The Game of Life

Chapter 262: Big Friends Gathering

Xue Shaoheng’s friends were all sufferers of Scholar’s syndrome too.

There were a total of four friends, three males and one female, of varying ages, all of whom had met while receiving treatment at the hospital. They were friends as well as fellow patients.

The only female among the four, a young woman in her twenties, named Huang Yiting, had acquired scholar’s syndrome after an accident that impacted her left brain, just like Xue Shaoheng, while the others were born with the condition.

Most people with Scholar’s syndrome have trouble receiving proper care and education, largely because the majority of parents lack even basic knowledge about the condition, equating Scholar’s syndrome with idiocy.

Xue Shaoheng, thanks to the great care provided by Xue Hua this year, had become one of those Scholar’s syndrome patients who could communicate fairly normally with the outside world. He was still able to express what he wanted to say with a single word or a few phrases, and although communication was very challenging, at least it was possible.

Among his four friends, aside from Huang Yiting, who was diagnosed with acquired Scholar’s syndrome after the brain injury, and whose parents and family provided proper care and education under the right guidance of the doctors, allowing her to communicate her thoughts and intentions with a few words or phrases like Xue Shaoheng, the other three had been locked in closed rooms by their parents for years before being diagnosed, and had lost even their basic language skills.

Xue Hua would host such a dinner party for Xue Shaoheng and his friends once a month.

Most people with Scholar’s syndrome struggle to find a suitable job throughout their lives. They lack the ability to live independently, need someone’s meticulous care for a lifetime, and can’t communicate properly, even though their brains might be filled with knowledge as vast and shining as the stars. Each of them was like the purest child, capable of only the most basic and simple emotions, unable to grasp the complexities of human nature. Their world consisted only of a few simple colors, their emotions manifesting openly on the surface.

Aside from the five special “big friends,” this dinner party was accompanied only by Huang Yiting’s mother and Xue Hua, as the family members of the other three scholar’s syndrome sufferers were only willing to provide money, not company.

Xue Hua had wanted to book a private room, but Xue Shaoheng was not keen on the idea. He was a person who liked liveliness, especially when gathering with friends, and enjoyed being in crowded places.

The five big friends had their own way of communicating, chatting with each other using sounds and murmurs that only they could understand. The two parents exchanged caregiving tips on the side.

“Recently, Shaoheng has been especially fond of eating at this restaurant. He always wants the Sweet and Sour Yam. I’m a little worried that he might get cavities, “Xue Hua said.

“It’s good that Shaoheng likes to eat it. Yiting used to love mutton, but ever since she fell down the stairs, look, it’s been so many years, and she’s hardly had a bite of it,” Huang Yiting’s mother said. “By the way, I heard that Shaoheng is going to have a Drawing exhibition next month?”

“That’s not even certain yet, where did you hear that?”

“From the group, Xu’s mother told me,” replied Huang Yiting’s mother with envy. “Among our dozen or so individuals, your Shaoheng is the only one who relieves my worries. Not only can he draw, but he can also work as a librarian.” I heard that Yiting has recently been working on sculpture?” asked Xue Hua.

Upon mentioning this, Huang Yiting’s mother suddenly brightened. “Yes, her father and I had her try so many things-mathematics, physics, drawing,’ piano, and others-but she didn’t like anything. It was unexpected that she suddenly grew fond of sculpture.”

“She can’t work with others as a librarian like your Shaoheng. I don’t expect her to become a famous sculptor. I just hope she will have a skill to support herself and survive well in this world after her father and I are gone,” Huang Yiting’s mother said, her eyes glistening with tears.

Huang Yiting quietly tugged at her mother’s clothes.

Alright, alright, I won’t talk about it anymore. Haven’t you been wanting to hang out with Shaoheng? Mom and Sister Shaoheng will chat, and you can talk to Shaoheng,” Huang Yiting’s mother said with a smile.

Huang Yiting turned to look at Xue Shaoheng.

“Yam, sss-” Xue Shaoheng gestured with his hands, mimicking the process of eating Sweet and Sour Yam.

“Sss-” Huang Yiting echoed, imitating Xue Shaoheng’s hand movements. “Sss-” The other three began to mimic Xue Shaoheng’s gestures as well.

While the five were having fun, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

“Enjoy your Sweet and Sour Yam, please take your time.”

The Sweet and Sour Yam was brought to the table.

Xue Shaoheng tried picking up the Sweet and Sour Yam with chopsticks but was barely able to hold them steady, much less pick up the food.

“Give me the chopsticks, Shaoheng, I’ll help you all pick it up,” Xue Hua took over the chopsticks, knowing what Xue Shaoheng wanted to show everyone, and picked up a piece of Sweet and Sour Yam, stretching out a long string.

“Ah'” aU fow big friends widened their eyes at the sight of the strings being pulled from the Sweet and Sour Yam.

“Sss-” Huang Yiting became excited.

“Sss-” The other three were excited too.

