The Game Warrior

Chapter 65 - The truth is ...

The truth of Chapter 65 of the Taohua Temple in the second Taohuawu is … The ice butterfly’s eyes are suddenly confused, but at the next moment its unintentional gaze condenses on the bezoar.

“Hold it.” Du Guhong hurriedly handed the note to Niu Huang half, since he knew the ins and outs of this little thing is no longer a problem.

Sure enough, the ice butterfly immediately released the hostility and fluttered around the two a few times, actually floating on the page.

“Really beautiful!” At first glance, the bezoar could not care how weird it was, and reached out.

It may be too late for Du Guhong to stop it, but it is not as good as imagined that the body of the phoenix butterfly, which was originally frozen, feels safe and sound. Perhaps it is the privilege after entering the mission mode.

The missionary escaped his life worries, and the system would not degrade himself from a precarious level to a precarious and safe life. The ups and downs of this life did not make the two move.

The two just looked at each other and they seemed to have a good heart. They generally launched a slam at the same time and then backed away and immediately slammed into the table tennis ping pong.

“The two seniors stopped!” Du Guhong dissuaded.

“Why ?! I don’t have a surname of Jin without piercing his face today.”

“Why ?! I wouldn’t have a surname if I didn’t let him find teeth all over the place today.”

The answers of the two old guys also seemed to be negotiable, only stopped for a moment, and immediately hit again.

“Ah! Strike! Strike! It ’s good to kill them all. It ’s a pity that Sister Ripple was so painful that he was put to death by the two of you stubborn guys! It ’s really jealous!” Not covered.

“What?” After hearing this, the two old men couldn’t help but looked at each other and stopped at the same time. “What do you mean, boy? Explain.”

“Explanation? Where should I start when I’m so long?” Du Guhongsha frowned. “Cough, I just had to start from Shui Ripple’s predecessors to let Shihuan Gu bite himself!”

“What are you talking about?” This lightly written sentence listened to the thunder and thunder in the ears of the two old men, and even the bezoar changed color. “Why are you talking about this?”

In fact, in Du Guhong’s eyes, it was a logical reasoning that he had vague thoughts before he was wet.

The place where a young girl gave birth to her because of her swordsmen and soldiers kept killing her. As long as the girl is innocent, kind, and emotional, she may take her faults to herself. Suicide to resolve disputes is simply the answer.

The soaked pages just provide Du Guhong with iron proof-the ten-round Gu cultivating method is that only the girl in the world can enlighten the **** her own.

So it ’s natural to say that a girl is a celestial genius at the same time. It ’s not a simple method that ordinary girls can think of, but it ’s a pity that the original stupidity of planning to meet these two cow chewing peony is nothing. For Du Guhong, it seems to Tian Gu Hong that Tian Yan is not necessarily true but true.

“Why do you … why do you do that? Why … nobody will blame you …” After listening to Du Guhong’s eloquent speech, the two old men’s nose wings instigated the old tears and the tears flowed along the folds of the face The two old faces snotted and burst into tears.

However, the heart-touching scene is just a few breaths. When the words “If you marry me earlier, are you okay?” The two old men immediately wiped their tears and glared at each other. “What (× 2)” instantly hit again. Office.

“Senior Ripple’s decision is indeed right. Look at what you look like. Even if she marries one of you, will the other be reconciled?”

“When is it our turn for your junior to gesticulate?” Du Guhong’s sentence was guilty of public anger. The two old men turned their heads together and looked fierce in their eyes.

“Well, I don’t mean to draw hands and feet. Although you two murderers were killed, it just happened to comfort Senior Ripple in Heaven’s Spirit.”

“Kill the murderer? What do you mean?” The two old men who watched the calm and calm Du Guhong had cleared all their expressions had to stop again.

“Don’t mess with our mission rewards, they still have to decide.” Niu Huang said Du Guhong.

“It’s good to watch the movie with confidence.” Du Guhong whispered and raised his voice. “Don’t the two seniors ever hear Shui Rianyi say that everything is yin and the yang is angry? Never heard that Gu Shen is not dead. The door of mysterious mystery is that the roots of heaven and earth are indifferent if they are used? “

“When did these weird sentences seem to have been heard?”



“Oh, by the way, that scholar. That’s always talking about it in Ripple’s mouth since he came.”

“Yeah. But what do these words mean?”

“I don’t know … hey boy, can you explain what we mean in these bends? We don’t understand.”


“Okay, let me just say it briefly. Didn’t Senior Shui Rian mention the poison of a higher-order gullet with you? You can use two lower-order gullets of the same attribute, a poisonous gullet, and a medicine gulse to dissolve it? “

“No.” The two old men were stunned. Du Guhong was taken aback. Was the guess wrong? At the next moment, his heart was put back in his stomach. “It doesn’t need to be said that this is what everyone in Black and White Miao Village knows.”

Dare to gasp and scare me? For a moment, Du Guhong no longer apologized for the following lines: “So why don’t you use this method to save her after the two seniors were insulted by Shui Ripple?”


Terrible suffocation!

For a moment, the water surface of Moon Lake stopped. There was a strange and inexplicable pressure between the sky and the earth, so that everyone could not speak. Only two old men murmured and echoed there: “Yes, even if the ten-turn Gu has two ways Nine turns is enough. Haha, we killed Ripple? We are the murderer who killed her? Ooo, who are we?

The two old men were frantically floating in the water, calmly crying for a while, and laughing back and forth, just a few words were almost magical.

It’s no wonder that the culprit of the passionate love for decades, the struggle for decades, and the wake of the death of the lover in the dream of death are his own grievances and hatreds that have been wrong. The target does not make any sense. No one can stand it ~ ~ Two old men’s black head fluttered in the water pale with the naked eye.

“Sr. Ripple of course will not be stupid enough to commit suicide. She just wants you to understand that black and white Miaocun has always been the same in the past. You not only killed her, but also made her dead. You have a face … “Faced with the two old men mourning, Du Guhong seemed indifferent to continue to go down the stone and beat down the water dog.

“Enough is enough, don’t say it!” Even the bezoar began to pull him again and again.

“Relax me. This is only for Liangmiao Village. After so many years, the two people who died because of their own selfish desires have been innocent. They may not have a chance.” This is the typical way of Du Guhong. Complaints go on the self-confessed balance line between justice and evil.

“What do you mean?” Niu Huang originally felt that the matter was over, but after hearing this, he felt otherwise.

“Just watch the play.” Du Guhong avoided answering.

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