The Gamer's System

Chapter 105: Zeke and the Elites

"Woah you guys look like a mess." Zeke said, holding on to the unconscious Quinn in his arms. The elites still have no idea what to make of what is currently happening but, because they can't sense any evil mana or killing intent coming from the person, they decided to back off.

Adding to the fact that, Zek is carrying Quinn out of the explosion, his features look a bit regal. There is a manly side to him brought about by the genes of Hark, and a touch of elegance brought by the royal blood of Sylvia and also, the elven blood residing in his current vessel.

"State your business!" Jake said, still cautious of the person in front of them.

"Well, aren't' you a rude person?" Zeke said, still walking towards them. He placed Quinn on the floor, near enough for the elites to pick him up and then, he backed off for a bit.

"I suggest you begin healing his wounds first. Oh and, do it fast because he won't have long otherwise." Zeke continued, snapping his fingers which released a mana so dense that, even the elites could see it. This began pouring down on them like rain and, they felt their mana being restored bit by bit.

"Who are you?" Amare asked but, Zeke just placed his finger on his lips. Telling them to keep quiet for the moment as he continued walking away. And then, within a few more seconds, they heard the rumbling of the earth.

Amare quickly took a peek as far as she could and, saw something unbelievable. There are thousands of soldiers which are marching towards their direction. And the person who just appeared is walking towards them.

"Mister you're going the wrong way! Come back here!" Amare shouted, afraid that the person would get killed instantly by number of soldiers she saw. But unlike her estimation, there are actually 5,000 soldiers in total, all moving towards the farm.

"Honestly, they're such a loud and energetic bunch." Zeke continued, feeling that they've become his responsibility somehow. After all, they are victims just like him. Those that were chosen against their will to fight battles which they have nothing to do with.

Hence, out of consideration and an [Optional Quest] connected to the safety of the elites, Zeke created an invisible barrier of mana which prevented the elites from coming through. And this works both ways as, the barrier also serves to protect the farm from the coming forces.

Zeke didn't need to use his own mana for this. He just condensed the mana around the area and, morphed it into this desired result. Something which Allesiah would be capable of if she is still alive.

"In front of him, Glade's forces are marching without end and, Zeke thought that this is the perfect opportunity for him to test out his new [Conjures] and features of the [System].

With all the killings he did right after Glade left Mythos, Zeke can now summon half a thousand [Conjured] creatures all at once. And, he did this immediately, excited to see the outcome.

"Conjure." He said, raising a large river of flames which divided him from the enemies. They stopped for a while, figuring out how dangerous the scenery in front of them is. Yet this didn't take long as, one of the five generals who came to this mission created a layer of stone on top of the flames. She marched forward gallantly on a horse-like creature. And, all the other soldiers followed her.

Yet, this didn't stay for long as the [Conjures] of Zeke began rising one after the other. Their hands punched through the makeshift bridge and, soon enough, the whole thing crumbled down, burning all the soldiers which dared pass on top of it. 

The general was spared however as, she created another pillar of earth, high enough for a winged creature to grab her out of the predicament.

"Such brave leader you are." Zeke said, watching the coward fly back to the backlines. 

With the summoning being finished, the flames have also died out, giving room for the soldiers to finally march onward. Unfortunately, among the elites, it is only Amare who can see all the events as they unfold.

"Oh god. What on earth is that?" She said, constantly using her S rank skill as, the little party trick Zeke performed on them allowed the elites to have a seemingly bottomless source of mana.

"Kill all enemies of the empire!" One of the generals said. He rode on a [Chaos Wyvern] just like all the other generals. 

"Why does everyone feel like a hotshot?" Zeke thought to himself as the soldiers marched quickly toward his summons. And, just as they were about to reach each other, Zeke finally gave the command:


At this, all his summoned creatures attacked relentlessly. The soldiers had no choice but to face these even with Zeke, the summoner, standing idly at the back. The summoned creatures are an assorted bunch with flying units also mixed in. This provided Zeke with enough fighting force to hold back all five thousand soldiers used by the enemies.