Sss- ” Xue Shaoheng caught on slowly, seemingly realizing he should be excited too.

Xue Hua and Huang Yiting’s mother helped them pick the Sweet and Sour Yam, and to avoid them burning their mouths, Xue Hua specifically cautioned them. ’ “You need to nibble it gently, or you’ll burn your tongue!”

The five big friends nodded solemnly.

Everyone started to eat the Sweet and Sour Yam happily with spoons.

Within two minutes, the waiter served more dishes.

Here we have the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge, chicken wrapped in cabbage, and chopped pepper fish head. Please enjoy your meal.”

Because Xue Hua had spoken to Jiang Feng at noon, their table’s order was considered a pre-order and was ready early.

“This restaurant serves dishes quite quickly!” Huang Yiting’s mother exclaimed, seeing Huang Yiting staring intently at the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge, she smiled and said, “Tingting always loves these pretty things. Let me get you a bowl.”

Huang Yiting shook her head steadily.

“Not eating?”

Huang Yiting nodded.

“It seems Tingting might not like this dish,” said Xue Hua, as she reached out to pick up Xue Shaoheng’s bowl to scoop some Li Hongzhang hodgepodge for him.

Xue Shaoheng took his bowl and hid it behind him, not letting Xue Hua get it, seemingly he didn’t want to eat the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge either.

“Shaoheng, this is the dish you wanted to order and now you’re not eating,” Xue Hua said helplessly, looking at the spicy fish head on the table that looked quite tempting, and reached out with her chopsticks to pick some up.

Before she could reach out, Xue Shaoheng grabbed her chopsticks, looking as if he didn’t want her to eat either.

Huang Yiting’s mother tried to scoop herself a bowl of the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge, but Huang Yiting snatched away the bowl, not letting her eat it too.

“What’s with these kids today?” Huang Yiting’s mother wondered.

Xue Shaoheng and Huang Yiting were looking around, when suddenly Huang Yiting tugged at Xue Shaoheng’s arm, pointing towards a lone office worker sitting in a corner.

Xue Shaoheng instantly became excited, grabbing a spoon to start scooping Li Hongzhang hodgepodge into his bowl.

Xue Hua, not daring to let him scoop the dish himself in case he spilled it on himself-which would be a minor issue-but the real concern would be if he got burned, quickly took the bowl and helped him scoop a generous serving of Li Hongzhang hodgepodge.

Xue Shaoheng ran off with the bowl.

Xue Hua was immediately anxious and hurried after him.

Huang Yiting’s mother sat still, not daring to move since there were four other adults at the table, and if she also ran after Xue Shaoheng, there would be no one to look after them.

Xue Shaoheng ran up to the office worker with the bowl and set it on his table.

The office worker, who was originally looking down at his phone, got a start when a bowl of food suddenly appeared and looked up to see Xue Shaoheng, who was smiling at him.

“I’m sorry, so sorry,” Xue Hua quickly apologized, following behind.

Xue Hua tried to take the bowl away, but Xue Shaoheng wouldn’t let her.

Xue Shaoheng pointed first at the bowl, then at the office worker, back to the bowl, then again at the office worker, moving his finger back and forth between the two.

The message was clear; he wanted to give the bowl of Li Hongzhang hodgepodge to the office worker in front of him.

The office worker also noticed that Xue Shaoheng might be somewhat unusual, but seeing no malice from him, he turned to Xue Hua and said, “It’s okay, if he ’ wants to leave it here, let it stay here.”

“I’m truly sorry; my brother, he… he just wanted to give you this dish to eat. It’s the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge we just ordered and it was just brought to the table. He means no harm,” Xue Hua explained for Xue Shaoheng.

Xue Shaoheng stared with big eyes at the office worker.

“No problem, just make sure to take good care of him and stop him from running around, it’s very dangerous for him to run around like this,” the office worker expressed understanding.

Xue Shaoheng was pulled back to their original spot by Xue Hua, and the office worker looked at the Li Hongzhang hodgepodge in front of him, feeling somewhat moved.

He had an utterly rotten day, having missed the subway in the morning leading to being late and scolded by his boss. Then, during work, he fell into a pit set by a colleague and was scolded bloody by his boss again, looking like his upcoming promotion was also gone. He had wanted to invite his girlfriend out for dinner in the evening, but instead received a breakup text in the afternoon.

Throughout the whole day, he felt a strong malice from the world towards him and had no way to vent because he still had to work overtime in the evening.

The only act of kindness he experienced today, surprisingly, came from someone who seemed to be not quite normal.

The office worker looked at the bowl of Li Hongzhang hodgepodge in front of him, thinking it probably tasted quite good.

Steaming and still hot.

He had seen this dish on the menu; even with the special price of 488 yuan, he couldn’t afford it.

The office worker inwardly lamented his bad luck while he moved the bowl with Li Hongzhang hodgepodge in front of himself.

He picked up a piece of pork stomach with his chopsticks.

Into his mouth.


He really felt like crying.

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