’ll be fine!” After a masterful buck-passing, Ran was gone.

"Little brother.” Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian looked at Jiang Feng in unison.

Jiang Feng:…

Don’t try to act cute; you almost outweigh me.

However, Junqing and Junlian were in their last year of junior high and at a crucial stage of study. They were facing the middle school exams in June, and since they were eager to learn, Feng naturally couldn’t refuse to teach them.

Entering the room with them, Feng saw a familiar book on the desk.

It was a blue physics book titled

“5-Year Middle School Exams, 3-Year Simulation,” with its white and yellow bold words declaring its unshakable status among educational materials for so many years.

"Little brother, don’t worry; it’s not difficult, just eighth grade questions,” said Junqing, reassuring him as she opened the book.

Upon hearing that, Feng immediately felt relieved; eighth grade physics was just the basics, very simple.

Then he took a closer look.

  1. As shown in the diagram, there is a piece of ice in a beaker filled with water. The bottom of the ice touches the base of the beaker, and the water level is flush with the rim of the beaker. Regarding whether water will overflow when the ice melts, the correct statement among the following is ()
  2. A. If there is pressure from the bottom surface of the ice block against the base of the beaker, then the water will definitely overflow after the ice melts
  3. B. If there is pressure from the bottom surface of the ice block against the base of the beaker, then the water will definitely not overflow after the ice melts
  4. C. Regardless of whether there is pressure from the bottom surface of the ice on the base of the beaker, water will overflow after the ice melts
  5. D. Regardless of whether there is pressure from the bottom surface of the ice on the base of the beaker, water will not overflow after the ice melts

Jiang Feng: ?

This diagram feels a bit abstract.

Forget it, let’s look at the next question.

  1. As shown in diagram A, a body weighing 80N moves to the right at a constant speed of o.4.m/s on a horizontal surface under the action of a horizontal force Fl of 30N directed to the left. Then, as shown in diagram B, the body is pulled by a pulley system with a horizontal force F2 to the right, moving at the same constant speed on the same horizontal surface for 0.5m to the right (mass of the pulley and rope and friction between them are neglected). The correct statement among the following is ()
  2. A. The magnitude of the friction between the body and the horizontal surface is 15N
  3. B. The power of force F2 is 36W
  4. C. The magnitude of pulling force F2 is 90N
  5. D. The work done by pulling force F2 is 15J

Jiang Feng: Heh, I know this one.

Jiang Feng began to explain with full confidence.

Five minutes later—

Jiang Junqing and Jiang Junlian looked at Jiang Feng with baffled faces.

Jiang Feng:…

Had he not explained it clearly enough?

They couldn’t understand this?

"Forget it, little brother, you talk about the previous problem,” Jiang Junlian tried to help Jiang Feng out of the awkward situation.

Jiang Feng:…

"Cough, uh, urn,” Jiang Feng tried to laugh off his embarrassment,

“these kinds of problems, they don’t even test in the middle school exams.”

Jiang Feng received two skeptical looks.

"That’s not right, little brother, there were these types of problems on the middle school mock exams we did,” Jiang Junqing said unconvinced.

"Ah, but they didn’t test this when I took my middle school exams!” Jiang Feng couldn’t for the life of him remember what his middle school exams were like; if he didn’t remember them, they might as well not have happened. No problem there.

"Well, it’s been several years since I took the middle school exams, maybe they’ve reformed it since then. Let’s switch to another one, how about math, is math good?” Jiang Feng laughed it off.

Jiang Junlian took out a green ‘Grade Five Three’ math book.

The sight of that green color moved Jiang Feng deeply.

Junior high school math, he knew it all!

Not only did he know it, he explained math better than physics. Back in high school, he used to tutor Chen Xiuxiu in math all the time!

After tutoring his two younger cousins in math for an entire morning, Jiang Feng gained a deep appreciation for the struggles his middle school teachers had faced. It felt like, how can you not know this, how can you not be able to do this, how did you even get to ninth grade, I just explained it to you and now you don’t know it again.

It turns out, tutoring homework requires keeping a distance; getting too close makes you want to hit them with the book.

On second thought, Jiang Feng realized they were two and had the twin telepathy going on; they might actually team up and he wouldn’t be sure he could win, so he had to put the book down.

Better to endure for a moment than to get beaten, better to step back than to end up in the hospital.

For lunch, they ate dumplings and the leftovers from the day before, knowing that tomorrow there would be the most sumptuous meal of the year. No one minded the lighter meal today, thinking that being a little hungry would make tomorrow’s feast even more delicious.

Eat less today, eat more tomorrow, round it up and it’s a gain.

Carrying his bowl, Jiang Feng sat down beside Jiang Zaidi to complain,

“Junqing and Junlian’s basics are too poor. Shouldn’t education in Alan City be at least better than in Zet City?”

"Those two have always been used to slacking off,” Jiang Zaidi said, popping dumplings into his mouth.

“We at least used to hang sandbags, hang for a few days before lazing off and refusing to do it, practicing Knifework was also doing some cuts, after cutting for two hours complaining of sore hands and cutting themselves, then quitting.”

"With those two, Junlian is still somewhat better; Junqing quit after cutting herself once and refused to learn further. It’s lucky they were born later and are younger; grandpa’s temper has softened a lot from back in the day, or they would have already been slapped twice. They didn’t suffer like we did when we learned cooking, so they don’t know how good it is to study,” Jiang Zaidi added. Jiang Feng: ???

Seeing Jiang Feng’s surprised face, Jiang Zaidi realized,

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot, out of all our brothers, you’re the most well-behaved, even when cutting yourself you didn’t scream or cry, just wrapped it up in gauze and kept practicing.”

"Crying wouldn’t have changed anything, grandpa wouldn’t have cared,” Jiang Feng mentioned that he had indeed cried before.

"Then you should have kept crying, if you cried long enough, grandpa might have gone soft and asked you to stop training,” Jiang Zaidi said.

Jiang Feng: ???

So that was an option.

"Hey, Feng, no offense, but out of all us brothers, you’re definitely the most honest,” Jiang Zaidi said earnestly.

Jiang Feng:…


What have we honest people done wrong.

We honest people have even upgraded our Lies!

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