Zeke also bought some skills recently. With the constant fighting, his level has finally began increasing once again and, right now, he is at [60]. With this, the mechanics for increasing a skill's rank has changed into the one he was previously accustomed to, that is, buying the ranked-up versions through [Skill Points].

[Legion's Banner]

[Alpha's Domain]

[Merlin's Blessing]

He raised all these skills to the maximum rank as, there wasn't much for him to spend his skill points on during the past twelve years of hiding. Through the various optional quests which mainly included [Sleeping] [Eating] and [Taking a Bath], Zeke accumulated skill points little by little. These didn't have any use with the previous skill ranking system that relied on usage to increase rank. Basically meaning, Zeke is overflowing with [Skill Points] to spend.

"Merge Conjure." Zeke said, clumping some of his units together in order to create a stronger one. The problem of merging limitation is still there but, Zeke already has a skill to work against this.

"Refresh." He uttered, resetting then number of [Conjure Merging] which he can do in a day. This is limited to ten uses a day at [S+] rank and, Zeke gladly spent all the usages with the ongoing fight.

But just as he was enjoying himself, the generals have made their way through the wave of [Conjured] creatures. Zeke commended their ability to do so especially because, passing through his aerial [Conjures] is not an easy task.

He is greeted immediately by a wave of ice that crawled on the ground. He dodged this but, a general wielding a scythe soon followed. Again, Zeke dodged this by bending his neck and twisting his head to the side.

Zeke followed by simply dashing forward; punching the scythe user in the gut. The general is immediately sent flying – hitting the barrier set up by Zeke. He placed a string of mana on this general and, pulled him back to the fray, hitting another general head on and, making them both stumble on the dirt.

The other generals soon came to back their allies up. One used a giant axe, another used a Morningstar, the one who released the wave of ice holds a staff while the scythe user is still recovering from Zeke's punch. Then, the fifth general is up in the sky, with a book on his left hand and, a magic circle being formed on the right. 

Then, an idea came up to him. Zeke thought that playing with the generals for a while wouldn't be so bad. And so, he released a lesser amount of strength while snapping his fingers. Unknown to them, the generals have been trapped within a cloak of mana, distorting their vision of the fight their soldiers are having against the [Conjures].

The generals heard the laughter of their forces with the passing of the fight. They are focused on Zeke but, from what they can hear and what they can see from the corner of their eyes, their troops are winning the fight.

"We won't allow you to give up!" the general using a scythe said, swingling his weapon which created invisible slashes that homed toward Zeke. This hit some of his hair but nevertheless, no real damage was done to the gamer.

The attacks continued on and on until, the one holding a book finally instructed his allies to back off. They did this instantly and, Zeke could see the sky darken even more. Zeke could see them getting out of the veil he created which the gamer found to be unfortunate.

"I guess I can go all out against this." Zeke said, gazing at the meteor falling down on him

Meanwhile, all the generals have nothing but shock on their faces. The veil Zeke created shrouded the real state of things. Unknown to them, Zeke 's [Conjures] massacred their forces little by little. With [Legion's Banner], [Alpha's Domain], and [Merlin's Blessing] all being ranked [S+], the conjured version of the soldiers easily overpowers their normal counterparts. 

The five generals have arrived just in time to witness the final moments of the massacre. And, even before they could make their way to fight the summoned creatures, they felt a chill come from behind them.

The veil of mana created by Zeke disappeared little by little and, they saw the meteorite turning into frozen ice. It lay idly on the ground with their opponent, standing on top of it. He then fired five bullets from his weapon, causing massive damage to all the generals. 

Knowing the amount of danger they are in, they all resorted to activating their [Primal State]. And even though they are far away from the fight, the elites couldn't help but feel the danger looming around them. Yet unlike them, Zeke only smiled as he jumped off the frozen meteor.

"Let's finish this, I've got kids to attend to."

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