The Game Warrior

v2 Chapter 74 - Ability Council

Chapter 13 The Ability Council Chapter 74 The Ability Council Do n’t blame Du Guhong for the inexplicable abnormal congenital power? Chongyang, the ancestor of Quanzhen, the unique skill of Chongyang, the world’s five masters, is one of the best in the world.

This is not praise but the fact that do n’t forget that innate power is always just an internal skill without supporting moves.

It is different from the toad power that is both internal and explosive. It is more different from the purely explosive eighteen palms, one yang finger, and the finger magic. But with such an internal power, there are almost no commendable moves. Wang Chongyang is in the world. It is evident from the strength of Xi Xiangong firmly among the five must.

Another strong proof of this is that the characters who lost their innate merits and inherited the martial arts of the whole true martial arts, the celebrity of Wang Chongyang, even needed seven people to form the Big Dipper Seven Star Array to be able to compete with one of the five uniques. In order to cope with the powerful enemy that is far less than the Wujue, they had to form the Tiangang Beidou Great Formation of 98 people. This is evident from the lack of the explosion methods of the Quanzheng School, and the fierce and powerful nature of the innate merit.

It can be said that all of the innate skills of the health regimen have strong key defense capabilities, smooth and affinity internal power characteristics, and the operation line that almost does not get out of the way. The running circuit is more capable of supporting the strong compatibility of the internal explosion than the small phaseless power … … The congenital skills lacking in the health regimen have no penetration of the twin bridges of the world, so that the internal information begins to be streamlined while maintaining ease, and the compression power will soon rise. Several levels of responsiveness will also greatly increase. .

Of course, many of the traits of congenital nature that have advanced to the congenital level are also a sword that is not lacking in Duguhong.

Regardless of the facts, Jianghu Zhinao has given such a congenital evaluation-the congenital merit in the Jianghu system is higher than that of Jianglong, Toad, Yiyang, and fingertips. It is also the same condition in the heavenly mastery. The extremely demanding and idle people have no way to master the skills and skills. It is still very difficult for people to learn from Jiuyang, Jiuyin, Beimingji and Shaolin Yijin through Pingqi Jianghu.

Therefore, although the promotion of the health regimen had been expected for a long time, Du Guhong would still inevitably lose his voice once confirmed today.

At this time, the Archbishop had also reacted from the shock of the punchless punch, and the punch was another blow.

Du Guhong didn’t move the ice and cold light sword. He raised his left hand and turned his arm to turn his wrist with a mysterious push. After the archbishop felt that his arm was tight and his body was light, the whole person flew into the air.

From the perspective of turning around, he saw Du Gu Hong Mabu squatting and exhaling, punching him with a fist.

“Slow … uh!” The Archbishop couldn’t control the body, only to stare at Du Guhong to a minimum. Although he didn’t understand what Du Guhong was doing, the fool knew it was definitely not a martial art performance.

It’s a pity that it slowed down. The next moment the Archbishop screamed an invisible and invisible force that accurately hit his lower abdomen through a few feet away.

Shaolin Authentic Hundred Steps Fist!

Although the archbishop ’s ability strengthened the melee in combat, many anti-strike abilities also increased, but this inexplicable punch still made him turn over the river and the sea for a time. The whole person was ridiculous and the whole person was thrown again and hit the height of five feet Ceiling.

Although his abilities can slow down Du Guhong’s body movements, he can’t beat the shadowless external fist, but he has no time to react, so he has no time to respond.

This move seemed to completely disintegrate his resistance ability. He didn’t wait for him to fall back to the ground. Du Guhong punched his fist again and said in the mouth: “If you beat me eleven, I will return …”

Before the fist finished, Du Guhong suddenly felt a warning sign, his body turned in vain.

Today is different. After all, he has advanced to the a-level archbishop. Although he exhausted his efforts to slow down his action effect is only twice as slow, so the next one must get a close blow from the side of Du Guhong.

Du Guhong’s arms encircled the inexplicably drilled human chest and his arms, and the two arms shook one iron crutches. Li Zuihang held the wine tank with a single hug and turned his arms around, turning dizzy and dizzy, and then pulled his wrist up and down. The force of the rotation allowed the archbishop to fly out like a cyclone.

While flying, Du Guhong glanced at the place where the archbishop should have stayed under the ceiling. As a result, there was only a small puppet that was falling from midair until it fell to the floor and fell.

