The Game Warrior

Chapter 110 - Life is so beautiful!

The fourth chapter of the first section of the rivers and lakes, the 110th chapter of life is so beautiful! Unconsciously, the actual time has also entered into October. The weather is gradually cooling down. Non-Chai Yigao. Those students who have reached the third year of high school are also busy.

This year is the most important year in their lives. Twelve years of compulsory education are coming to an end. They are about to turn 18 years old. What is going on in the future life is to take over the work of parents to inherit the family business and have a stable job You can still be admitted to one of the best universities in the world to get the opportunity to continue your studies, or you can do nothing at all by relying on that poor relief to survive all this year.

At the end of the 22nd century, Chinese students were also divided into high and low.

Those whose parents can take over are called workers;

Those whose parents have inherited land are called karmic families;

Parents themselves rely on government relief to support their lives or have no parents at all. If they have no special talents or opportunities, basically this life is only called for the rootless family, and according to statistics, the proportion of rootless families has reached as high as%.

From the end of the twentieth century to the end of the twenty-second century, the two hundred years of the world exhibition are too fast. The functions of the computer are getting more and more powerful. The program is getting more and more perfect. The labor force required for each job is less and less. It may be cancelled one day.

In China, a place where people have been accustomed to gaining an opportunity to gain opportunities by drilling through the roads for thousands of years, there is nowhere to go. There are gradually many new weird phenomena such as the establishment of work has not changed for decades. With the tacit consent of all those in power …

Because the positions that are still in the establishment are originally kept in a relationship that is hard enough and wide enough to be retained, although most of the work can be handed over to Guangnao at the beginning. After all, it was special care, and the face was delayed because of the relationship. The procrastination left behind dragged into the legendary iron rice bowl and dragged into the ancestor Yin De who spent a lot of money without labor.

If the descendants of the rootless people want to live a richer life, there are only two ways to go:

First, although it is dangerous to be a soldier and the officer is hereditary, there is no way to become a soldier, but ordinary soldiers are also a profession after all;

The second is that you can engage in academic research after entering college. Every parent hopes that the child can take this path. Although this profession does not pay attention to hereditary. After all, this life is guaranteed, but it is a pity that only a few of the 1,000 people can get this. opportunity.

It is said that because there are too many idlers, the country can’t afford to spend all the money on cultivation. It can only be selected for admission. Anyway, those shining authorities on the TV newspaper Zhang said this.

As for other positions, it’s not just that … too few. You can imagine that the less than 1% of the actual vacancies are swarmed by more than% of the people. The chances are much more difficult than the university entrance exam.

Among all the people who need to be busy, Du Guhong is the most leisurely. After the revenge is over, the pressure of his little life is no longer stressful.

Read the newspaper and read novels if you ’re okay, listen to people gossip, occasionally when you are interested, you will pick up pen and paper to write two acid poems, or find some absolute exercises from the Internet for many years. The literary cells sometimes flash some spiritual light in the brain. I wrote down the clips and sorted them out to continue to strengthen the attack ability of the new light brain at home.

His seat is at the window at any time, and he can take a look at the rest of the eyes and feel the warmth of the rising sun sprinkling on his body …

Life is so beautiful!

He was squinting his eyes and enjoying it, accompanied by a burst of rapid footsteps, the deaf and squeamish drink came from behind: “Duo ~ Gu ~ hong !!!”

“?” Du Guhong turned back and wondered how quickly his slender jade hand, which could not cover his ears and steal the bell, roared with a wind and kissed on his cheek loudly: “Slap!”

The eyes of one classroom are all focused. It is a pity that the two of the performances are mentally ill and will never change the eyes of others. The other is also an independent focus.

“What are you doing?” Du Guhong touched the hot face and looked coldly at Lin Ling who was filled with indignation.

“What are you doing? What do you do not know in your heart? Everyone is always a classmate. What big deal of grievances make you use such an excessive means? Hmm Du Guhong?” Miss Lin pointed at Du Guhong’s mouth as if to let go The same as the machine gun.

Du Guhong’s eyes toured the classroom and saw a book not far away. A deputy did not care about himself, but he couldn’t help but sneered at the heart of the three people who came here and immediately understood that apparently the three people couldn’t hold their faces to beg themselves to think of leaving Torin Bell helped the detour.

It’s a pity that this Miss Lin is a hot temper, and you can’t help jumping out of the whole story before you hear this story.

Miss Lin has a lot of hard-working things and has done a lot of things. Oolong has not been wrong. He has been hit by mistake. He found a plaster and posted it on his own. Who makes someone **** the backstage? He turned his head back and sat back in his seat: “Before you hit someone next time, please ask me what’s going on? Who is excessive? And I can’t care about you with this slap but I’m going to count on those three heads Tell them. “

“You …” Not only Dalin Ling is also a non-Chai Yigao student president. Among the students, she is very prestigious. She is the first time to see that she does not give herself a face.

After choking, she turned around and looked at the three people in the seat. Now they didn’t know what they were looking for, and they immediately flicked the table for another reason: “Zhang Yang! Lei Zhuang! Tian Yuxuan! Du Guhong! You go out with me! What should I do next, why don’t you do anything? “

Lin Jingling was so eloquent that Zhang Yang, Lei Zhuang, and Tian Yuxuan walked out of the classroom obediently. Although they all have a good family, they are a heaven and an underground compared to Lin Ling and obviously Zhang Yang is afraid of his wife.

After thinking about it, Du Guhong also went out so nicely that the chances of the three of them being ugly were not white or not.

“What the **** is going on?” Miss Lin stopped at the corner of the corridor and hugged her arms and tossed her chest on her toes, striking the ground with a fierce phoenix. She was not angry but Du Guhong felt that if you put her on a leather suit and put it in her hand A leather whip is a more perfect bird …

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