The Game Warrior

v2 Chapter 128 - key

The fourteenth chapter of the chaos in the power world Chapter 128 Keys Anyway, Sarrod ’s miss was unexpected and gave everyone a better lesson about how unbreakable the defense of the Shia ruins !

But for the death of Sarrod, it is surprising that the most unexpected of all people is Du Guhong. Not only because his expectations are rarely miscalculated. The main thing is … the desert storm scepter in his hand!

So far the entire expedition that is sure to drive that scepter except Sarod seems to have no second.

Even if there is at least a scepter to show the other person a try to be able to determine, for example, the fire control ability.

As soon as Sarod went to Du Guhong, he originally intended to fool him into making the scepter a secret circulating in a small area. Pulling up a small team to act alone until the end of the expedition obviously didn’t work.

The deaths of the two men finally let the exploratory expedition team wake up.

Those who were seriously injured in the first round and were eliminated from the beginning began to be very glad that their failure was not at least as shut down as the two of them.

“This place is impossible to break through with the strength of our dozens of people, so we split up and summoned you to the five countries of Beiyan!”

By this time, the captain of the expedition finally had the opportunity to speak. He came to this place twice. Of course he knew the danger of this place. He and several old players around him didn’t even move.

It’s a pity that no one is listening to him even though he has worn his mouth before now … “Even if the sand people in this place are endless, as long as our number reaches a certain level, the firepower is dense enough to believe that we can kill a road from the middle. of.”

“So everyone will wait quietly in the next time. We can rush here in time. Our task has been completed. In the final score evaluation, we must have a lot of points and we will regret it if we don’t have a life.”

The captain of the expedition is old-fashioned, but there are still people who have deep doubts about his words: “Are there anyone other than us who can come here? This gravel wilderness seems very different from the last time you came identical……”

The captain of the expedition is an honest person. Everyone sees it in his eyes, so there are no mentions such as the fact that the expedition ’s intelligence is not designed from the beginning to cheat everyone.

Although no one mentioned it, it means that everyone forgot it. That moment of resentment in the belly finally came out of the bend.

But thinking about the meaning of the words, a group of people fell silent for a moment, but no one had to bother about that … The old-fashioned means of bullet marks in this wilderness had completely failed. The strange animals and the various dangers in the wilderness. Think endlessly of the inexplicable sandstorms. Think of the densely packed army ants. Think of the ubiquitous quicksand traps … How many people will follow if they can persist without finally looking back ?

“Everyone is assured that all the dangers we have encountered have been communicated back through the mind connection. The other teams will do all the precautions for the different dangers and organize the corresponding response of the corresponding ability.”

“As for the problem of identifying the direction, the way to measure the curvature of space and the sixty sets of formulas were all passed on to them. They will definitely arrive here with more complete lineup and sufficient supplies than we did!”

“Everyone’s valuable experience in exchange for life and sweat has been recorded and converted into your points. Your score is now far ahead. If no one can perform well in the process of digging through the digs, the more you take your score Will be listed in the first echelon to get the priority purchase rights of antiques and auction dividends. “

Although in the end this kind of digging will basically become a dogfight, everyone is playing their own small nine nine … But pre-occupied the position of the great righteousness and finally grabbed things, it is justifiable!

Even if there are things that are eye-catching, as long as the points are enough, the expedition team ca n’t be taken directly without going through the procedure of item collection and distribution … Although this cake is just drawn, it ’s sweet and it ’s true to listen to the expedition leader ’s plan. All the possibilities and dangers are expected to be a man, and no longer speak out, it seems to default to the captain’s suggestion. The group calmed down for a while. At this time they finally heard a whisper not far away: “Professor how do we pass this place according to your opinion?”

Suddenly realized! Absolutely realized! Including the expedition leader, the real experts are completely forgotten here … they have no way. Can the experts not provide some advice?

But in fact, Professor Lent really has no way: “This place is like our intelligent defense system. Only qualified personnel with authorization can pass.”

“If I didn’t go inside to check the working principle of the awakening bell responsible for certification and the working principle of the Tower of Yongzhao responsible for recording, I have no way.”

Can it be solved by going inside? The biggest question now is how to get inside? !

It was really frustrating that the first person ignited hope and was quenched.

“Unless …” Professor Lent said slowly at this time.

“Unless nothing?” A group of people suddenly ignited hope again.

“Unless … the problem of the key generation responsible for the exchange of energy is no longer able to provide energy. The defense system here is naturally paralyzed …”

“囧 rz …” It’s like saying nothing. What can’t be wrong for hundreds of thousands of years, and how can it be in these days!

It’s just that the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment. The mood of a group of people ups and downs in this moment is not inferior to the moment of life and death just crossing the barrier!

Only one person listened to Professor Lent’s statement and suddenly a completely different idea came up in his heart. He untied the suitcase and took out the only package that was layered and wrapped, saying: “I went to the antiques market before the professor came here. It is said that this is said to be inadvertently played … you have a look at this magical ruin … “

Who can say this besides Du Guhong? What can be preserved by the treasure that is so precious and precious except for the Desert Storm Scepter that will absorb the power upon contact with the skin?

Du Guhong also had no way to steal the desert storm scepter while he realized that his own space could not absorb the ancient tools and not only the creatures with all mental strength to some extent could not absorb the ancient tools.

So during this time, he only had to wrap the Storm Scepter in cloth and put it on top of one another.

Changed from the antiquities market? That was a necessary lie. He chose to take it out at this time because he suddenly realized what he might have missed when he heard Professor Lent ’s words … “This … This is …” In the moment of the desert storm scepter, Professor Lent’s eyes widened and he looked at the scepter as if he knew the performance of the scepter. He didn’t touch the bare part at all.

When the scepter was firmly held in his hand, he carefully recognized it carefully, and really looked at it. The first thing he did was not to confirm anything, but to take off his glasses and take out the mirror cloth. … the excitement of the treasure, the excitement of seeing the gods, made everyone around him breathless and no one dared to alarm him.

And Du Guhong’s guess has gradually been confirmed as the expression on the professor’s face changed without him opening his mouth.

“Why isn’t this thing … it’s in your hands?” After seeing the professor finally waking up from the fanaticism, he didn’t know what it was but asked Du Guhong.

Anyone who knows this thing knows that this is definitely not the kind of skin contact that can be drawn from the antiques market. You can find one on the antiques market and show me.

Professor Lent certainly recognized what this is not because of the hidden thoughts of Du Guhong ~ ~ It ’s just that since sooner or later he will be owned by the Power Council It didn’t matter much, so he simply clicked through.

“I just thought this thing was a holy thing passed down from generation to generation in the ancient Egyptian royal family. It was only when you said that sentence that I suddenly realized that this thing might be … did you say the key?”

Then … that key? In this place, in this environment, what can be called the key other than the key to the exchange of matter and energy.

“Yes!” Since Du Guhong doesn’t care what Professor Lent has any taboos, “Look at the ring on the key is actually the three characters in the three lattices that can be turned. The key to spiritual meaning itself represents matter. “

“The text in the current grid is time, time is to matter, destruction is weathering and dissipation, so it represents the destructive power of the key; space to matter represents existence, and it refers to the creative power of the key; spirit, to matter, originate from The artificial processing of material represents the power of key transformation. “

“It’s now in a state of destruction so you can’t directly touch it, but just turn the ring …”

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