“A stand-in puppet?” The puppet Du Guhong stared.

The so-called celestial world is full of benefits. The world is full of abilities. People also have their own needs. Of course, many abilities will use their abilities to make money, just like Kantek.

This kind of thing is commonly known as power props, with a variety of functions. The different Kantek’s deeds are a kind of power radar. It is also a permanently processed gun and equipment. Of course, it is also the cold ice in the hands of Du Guhong. Swords, power scanners and power-bound helmets that I have seen in this building.

With the price of different props, of course, there are hundreds of thousands of different cheap batch types, and like Kantec’s deeds, each one needs hundreds of thousands, but … this is the price of a stand-in doll that can survive a crisis. But it is even higher, and it can be said to be a priceless treasure. After all, it is a thing that can save lives at a critical moment.

As an old man, Du Guhong once tried to match one for each of the field team. However, he learned in depth that he could only helplessly give up his money or maybe buy one, but even if he placed an order and queued up to pick it up, he would not Know what year and month to wait.

That seems to be something that ca n’t be bought with money at all … It ’s not enough to have strength, but also needs to have a place where there is a way to make this thing. There is only one place on the whole earth at the moment called the Institute of Power and Energy Modernization— —It is an organization under the power council.

The top three organizations of abilities in the world are the special service group a of China, the Comic special forces of country a, and the free to mercenary organization Blood Totem. The organization that actually ranks them is called the power board.

No one knows how big the influence of the council is. The data revealed is that one-fifth of the world ’s abilities are more or less serving them and about half of the abilities are enjoying their services. They build The most well-known strengths outside include: the Sergeant Archives, the Mercenary Guild, and the Institute of Modernization.

It can be said that the information, organization, and equipment needed by the ability person can take over this influence with one hand, and how unlikely is it.

What ’s more scary is that their existence has been entrenched for a hundred years from the beginning of the birth to the present. It can be said that they have existed since the appearance of abilities in this world. Of course, there is another way of saying that they were originally Generations of s-level abilities have been passed down from generation to generation.

In short, no one knows why they exist and how they exist. No one wants to know that they just take them for granted.

It ’s just that in China, the management of the abilities is extremely incomparably small, and the influence of the council is relatively small. Many abroad, especially in the Evil Council, are awe-inspiring. Its office in the main city of Evil is even more It is a place where people dare not make less than the government-defined occasions.

However, the council itself is more like a neutral institution that does not care about things except the database and standard power props. It is constantly updated, and the mercenary guild is well-organized to provide entrustment and agency services. Other things seem to matter no matter as long as you do n’t mess with them. Will never ignore you.

Only when there are some very bad hidden dangers of abilities-such as the birth of mental abilities above grade a, such as the spread of Angela syndrome, etc., will they occasionally make them a reward to remind the abilities.

Is the so-called backstage of the Axe Gang the Power Council? Seeing the Archbishop use the millions of stand-in puppets’ frowns, Du Guhong couldn’t help but wonder.

You know, the situation just now was n’t meant to kill someone. Whether it ’s his strength, what he said in his mouth, or the fact that he did n’t use the ice-cold cold sword, the Archbishop should understand it, right?

But after all, the avatar was still used that way and only allowed the Archbishop to reverse from the downwind to the upwind for a moment … No matter what, it can only be guessed that the teeth are the teeth, the eyes are the eyes, and the eyes are the eyes. In the first half of the day, the archbishop began to swell up and down, and the seven tricks that flew up and down, and the pain was **** to the cramp ~ ~ After the eleven punches, the archbishop fell to the ground and was paralyzed. Click on the fist, and clicked, he approached him with a grin: “Fist is over, you have to use the power to play with me for so long, it should be charged interest …”

The so-called interest is naturally the power that surged into the surge in the Archbishop’s body at the moment due to the blood of the Divine Pro. Then I am afraid that there are a few s-level quantities?

Du Guhong’s latest promotion internal force began to compress. The meridian transformation storage capacity is much larger than before. He is lacking power injection. And he has another reason to have to do that … Bingbi Hanguang sword.

At the beginning of the promotion, he had just mastered an ability, I do n’t know the depth. In fact, the modernized items cost a lot of abilities. An ice cold sword, if it were not for him, he absorbed so much internal light downstairs. Can’t make it.

And to maintain the state of modernization after the modernization, he must constantly consume his powers, although it is much smaller than the creation, it is also a burden. Open source throttling starts today!

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