The Game Warrior

v2 Chapter 134 - Wake-up bell

The s-class presenters who cannot be changed and cannot be replaced are in front of Du Guhong just like the newborn baby, and they become captives of Du Guhong without suspense.

“Let’s say how many people do you have here? What ability does everyone have? Where are you staying now?” Du Guhong did not intend to severely punish confessions after all. After all, the other party was only ordered to act.

He just casually asked if he was still using his true energy to correct love, camouflage, and telegrams to correct the bones and clear the meridians.

Although the injuries caused by the present fossil pillars are not fatal, if not dealt with in time, it will inevitably leave hidden worries that are difficult to correct.

But I did not expect the answer of the presenter to be simply: “A total of ten people with ability, two researchers, and eight people except me have only one ability.”

The fluency he answered made people feel like they were lying deliberately so as to bring everyone into the ambush circle.

Seeing everyone staring at the presenter with the expression “You are not fooling us” shrugged: “There is no way that the Council may think that my ability is enough to cope with all changes Of low-level mental abilities … “

“It’s specifically responsible for inducing attacks on semi-outland creatures in twisted spaces. All intruders and shielding all communication signals here with the outside world only leave your soul linker at the frequency of this bad thing. The relics are related It seems that only people with mental ability can operate. “

“Induction of semi-outland creatures to control the connection of the mind is a wake-up call. The function must be activated by a person with pure mental ability.” Professor Lent nodded his approval after analyzing the presenter, but it seems that they have not yet understood Awake the bell … “

“A low-level mental ability who is not influential? Is this your evaluation of me?” Waiting for Professor Lent to finish speaking, a voice in the midair was raised to cover all around.

“Well, what you said is basically correct if it was put a moment ago. But do you know what I think you are? You are a pig with a brain full of abilities and no IQ ~~~”

The loud voice arrogantly laughed at the content described by the presenter, but it was like a little child, the enemy $ 龙 # 书. 屋 / 全 7 理 accused each other of general childishness. There is no way except for Chinese. Other languages ​​are mostly lacking in cursing. There is nothing. Outlet.

Although it ’s naive, the listener does n’t seem to have a high level of appreciation, but the face blushed in an instant, and the kung fu in the air was about to rebut, and the voice reappeared in the air: “Oh? Do n’t you admit it? Recall which action is not my sentence You just acted according to my plan. The choice you made was not inspired by my language, especially just now … “

“Speaking of it, I really have to thank the outsiders around you!”

“Thank you?” Du Guhong and his party looked at each other unclearly.

The voice continued in the air: “The waste wood archaeologists invited by the council are all good at asking for money. When they are needed, they are better than others. If not, you bring authority like Professor Lent. The characters taught me step by step how to uncover the secrets in the ruins. I really do n’t know where to start. “

“If it weren’t for you to break in here and finally give me the opportunity to assign that pig, I really don’t have the opportunity to take the time to verify the theory I learned. Should you say I shouldn’t thank you?”

“No! It seems … He already knows the main function of the wake-up bell.” Hearing Professor Lent’s face change suddenly.

“Isn’t the main function of Wake Up Clock the transfer of the mind connection equivalent to the current communication satellite? Is there anything else …”

“I can’t say anything about this matter in a few words. Hurry up and stop him. Never let him ring the clock!”

“It turns out … Professor Lent also guessed the function of the wake-up bell. It is worthy of my most respected teacher. You know that every word and sentence you say in this journey, I watched through the monitoring room and remembered. Clearly, I am afraid that you are your most dedicated student! “

“The pig with no IQ at all, you thought I was staring at the monitor for a moment, is it conscientiously working to complete the instructions given to me by the council?”

“Are you going to devour the Awakening Clock? Don’t you worry about the way the council disposes of you?” By this time the presenter seemed to finally understand the companion’s plan. The evaluation without IQ was really appropriate.

“Ha ha ha ha dispose?” A series of sharp laughter floated over the ruins. “There is no s-class mental ability in this world. I who has a wake-up bell. I am the **** of this world. Who can dispose me? Who dares to dispose me? Who will dispose? I?”

While the two parties were talking, Du Guhong had already started to practice the ghost wind and the wind, and Ling Bo’s micro step was really like a ghost. The dust at the foot was not shocked. The dust in the back was flying. His absolute degree at the moment may be 100 meters per second. up and down.

Within a few breaths, the highest minaret had crossed the distance of nearly a thousand meters between them.

It doesn’t need Professor Lunt to say that the instinct of the a-level abilities has made him aware of the imminent crisis here around the crisis that can’t be freed from the struggle and resistance!

“Oh are you struggling? The useless and useless wake-up clock is in my hand. I’m going to start knocking …”

There is still a distance of 100 meters into the tower. It is impossible to catch up with the number of times to calculate the curvature of the stairs …

Even the first bell ringing near the bottom of the tallest tower has been heard ~ ~ dang …… “

The sound floating in the air is not so bright but straightforward as if no matter how many, the enemy $ 龙 # 书. 屋 / 整 7 理 远 can be heard; the sound is as pure and quiet as the ordinary ancient clock, but I do n’t know why It will make people feel that countless sounds are ringing in their ears for a time, and those sounds will gather into a vortex so that your spirit will be attracted to it unconsciously.

“Awakening Clock The biggest function of Awakening Clock is hypnosis?” Even Du Guhong’s brain could no longer stay awake and fell to a few meters in an instant at nearly a hundred degrees per second.

Waiting for him to concentrate on re-accelerating the second bell again.

“Da Yan Jue!” Ordinary state simply cannot resist Du Guhong’s ability to act utterly.

The ability moved smoothly, but the third bell sounded at the moment of the movement. With this sound, some physiological consciousness of his body seemed to collapse completely, so his eyes turned black and bright …

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