The Game Warrior

Chapter 141 - If you do n’t practice mining, it ’s okay!

The fourth chapter of the first zone of the rivers and lakes, the 141st chapter, you do not practice mining without reason! A few rounds of Du Guhong can estimate that the scholar’s explosion is worth hundreds of thousands of ingots if properly handled.

Do n’t think that a lot of people who are dead after all are alive. A skill that allows you to keep your peers skills for a period of time has never been more valuable than pure equipment, especially in games like Jianghu that do n’t pay much attention to equipment.

If the people of the Gun League know that their hard work for a few days and even the results of their hard work have been taken by Du Guhong, I do n’t know what their expression will be …

“These are just what you can use.” Du Guhong, a total of a few, pushed “Tian Gong Kai Wu”, “Shui Jing Zhu” and a pile of drawings to Snow.

Although Snow didn’t know much about the game, Snow vaguely guessed that the drop was different this time. In the past, she looked at Du Guhong, who naturally couldn’t see anything from his face, and hesitated and didn’t move.

If it is replaced by someone else’s estimate, it is already eloquently depreciating the value of the lotus flower, so that the value of this pile of things can be unknowingly unknowingly inherited from you. Once you know it, you can only thank yourself for Dade.

But such a method, Du Guhong, was disdainful. When the next five to ten calculated the value of Snow ’s stack and summed it up: “Soon, the money to buy these things will be spent on practicing life skills, not without investment. If the investment is not money, it must be time. “

“You are now behind others. If you don’t use these things, you can only earn money behind others. If you use it and you work hard, then the money sold by this pile of things will be within one month of the game time. Can earn it back. “

“This is actually just an investment choice to put money in the bank or to make more money. I tend to the latter.”

“If I don’t think I can stick to it, I can take it to auction. It’s no problem.”

Du Guhong didn’t know that he thought he was good at calculating the valuation of this pile of things.

“Game … can you really make so much money?” Snow’s expression looked dumbfounded before he even woke up from Du Guhong’s introduction. “You actually have a lot of money?”

“What do you think?” Du Guhong raised his eyebrows without answering positively.

“Then … why don’t you lend me in reality?” Snow lowered his head and toes and began to circle the ground.

“If you don’t think you can still do it, would you borrow it from me?” Du Guhong, who is Snow Wai Wai Rou Nei Gang’s character, also knows better. “How do you think about it?”

“Why don’t you learn by yourself since the last question is so profitable?” Snow still has doubts.

“Never learn life skills not related to adventure.” Du Guhong’s answer is simple and clear.

“… Okay.” Nodded his head and breathed out to make sure that God Snow took the thing solemnly, turned the book and immediately corrected his tongue: “My mining effective level is eight!”

Her original level was only 4th or 3rd level. The level I practiced in these days is the experience required by the life skills of the Jianghuli in the mission mine pick. Let her rise two levels in a row and add two levels to increase the limit, it would be eight.

Compared with the fourth-level skill, the eighth-level skill is a far cry from this highly-mineralized Ma’anshan maze. She can also be beaten, but only that the light of the mineral is in the sight of the mine It is still difficult to distinguish the specific location of the ore layer, let alone the quality.

“Let’s go and eat nothing, and you have to take things slowly.” Seeing Snow could not help being disappointed, Du Guhong comforted her and walked into the secret door opened by the scholar.

The emptiness of the scholar’s falling maze indicates that the matter here is no longer in danger. The two of them came to a room through the long running path.

Opening the door outside the house, a crowd of people who were kneeling towards the door were seeing Du Gu Hong Snow coming out. A group of people immediately knelt and knelt, and there was a pale old man in tears. We are in fire and water! The old and dead village is grateful! “

A group of people followed and kowtowed: “Thank you two young heroes for helping each other! Thank you very much!” The voice was uniform and well-trained.

These are obviously the objects that Ping Su is used to by the scholars.

Du Guhong has nothing to say that Snow whispered first: “The village chief?”

She was surprised and looked around. It was surrounded by the familiar dilapidated village exit. On the left hand side was the blacksmith’s shop. On the right hand side was the medicine shop. Turning back, I saw that the house was also familiar, but I couldn’t open it before. What is it for …

Everything is the same. This village is the novice village where she was born ~ ~ It’s just a coincidence that after Snowno practice skills here, it will not be convenient and convenient. Like him, he can graduate with training … In his heart, Du Guhong stretched out his hand to the old village head. Needless to say, this group of people put their hands on the ground. The task rewards naturally cannot run away.

For a while, there was a bit of shame on the old man’s face: “There is nothing really good about the poor second and the white in the village, but there is only one treasure that the ancestor uploaded …” The old man handed something to Du Guhong.

At a glance, Du Guhong handed it to Snow and said: “You can’t afford to practice mining!”

Alloy ore pickaxe: mining skill upper limit + 2 weight 9 kg and durable texture.

With the mine hole in the pickaxe door, Snow can just try to mine.

Snow wanted to stay here and start practicing skills. Du Guhong pulled her away because they would go to the palace to lead the mission. The mission of the letter gun alliance that had the scholars dropped was completely intercepted by them.

Of course, Snow can’t help you much, but Du Guhong intends to introduce her to the dead fat man to buy materials to practice skills or build good equipment, and then you don’t have to worry about him.

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