The Game Warrior

Chapter 138 - Cunning Rabbit

The fourth part of the first zone of the rivers and lakes, the 138th chapter of the cunning rabbit Undead Cave Du Guhong is embarrassed. Both methods seem to be impossible.

There is no special template in Jianghu, but it is only for attributes. The biggest difference here is that they have a higher IQ level. They will adjust their tactics according to the ability of both the enemy and our opponents. They will bully and fear that they will replace their own equipment and will lack blood. Time to run and even … will knock out medicine and add blood.

Some people suspect that some even know that the principle of medicinal Shengke can be several times or even tens of times more than the average player. The limit of encountering this kind of superb and other games is actually dozens of millions of blood. It makes no difference.

According to the scholar’s IQ knockouts he had shown before, he certainly will. Plus this perverted defense, even if a large number of gunmen from the League of Legends might not be able to stay in the home, besides, Du Guhong is only equivalent to one person …

Du Guhong was still thinking about the left side and the right side. He accidentally shook the scholar’s sword inexplicably.

why? He stared intently at the scholar and woke up suddenly …

So an idea formed in the brain of the electric light and flint.

“Stand in place! Don’t move!” Privately told Snow that Du Guhong seemed to be unable to withstand the attack of the scholar, making a helpless expression, stepping sideways for the first time and revealing Snow behind him.

Sure enough, as he expected, the scholar waved his sword and cut at Snow for the first time, and didn’t know how to pity Xiangxiyu.

Seeing that the sword was under the hood to avoid inevitable Snow showed horror in her eyes. After all, the game time was still short and she was not used to the stimulation of this empathy virtual game, but she paled her face and gritted her teeth without moving. I don’t understand what Du Guhong is planning.

Fortunately, the feeling of this great difficulty was just a moment after Du Gu Hong Lingbo stepped into the scholar’s arms and swiped in the arms of the scholar. His left hand waved his arms and opened the scholar’s right hand. He was attacking his right hand and pointed at the student’s chest.

The sword was ineffective and chopped off, and the student retired without anger, but he laughed and said: “Do you think it is useful? My gold does not wear an armor and the sword is harmless. What’s more, you have a few superficial punches and kung fu? That’s how you just looked at you just now. “

Du Guhong smiled slightly: “I don’t know what to look at for a while, but I know for a while.” His men kept on stepping on the unpredictable Lingbo footwork and immediately cut his palm in the chest of the scholar.

After the palms of the scholars changed their faces, they no longer smiled and touched their chests to quickly distance themselves from Du Guhong.

On the surface, it seems that he is nothing but a water mist condensing on the crystal sheet that covers his eyes …

Gold is not armor-piercing, it is indeed invulnerable to weapons and weapons, but it has unavoidable defects compared to other armor because it is too thin and light, and the material is a hot conductor. At the beginning, the solitary Cangshan Yunxuejian has been able to It was so cold that he was trembling, not to mention the scorching Yang Yan.

It doesn’t seem to be visible on the surface. In fact, the hot inside of his armor was like a steamer, especially the chest, just tortured by the soldering iron.

Even the effect of the fire-based toxins reducing human perception and concentration has appeared and the cumulative number of times is much more than what Du Guhong expected. It seems that this armor has a bonus to the internal power special effect damage.

The scholar could not resist Du Guhong’s offensive and began to retreat backwards.

The scholar finally couldn’t bear this real torment. The gold non-armor-piercing components disappeared one by one on the surface of his body.

Du Guhong immediately kindly pulled out the Cangshan Yunxue sword to brush a few swords to help him cool down and let go of blood.

In this process, the long story is actually just a few breaths, and the two come and go back to the scholar’s original seat.

The embarrassment chased by Du Guhong was unbearable. I didn’t know whether it was an intentional or unintentional scholar. He sat back on the seat and then didn’t know which institution he moved. The seat suddenly flipped half a circle and turned him into the wall.

And after the wall flipped, there was still no flaw on the tightly-seamed surface as if the seat and the scholar before the moment were just illusions.

Du Guhong clicked on the wall, and the wall was still.

“I’m sorry to have dragged you down.” When Snow walked over and the wall was spinning, Du Guhong wasn’t unresponsive. He just looked back at Snow in the end and then missed it.

Snow knew in his heart that Du Guhong couldn’t rest assured that she would stay here alone.

“It’s not necessary to say I’m sorry when I face this choice, I always choose the best of both worlds.” Du Guhong’s words made Snow don’t understand and watched him stunned on the wall.

Organ surgery is a must-have for solving puzzle adventures, although the lack of skill levels due to the four years of card machine can’t stand Du Guhong’s own observation group quickly found the real place of the organ from dozens of suspicions that he can recognize-world five A humble circle on the national map.

The circle is slightly offset from the standard five-nation map given by the government … that’s all.

The wall rumbling and flipping out again from the cracks of the wall and appeared in front of Du Guhong Snow is a branch of countless channels that can count thirty or fifty different branch entrances only in the range of their vision, not to mention There are many more places that you can’t see ~ ~ It seems to be more dizzy than eight-array images.

The scholar ’s words also proved that this showed that Du Guhong ’s surprise that he was so quickly broken through the organization that he came from all directions made people unable to distinguish the origin of the source: “Welcome to the real Maanshan mine maze-cunning Rabbit Undead Cave! “

Snow carefully scrutinized and found a letter on the ground. He picked up a task item called “Lost Letter from San Bushu”.

“Is the task finished here?” Even Snow now understood the task because the system was automatically delayed by the Gun League for too long.

“En’s task is over but things are not over yet.” Du Guhong smiled indifferently. Just now that he had time to worry about Snow’s safety, of course, he also had time to put down the tracking guts on the scholars.

As long as the scholar does not die, he cannot escape from his grasp.

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