The Game Warrior

v2 Chapter 122 - Horror night

Chapter 14 The Great Chaos in the Power World Chapter 122

Even though weird creature adventure teams such as rainstorm cactus and quicksand fish have corrected their awareness of the dangerous conditions of the gravel wilderness, in fact they soon realized that their awareness is still far from enough.

On the second day and night of the trip, more fierce monsters appeared near the end of the telegraph office …

Those are some tiny but fierce creatures-desert marching ants that only stop hearing or even seeing them in person.

The well-known marching ants are in the South American jungle. Their tiny grasshoppers and grasshoppers are ten million times their size, so their predators are only limited to this type. As for really large beasts and humans, they cannot be captured. There is no legend at all. So fierce.

However, in Africa, it has always been said that there are many desert kins who have the same physical shape as them, but they are huge. Even if tigers and leopards encounter them, they have to retreat from Sanshe, but they did not expect the source of their rumors to be in this place.

The desert marching ants stepped into the darkness and the darkness had limited vision. The guards who didn’t notice the sloppy climbing sound became the first victims.

Fortunately, before he was paralyzed by marching ants and injected with venom, his whole body was paralyzed. He also reluctantly gave a scream and gave the expedition a short response time.

But when the expedition team members woke up from the haze, the poor vigilantes were no longer humanoid.

The legendary desert marching ants each have almost adult humans. The size of the fingertips, the teeth, the teeth, the teeth of the guards, and the flesh and blood flew away. The clothes, skin, eyes, hair, then the internal organs, muscles …

The marching ant’s appetite is amazing, and in a few breaths, the alert team member turns into a **** boneless man. All the people present are all abilities. The art master is bold enough to see this scene.

“!” Someone in the crowd yelled, but this was indeed the original intention of the fire. The person who yelled was a fire control ability.

As he roared, the pile of bonfires in the center of everyone’s residence burned fiercely in an instant, just like the magical and magnificent fireball of the magic world swept through the desert marching ants.

The smaller the creature, the more it can’t stand the high temperature of the flame or even touch the hot temperature, it can burn it from the inside to the outside.

But desert marching ants are obviously not in this list.

Seeing the flames engulfing the ferocious marching ants, the six legs raised their heads and raised a green smoke from their mouths, forming a light barrier over the entire ant colony.

The green mist barrier was instantly dissipated into invisible by firelight, but the ability of the flame that was born out of thin air was not sustainable. After the green mist was burned, the flames had already rewinded back to the army.The army of ants was neat and only a few special. The skinny did not survive the fire.

In the end, the attacking team of the attacking party suddenly smelled a pungent sour mind in the air, and even began to dizzy with the limbs. This suddenly realized that the green mist was not only so cool, but it was more powerful after being steamed by high temperature. Paralytic formic acid gas.

Fortunately, all of the abilities on the scene are strong in resistance while dizzy, and they can barely pull out the gas mask from the backpack and put on a temporary relief of the coma.

However, in just a few seconds, the marching ants once again advanced a few meters, almost confronting everyone.

“I’m sorry for my ability, but I don’t seem to be able to help at this time. So … bye!” Facing such a group of weak and fierce creatures, all abilities only feel helpless. At this time, a voice sounded in the crowd and said. Gradually go up with the sound.

Everyone knew that it was one of the few people with flying ability in the team who didn’t need to raise their heads. They have a pair of bird wings that can be changed to fly short distances.

At this time, his ability really can’t help much. This is true, but such a grand flight is so cold.

Everyone was contemptuous of their people. The birdman who had flown into the air suddenly came out of a series of tumultuous howlings and fell into the ant colony.

This fall also killed at least dozens of marching ants, but no marching ants had been hesitant for this, and immediately swarmed in all directions to devour it into a blood bone.

The birdman ’s ending certainly makes people happy, but the fact that it fell inexplicably from the air is more worrying.

After a few seconds, the answer was revealed. After the birdman ran out of flesh and blood, and there were dozens of faces that looked exactly like the desert marching ants, but the figure was slightly larger.The ants with two pairs of wings flew out of the birdman’s chest. Winged into the night sky.

Common marching ants have no wings, but when the number of eggs in the nest is enough to produce new queen queens in hundreds of thousands of eggs, more than 1,000 ants that can produce wings will be produced at the same time to facilitate the queen queen. After hatching, you can fly out of the nest to find a new place for the first time.

Looking at the size of the marching ants in front of me, and then looking at these long-winged ants, Du Guhong gave a very unknown hunch.

Sure enough, several thoughts and exclamations rang out before his thoughts turned: “There are those ants here too! Here too! We are surrounded!”

As a matter of course, if there are hundreds of thousands of marching ants in this shape, it will be a breeze or a smooth passage to completely surround the crowd.

For a time, the expedition’s people went through the cold and marched, and the babbling voice of ants seemed to change into the footsteps of death.

“Ah! Ay! Ay! … Da! Da! Da! …” Life and death are difficult for most people to control their behavior even if these people are explorers walking on the edge of life and death … Gunshots almost almost coincided. Marching marching ants.

There is no way to die differently from death. The difference between death in a duel of a person and being bitten alive by such an insect can be even greater.

It’s just that the advanced weapons in this gravel wilderness can’t use the original mechanical arms in the hands of everyone. Even if everyone is skilled at shooting, there is no automatic tracking device for electronic sights, every bullet can hit an enemy. That is … A lot of money!

How many marching ants do they carry? Do they kill marching ants as fast as marching ants?

But there is no way to be present. These people are certainly strong in reality, but most of them are good at close combat, and the only thing that can restrain the fire control ability of marching ants has just tried. It seems that there is no help for the situation at hand.

In any case, the gunshots under the four will continue to die if you do not work hard. If you work hard, you may die a few seconds later. This reason is enough.

“We … what should we do now?” Huang Rong snuggled in Du Guhong’s arms and looked at the faint Dao expressions around him. He didn’t panic. He didn’t know whether he had enough faith in Du Guhong or felt that he had no regrets in his life even if he died. No big deal here.

“Alas, it’s a pity that the electromagnetic focusing gun can’t be used in this place.” Du Guhong sighed.

Electromagnetic focusing gun is a kind of firearm that uses electromagnetic energy to produce a lot of heat to radiate thermal energy in the range of tens of meters in front. The function is similar to the original flamethrower, except that it consumes electricity instead of exhausted petroleum extracts.

Of course, it requires a lot of electric energy. In the absence of a radio network or a single motor supply, it is simply waste wood. Listening to Du Guhong’s words. Obviously there is such a big killer in his backpack space.

“Nonsense!” Lin Ling wasn’t as quiet as Huang Rong and sniffed. “What should I do quickly?” She didn’t seem to have considered the possibility that Du Guhong couldn’t do anything.

“I can only try whether it works or two …” Du Guhong said as he squatted down with one hand on the ground and the other hand extended to Huang Rong and handed the famous Jiao Weiqin. ” Wait for the flying ants that harass me to be cleared after the start. “

“What do you want to do?” Lin Ling could not help asking ~ ~ At this time, Du Guhong had stood up and the ground he had touched with his hand had been swallowed into a deep hole silently.

“Don’t you ever hear that martial arts practiced to the extreme to fly flowers and pick leaves can hurt people?” In this way, Du Guhong jumped into the air and clenched his fists.

At the same time, Huang Rong’s bleak and cold sound of Jiao Weiqin also sounded …

Where do you find a friend in the world?

The countless air knife blades swayed by the string tremor were instantly filled with dark night sky, accurately flying those flying march ants wandering in the night sky, hitting the wings and flying safely to the ideal height of Du Guhong.

The invisible piano sounds made in reality by Huang Rong’s eyes and eyes are much more accurate than hers in the game. For a while, the flying march ant rushed alone, but no one could only get close.

Holding his clenched fists high above his head and condensing his strength, he always felt agitated and inspiring, as if he were holding a qi bomb, and even the gravel that could not control the tremor almost rushed out of the hand. Du Guhong suddenly waved his hands: “Storm Pear!

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